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October 07, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-07

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Women Plan
Dr Bell To Outline Program
Which Will Answer Demandt
For Athletic Opportunities[
Recreationally or athletically-r
minded upperclassmen, whetherr
transfer or regular students, are in-
vited to attend 'a "Sports-Get-to-s
gether" which will be held at 3:30
p.m. Friday in the main lounge oft
the Women's Athletic Building, r
Planned to meet the demand byt
upperclassmen who have fulfilled
their physical education requirementst
for graduation but who are still in-v
ter ted in athletics for recration, thet
mass meeting, sponsored by the phys-t
ical education department in coop-
eration with the Women's Athletic
Association, is the first of its kind,
Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the de-
partment, said.T
To Sign Up For Sports t
The meeting will start as a social
affair, and then Dr. Bell 1ill outliner
the program. Different activities top
be offered will be presented and wo-
men may sign up for various classes
at tables which will be placed around
the room. Instructors of the classes1
as well as WAA sport managers will
be at these tables and those attending
the meeting will thereby have the3
opportunity to get acquainted with
their teachers and helpers.- i
The idea of the program is to have
intensive instruction one day a week
under the department of physical ed-
ucation,and then toncarry the recrea-
tional activities over to WA leaders
and clubs for the rest of the week.
Classes Are Named
If the weather s good, instruction
in the various sports will start im-
mediately after the meeting, and will
be continued oh Friday next week,
and throughout the outdoor and in-
door seasons.
Classes to be offered and instruc-
tors are: Beginning golf by Miss
Marie Hartwig; intermediate golf by
Mrs. Stuart Hanley; archery by Miss
° Dorothy Beise; beginning swimming
by Miss Ruth Bloomer; beginning
'tennis by Miss Jessie Thomas; iter-
mediate tennis by Miss Betty King;
and riding by Mrs. E. J. Gardner.
Riding and tennis will be held at
3 p.m. on Fridays, while the lest of
the activities will be held at 4 p.m.
so that a student may participate in
more than one sport.
Archers To Convene
For Tea Thursday
A meeting and tea sponsored by
the Archery Club will be held at
4:15 p.m. Thursday in the small
lounge of the Women's Athletic
Building, Eleanor Gray, '43, who is in
charge of the club, announced.
Plans will be made for an all-cam-
pus tournament and for a picnic,
both to be held in the near future.
Tentative plans for shooting the tour-
naient Thursday, Oct. 23, will
also be discussed. Everyone inter-
ested is invited to attend.
New Toques Create
The 'Femme Fatale'
Here's a good word for your hat
vocabulary-the "toque" will be the
thing to transform you into a "fem-
me fatale" this season. The actual
hat part of it is tiny enough, but
there are yards of fabric attached to
it which you may wind about your
tresses and shoulders in any slinky
way you please. Silk jersey's the best
bet because it hangs so well.
For you with the shiny pompadour

there's a big beret to perch on the
back of your head. It is tightly edged
with a grosgrain band and has a
-perky bow to go right behind the
pompadour. Also for you with this
hair-style is a Robinhood number
with a big feather stuck in the back.
Tryouts To Continue
Tryouts for parts in the Theatre
Arts presentation of "Rip Van
Winkle," to open Oct. 31 in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will
continue today from 3 p.m. to 6
p.m. in the League. Mary Ellen
Wheeler, '41, director of the pro-
ductions, urges all interested eli-
gible women to attend this last
day of tryouts.

Women Riders i
Take To Saddle'
For 18th Year
University horsewomen will go back
to the bridle paths this fall as the'
Crop and Saddle club enters its 18th1
year as the training ground and rec-I
reational outlet for those who reallyI
ride their hobby.
On the club program for the year
are rides through forest and open
country during good weather, and in-
door rides throughout the winter
months when time will be given to
training in, the fundamentals and
technique of good horsemanship and
to study of the care of horses. Spring
will see club members practicing for
the University Horse Show in which'
they will present a mounted drill.
Other classes in the show- will in-
clude open competition among Uni-
versity students, a high school class
and jumping classes. Trophies and
ribbons will be awarded for the top
three winners in each class.
At present between 25 and 30 wo-
men are members of the Club whose
president, Mary Hayden, '42, also an-
nounces between ten and 15 vacan-
cies to be filled by tryouts Wednes-I
day, Oct. 15. Those who tryout will
be judged on walk, trot, and canter
technique. Although neophytes need
not be experts, the club only wants
girls who are sincerely interested in
the sport and who seem to have an
aptitude for it. "Fine horsemanship
can only be acquired through prac-
tice and experience, however, and that
is what we try to accomplish while
members of Crop and Saddle," Miss
Hayden said.
The club rides at 5 p.m. every Wed-
nesday and has supper and a short
meeting following. Officers of the
Crop and Saddle club are president,
Mary Hayden, '42; vice-president,
Charlotte Thompson, '43; secretary,
Betty Johnson, '42; and treasurer,
Nancy Chapman, '42.
League Committee
Announces Signing
Of Eligibility Cards
Eligibility cards are now being
signed for this semester's League
activities in the undergraduate
offices of the League. Marjory Pol-
umbaum, '42, chairman of the merit
system committee announced.
Sophomores and upperclassmen
may secure eligibility cards by bring-
ing copies of their blueprints, or
transcripts, in the case -of transfers,
to the Dean of Students' office in
University Hall.
After the eligibility card has been
signed once for League activities, a
permanent semester record is filed,
making any activity possible with-
out further concern with eligibility.

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Petites Pommes de Terre
This, ladies and gentlemen-if we may flatter ourself and make th
nouns plural-is supposed to be a social column. It is the "we saw the
and "while at Glickstein's Hacienda, we spotted-" type of thing, and th
it is, and there's nothing any of us can do about it. Every paper, it se
has to put aside a scared little spot wherein are enshrined each week,
names of those smoothies-no, better make that "smoothies"-who
reported to have gotten around. Well, this is it.
Well, there is a report that there was a football game last weekend,
if you were there you would have noticed that there were several peo
sitting around in the stands. At this point the perfect society reporter
ways finds it her duty to let fly a well-adjectiv-ed report of a "colorful,
cited crowd, pennants flying, and raccoon coats unfurl
We can, personally, only say that we have never seen s
a revolting looking group of people in our lives. Every
soaked and miserable, between rather fretful glances at
-game, now and then, was concentrating on how to keep
new sport coat dry or how to tactfully tell the girl fri
that his new hat, which she had placed on her head\i
frantic effort to keep the curls dry, was a sacred thing
beauty and not something to jam over the ears like
AnywaTheyStuckIt Out . .
Anyway, we have to hand it to Betty Halpin and Dick Moser, Ja
Glair, and Hank Fielding, Mabe Luton and Brad Williams, Jean Hubb
and Lawton Hammitt, Olga Gruhzit and Sam Marshall, Carol Forsythe
Harry Altman, and Peggy Bancroft and Ray Pittman for sticking it out
whole game. (Boy, we really Went through the directory on that list!)
As long as we're telling about people who get around, we might jus
well tell you the saga'of the Daily Sports Editor, one H. Wilson. H. Wil
a sterling young American lad, really gets around. He'll tell you so, him
Just before registration, he, plus the Daily City Editor, plus "Tom Thun
the proprietor of "Goin' My Way?" (this sounds almost literate, but d
let the 6'o's fool you) were all associates in what is coarsely kown a
"blind da"-on the mass basis. n y e
They had a car and a grand, gay time was
being had by all when calamity struck. Early, very"
early, in the evening, H. Wilson announced that he!
thought they ought to go home now-it was getting
late. There was bitter protest, but H. Wilson won
out. After the gals were safely delivered to their
respective doors, his comrades turned on our hero
screaming, "What's the matter with ya'? We didn't
have to go home this early!" But H. Wilson wasn't floored. He told
He shrieked right back, "I wasn't having a good time. We didn't havea
thing in common.*She didn't know a thing about sports."
The Chi Phi's Dance .
We wanted to -give you one last glimpse of the mad, breathtaking s(
whirl of Ann Arbor society before leaving you, so we asked Murph Swar
ace (hm?) reporter on the edit staff, to tell us who was at the Chi Phi d;
Saturday night. This is how we got it from the Ace, and we'll pass it a
to you. He was quite positive about the fact that he was there with
Kneedler-repeated it several times, in fact. Bill Schust was there
I-Don't-Remember-What-Her-Name-Was, and Rae Gustafson and Jot
Rookus were there, as were Loren Robinson and Jane Bronson. Oh y
and Phil North was there with Judy something and Phil Swander took ,
somebody. Pretty graphic stuff, we'd say.

i1Chinese Fashions Through The Ages
Determined ByChanges In Dynasties
By MARGARET AVERY yellcw and black are colors of mourn- gown, or Po, has always been shorter
I What are they wearing this dy- innVghina even to the present day. dthan formal styles, but now is only
lose nasty?" a fashion-minded Chinese Late in the Ching dynasty, about four inches below the knee, with a
re" girl might have asked. Oriental 1890, the Chinese woman sensed the low collar and no sleeves. The mod-
ere styles change, not by season, not by imminent downfall of the Manchur- en antternoon formal drops to the
but more nearly by centuries ian rule, and so revived color in her nkles for gracefulness, but the
he yar, ace and costume. The Ueverity of ' leeves are still omitted in order to
the according to Lynne Lee Shaw, direc- deep black trimmings still prevailed, nharce the slender waistline,
are tcr of the fashion floor show to be but narrowed sleeves gave free move- The charm of Chinese modern eve-
and given at Double Ten Ball which will ments to the hands. Hair and shoes ning styles has been responsible for
and be held Friday at the League Ball- took on color as well as skirts. Western imitations of the slit skirt,
ple room. Dress Reflects Freedom form fitting lines, and colorful sim-
al- 0 -. >iiy
ex- ' Even more important than Amern- October 10, 1911 marked the free- pli thn
ex-~i dorn of the Chinese people, and fash- i, ut now- the Chinese woman has
can trends toward patriotic styles ion followed symbolically with a new laid a°ide her silks, satins and glamor
uch the Chinese use of symbolism in de- low collar, bracelet length sleeves, to answer a new call to patrioth
one, termining style. The flowing sleeve short blouses and comfortable wide duty. Plain blue cottofi Is the accep-
the extensions, full pleated skirt, and fly- trousers. Bright colors accentei the ted style since 1937, a uniform de-
the ing streamers in the Ming dynasty feeling of emancipation. The wed- noting service, sacrifice and patriot-
end costume are typical of the leisurely ding costume, a blending of past and ism.
n a present Chinese style, is today much
gof medieval centuries. The hair was as the above picture. White, color of Dance Club To A get
an brought up in front and caught in deepest mourning to the Chinese,
back with colored strands of silk would never suit the joyous wedding The WAA sponsored Dance Club
thread, while , fringed yoke on the occasion. A Chinese bridal ensemble will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.n. to-
jacket was thought to further en - has always been in Chinese red, a morrow in the dance studio of Bar-
color symbolizing joy, happiness and bour Gymnasium. All men and wo-
ckie hance the effect of wealthy refine- good fortune. Gold and silver em- men students interested jare invited
ard ment. I broidery trim the upper garment. and to attend, Shirley Risberg, '42, said
and Mourning Colors Appear pleats and fringes decorate the skirt.
the With the 17th century, however, The elaborate headdress is also red.
came the early Ching dynasty, bring- Yet all this preparation is for the Tryouts Wi l Meet
ing width and bulky lines to replace duration of the wedding ceremony The w be ti t 4
t as the earlier graceful drapes. The Chi- only, for the bride wears the ensemble T tre will emetnat s
son, nese then lived under Manchurian at no other time. todaydin the Pulos
self. subj agation and the black trimmings, Western Influence Present Building for all sophomore staffh
nb ~ members and new tryouts on the
mb," dark blue of the blouse, and white Modern Chinese styles feel the women's staff of The Daily.
on't skirt expressed Chinese resentment Western influence. The street wear
as a to foreign oppression. White, blie,
Scholars, Wyvern
To Be Feted Today
Freshmen Alumnae scholars and
members of Wyvern, junior woman's u n *U
honor society, will be entertained at
tea today by Dean Byrll Bacher, at -
her home. with
'em. The two groups will meet in the
any- League Lobby at 4 p.m,, and from
there proceed together to Miss Bach-
er's home. Alumnae scholars, who are
the adopted charges of the Wyvern,
ocial juniors, will have an opportunity to
der, discuss studies and activities infor- r
mally. -
ance _________
Jane - Committee To Meet
with The Theatre Arts Program Com-
hnny mittee will meet at 4:30 p.m. today
yes- in the League. All girls interested
Mary in working on this committee will
be welcome to attend.


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Two 'Musts'
/Or Co-eli

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the Cveri


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CORDUROY . . . campus favorite these many
years, and still going strong! Comfortable,
carefree, wonderfully penny-wise, it's just what
you want for everything from 8 o'clocks to
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at our corduroy windows, then see our big
collection in match-making Autumn colors.

The sweater - the baggy,

shaggy kind
about -,we

you're crazy
have them in

quickly, simply, surely

soft shadow tones and bright
paint-box colors,
2.95 to 7.95
The tailored shirt - with
your suits and jerkins now
in Indian summer, and un-
der sweaters later on. Silks
and cottons in all colors,

SUITS, 10.95 and 17.95
TOPCOATS, 6.95 and 10.95
BLOUSES, 3.50; SKIRTS, 4.50







~WI! {I

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