Classics Are Favorite Michigan Fashion Elective Fc
ir Fall
Velveteen Date Dresses Boast
BabyCollars And Wide Skirts
There's much that's new to spice
up your dating wardrobe, and lots
that remains wearable from year
to year that you already have in
your dress collection.
Latest of date dresses are in vel-
veteen. They either have no collar
at all or just a bit of a baby collar,
and the skirts are usually flaired
or have unpressed pleats. Colors for
this material include such luscious
hues as burgundy, royal blue, qr
chocolate brown. Appointments for
these dresses are usually very simple
-perhaps a big silver pin or a row
of gold buttons. Velveteen suits are
just as popular as dresses in the
dating world. Black ones with close-
fitting little jackets piped in gros-
grain can be worn alone or matched
with many types of blouses.
Wool Is Favorite
Among the dresses that have al-
ways been a standby, and are even
more prominent this year are the
all-purpose black wools. This fall
they're being shown with round neck
lines, elbow-length sleeves and only
slightly flairing skirts. This doesn't
mean, however, that the short-sleev-
ed; collared and full-skirted black
that many of us already own isn't
quite as popular as its new sister.
Such a dress is a perfect foil for
all the attractive metal costume jew-
elry that is being created just for a
college girl's fancy. Bright notes like
these are appropriate for many a
dress-up moment. For instance,
they'd put life into a brown silk
that has a small, square collar, cart-
ridge shirred pockets on the blouse,
and cartridge shirring descending
from the waist to open into unpress-
ed pleats whose folds make straight
lines to the hem. The straighter
skirt is very new and the shirring
gives the effect of a low waistline.
Corduroy Is Casual
For casual dates, the call is to
corduroy. This material, which is so
much featured in sports clothes,
also makes some very attractive "lit-
tle dresses," with shirtmaker tops,
long sleeves and novelty pockets.
Favorite colors here are fireman red
or dusty blue.
While stepping out without benefit
of formality, you'll also want to take~
advantage of the handsome tailored
silk blouses that are being shown.
In dresses, too, tailored silks are
holding their own, with white polk-
a-dotted-on-dark blue a favorite
Somewhat more formal dresses
have draped features. Draping at the
neckline or across the front of a
frock is often used, as are big draped
hip pockets. A much narrower skirt
than has been shown in past years
is advocated for dressier occasions.
li .il
Rushing Attire
Supports Rule
Of Simplicity
Wools, Silks, Velveteens,
Will All Be Appropriate;
Hats Are Compulsory
With the question of what to wear
the first day on campus now a mat-
ter of past history, the next clothes
problem that many are tackling is
what to wear for rushing.
Be sure to keep all rushing clothes
'extremely simple. No fussy after-
noon dresses or creation hats will
make the grade. It seems that a
long time ago Michigan coeds de-
cided to advocate tailored and clas-
sic clothes, and the tradition is never
so strong as during those days just
before you pledge.
Dressy Wools Are Smart
Teas will set the scene for your
first appearance as a rushee. Dressy
wools and unpretentious silk frocks
are the best things. A very pretty
suit, such as a black velvet one.
would also rate an A+. Although
this is just about the only occasion
in the whole school year when you'll
absolutely need a hat, this time you
must have one and keep it on all
Speaking of those two long after-
noons, better choose an outfit that
won't crush very easily, for you'll
want to look as nice in the last house
you visit as you did in the first. For
that reason, a rayon wool would do
very nicely, because that material
has a knack for looking its best a
long time. Another hint is to stay
in fall clothes, no matter how warm
it gets.
Color Touches Favored
For these first teas you can't go
wrong if you're in black. Add a bit
of color, though, for there's no use
being sombre. For dessertseafter din-
ner during the week, practically same
type of thing is worn, but without
benefit of hats. Silk jersey should
do nicely then, especially if there
is a line or two of that latest accent,
There'll be a different problem to
handle when you're asked to come
to lunch before a football game.
Since many of you will have Satur-
day eleven o'clocks,wyou'll have to
dash over to the sorority house in
class clothes. This doesn't mean
"just anything" for although you're
in sports clothes, trimness is still
a by-word.
This time anklets and saddles (not
sloppy ones) are permissible, al-
though at all other times you must
wear heels. Whatever you plan to
wear to the game is right for this
occasion, from your best sports
clothes to a woolen dress and pumps.
Velvets Are Favored
Here is the time to bring out that
good looking coarse wool suit with
the long man-tailored jacket. A
flannel blouse with neat cuff-links
would do well. Wool jersey in long
sleeves, shirt-waist neckline and ap-
pointed with a double row of gold
buttons helps along any football
What makes the dress for impor-
tant final formal dinners the big-
gest thing of the rushing season?
Velvet should do it, for it looks so
luxurious and fits in well with a din-
ner party. I
,. V( f
Three-Piece Suit Serves Double Duty
Newest Hats
Have Feather
Or Fur Trim
The only difficulty with using
these much shown feathers on hats
is the great, tragic possibility of end-
ing the season cross-eyed. But then,
style does come first.
Fur and feathers seem to dominate
on the more dressy hats. One very
classy little number combines these'
two materials. It is a leopard hat
which sits saucily over the forehead
and the back of which fits closely like
a turban. A bird perched on the
peak of the leopard flies his tail
feathers in front of the wearer's
Though vision is not entirely ob-
scured by the feathers. they might
lead one to go completely berserk,
cross-eyed, or, a little less drastic, to
cut the feathers off and dispose of
thei in the most available waste preceeding row. One row of either
basket. Despite this sad picture this two or one stitch in each preceeding
model can not be beaten when it row, according to taste for more or
comes down to the up-to-the-min- less fullness. Arrange fullness to suit,
ute style. and sew into place. (Ten rows forms
A more conservative fur-trimmed the entire hat.)
hat, but also very attractive, is a The cap-chain seven and join to
turban like hat built up high in front form circle. Chain nine and join to
with a narrow band of fur edging the original circle to form loop. Six rows
high point. Practically any kind of of this stitch keeping cap flat. Change
fur may be used on these hats as long stitch to seven chains, putting one
as it matches the coat or the fur loop in each preceeding loop for four
trim on the coat. rows. This will shape cap to fit head.
- - -- - - - - - - -- - - -___ _
. ""'woos
Wool Pillbox
Can Be Made
For Any Outfit
Two ounces of four-ply wool, plus
one number one crochet needle equal
one hat, set at a jaunty angle over
right eye. With one set of direction-,
numerous variations of this simple
headpiece that takes but four hours
to complete can be designed.
The fullness at the edges can be
arranged in scrolls. pleats, or circles
to give different effects. A feather
makes it entirely unrecognizable as
the same number, The pillbox top is
held in place by a snood-stitched
Juliet cap that hugs the head for
The hat-Chain five, join ends to-
gether to form circle. Five rows of
double crochet, adding enough stitch-
es to keep hat flat. Four rows put-
ting two stitches in each stitch of
a new
where you will find the new-
est of fall fashion in sport
hats. $3.95 and up.
STETSONs at $5.95
Pick your outstanding
accessories here -..-
For better wearing hose, wear
By JEANNE CRUMP A longish, man-tailored jacket will IN BRASSWARE, JEWELRY,
Nothing has more right to come be fashion news for this fall's suits.
first in a Michigan woman's thoughts In heavy tweeds, they have regular WOOD WORK.
than her campus clothes, for they're length skirts with a few pleats in
the outfit in which a freshman makes front and back. Those among us
her entry, in which an upper-class- who are more daring will get such a
man makes her come-back after suit in a plaid of heavy wool, with
three months absence, and in which a knee-length skirt. High wool socks
they all meet the man who'll grab complete the costume. Another tail-
up the year's most important dates ored jacket that combines with manyOENTL
Very new on the scene of the Diag- things is of beige flannel with brown
onal will be corduroy or covert cloth stitching.
jumpers. Some just have suspenders.."_____________G F I Io
to loop over the shoulder, whileDi30 Su te
others allow only that yolk and Read- hheD y s s
ReadThe.Daly Classi fieds!
sleeves of a trim blouse in con-
trasting color to show. Sweaters,
with high, round necklines, also can
be worn with jumpers. / '\\ >\ K k.7\.. \
About these sweaters, they're not
so different from last year's favor- /.
ites. Much as we women protested
against it, we're still wearing Sloppy,
Joe cardigans and slipovers just as
big and baggy as ever. These roomy
slipovers will often be worn without
pearls or white collars at the throat. '
There are, however, those who %
want to Fappear as neat as after a
spring cleaning, and are reverting"j
to close-fitted knitteds. These wo-
men will appear in soft wools that - / 1';'<
are usually light in color, and are -
called upon to do their duty for WAR
casual dates as well as classes. An- \
other trend toward trimness is in /
the greater display of blouses. Ind/A
plaids or solid colored flannels, their
long sleeves will be closed at the
cuffs or rolled up, but not pushed
Jumpers Make Come-Back
In Corduroy Or Covert Cloth
"East of the Sun"
Poihemus Hat Shop
Corner - State at William
: ai/
> a {'0 o 6 rIY
- OjIV sN
41vt F""
OF 1
111 Y Co
- c
TIME: Anytime soon!
PLACE: One block from campus!
DIALOGUE: You're invited to see our new shop,
to exclaim over new fall sports togs, gay sweat-
ers of soft cashmere in brilliant colors, skirts
with the new swing, date dresses that are truly
date bait, and evening dresses for that pulse-
stirring occasion.
/I 111 71
crt II