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January 21, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-21

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w - OWN



Dance Opera
Will Be Given
This Weekend
'Hansel And Gretel' To Be Acted
In Pantomime By Dance Club
For Children's Theatre Series
"An opera without words" will
characterize the program presented
by the Dance Club for the Cihldren's
Theatre series Friday and Saturday
when the famous fairy-tale "Hansel
and Gretal" will be recreated in
pantomine form.
Especially suited for their youth-
ful parts are the members of the
cast, made up almost entirely by stu-
dents. The criticism 'that is often ad-
versely applied to opera-the visual
discrepency between the stars' ap-
pearance and the characters they
portray-will not be applicable to the
show this weekend.
Glee Club'To Appear
Except for four choruses which will
be sung off-stage by the Women's
Glee Club, under the direction of
Donna Baisch, '41SM, the entire pro-
gramn will be presented by the Dance
Club, the Ballet Corps, the Play Pro-
duction Dance Group, and the inter-
mediate dance class.
Directed by Miss Ruth Bfoomer of
the Physical Education department,
the four groups will present the pan-.
tomine in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre at 3:45 p.m. Friday, and at
1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Saturday.
In addition, there will be an adult
evening performance at 8:30 p.m.
Friday at which the Dance Review, a
series of interpretative dances by
members of the University Dance
Club, will be added to the regular
Dances Are Listed
Included in the cast of dancers for
the pantomine are Elizabeth Faunce,
'43, Gretel; Joseph Gornbein, '41,
Hansel; David Gibson, '41, the father;
Shirley Risburg, '42Ed., their mother;
Sara Graf, Grad., as the mitch, and
Neva Dilley, 41Ed., the cookoo; Alex
Miller, '41, the toad, . and Evelyn
Spamer, '42Ed., the chipmunk. Joan
Bevington, '41Ed., Ruth Kremers,
and Miss Dilley will dance as the
three trees.
The music of the opera was es-
peilyarranged from the score of
Engelburt Humperdinck into dance-
able form by Stanley Lock.
Smih To Talk
.On Iranian Art


c Pastel Wool Dresses Public Health !
Are Suitable For Early Spring Club To Give
- Dinner Dance
Event Is Scheduled For Friday; the


Last Coke Bar
Of Semester

{ i ""fi"'t', P An

It seemed to us, as we made the rounds of the campus "shindigs" over
weekend, that everyone was doing his or her best to keep the atmos-



'Health's-A-Poppin', Skit
SA6To Be Part Of Entertainment I

The University Public Health Club
will close its semester's calendar withj
a semi-formal dinner dance at 7I
p.m. Friday in the League. Dinner
will be served in the Grand Rapids
Room and will be followed by danc-
ing in the Ballroom to the music of
Bill Gail and his orchestra.
Special, entertainment in the form
of an original skit, "Health's-a-
Poppin", will highlight the evening's
entertainment. The skit was written
by Russell Murray, Grad. The sec-
ond part of theprogram will be a
series of hula dances by Mrs. Ed-
ward Mau, who will be accompanied
by her husband.
Conference To Be Held
The dinner dance has been plan-.
ned as a part of the State Industrial
Hygiene Conference program which
will be held on campus Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
Chaperons for the dance are Dr.
and Mrs. John Sundwall, Dr. and
Mrs. Nathan Sinai, and Dr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Mann. The committee
chairmen for the dance are: social,

phere cheerful in the face of the oncoming slaughter of exams. Or maybe'
we're just slightly biased in our observation because we're already quaking
in our boots!
Dropping in at the Union Friday night at the invitation of the engineers,
we noticed Jay Cleary with a particularly gay smile on her face as she danced
with Bob Reed. Anna Jean Williams, Bob Morrison, Mary Lou Curran, and
Verne Kennedy seemed able to forget the gloomy future. temporarily at
least, and so did Agnes Landers, who was with Bob Bishop. And who could
help but enjoy the engineers' biggest social fling of the year. We agreed$
with Marian Harris, Chuck Brown, Margaret Harmon, Jim Wilton, Elizabeth
Carmichael, and George Hogg that it was much, much fun!
Those preferring informal dancing as the best method of preparing for
exams held forth at the League's sweater dance Friday night. We saw
Ginny Morse and Bob Templin there in earnest discussion with Harriet Vi-
vary and Ivan Cuthbert. They couldn't have been
complaining about the cramming they had to do! .
Jackie Glair and Hank Fielding weren't!
Claire Reed-Hill and Murray Markland were *
trying to decide what tune they wanted played as
we glided past them. As we left to complete our
rounds, we met Shirley Graham, Ned Reading, Peg
Ayres, Ted Gibson, Elsie Jorn and Bill Prentis. They
informed us they didn't have a care in the world.
At least they put up a good front! ..
Mosher, Stockwell Compete With Formals
On to Mosher, which was competing with its rival, Stockwell, in attract-
ing throngs to its winter formal., We found Betsy Goodrich trying to show
Jim McCord the Conga, while Marge Parks, "Whitey" Fraumann, Carolyn
Byrne and Bob Byrn looked on in evident amusement. Sally Fuller and
Fred Callanen tore over from Engine Ball in time for the last dance.
Not to be outdone by Mosher, Stockwell also collected a big crowd at its
formal. There we found Connie Gilbertson and Frank Bender making the
most of the evening. Jane Pritchard and Pete Brown bumped into us at the
entrance, while Rahl Greenbaum and Herb Sott hailed us as we left.
Over at the Pi Lambda Phi house, where we stopped for a minute, Mike
Kane, Hazel Taylor, Ralph Mitchell, Barbara Sternfels, Mary Ann Blei-
weiss and Bob Unger were making merry, but we didn't stay to help them, as
we wearily decide to call it an evening and get some rest.
SA M Downs Pre-Exam Blues . .
Not content with Friday's whirl, we determined to do a good job of en-
joying ourselves Saturday too! Stuck in the back of our minds were firm
resolutions to dust off our unopened books and start to study, beginning

Afternoon Social Will Be Held
At Union At 4:30 P.M.; Entire
Student Body Invited To Attend
Last chance to join in the fun of
a Union Coke Bar will be from 4:30
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today. It was an-
nounced by Dick Strain, '42, social
co-chairman of the Union, that the
last afternoon mixer of the semester
will be held for all students in the
small ballroom of the Union.
Guests are invited to attend as
couples or alone. Strain said that
,specially invited groups will be Al-
pha Omicron Pi, Kappai Deltia and
Alpha Xi Delta. Afpha Delta Pi,
Adelia Cheever House. Adelia Chee-
ver Cottage, Couzens Hall and Lamb-
da Chi Alpha are also among the
groups who have special invitations.
Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Fletcher Hall
and Williams House also have been
requested to be present by invita-
This week's hostess will be Dorothy
Bridgen, '42. There will be free cokes
and other refreshments for all those
attending the social. Tables will be
set up on the terrace for bridge
enthusiasts. The latest records in
both swing and sweet tempo will fur-
nish the dance music.
There will be a charge of ten cents
for men but women will be guests
of the Union at today's social.
League Calendar
Tues., 4:30 p.m. Panhellenic
Wed., Thurs., and Fri., 3 p.m. to
5 p.m. Interviewing for Assembly
Ball positions.
Fri., 3:45 p.m. Sat., 1:30 p.m. and
3:30 p.m. Children's Theatre per-
formance, "Hansel and Gretel."
Fri., 8:30 p.m. Children's Theatre
performance, "Hansel and Gretel."
Also a Dance Club exhibition.



(Continued from Page 1)

buildings, Mr. Smith covered 65,000
miles by car, horse and camel. In
many cases, he was told, he was the
first unbeliever to set foot in the!
The results of Mr. Smith's survey,
in 1which he was assisted by a staff
of American and European archi-
tects and scholars, are appearing in
"Ars Islamica," the organ of the Un-
iversity's Research Seminar in Is-
lamic Art.
The excellence of Mr. Smith's work
is not confined to its scholarship, but
extends to the photographs he has
brought back. Some of these, selected
from the several thousand negatives
he took, are now on display in the
Rackham Building.
In addition to matters purely arch-
itectural the Iranians were found to
have considerable skill in design and
color in such humble materials as
brick and stucco. City planning was
also evident and the beauty of the
shrines stood out'remarkably againsk
the barren Iranian landscape.
To Attend Meeting
Donald K. Anderson and Ruth D.
Trezise of the University News Serv-
ice will attend the annual winter ses-
sions of the Michigan Press Associa-
tion Thursday through Saturday in
East Lansing.

To take your mind off the worries
of exams, there is nothing like a
shopping spree. The stores are full
of suggestions for in-between season
pick-me-ups in the form of early
spring dresses. So just take your pick.
For a practical, yet refreshing
choice, why not get a pastel wool?
It will add the necessary light touch
to your jaded winter wardrobe, and
it will be perfect now under a fur
coat. Later in the spring it may be
worn with a spring coat or merely
an accentuating fur piece.
These classic woolens come in a
wide range ofashades from apple
green, aqua, and powder blue to
dusty rose and beige. Particularly
good are the delicate colors suggested
from porcelain vases by some enter-
prising stylists.
One attractive dress combines pink
and blue in a suggestion for spring.
The dainty blue and pink print has
a matching pink wool jacket.
Quite in keeping with the military
influence that is sweeping the coun-
try are the classic shirtwaist models,
but even newer is the very simple'
dress of navy blue serge with the
broad sailor collar trimmed with naut-
ical insignia.
Even in the early spring styles
now being shown by the local shops,
several trends which are destined to
assume popularity can be noted. One
of these is the square neckline, which,
Women's Basketball
Teams To Continue
WAA Tournament
After a week of vigorous basket-
ball, nine women's teams find them-
selves one step closer to the crucial
final playoffs.
Six of these, groups were declined
playing opposition when their rivals
handed in defaults. Jordon 1 default-
ed to Kappa Alpha Theta while Al-
pha Epsilon Phi gave the game to
Delta Delta Delta during last week's
Phi Sigma Sigma aided Pi Beta Phi
along in the tournament by defaulting
and Gamma Phi Beta likewise helped
Couzens 2. Alpha Delta Pi climbed
higher this week at the expense of
the Ann Arbor Independents who were
forced to default and Zone 3 defaulted
to Sorosis.
Among the games played to the
bitter end was a victory for Mosher
2 who trounced Stockwell 2 by the
score of 33 to 6. The Jordon 2 girls
succumbed to Martha Cook, going
down 17 to 9 and Palmer House bat-
tled a 16 to 9 win out of Stockwell.

being collarless, may easily be sup-
plmented by costume jewelry. I
Another notable trend is that to-
ward sloping shoulders. For the past
several years, padded shoulders,
which have created a square-should-
ered illusion, have led the field. Now,
however, they are being replaced bN
sleeves which give a softer shoulder
Also popular now for wear under
fur jackets are suits of pastel tweeds.
Suits always come to the fore in
Spring, so the purchase of one to
wear now and later would be most

Fay Hemphill; publicity, Dr. Anita
Rappaport; decorations, Linda Mar-
tini; invitations, Norma Greenhouse;
music, Irving Lefton, and tickets will
be taken care of by Barbara Loeffler.
Tickets Are On Sale
Tickets may be purchased at Dr.
Sundwall's office in Waterman Gym-
nasium from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
and from 3 p.m. to 4:30 daily. The
price is $1.50 per person.
The Public. Health Club has 200
members on campus, and was organ-
ized for the first time last fall. The
following officers have been elected:
president, F. M. Hemphill, Texas;
vice-president, William Wyatt, Ok-
lahoma; secretary, Irene De Sarmo,
New York, and treasurer, Barbara
Loeffler, Michigan.

President Of American Hobos'
Lectures To Ecology Students,

. ti a r
". V

He waltzed into The Daily editorial
office yesterday, smiled toothily,
neatly tightened a wrinkled tie, and
proclaimed to everyone present both
his undying loyalty to the United
States of America and the unalter-
able fact that "Jeff Dayis is no more
than a self-styled king and-shhh-
probably a Nazi sympathizer." The
speaker was one Dr. J. Leon Lazaro-
witz, president of the Rambling Hobo
Fellowship of America.
American hobos are democratic-
they don't believe in a king, empha-
sized Dr. Lazarowitz, who is serving
his fifth term as the president of
the Rambling Hobo Fellowship of
President of Hobos
Cleanly shaven and sporting a'
fresh shirt-since the hobo rules in-
sist that hobos take a bath at least
once in ten days in the winter and
twice a week in the summer, and
furthermore, must shave at least
twice a week -- Dr. Lazarowitz
staunchly stood up for the rights,
honors and emolliements due him as
the true president of the hobos.
He proved his position with sever-
al letters attesting to his authen-
ticity, specifically, one from Federal
Judge Arthur J. Tuttle of Detroit
stamped with the official seal of the
United States.
Awarded Degree Yestrday
Although he never went to college,
Dr. Lazarowitz received his third

honorary degree. Doctor of Migra-
tory Literature, cum laude, yester-
day from A. H. Hawley's human
ecology class-the degree was voted
him by the class after his lecture
on a hobo's life. In return Dr. La-
zarowitz presented Mr. Hawley and
the class with honorary member-
ship in the hobo organization after
they had agreed "never to be unjust
to 'others' or take advantage of my
fellow man, and to do all in my
power for the betterment of myself,
my organization and America. So
help me God." Mr. Hawley accepted
for the class and was given the secret
hobo handshake.
Discussing the political attitudes
of the hobos, Dr. Lazarowitz empha-
sized that his organization was whol-
ly democratic in spirit-Shortly after
the beginning of the present war,
the hobos severed relations with the
hobos of totalitarian states-Ger-
many sent a protest to the State
Department and furthermore banned
the Hobo News, the official publica-
tion of the hobos, in Germany.
Miller To Speak
Col. Henry W. Miller, chairman of
the department of mechanism and
engineering drawing,,will give a lec-
ture to the Episcopal Men's Club*
Thursday night in Harris Hall.

with lecture notes. Jane Lindbergh and Tom Payser, Dottie Tideman and
Bill Combs stood out in the crowd because their smiles seemed genuine. May-
be they aren't worried like the rest of us poor souls! Sue Adams and Doug
Gould came up to us as we were about to leave and" wished us luck . . . Afraid
it will take more than that to get us through the nightmare ahead, but we
did appreciate the gesture!

Monday! We began by seeing what kind of a
party they were having over at the Sigma Alpha
Mu house to down those pre-exam blues. Doing
their share to make it a gay affair were Elaine
Fisher and Bob Alpern, Pearl Coblenz and Bruce
Kirchenbaum. Shirley Altfeld, Merv Pregulman,
Bertha Pines, and Austin Fink all told us they
were having a wonderful time until we reminded
them of those little finals not too far off. They
seemed rather provoked at being dragged down to
earth and its grim realities.
Congregated at the Union were all those who
wanted a final fling before settling down to a siege

James Hamilton, Tenor
Private and Class Instruction
Monday - Thursday
Bethlehem Evangelical Church, 423
Fourth Ave., South.
James Hamilton, 831 Tappan Court,
or Dial 8389, Ann Arbor, Mich.

JGP Committee,
Panhellenic To. eet
Today At League
Two meetings are listed on today's
calendar of local campus happenings
for women.
There will be a meeting of the
finance committee of JGP at 5 p.m.
today in the League, Margaret San-
ford, '42, chairman, has announced.
* **
A meeting of Panhellenic will be
held at 4 p.m. todayv in the League,
Annabel Van Winkle, '41, president
of Panhellenic announced. She
urges all members to be present.
Appointments may be nade at any
time at the Health Service for JGP
health rechecks which must be had
by Feb. 1 by all women intending to
work on JGP.
Read The Daily Classifieds

--)c__ _ <--_ _<-- L<--_ _--_-- >- -_-< -G --_--_ --
We have an exceptional selection of w6tches with large
sweep second hands in stainless steel or gold filled cases.
Prices range from as low as $12.50 up to $50.00.
J. B. EIBLER fi ene.
Since 1904. . . . Now at 308 South State
f /
oc ym o o n.,jo o -A>m
N J with that new
"light" look.
SUITS that will be the bright spot
in your life for months to come .. .
I ,to wear now under your fur coat and
later on "as' is". Pastel plaids, gab-
ardine and shetlands, navy twills,
soft California "knits".,So lovely
to look at, so smooth-fitting that
they'll haunt your dreams till you
own one. from $12.9 5.
/ jom * *



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