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September 24, 1940 - Image 26

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-09-24

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Assembly, Panhellenic Will Offer VariedPrograms Durin

g Year

Will Sponsor
League Booth
Group For Disseminating
ASsse ily information
Planned For Freshmen
A-embly's information booth will
be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every
day from today through Saturday in
the League to answer any and all
questions that freshmen and trans-
fers may have concerning its oper-
ation and activities.
This year Assembly's information
booth is under the supervision of the
Ann Arbor Independents, which is
one of the three independent groups
on campus. Patricia Walpole, '41,
president of Assembly will be on hand
to coordinate all activities.
Assembly's Purpose Defined
Miss Walpole, summing up the pur-
pose of Assembly, stated that "the
Assembly Association is the organiz-
ation of non-affiliated women formed
to stimulate the interest of these
women in social and scholastic activ-
ities on the campus, and to promote
the unification of sorority and non-
affiliat d women."
Assembly is made of the executive
board, the dormitory group, the Ann
Arbor Independent group, the League
House group and Beta Kappa Rho.
The executive board includes the
four officers of Assembly, which are
elected each spring, and one delegate
from each of the eight dormitories,
elected last fall, the president and
secretary-treasurer of the Ann Arbor
Independents, the League Houses and
Beta Kappa Rho. This board meets
weekly and assembles all of the in-
formation which should reach the
independent women on campus, and
relays it back to their respective
groups. Anyone petitioning for a job
in Assembly must be interviewed by
this board.
Officers Are Listed
Officers for Assembly this year in-
clude Miss Walpole, as president,
Betty Lyman, '41, vice-president, and
Betty Hall, '41, secretary. For every
ten women in a dormitory, there is

Assembly President

Information About Sororities
To Be Offered ByPanhellenic
Rules Must Be Observed 7. From 9:15 u.m. on Wednesday,
RT~ AllC o UT . ! tober 9 until 9:00 p.m. on Friday,

one representative in the dormitory
group. These members will be elected
this fall. The delegate to the executive
board is the chairman of each group.
Assembly sponsors the Independ-
ent Fortnight which takes place each
fall immediately after sorority rush-
ing, in conjunction with Senior So-
ciety, honor society for non-affiliated
women. Through this two weeks'
period, Assembly hopes to acquaint
independents with its activities and
organization. Climaxing the Fortnight
is the Assembly Banquet.
Informal Dance Given
At the Banquet, awards are given
to representatives of the sophomore,
junior and senior classes having the
highest scholastic record for the pre-
vious year. Dormitories and League
Houses having the highest academic
average are also honored.
Before Christmas, there is an in-
formal dance (last year called the
"Capricorn Capers") and at the be-
ginning of the second semester, As-
sembly Ball is given for all inde-
pendent women and their dates.
Freddie Martin played at the last
Ball, which was held in the League

Dy mj,-itu ent women
During Rushing Week
(Continued from Page 3)
Open Houses must be purchased from
Panhellenic. No other forms may be
2. Invitations may be delivered to
the mail boxes of the dormitories or
to the front, doors of the League
Houses starting at 9:00 a.m. n Fri-
day, September 27. No active may
talk to a rushee at this time. (Fine
3. With the printed tea invitations
may be enclosed a sorority card ask-
ing a rushee to a party at the begin-
ning of the week: she may be given
her choice of one of several parties.
4. Rushees need not reply to the
printed tea invitations, but they are
told in their booklets that they must
accept or refuse any other invitation
enclosed, at Open House Saturday
or Sunday or by telephone Sunday
evening before 11:00 p.m.
Rushees May Attend All Teas
5. Rushees are told in their book-
lets that they must stay no longer
than three quarters of an hour at
each Open House, and that they
may go to all of the initial Open
Houses for which they have received
6. A rushee may attend only one of
the initial Open Houses at each sor-
ority; and no dates but these may,
be split.
7. A sorority may not have more
than four dates with one rushee (in-
cluding the Open House) (Fine C)
8. A rushee may be asked for a sec-
ond date by enclosed invitation as de-
scribed above, during the tea, or by
telephoning. She may be asked for
a third date during the first date.
(Fine C)
9. A rushee may not be asked to
a formal until during the second date
except in the case of a sorority being
unable to make an engagement with
the rushee until late in the rushing
season or in the case of the rushee
entering school late.
10. A rushee may attend only one
formal by each sorority. (Fine C)
11. Each sorority shall turn in a
list of the girls they have dropped
every morning between 8:00 and 10:00
a.m. to the Panhellenic Booth, begin-
ning Mon. Sept. 30 through Mon.
Oct. 7. (Fine C)
No Rushing At Trains
D. Contact Between Independent
Women and Sororities:
1. In order to avoid rushing at
trains, prospective rushees rhay not
be met by sorority girls with the
exception of sisters. (Fine A)
2. No sorority women except moth-
ers and sisters who are not active
may be in the dormitory. They may
not communicate with other girls.
3. Beginning with the Monday of
Orientation Week, there must be no
contact between possible rushees and
sororities except as stated in the
rules. (Fine A or C)
4. No alumnae may communicate
with a rushee during the intensive
5. Only three calls may be made up-
on a rushee by each sorority. A call
shall consist of a telephone message
or a mailed invitation on the written
form. There shall be no calling in
person on any rushee. (Fine B)
6. No rushee is to be called for or
taken home by the sorority or any-
one connected with the sorority ex-
cept in the case of formal engage-
ments when the rushees may be tak-
en home but not called for. (Fine B)

October 11, there shall be absolutely
no communication with any rushee.
Silence period between sororities and
those who have received bids shall
end at 9:00 p.m., Friday, October
11. Silence period between sorori-
ties and girls who have not accepted
bids shall extend to Sunday, October
13 at 9:00 a.m. (Fine B)
8. The status of unaffiliated trans-
fers and pledges will be that of act-
ives; pledges are allowed to partici-
pate in rushing.
9. No rushing is allowed outside
the house premises. (Fine C)
10. There shall be no informal bid-
ding. (Fines B and C)
Expenses Are Limited
E. Expenses:
1. No sorority may spend more than
$25.00 for flowers and decorations
for the entire intensive rushing sea-
son. An expense account shall be
turned in to the Panhellenic treasurer
by Friday, October 21, by each soror-
2. No paid musicians may be had
except for an orchestra limited to
four pieces during the two formal
dinners. (Fine C)
3. Not more than three courses
may be served at the formal dinners.
Demitasse is not a course. (Fine C)
4. No favors whatsoever may be
given. (Fine C)
5. Entertainment at the parties
may consist of dancing, songs, skits,
games, provided by members of the
F. Bids and Pledging:
1. Rushees are told clearly in their
booklets that an invitation to a for-
mal does not necessarily mean a bid.
2. There shall be uniform bids.
3. Lists shall be preferential.
4. Lists shall be typewritten double
spaced on full sized typewriter paper.
Names shall be alphabetically ar-
ranged, correctly spelled and with
addresses. Write on one side of the
paper only.
5. All clerical work shall be done
at the Office of the Dean of Women.
6. Each rushee who has been in-
vited to join a sorority willbreceive
a preference slip on Thursday eve-
ning, October 10, which she should
fill out and return to the Office of
the Dean of Women before 12:00 noon
on Friday, October 11. There will be
a box in Barbour Gymnasium for
her slip.
7. Pledge day shall berSaturday,
October 12. It shall start at 3:00
8. Pledges shall present themselves
at the sorority rather than be called
for. Flowers may not be given to
them until they reach the house.
9. A rushee is bound for one cal-
endar year to the sorority on her list
which has bid her and for which she
has designated her preference. Pre-
ference slips may not be withdrawn.
10. A pledge shall consist of a
written statement, witnessed and filed
with the sorority, in addition to the
wearing of some sort of badge.
11. One calendar year must elapse
after breaking a pledge before an-
other invitation for pledging shall
be extended.

Candy Sales
Help Provide
Candy and scholarships-an un-
usual combination but one made
practical in the set-up of the League
candy booth committee. This com-
mittee which operates candy booths
in University Hall, Mosher-Jordan
Halls, Helen Newberry Residence and
this year for the first time in the
newly opened Stockwell Hall, turns
all profits into the League scholar-
ship fund. ,
Under the chairmanship of Beth
Caster, '41, the organization of the
committee will begin with a mass
meeting of all women interested in
giving service. This year a new ex-
ecutive committee will be formed
consisting of the heads of each of the
booths and the general chairman.
This committee will meet once a
month to discuss sales, advertising,
publicity, and equipment.
New means of advertising the
work of the committee will also be
introduced this year by use of posters
on all dormitory bulletin boards and
posters around campus. Some of
these will explain the need for stu-
dent and faculty patronage as the
money goes for scholarships. Fur-
ther an extensive campaign will be
carried out in the residence halls to
acquaint women with the supplies of
the booths and to help secure their
Women in charge of the individual
booths this year are: Eva Etkin,
Mosher-Jordan; Nancy Wolfe, Helen
Newberry and Beth Caster, Univers-
ity Hall. The Stockwell Hall booth
chairman will be named at a later

Campus Projects Raise Money
For Women's Swimming Pool

A swimming pool 12 yards in
length and only five and one-half
feet deep seems rather inadequate
i4 a school where most facilities
for sports are abundant, and yet, if
it were not for the cooperation of
the Michigan Union Board, that is
just the sort of pool the women of
the University would have to use.
In 1897 this undersized, tiled pool
was constructed in Barbour Gym-
nasium. Today it is used only when
the large pool in the Union, where
the women's physical education class-
es in swimming are held, is over-
Organizations Aid Project
For a number of year various cam-
pus organizations have been cooper-
ating with WAA in its projects to
raise money for a new pool. The
University of Michigan Alumni Asso-
ciation has already contributed;
$5,000 to the fund and hopes to be
able to contribute more. Other
groups which have been actively aid-
ing the women in their campaign to
raise money for a new pool are the
Michigan League, the Michigan Un-
ion, the Men's Dormitory Committee,
the Varsity Swimning team, J-Hop
committees and Frosh Frolic com-
Authorized plans have been drawn
up in the Office of the University
Plant Extension for a new and ade-
quate swimming pool. There awaits
now only the completion of the col-
lection of the necessary funds before
the pool is actually built.
To Sponsor New Effort
In former years, many projects
have been sponsored in an effort to
raise this money, but there is still
a great deal to be done before theI

dream of a swimming pool will be-
come a reality. Last year WAA
brought Jan Savitt to the campus
to give a "swing concert." Many
women also sold balloons at the Yale-
Michigan game.
This year, it is expected, WAA
will continue its efforts to raise
money, and it is hoped that all cam-
pus women will assist them in every
Ci~vic 'teatre
SProject Plants
Fall Program
The Children's Theatre, one of the
few Civic projects undertaken by the
League, and panacea for would-be
play producers and the stage-struck
alike will raise the curtain on the
first of its play series with the pro-
duction of a fairy tale play.
As in former years this theatre
group will present four plays: the
fairy tale adaptation, an original,
and a dance pantomine in conjunc-
tion with the University Dance Club.
The technical parts of the produc-
tions will be handled by the students
on the Theatre Arts committee while
the casts of the plays will be made
up mainly of town children.
The hope of the committee this
year, Chairman Jane Pinkerton, '41,
has announced, is to bring the Chil-
dren's Theatre into a more promi-
nent place among campus entertain-
ment, thereby to increase the patron-
age of the plays which heretofore has
been largely restricted to the children
and their parents. "The University
boasts of one of the finest Child-
ren's Theatre projects in the count-
ry," Miss Pinkerton stated, "and we
have received the full cooperation of
the Ann Arbor schools. It has made
great progress in the last few years-
a fact which we hope will become a
Class Times Established
University regulations start classes
officially at seven minutes after each
hour. Tradition permits teachers to
be eight minutes late, and at 15 min-
utes after the hour students. leave
class rooms. But they must wait
through the entire hour set aside
for the class if the professor is the
head of a department, the tradition

M1ore~ Free 4dvie To)FroJ.

Now that another year of school
is about to begin, let us be your source
of supplies for your 'Gift" needs in .. .
J4. 'F IDLER 69ewc4

Offered ,By
Not meaning tobe trite by bringing
up the many freshman "don'ts", we
do sympathize with the Class of 1944,
and so to them we dedicate this
spilled ink.
Instead of the incessant reminders
of what not to do and what definite-
ly will prohibit them from becoming
the glamour gals that they are cer-
tain to turn into if they follow the
carefully turned outtfreshman in-
structions on what to avoid, here are
a few "do's".
Dawdle Over Cokes
Please Do dawdle over a coke and
learn how to make it last until class
begins. It's painful to gulp it down
the first two minutes and then to be
forced to poke the ice at the bottom
of the glass for the next 28 minutes.
Please Do wear comfortable shoes
on campus. It's disconcerting to the
Prof to have the leg thus exposed
when the shoes are freed from the
foot in the middle of his lecture.
Laugh At Campus Jokes
Please Do laugh at the campus
jokes. We admit their antiquity, etc.,
but we enjoy them and so must you.

And please Do stare at the cam-
pus celebrities. What's the fun of
being a BWOd or BMOC without
)eople noticing you. So, freshmen,
ive them their fun, for someday,
you, too, may attain their heights.
Then, too, please Do be brave
enough to show your individuality
by daring to refuse a coke date to
keep your 10 o'clock class. Experi-
,nce has shown that Mater and Pa-
ter, while not insistent on Phi Bete,
do appreciate some showing of that
I. Q. which the local high school
claimed you possess.






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