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January 30, 1940 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-30

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J-Hop Rules
By Chairman
Dance To End At 3 A.M. Friday,
At 12 Midnight Saturday; Only
Committee To Have Corsages
In order that there be no misunder-
standing about J-Hop rules for Feb.
14 and 15, the following announce-
ments have been made by Lee Per-
ry, general chairman:
1. Dancing must cease at 3 a.m.
Friday and at 12 midnight Saturday;
lights must be out in the Sports
Building one half hour later on both
2. There shall" be no spectators;l
the only persons admitted to the hall
shall be those bearing tickets issued
by the Hop Committee.
3. No corsages shall be permitted,
committee excepted.
4. There shall be no decoration of
individual booths except by the Hop
Booths Must Be Chaperoned
5. Each booth must be chaperoned
by at least one couple, chosen from
the Hop patron list or from the ap-
provpd list of fraternity chaperones,
or from the University faculty.
6. All charges for taxicabs in ex-
cess of the rates authorized by the
city ordinance should be reported to
the committee.
7. Control of lighting shall be in
the hands of the Hop Committe and
not delegated to the orchestra lead-
8. The Hop Committee shall be re-
sponsible for the proper conduct,
while in the gymnasium, of all those
attending the Hop. The use, posses-
sion, or showing the effect of intoxi-
cants will not be tolerated. Offenders
shall be ejected from the hall, and
their names reported to the Presi-
dent of the Men's Council.
Smoking Is Restricted
9. Smoking in the booths or on the
floor of the hall is absolutely forbid-
den, and is permitted only in the
space provided forthat purpose.
10. Violations of the regulations
of the Hop traceable to any group,
but not to individuals, shall render
the entire group liable to penalty.
The responsibility for the mainten-
ance of proper conduct in any booth
and for the observance of the rules
by the members of a group having a
booth shall rest upon the president'
and the Hop representative of the:
11. No person shall re-enter the
building after once leaving.
12. The furniture for the booths
may be taken into the Sports Build-
ing only between the hours of 9 a.m.
and 12 noon Friday, Feb. 14, and mustj


What w11 you wear to J-Hop?
That's always a pleasing problem to
settle, and even more pleasing and
more of a problem this year be-
cause of the new innovation of the
second night dance. And to answer
the question probably the best peo-
ple to ask are the committee women
and the dates of the committeemen.
Chairman Lee Perry has asked
Carol Glidden to come from the
East for the memorable week-end,
and she sends ahead to The Daily
a description of her formal gown.
It has a gray and black taffeta
skirt with a black velvet, high-
backed bodice. The sleeves are
short, and, from the waist to the
neckline, will be lacing of the same
pattern as the skirt.
The next evening, to add dignity
to the informal dance, Carolyn Den-
field, co-chairman of patrons, plans
to appear in red and black. The
black will be a crepe skirt and the
red a fitted crepe jacket. It has
gold braid accents, long sleeves and
a high V-neck.
Lou Carpenter, partner in the
patrons chairmanship, will wear on
the Krupa-Scott night a peach
dress with draped satin bodice and
chiffon skirt. The neckline is heart
shaped, the straps of rhinestone
and the accessories silver.
Mary Major, who is to accompany
publicity chairman Dick Arbuckle,
suggests silk print as being ideal for
the informal night. Her dress, of pas-
tel pink flowers on a dark green back-
ground, has a V-neck and yoked
shoulders. The whole is accented
with brown accessories.
Argentina is the inspiration for
the formal that Frances Aaronson,
favors chairman, has chosen. The
black silk jersey top is long waisted
and has a high back, short sleeves
and a low neckline. The rhumba
skirt is made up of tiers of black
and white lace. Red shoes and a
red and gold earring and pin com-
bination completes the outfit.
Another lbng torso dress will ap-
pear in red silk and will be worn by
Deena Beiber, to bp escorted by Syd
Aronson, co-chairman of booths, on
Saturday night. The metallic ac-
cents are heightened with a gold
kid belt, and a foot-wide flounce is
at the hem. The round, yoked neck-
line has the bodice gathered under
Entirely individual will be May
New Lecture
And Roundtable
group Formed
For the purpose of stimulating con-
versation in French, a new lecture
and roundtable group has been
formed at the International Center.
The purpose of the club is to cre-
ate a typical French atmosphere to
provoke intelligent discussion on lit-
erature, politics and the arts. They
plan to have either guest speakers
or members of the group itself lead
the discussion. The club has planned
to meet at freouent intervals, twice
a month.
At the last meeting of the society,
Maud Callis, Grad., who has spent
a number of years in China studying
art, spoke on 'L'art du chinois,.
The next meeing of the society takes
place Friday, Jan. 31. Mr. Robert
Sethian will lead the discussion at
7:30 u.m. at the International Cen-
ter. All those who have a genuine in-
terest in French, are very cordially
invited to attend.

Sorority Head
To Visi't Here
Pi Lambda Theta Will Entertain
National President Today
Pi Lambda Theta. national honor-
ary education fraternity for women,
,ill entetain its national president,
Beulah Clark Van Wagonen, today.j
The prog ram for the day will be-
gin with a lunchcon for Mrs: Van
Wagonen at noon today. This will
be followed by a tea from 4 p.m. to 6
p.m. in the Rackham Building. In the
evening there will be a formal din-,
ner which the sponsors of the club,i
Dean Lloyd and Dean Edmonson and!
'he executive board will attend.
/ During the day, she will hold con-
ferences with both Dean Lloyd and
Dean Edmonson on education mat-
ters which are her chief interest.
This is Mrs. Van Wagonen's first
visit to Ann Arbor, and the first
time since its organization that the
Xi chapter of Pi Lambda Theta has
been honored with a visit from the,
national president.
She comes to Ann Arbor from De-
troit where she has attended the Hon-

Alumnae Club
3Will Hear Talk
By Book Editor
Helen Bower, books and arts edi-
tor of The Detroit Free Press, is io
peak to the Michigan Alumnae Club
cij. Ann Arbor at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the League, according to Mrs. Francis
B. Veddar. vice-president.
The subject Miss Bowers has chos-
en to speak on is "Books and the Peo-
ple Who Write Them." Besides her
work with the Free Press, Miss Bow-
ers is a member of the Board of Man-
agement of Women's Hcpital in De-
troit, a member of the board of
'trustees of the Detroit Tuberculosis
Sanitorium, and a former member
of the board of the Women's City
Club. She is now serving her second
term as a member of the Alumnae
Council of the Alumni Association of
the University of Michigan.
Following the talk there will be a
reception for Miss Bowers, and Mrs.
Earl Cress, president of the Club, and
Mrs. William C. Walz, will receive
with her. Miss Marie Hartwig and

Sorority Pledges Receiving Best
Grades To Be Honored
Patricia Hadley, '42, and Dorothy
Cummings, '43, have ben selected to

Luncheon Head) Extension Of Book
Exchange Planned
Is Announced1

To accommodate the growing de-
mand at the Student Book Exchange,
epening February 6. there will be a
branch set up at the League. ac-
cording to Bob Samuels. '42, who Is
in charge of this project.
Beth Castor. '41, and Barbara

head the committee for the Fresh- Dittman. '41, will be inscharge of the
man Honor Luncheon, Annabel Van Exchange at the League. Books to
Winkle, '41, president of Panhellenic, be turned in for sale maysbe brought
announced. either to the Union or to the League.
r Those c~n duty in hr thla,.c .,


Miss Hadley, who will serve as gen-
eral chairman, is a member of Al-
pha Phi, The Daily advertising staff,
the PACI Tea Dance committee, and
the Student-Faculty Relations Com-
A member of Delta Delta Delta,
Miss Cummings is on the Panhellenic
Council, and on the social, merit and
theatre arts committees of the
The date for the luncheon has been
set for March 1, Miss Van Winkle
announced, and will honor the fresh-
man from each sorority house on
campus who has the best grades in
her pledge class.

prepared to quote prices
U esar

for immediate wear


and $5.00

Iay d P4
345 Maynard St. Ph. 4887

Green Velvet Glamor .. .
Ding, accompanying Che Tang,
co-chairman of the buildings com-
mittee, for. she plans to wear a
native Chinese formal. The for-
mal to be worn by Edmere Bonde-
son of Detroit, who will be the
guest of tickets chairman Paul
Sampson, is of bud pink net and
has a satin bodice embroidered
with sequins.
Pink is again the choice in the
second night dress chosen by Jeanne
Goudy, secretary. Her light pink
crepe dress has three quarters.
length sleeves, a draped skirt, braid
on the -bodice, and the whole is set
off with brown accents.
Agnes Crow, who'll be there with
Bob Collins, co-chairman of
booths, will make her entrance in
turquoise silk jerscy. T'lhe shirred
top has a lihl heart shaped
neckline, a biack, the
stras are very wide, and the skirt
is accordion plat.or the bright
touch theare w,,.Tbe rhinestone ear-
rings and n kae and silver shoes.
Heavy white crepe is the formal
choice of Phyllis Waters, music
chairman. Valentine red straps and
a red accented bodice tops the tai-
lored pencil skirt, and the slippers
are also red. . A spy n? Spanish note
is added with a white crepe shawl
with red fringes.
Now that drse c all figured
out, Virginia Alivi, the Best
Dressed Co-ed of .he n eek, makes
a suggestion for evning coats.
Hers isof d rk i'e ,-vvet and
has very full gwth'erig at the
waistline. lHer'white mittens are
of velvet too.

ors Day ceremony of the Detroit Miss Marion Williams will pour for
Alumnae Chapter. the event.
Letter From Britain Paints Vivid
Picture Of Nation Waging War
By LOIS SHAPIRO which were reported as being very
A letter came today from England. severe by the American press, Doro-
It marked the first time in two and thy says they have had one or two
a. half years that this writer had
haears at swriendtinBirngha; pretty bad raids but that it is really
heard from a friend in Birmingham; amazing how quickly things get
September, 1938, when the conference patched up. "At first it was very dis-
at Munich made world history, was tressing to see the damage done, but
the last occasion. everyone is braced to get much worse
This British girl is an intelligent, than we've had so far."
clear-headed 21 year old named Dor- The main topic of conversation in
othy Diamond. She has two brothers. Britain is the length of the war and
one of whom is in the 'army and she reports that there are two opin-
another in the Home Guard. The old-
er one wasone of those rescued at ions. One faction says that it will all
the historic evacuation of Dunkirk; be over by the spring, the others
C after coming through that without a thinking that, it will be a long war.
scratch, he injured himself by cyc- But whatever the duration of the war,
ling in the South of England British morale is extremely and al-
Letter Displays Calm most unbelievably high, if one can
Her letter indicates none of the judge by the tone of a personal le,
strain and emotional upheaval one ter.
would expect of a, people waging
war. "You must hear so much about
the war and how it is affecting life MagazneM e rial
in England just now, and I dare say Due Before Finals
most of the news is so contradictory Copy for the next issue of Per-
that you believe very little," she says. py so e n dedis n oe
"Since the sever'e raiding started here spectives should be handed in some
in Birmingham, life has changed time before finals begin, Ellen Rhea,
considerably, but ur until then, for l41,editor in chief of the campus
nearly a whole year of war, the war literary magazine announced yester-
restricted our activities very little."day.
Two evenings a week were spent Contributions may be short stories,
rning toea Red Cos nurse i ssays, or poetry on any subject, Miss
leanin tobe Re Crss urs inRhea added. ,They should be left at
case she should be needed to help the Perspectives desk on the second
nurse the casualties after a severe the P uicati on thildind
raid, but outside of that, life or of the Pulications Building

.1 . V

1 i f6 l l

'Smart "Dude" Casual
A "whiff of the west" is in its dulled
saddle color... the rakish fringe 'round
the vamp! A swaggering little wedgie
you',l wear with slacks
and all casual clothes! 3.9,

£WIILM JL WaJ ii ______

be removed between the hours
a.m. and 12 noon Sunday, Feb.

of 8I

Alpha Ta'u Omega,
Theta Xi Announce
Election Of Officers
Members of Alpha Tau Omega an-
nounce the election of the following
officers: Theron Haas, '43, president;
William Todd, '42, vice-president;
Paul Hoeper, '42, secretary; Keith
Watson, '42, treasurer; Arthur Haw-
ley, '42, historian. Other officers are
the three sentinels Dave Thompson,
'41, and Bob Pasch, '42.
Theta Xi has elected its officers
for the second semester. They include
Philip H. Conley, '41, president; Wil-
liam C. Blanchard, '41E, vice-presi-
dent; R. Raymond Allen, '41E, treas-
urer; Raymond H. Gautier, '42E, as-
sistant treasurer; James R. Rogers,
'42, corresponding secretary; Joseph
Hallissy, '42E, house manager, and
Robert MacGregor, '41Ed., steward.

on in its normal wav. Part of her
time was spent gaily at Birmingham
University "hops" where the uniforms
of the various services added a "dif-
ferent" touch.
Works For Surgeon
Not having the opportunity to fol-
low the vocation of her choice, medi-
cine, Dorothy is following her inter-
est in a different way by doing secre-
tarial work for an American neuro-
surgeon who is connected with the
American Hospital in Britain and is
stationed in Birmingham. This work,
in addition to the Red Cross nursing
constitutes a real contact with the
medical world for her.
As for the raids on Birmingham



Set the pace
for Spring

--- _ __ _

Easy Going
and easy to, look at
It's catching . . . that young, light-
hearted note captured by the stylists
of DeLiso Debs in these new Care,
frees. For the casual side of your
life, these soft flexible charmers
are as easy on the eyes as they are
on your feet. No wonder we are
predicting you'll go head-over-heels
nor Carefrees.
. J-t Aive A uX . .. 8.75

marclian e i
and SAVE!I
y ou have beeni wantin~ for so
long. Guir sale of p'I furs ends
Sat urc/ay, February 1sf!
Gray Kid... .. .....79
Mouton Lamb . . . . $79
Mink Dyed Muskrat . $120
Brown Caracul . $110
Leopard Cat .... $185
Raccoon....... .$195
Persian Lamb . . . . $195



ke pussy-willows in the marshes
. suits crop up on campus as a
re sign of Spring. Sensible style
vorites beloved for their versatil-
y, we re presenting them in classic
tilored styles .. . in Glen Plaids ...f
monotone herringbone weaves...
B. H. Wragge's Bennington tweed
. . and in a series of soft dress-
faker styles featured in the Feb.
nary 1st Vogue Under 20 Fashions."


16.95 to


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