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September 24, 1940 - Image 36

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-09-24

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Cash Prizes Offered Students
By Hopwoods, Mimes, And JGP

Glee Club Holds Informal



Director, To Lead Year's Work Beauty Vistas
abbi J. M. Cohen, New Hillel Are Features
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Several opportunities to gain cash
for their work are offered student
writers at the University.
Most lucrative and most famous
of the writing awarus are the Jule
and Avery Hopwood awards for cre-
ative writing. Approximately $10,-
000 is given annually to students
showing ability in the following
fields: essay, poetry, fiction and
Annual Cash Award
In addition, $100 awards are of-
fered annually for the best scripts
submitted to the Mimes' Union Op-
era and the Junior Girls Play. Pre-
sentation of a student's play by one
of these groups enables him to seek
further rewards under the provisions
of a contest sponsored annually by
the American Society of Composers,
Authors and Publishers.
The Hopwood contests are divided
into four types of awards-the
freshman, summer, minor and major
contests. Prizes of $50, $30 and $20
are offered to outstanding freshman
writers in each of three divisions--
fiction, essay and poetry. The minor
awards, open to undergraduates, are
*limited to $250. Seniors and grad-
uate students compete for major
awards that sometimes run as high
as $2,500, at the discretion of the
judges in each of the three fields.
Eligibility Fixed
To be eligible for the competition
a student must be taking 12 hours of
regular work in the University and
must have no Erade below "C." Also,

least one course in composition in the
English department of the engineer-
ing or literary college, or in the jour-
nalism department of the literary
The contest was established by the
will of Avery Hopwood, '05, in 1931,
:o foster student creative writing and
to encourage in particular "the new
and radical." Mr. Hopwood was a
uccessful writer of light comedy
dramas for the stage. The contest
:as inaugurated in 1931, the fresh-
man contest in 1932.
Lcading Writers Judge
Judges for the contest are selected
'om among the nation's leading
writers in the different fields. In the
last eight years the judges have in-
1luded Agnes Repplier, Louis Unter-
meyer, Stephen Vincent Benet,
Franklin P. Adams, Max Eastman,
and Henry Seidel Canby.
The contest has become famous
;hroughout the country. Thirteen
winning Hopwood manuscripts have
'een published since 1931, latest of
which was Iola Goodspeed's novel,
'Loon Totem," published by Har-
court. Brace and Company. Of last
spring's winners, "Homeward to
America," a book of poetry by John
Ciardi, has been published by Henry
Holt and Company.
The Union Opera and Junior Girls
Play yearly seek musicomedy dramas
the student must be enrolled in at
for their productions. Remember
that the Opera is an all-male show.

A new director will preside at Hil-
lel's orientation activities this week,
as the Foundation begins its 14th
year on the Michigan campus.
He is Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen,
who comes to Ann Arbor after com-
pleting six years a,; c:rector of Los
Angeles Jewish Centers. The new
director received his A.B. degree at
the University of California in Los
Angeles, and graduated also from
the Stephen Wise Seminary in New
York City.
Program Is Planned
The new director, and Assistant to
the Director Irving Zeiger, '41, have
planned an orientation program de-
signed to make the Class of '44 feel
more at home in its new surround-
ings, and to acquaint the newcomers
with the Foundation and its wide
scope of facilities and activities.
Hillel, Jewish students' organiza-
tion, will hold day-and-night open
house during every day of Orienta-
tion Week. Hosts and hostesses will
always be on hand to greet the fresh-
men, Zeiger explained. He urged
freshmen to visit the Foundation
building, East University and Oak-
land avenues, as soon as 'possible
after arriving in Ann Arbor.
Party Is Sponsored
The Foundation will also sponsor
a Freshman Party beginning at 8:30
p.m. Saturday in the Michigan Wol-
verine. Dancing, refreshments and
a floor show will be the "order of
1 the night."
. Zeiger emphasized that freshmen


" iI r re'tU'iU
visitors to the Foundation this week
would be welcome to the use of the Relatively well mown to every
building's many facilities, includinguRelavelybwellkownto every;
radio-phonographs (with a large upper classman but likely to escape
collection of popular, symphonic and the attention of entering freshmer
synagogal recordings), library, game is the Arboretum, garden spot of
room and lounges. Ann Arbor and the University.
Rabbi Cohen succeeds Dr. Isaac Visitors to Ann Arbor have called
Rabinowitz as director of the local t orto An or he caled
Foundation. Dr. Rabinowitz has the Arboretum one of the most beau-.
been promoted to a position in which tiful spots of its kind in the middle
he will aid in organizing a new Hillel west, and students are equally ap
chapter, at Brooklyn College. He preciative of its charm. From May,
will work with Dr. Abram L. Sachar, through October its 96 acres of roll-
national director of the Hillel Foun- ing ground are ideal for long,
As in previous years, the Founda- thoughtful walks, and during the
dation. winter skiing and tobogganing en-
tion will sponsor services on the thusiasts hold forth there.
Jewish "high holidays": Rosh Hash- Foliage in the Arboretum is now
onah (New Year), Oct. 2. 3 and 4; at its best, although most of the
and Yom Kippur (Day of Atone- flowers are gone. Relatively damp
ment), Oct. 11, 12 and 13. weather during the summer ensured
Plans To Be Announced heavy crops of leaves on the many
Detailed plans for these services maple and oak trees, and within the
will be announced later. next few weeks frost should turn
Zeiger announced that Hillel's them to brilliant colors.
regular yearly activities would begin Greatest fame of the Arboretu,
immediately after Orientation Week. however, is due to University stu-
Shortly after University classes be- dents who have made its 96 acres
gin, he explained, the first issue of their favorite locale for starry-eyed
the Hillel News will appear, the Hillel hand-in-hand walks during lazy,
Players' dramatic group will call for lovelorn hours.
tryouts and Hillel classes will begin.
Plans are already under way for
a fine list of speakers for Hillel's SHOP AT -302 S. State St.
annual forum series, he added, and
these will be announced soon. Final-
ly, Zeiger urged all Jewish students
,to support Hillel's Annual Member-

Varsity Glee Club members gather around the piano for an in-
formal songfest in preparation for one of the club's numerous tradi-
tional campus functions.
150 Freshmen Attend Rendezvous
One freshmen group that will en- from the ranks of entering freshmen
ter Orientation Week having some were also instructed in the customs,
perspective of University life are traditions and facilities of the Uni
those who attended the three-day Talks and open discussions were
session of the Freshman Rendezvous. held on such topics as "Religion and
Sponsored by the Student Relig- Social Problems" and "Problems
ious Association, the Rendezvous wat Freshmen Face". The various aspects
held at the University Fresh Air of University athletics, religious or-
Camp on Patterson Lake for the pur- ganizations, and publications were
pose of answering questions vital to treated by camp counselors and
freshmen. The 150 chosen at random speakers prominent' on the campus


ship Drive.



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