uai r.ovavi. 70a THE MICHIGAN DAILY
World Series
With 3-1
Ernie Bonham Hurls
BronX Bombers Gain Fifth Championship
In Six Years; Henrich Belts Homer
Class Will Tell h
Who called them bumsl
bums any-1
We did.
And what's more, we would like to
make it clear to all concerned that,
although the appellation "bumns"
might be a little strong, there doesn't
seem to be any doubt that they were
defeated by a vastly superior team.
Mickey Owen dropped the third
strike with two out In the ninth in-
ning of the fourth game and the
Yankees went on to win. Valiant
Hugh Casey folded like a broken
accordionN and it was all over in
short order.
"Fluke," cried Dodger fans (real
and synthetic) the country over."'The
Yankees get all the breaks; you can't
beat luck like that . . ." And so on,
ad infinitum.
Granted that, had Owen held
onto the ball, the series would have
been tied up and the idols of Flat-
bush would have been very much
back in the running. But the fact
remains that he didn't hold onto
the ball and that, bromidic as it
may sound, the game still isn't over
until the last man is out. That
error, or wild pitch (there is some
argument over just which it was),
was just as much a part of the ball
game as Pete Reiser's home run.'
Henrich would have averted a lot
of heated discussion if he hadn't
swung at the ball. It would have been
called a ball, Tommy would have
reached first and the outcome of the
game probably wouldn't have been
changed a bit. But Tommy had his
ripple at the ball and so the Yanks
were branded as lucky.
Too many people who/ follow
baseball in a half-hearted sort of
way fail to make any distinction
between luck and the breaks of the
game. When an easy ground ball
hits a pebble and bounces over the
shortstop's bgead, that's luck. When
a player makes an error, that's
An irate Dodger fan, during one of
the many post-game arguments we
engaged in after Sunday's debacle,
shouted very coarsely in our direc-
tion, "Oh, -yeah, I'd like to see you
now if Dickey had been the one that
dropped the ball. You'd still be cry-
We have what we think is a
y pretty good answer for that one.
Anone who kuows us knows that
we pink the Detroit Tigers 6are the
greatest ball team that ever took
the field. We are defnitely Tiger
fans. And yet, a year ago, we didn't
call the Cilcinnati Reds lucky when
Dick Bartell held the ball while
Frank McICormick crossed the plate
with the run that cost the Bengals
the world's championship.
Rowdy Richard could ,easily have
thrown to the plate in time to flag
the big Red first sacker. But he
didn't make the toss. It was a lapse
on his part or, perhaps, on the part of
Charley Gehringer for not telling
Dick that he had time to nail
McCormick. «
But, whoever was at fault, the
Reds weren't lucky. They capital-
____ - - il
ized on a break, something that all
championship teams have to do.
The Yanks got a break when Owen
missed the third strike and they
worked it for everything they could
get out of it. What they got was
their fifth world's title in six years
and they richly deserved it. They
were the better team.
And just so that no one can say we
didn't investigate all the angles of
the Flatbush situation, let's look at
it this way. Suppose, just for argu-
nents sake you understand, we
grant that the Dodgers had tough
luck. So what.
There was no luckier team in
baseball than the Brooks during the
t9gular season. They went through
the National League campaign
without a single serious injury.
Their closest rivals for the flag,
the Cardinals (who were really the
class of the league as far as player-
ability is concerned, not to mention
having most of the fight that the
Dodgers are generally credited
with), had three outfielders on the
sick list at the same time for a
We're glad the Yankees won. We
thught they would win before the
Series started and we think they had
an infinitely better team than the
Brooklyns. Hurray for the New York
Yankees, the greatest team in base-
ball history.
Otto, show them bums the door.
For Defense-
/S punk, Nerve,
Fighting Heart
This is a story which is best ex-
emplified by an actual experience.
Any similarity to persons now living
is highly commendable.
Three years ago the high school
coaches in the Detroit Metropolitan
League were astounded by the pres-'
ence of a short stubby end on the
starting team of one of the top three
squads in the West Side. It is doubt-
ful that he stood. over five and one-
half feet-even with shoes on.
This kid had more spunk, nerve
and a fighting heart than any foot-
ball player one could imagine. And
he wasn't ridiculous in his deter-
mination. He had it and he gave his
all during every second that he was
on the gridiron.
His coach knew what he wanted
from an end and couldn't find it in
what the big boys had to offer. But
there was this small kid, playing in
the backfield on one of the "cannon
fodder" squads. And he was willing
to try. He wanted to play football.
The coach wanted his ends to pile-
drive into any interference that came
any way near him. Theory: rid the
back of his interferene before he
gets a chance to open up, and the
rest for the defense should be rela-
tively easy. And, sure enough, so it
came to pass. At the snap of the
ball, around came the interference,
and there was this midget end wait-
ing. Every time, he piled into that
mass of obstruction with reckless
abandon. And he made many more
than his share of tackles. Ask any
of the opposition.
The team had one of their better
years that season. But had the
coach another end like shorty, what a
year that would have been!
This brings us to the 1941 Michi-
gan Wolverine football team. With
the center of the line apparently well
intact, and with good fast defensive
back, a little of this "kid" style of
playmight relieve the tension around
the flankers. And, then a still great-
er Michigan year.
No small stuff, this little mite.
(Continued from Page 1)
on Gordon, Wyatt sailed a wild pitch
high over Owen's outstretched glove
and Keller loped home while Dickey
ran to second. Gordon came through,
then, with a scorching single off sec-
ond baseman Pete Coscarart's glove
and,; as the ball rolled on out into
rightfield, Dickey scored.
This was all the margin that Bon-
ham needed, but Henrich hammered
a home run over the 40-foot fence in
rightfield on the first pitch given
him in the fifth inning. That was
just for good measure and afterward
the Yanks never bothered Wyatt-
except with their continuous bench
Watt Hits Double
Wyatt himself set off the rally
that brought Brooklyn its only run
in the third inning. He opened with
a hard double into the leftfield cor-
ner. After Dixie Walker had flied
out, Lew Riggs blasted a low liner
that struck Bonham on the right leg
below the knee and caromed toward
the third base line for a single
putting Wyatt on third. The pitcher
raced home a few minutes later after
Pete Reiser had flied to right.
Except for a tremendous triple by
Reiser after two wereout in the
first inning, this was the only real
threat the Dodgers made all after-
Bonham fanned Dolph Camilli to
end Brooklyn's rally in toe third and
he didn't give another dit until the
eighth when Walker wafted a single
into right. This time he made Riggs
pop to first baseman Johnny Sturm
and struck out Reiser.
Bonham's First Start
It was the first appearance the
220-pound righthander called "Tiny"
ever had made in the World Series
and he matched the four-hit hurling
of his teammate, lefty Marius Russo,
for the best pitched game of the
1941 classic.
Wyatt gave six hits, three less
than he allowed in winning last
Thursday and once over his early
wildness he was as hot as the
weather, which had many fans sit-
ting peeled to their undershirts for
the third straight day.
He struck out nirfe men, including
Bonham on every one of the four
times he came to bat, and DiMaggio
the first two times that he came to
the plate.
The, Dodgers used a pinchhitter,
Augie Galan, for Coscarart in the
seventh, unsuccessfully, and sur-
prised the fans by bringing the in-
jured Billy Hernian backs into the
lineup to play second base for the
last two frames.
He was called upon to handle two
grounders in the eighth and on the
first one initiated a fast double play
and on the second, easily threw out
Trueblood Qualifying
Rounds To Continue
Qualifying rounds of golf for the
annual Trueblood tournament will
continue through tomorrow, Varsity
coach._ Ray Courtright announced.
Poor weather conditions held the at-
tendance down over the weekend, and
for this reason the time limit for the
36-hole qualifying rounds to be com-
pleted has been extended. Tomor-
row the qualifiers will be paired for
match play for the Trueblood trophy.
Michigan Showing Disappointed Independents
Fans"Who Expected Easy Wi To Test New
By BOB STAHL Football Game
It was a puzzled mob of spectatorsF oG
exits of the Michigan Stadium Sat- By BUD HENDEL
urday and sloshed through a heavy * Lou Fogel and Dick Orlikoff, ath-
downpour of rain to the town, letic chairmen of Congress Indepen-
For having been told all last week, dent Men's Organization, announced
by press and publicity alike, of the yesterday that a new six-man foot-
sterling ability of this year's Michi- <5 ball league was to get under way
gan football team, of the hard run-
ning and blocking of the Wolverine next Monday under the combined
backs, and the unmatched power of sponsorship of Congress and the In-
the solid Michigan forward wall, all tramural Sports Department.
of which were to make of the Maize Instead of the orthodox nine-man
and Blue team one of the most teams as is practiced today in the
threatening contenders for the 1941 regular I-M leagues, this new athletic
Big Ten football crown, the 30,000 opening to the students offers touch
fans on hand sat through an un- ::football on the six-man basis, The
comfortably wet two hours only to Congress League will not affect any
see the Wolverine power shackled by of the present Intramural activities,
the sloppy field and the Michigan . as the regular nine-man teams will
offense bog down time and time not be discontinued.
again within scoring distance of the The two Congress representatives,
Iowa goal line. -Fogel and Orlikoff, emphasized that
The Wet Field? $ w s.six-man teams from the residence
One question was on the lips of halls are encouraged to enter as this
almost every Michigan fan when the LWS FRANKS will not affect the regular nine-man
timekeeper's gun sounded ending the dormitory schedule.
game with the Wolverines on the long have to wait for the oitome of that For All Independents
end of a 6-0 score-was it the wet tilt if they are to judge the 1941 The new league has been formed
field, creating so much havoc with Michigan ,eleven, for the benefit of all independent
the highly-touted Wolverine power Yesterday Coach Crisler sent his men on campus. Those who live i.
that brought the game to such a charges through a stiff signal drill rooming houses, cooperatives or
closely-fought finish or was the Cris- getting them into shape for the Pitt dormitories can enter as long as they
ler-coached machine vastly over-rat- game. Paul White was back at his are members of a team. No individual
ed after last week's brilliant 19-7 halfback post again, apparently thor- entries will be permitted.
victory over Michigan State? oughly recovered from the shoulder On the same plane, Fogel and Orli-
For it must be told that a cour- injury which kept him out of the koff announced that it would be ad-
ageous band of Hawkeyes outplayed Iowa tilt. Julius Franks, sophomore visable for men living in the same
the Michigan eleven in Saturday's guard, worked out on the first team rooming house or cooperative to reg-
game. Piling up 16 nmore yards from and may get the nod to start at that ister as a team.
scrimmage than the Wolverines and position when game time rolls around Although the league is being both
gaining 4yards via the airways tis Surday. sponsored and organized by Congress,
while the home team failed to com- the Intramural Department will 'be
plete any of its four attempted pass- Mark in charge of the actual participation.
es, it was the Iowans and not Michi-Co rse The I-M officials have promised to
gan who ran off the field rating ap- furnish the officials, the playing
plause from the fans. Set In Regatta fields, the 'schedule and the trophy
Fumble Hurts which will be awarded to the winer.
Several instances can be cited from Register Now
Saturday's contest to bear out both Jamison Breaks Record At the present ime Fogel and
sides of the question. For exampleJ Orlikoff epect aroximately 100
early in the third quarter the Wol- In Tie Sailing Meet teasko e timtell 10
geie oe h aldw\t h teams to register. Te league will be
verines moved the ball down to the divided into groups consisting of four
Hwkeye 12 yard line when Tppy The University of Michigan Sail- teams, with the winner of each group
Lockaro, downed by a hard tackle, ing Club broke even in two races with participating in the play-offs from
Eefumbled the wet ball and the Iowans the Barton Boat Club in a regatta which the ultimate champion will
recovered. That Michigan error held Sunday. A new course record emerge. There will be a two dollar
could be attributed to the wet'field. was set in the first race when Jami- forfeit fee required from every team,
But in the fourth quarter, Michi- son of the. Barton Club crossed the and if any team does not complete
gan had the ball on the Iowa six- finish line after 24 minutes of sail- its schedule in the group it will auto-
yard line and in three tries little ing. ,matically lose the forfeit.
Davey Nelson failed to carry it over First Race All teams desiring to enter this
the pay-off stripe. Then Coach Cris- 1. Jamison-Barton league are urged to register immedi-
ler sent Tom Kuzma, his hard-run- 2. Donkin, University ately at either the Congress office in
ning halfback into the lineup in an 3. Moehlman, Barton the third floor of the Union or at
effort to sew up the game with an- 4. McAleer, University the Sports Building.
other touchdown. 5. Angell, Barton
The desperate Hawkeyes, however, 6. Warner, University I-M NOTICE
refused to pay deference to the power 7. Townsend, University Entries for the Independent
of the Michigan line and Kuzma was 8. Spooner, Barton .football league must be in by
brought down within a foot of the Score, Barton 18; University 17. Thursday, Oct. 9.
goal line, the ball reverting to Iowa Second Race Earl N. Riskey, Asst. Director
on downs. 1. Donkin, University of Intramural Sports
Pitt Next Foe 2. Jamison, Barton
Thus it was that the fans in at- 3. McAler, University
tendance Saturday came away from 4.Warner, University 'M' CUB NOTICE
the game in a puzzled frame of mind. 5. Moehlman, Barton 'M'-lbnOiCE
With ,Pitt, its next opponent losing 6. Waite, University meeting of all M' Club mmers
by a 6-0 score to a strong Purdue Romine and Spooner did not fin- this Thursday at 8 p.m. in the
team, the Wolverines have plenty of ish Union.
rough edges to smooth out before next Score: University 19; Barton 14. -Gus Sharemet, President
Saturday's contest and the fans will Time: 24 minutes, 35 seconds.
They Waited 21 Years For This
Sturm, 1b.........4 0
Rolfe, 3b ........ ..3 ,0
Henrich, rf ...... ..3 1
DiMaggio, cf .......4 0
Keller, if ..........3 1
Dickey, c..........4 1
Gordon, 2b .........3 0
Rizzuto, ss ....... . . 3 0
Bonham, p.........4 0
TOTALS ..........31 3
Walker, rf ....
Riggs, 3b.
Reiser, cf .....
Camilli, lb...
Medwick, lf ...
Reese, ss .....
zzWasdell ...,
Owen, c ......
Coscarart, 2b
zGalan .......
Herman, 2b ...
Wyatt, p .....
TOTALS,... .
.....3 0
4 0
4 0
4 0
3 0
3 0
1 0
3 0
2 0
1 0
0 0
3 1
0 0
1 3
2 0
9 1
0 0
2 3
0 0
9 1
3 3
0 0
0 2
1 1
6 27 6
NEW YORK .......020 010 000-3
BROOKLYN .....001 000 000-1
....31 1 4 27 14
z-Batted for Coscarart in 7th.
zz-Batted for Reese in 9th.
Error-Reese. Runs Batted In-Gordon, Reiser, Henrrch. Two Base
Hit-Wyatt. Three Base Hit-Reiser. Home Run-Henrich. Double Plays-
Owen and Riggs; Reese; Coscarart and Camilli; Herman, Reese and Camilli.
Earned Runs-New York 3, Brooklyn 1. Left on Bases-New York 6, Brook-
,yn 5. Bases on Balls off-Wyatt 5 (Henrich, Keller, Rolfe, Gordon, Riz-
zuto); off Bonham 2 (Medwick, Walker). Struck Out by Wyatt 9 (DiMag-
gio 2, Bonham 4, Henrich, Keller, Rizzuto); by Bonham 2 (Camilli, Reiser).
Wild Pitch-Wyatt. Umpires-McGowan (AL). Plate; Pinclli (NL) 1b;
Grieve (AL) 2B; Goetz (NL) 3b. Time 2:13. Attendance 34,072.
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