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October 08, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-08

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The Michigan Daily

To All Those Believing
Hitler Must Be Crushed

'Editedand managed by students of the University;of
Michigan under the authority of the Board -in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mali $5.00.
National Advertiing Service, Inc.
,0College Publishers Representt 4e
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, '2941.42
Editorial Staff

Emile Gel ..
Robert Speckhard .
Albert P. Blaustein
David Lachenbruch
Alvin Dann
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt .
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell

Managing Editor
Editorial' Director

. . . . City
. . . Associate
S. . Sports
. Assistant Sports
* . . Women's
. Assistant Women's
. . . Exchange




Business Staf#
H. Huyett . . . Business
B. Collins Associate Business
Carpenter . Women's Advertising
Wright Women's Business


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Defend Freedom
Of Expression. .
Y OU DON'T have to be around the
University of Michigan very long
before you hear somebody slinging mud at Th,
Daily. You hear of the Communist propaganda
seeping from the Publications Building, of the
"radical" (spoken slowly, in a horrified whisper)
tendencies of the college newspaper, of "Daily
rats" and names not so polite.
But Mr. Schaflander's letter of last Sunday
was the first time the writer has ever heard The
Daily described as "a labor baiting, placid col-
lege social chatter organ." The reason for this
outburst was an editorial, "Depose Corrupt
Uinion Leaders," in which the author suggested
the possibility of Congressional action against
strikes or union activity.
Mr. Schaflander protests violently that' a
editorial expressing this point of view should
appear in The Daily. In the same breath he nen
tions the horrible consequence that will ensue
to the civilized world "if free thinking and ex-
pression are to be stifled."
Apparently, to some self-styled "liberals," any
argument for the conservative point of view
smacks of fascism, any ideas which do not dove-
tail with those of "Gompers, Debs, and Hay-
wood" are dangerous and should be excluded
from a sanctified "liberal" organ like The Mich-.
igan Daily.
If the purpose of The Daily editorial page is
to stimulate discussion and "vigorous vital argu-
ments," as Mr. Schaflander says, editorials ex-
pressing the conservative viewpoint are an es-
sential part of The Daily. The editorial attack-
ing corrupt union leaders was followed the next
day in the editorial column by "In Defense of
Labor's Stand," answering the anti-labor argu-
ments advanced the day before. Then cahe two
letters in Sunday's Daily, also on the same
theme. This is argument, certainly, and an
argument on what any liberal would agree was
a vital subject indeed. The editorial to which
Mr. Schaflander objects served its purpose.
It seems strange that those who say they are
most interested in liberalism, in "free speech,"
raise their hands in horror and cry "fascisn"
when they see a conservative mounting the
speaker's platform. It seems strange, as well,
when men who say they are striking a blow for
freedom deny the right of free speech to Colonel
Lindbergh, and get applauded as patriots by
many of their fellow citizens. Apparently, in
the modern political arena, things go by oppo-
sites-and you can't argue your opponent down.
That's too elementary. To prove that he's wrong
and you're right, you have to call him a fascist.
- James Conant
Help Build Up
Army Morale ..
T HE current conflicting reports of
morale in our army gives an indi-
cation of what will be America's greatest problem
if we enter the European war: utter ignorance
on both sides of an almost tangible wall between
civilians and the military.
The entirely natural tendency to this sort of
division has been exaggerated to an absurdity
by the periods of dry rot which the shortsighted
penury of Congress has forced upon tle Army

(Editor's Note: This is the first 'of a series of
articles by two junior editors en the fight against
fascism at home and abroad.)
Last week 278 teachers at the University of
Michigan and Wayne University petitioned Con-
gress for total war against Hitlerism.
These men deserve commendation for
openly voicing their convictions. How-
ever, all of those determined to see
the end of tyranny (and the teachers cer-
tainly are) must formulate a program of
broader aims and more specific action. This
does not mean undeclared war, total or oth-
erwise. It does not mean war only against
that fascism which exists in Europe and
Asia. What it does mean is an actual dec-
laration of war by the United States against
fascism both at home and abroad.
That is our stand. It was not taken lightly-
not on the basis of emotion or catch-phrases,
nor in haste. For we know full well all what our
position implies. We know of the blood, the
horror, the misery that it involves; and we
know that it is those of us who are still young
who will suffer most.
We have always believed in and sought a
peaceful, humane, democratic world order. It
is because we still place these ideals above all
else that we have found only one answer.
From every point of view-practical, strategic
and psychological-a declaration of war would
have the most salutary effect on the cause of
democracy, the most depressing effect on the
cause of tyranny, of any single action which
could be taken.
Not until our economy and our people
are geared for war will we produce the ma-
erials, the ships, the weapons that are so
vitally necessary for the destruction of the
aggressors by those strongest outposts of
the fight against fascism-Britain, China
and Russia.
The very fact that we were actually involved
would serve to stimulate industry, government
and the public to a degree heretofore unattain-
able. The people, finally facing the stark reality
that it is their own lives and futures which are
immediately at stake, would put ever-increasing
pressure upon both the Administration and in-
dustry for greater speed, efficiency and quantity
of production. At the same time, the declaration
would remove the shackles which have thus far
restrained the Administration from obtaining
the utmost cooperation from employers and em-
ployes alike in meeting the demands of a genuine
all-out effort.
The criticism will undoubtedly be raised that
to declare war now would be folly because the
nation is inadequately prepared. While it is
indeed true that our armed forces are far from
completely equipped, this objection is effectively
countered by two facts:l
(1) We now have two powerful allies who
greatly overbalance the lack of equipment andj
whose continued opposition depends upon our
aid; (2) Our armed forces stand a much better
chance of being equipped with sufficient new,
and more potent, weapons under a truly far-
reaching armament program than under the
half-hearted, mediocre effort now being made.
The dire necessity is not now felt deeply enough;
when it is, America's inventive and productive
genius will more nearly approach the high level
of which it is capable.
The entrance of the United States into
the war would, in addition, lend increased
vigor to the peoples and the forces of Brit-
ain, China and Russia, and would hold out
new hope to those conquered countries de-
termined to throw off the yoke of their op-
0ressors. At the same time, it would instill
into the German mind forebodings of a dis-
mal future. They would remember the last
time the United States left its home stamp-
ing ground.
But the ultimate success of the declaration
cannot hinge on factors of morale alone. It de-
pends in high degree upon the strategic advan-
tages which would be gained and exploited.
Convoying, for instance, would become an
actuality-not a haphazard patrol system which
allows vital goods to go to the bottom. The U.S.

ale" is a quality based on several factors, none
of which is simple. It depends upon welfare and
comfort, fighting ability, loyalty and tradition,
confidence in leaders and a worthy cause.
The first and the last of these appeal to the
individual primarily as a civilian, the others ap-
peal to him as a soldier. The essentially civilian
needs of men in the army are being fairly well
cared for by the "checkers and soft drinks" mor-
ale-building campaign of civilian agencies and
rather thorough propaganda emanating from
However, there has as yet been no highlighting
of the fighting ability of the American soldier,
no welding of loyalty and tradition into esprit de
corps and shaking rather than building of confi-
dence in leaders.
In fact many sincere Americans regard this
sort of thing as a source of an undesirable spirit
of militarism. These must realize before it is
too late that no other spirit than militarism can
make an army and that it need have no con-
notations of evil.
Responsibility for increasing the fighting abil-
ity of our soldiers rests largely with the civilian
population through their representatives in Con-
gress. We now have a large force well-trained
in military fundamentals. But a point has been
reached where no further progress can be made

Navy, rather than being limited to non-combat
zones, would be used where and when it was
needed. This would mean a system of convoys
all the way to England. Also, American merchant
ships would be armed and would carry supplies
J across the Atlantic instead of taxing the British
merchant marine beyondatolerable limits.
The second immediate act after the declara-
tion must necessarily be a determined drive, in
cooperation with the English and the Free
French forces, against Dakar and other Nazi
strongholds in North Africa. It is generally
admitted that when Hitler decides to launch an
attack at the Western Hemisphere, his most
likely base of operations will be Dakar. The
Nazis are at this very moment preparing the
city for such an eventuality. They should be
stopped before they go any further.
An American Expeditionary Force (compara-
tively very small) could render invaluable as-
sistance in helping to take over strategic sectors
of North Africa for the democracies. The im-
portance of this cannot be underrated when it
is realized that it would enable the British Navy
to blast the Italians right out of the Mediter-
ranean. The coast of Africa would also be
highly important as a base of operations against
the Nazi flank in Southern Europe. Max Wer-
ner, prominent authority on military affairs,
argues that a large part of the solution to a
quick victory lies in the allies making sharp
thrusts into this sector.
Other less drastic but just as necessary
actions in a total war against fascism in-
elude cracking down on Japan, recognizing
Free France and withdrawing our ambassa-
dor from Vichy.
The first of these, especially, has been long
overdue. It should be delayed no longer. The
United States, England and the Dutch East
Indies should impose an immediate, full em-
bargo against Japan. A measure of this kind, if
strictly enforced, would humble completely the
Japanese in a few months. The island people1
are so dependent on imports from the three
nations mentioned that without them their en-
tire industrial life would collapse. That is the
kind of talk the Japanese leaders understand.
It is extremely doubtful if they would choose to
fight back. More likely-rather than stake ev-
eything on armed resistance-they would ask
for a settlement of some kind.
However, even if they did decide to fight, the
struggle would probably not be tremendous. The
combined forces of the British, Dutch, Russians
and Americans would soon change whatever
notions the Japanese might have had about
coming out on the victorious side of a shooting
Overdue, also, is our recognition of the Free
French. The President should immediately act
on this and at the same time recall our ambassa-
dor from Vichy. Petain and his fellows are- no
longer question marks. They are certainties-
on the side of Nazi 'Germany. Appeasement
policies have never worked and will not work
in 'this case, The best thing this nation can do
to encourage the cause of democracy in France
is to recognize the De Gaullists. Such action
would prove to Frenchmen everywhere that the
United States is truly fighting fascism all over
the world.
The cost and scope of these actions will cer-
tainly be great and will cut deep into the Ameri-
can standard of living. But these hard facts
must not obscure the dark picture of America
in a world dominated by Hitler.
In such a sea of fascism the forces of tyranny
would constantly gain in strength; the one
fortress of democracy-the United States-
would, on the other hand, grow constantly
weaker. For it would necessarily be burdened
with ever-mounting and continual armament
programs, the cost of which at this time is in-
conceivable. Couple this with the vast cloud
of defeatism certain to arise when the nation
realizes it is completely surrounded by fascism,
and the cause of free men willindeed seem dim.
If Hitler is victorious we can see nothing
but a fascist future for America. The only
hope for a free nation, for a free world, lies
in war.

wPe Q
Social Security Changes
The President's special message to Congress
on broadening the Social Security Act is still
in rough-draft form, but here are some of the.
specific major changes it will recommend:
1. To expand greatly the scope of the law,
thereby including 27,000,000 additional workers
-maritime labor, domestics, self-employers,
casual and part-time workers, employes of non-
profit organizations, such as foundations and
churches, and farm laborers. With more than
40,000,000 already covered by the act, these
additions will bring the total up to around
2. Increase the joint employer-employe pay-
roll tax from 2 to 4 per cent the first year,
with graduated raises thereafter. This is counted
on to act as a brake on inflation during the

To the Editor:
Mr. Bill Baker's letter is one of
the most admirably thought out and
expressed which has ever appeared
in your columns. Before dissenting
from it in part I wish to commend
its cogent and logical development;
someone has certainly taught him
"fhow" to think, if not "what!"
If I may ventureto summarize the
argument, the letter urges two points
against the faculty total war peti-
tion; first, that, expressing any pro-
nounced position on controversial
questions may impair the objectivity
and impartiality which should go
with scientific work, and, second,
that the professoriat as a whole were
for war in 1917, pacifist between
wars, and now again for war, an in-
consistent position which does not
make for confidence in their judg-
Now for my partial dissent. As to
the first point, classroom lectures
should indeed be as objective as mor-
tal frailty will permit. Outside the
classroom, the professor's duty is not
so clear. He should be fair certainly,
but it is impossible that he should
have no opinions and perhaps not
desirable that he should bottle them
up inside himself (if the Freudians
are right, such "suppressions" may
make him more emotional than he
would otherwise be!). After all, he
is a citizen as well as a teacher and
has duties in both spheres.
The second point will take longer
because it opens so many complex
and interesting "case histories."
There is, indeed, the academic type
which was militant in the First
World War and militant again today
but extremely pacifist and isolation-
ist between times. It has an even
wider representation, however, in the
public at large th'an in academic cir-
cles. Do not cynics say that the
J American people, as a whole, are
"always pacifist between wars?" In
all fairness, some very intelligent
people are included in thisuapparent-
ly inconsistent group, such as the1
great Wesleyan divine, Dr. Weather-1
head, who relates how, in a revulsion
of feeling against the horror, waste
and futility of war, he supported the
so-called "Oxford oath" of absolute
non-resistance until the rise of Nazi
imperialism seemed to threaten the
last liberties of Europe.-
But there, are others. Some op-i
posed war in 1917 and still do. Some
favored our entrance into the First
World War but not the Second, ei-
ther on the narrowly nationalisticl
ground that Germany's aggressionsc
at sea took American lives in 1917
but have taken relatively few- of
them now, so that the former war
was "America's" and the present
only "Europe's"; or, more magnani-!
mously, on the ground that the fail-i
ure of the first war to realize itsf
hopes condemned in advance all sub-
sequent wars.

"This squad of women drivers is my secret weapon!-'They'll create a
traffic jam that the advancing Blue Army will be powerless to untangle!"


By Lichty


wh"g 'rNn.,, he
Fa'.t Off, All Rtl. Rea.

A much greater number have taken
the revtrse stand; they opposed war
in 1917 but, regarding Hitler as more
of a menace to civilization than the
old royal Germany, now favor either
war or steps very close to it; among
these are such famous men as Sena-
tor Norris, William Lyon Phelps,
Bertrand Russell. Finally, there is a
very large academic group which has
never at any time accepted the posi-
tion that resistance to autocratic ag-
gression was wrong or futile. This
group, in turn, can be subdivided
into two classes. Some would call
them respectively "militarists" and
"internationalist pacifists," but since
very few academic persons are really
lovers of war, possibly a more ac-
curate division might be into "pessi-
mists" and "hopefuls." The former
say something like this: "Recurrent
wars are inevitable; we must in peace
and war alike be prepared to defend
ourselves." The latter say: "Wars
are preventable, but not by isolation
or non-resistance, only by the politi-
cal organization of the world into a
system of enforced law." I am, and
always have been, in this last sub-
section. Sincerely thinking thus, I
would be a traitor to my public citi-
zenship and my private conscience
alike if I did not frankly express my
-Preston Slosson
current big-spending defense emer-
gency and as a cushion against an
economic tailspin afterwards.
3. Temporary and permanent dis-
ability payments. The law now pro-
vides insurance for unemployment,
but contains no protection for physi-
cal incapacity.
4. Raise the federal share of old-
age assistance benefits paid by the
states, which are now matched 50-50
by the federal government. The act
limits this federal contribution to $20
a month, but only one state, Califor-
nia, meets this maximum figure. It's
the President's aim 'to change this
rigid system so as to increase the
federal contribution in the poorer
states, probably through a per-capita
wealth formula.
5. Cut the period of time an em-
ploye has to work in order to be eli-
gible for a retirement pension. At
presenit the requirement is 65 years
of age plus, employment 50 per cent


t 4

(Continued from Page 2)
Religious Association tonight at 7:30
in Lane Hall.
Seminar in the History of Religious
Sects: A study of the rise and devel-
opment of the religious sects found in
American society, led by Mr. Kenneth
Morgan, director of the Student Re-
ligious Association. First meeting at
Lane Hall today, 4:30 p.m. Open to,
all students.
Freshman Discussion Group: A
discussion of religious and ethical
problems pertinent to entering fresh-
men, sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association, will meet Wed-
nesday evenings at 7:30 in Lane Hall.
Slavic Club Meeting tonight at
8:00 in the Recreation Room of the
International Center. Everyone is
cordially invited.E
Rifle Team: There will be a meet-1
ing of all old members of the Rifle
Team at 4:00 p.m. today, in theI
R.O.T.C. building. Sophomores ande
juniors interested in tryingout for,
the team should report at this time.,
Zeta Phi Eta meeting this afternoon
at 4:30. Attendance compulsory. ;
Alpha Phi Omega will hold a closedi
meeting tonight in the Union at 8:00.,
All members are urged to attend.
Mechanical Engineers: . Welcome
to the opening rally of A.S.M.E. to-
night at 7:30 at the Union. Profes-
sors Hawley and Porter will speakI
and movies will be shown. Refresh-
Program of Recorded Music: The
program of recorded music to be
played at the International Center
this evening ffoom 7:30 to 9:00 will
consist of Wagner's Prelude to Iris-
tan and Isolde; Mendelssohn's "Itali-
an" Symphony; and Schuman's Piano
Concerto in A Minor. Anyone inter-
ested is cordially invited.
Graduate Open House: An infor-
mal reception for all graduate stu-
dents and faculty will be held to-
night starting at 8:00 in ,the Rack-
ham Building. Short addresses by
President Ruthven and Dean Yoak-
um, followed by informal social pro-
gram. Dancing, classical music, pic-
tures of Mich. State and Iowa foot-
ball games. First World War poster
exhibit and refreshments. All grad-
uate students and faculty welcome.
Come and get acquainted.
JGP Central Committee luncheon
meeting today in the League.
Dance Club will meet tonight at
7:30 in the studio in Barbour Gym-
nasium. All women and men stu-
dents interested are invited.
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold its Bible study hour at the
Michigan League tonight at 8 o'clock.
Wesley Foundation: Student Tea
and Open House for all Methodist
students and their friends this after-
noon, 3:00-5:00, in the Wesley Foun-
dation Lounge in the First Methodist
Coming Events
Zoology Club will meet in the Am-
phitheater of the Rackham Building
on Thursday, October 9, at 8:00 p.m.
Professor L. R. Dice will discuss
"The Work and Program of the Lab-

Wildlife Service, and graduate stu-
dents in zoology are invited. Their
wives are likewise invited.
Varsity Men's Glee Club rehearsal
Thursday evening at 7:30. All past
club members who have not yet had
try-outs will be heard at that time.
All men who have tried out for the
Club this year are expected to at-
tend, as well as those freshmen to
whom special invitations have been
Members of the Society of Automo-
tive Engineers will hold an inspection
trip of the General Motors Proving
Grounds on Monlday, October 13. A
dinner meeting will follow. Reserva-
tions are free and may be obtained
from the officers of the society.
The Society of Automotive Engin-
eers Will hold its first meeting of the
year on Thursday, October 9, at 7:30
p.m. in Kellogig Auditorium in the
new Dental Building. Movies of the
Indianapolis Races and other racing
subjects will be shown. The speaker'
will be a starter in this year's race.
All engineers are invited.
The French Round-Table will meet
at 8:00 p.m. Friday, October 10, in
Professor Nelson's Office in the In-
ternational Center. Mr., Maurice Di-
amant, of France, will lead the dis-
cussion on "Present Conditions in
Portugal." Advanced students in the
French language as well as those
whose native tongue is French are
welcome to attend the meetings of
the Round-Table.
Alpha Nu Honorary Speech Frater-
nity will hold its first meeting on
Tuesday, Oct. 21. All members must
attend. Officers must communicate
with Merle Webb, 2-1528, to set a
time for executive meeting during
week of Oct. 14.
La Socied'ad Hispanica will meet
Thursday evening at 7:30 in the
Michigan League. See bulletin board
for room number.
After the business meeting slides
of Mexico will be shown.
All are welcome. This is an ex-
cellent chance to improve one's Span-
English for Foreign Students: The
special classes in English for foreign
students offered in the Language
Service of the International Center
begin their work this week. Foreign
students who are interested in im-
proving their English may still enroll
this week by consulting with Miss
Grollman at the Center.
Student Religious Association Chor-
al Group: Tryouts for the Associa-
tion Choral Group will be held
Thursday, October 9, at 7:30 p.m.
All those interested in singing motets,
chorals and otbdr smaller religious
works are invited.
Zooloical movies will be shown in
the Natural Science Auditorium on
Thursday, October. 9, at 4:10 p.m.
Open to all interested.
Archery Club for Women will have
a tea and meeting on Thursday, Oct.
9, at 4:15 p.m. in the small lounge of
the Women's Athltic Building. Any
women students interested are cor-
dially invited. For further informa-
tion, call Eleanor Gray at 2-2539.
Polonia Society initial get-together
at 7:f3 Thursdav Octoher 9 in th

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