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January 19, 1940 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-19

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i . 5.






(Continued on Page 4)
ical Engineers, Electrical Engineers.
Appointments may be made by calling
the University Bureau of Appoint-
rments, Extension 371. Office hours
9-12 and 2-4; office at 201 Mason
Hall. Announcements furnished by
the Company are available.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet Monday, Jan. 20, at 7:30 p.m.
in 319 West Medical Building. Sub-
ject: "Nicotine Acid and Some Re-
lated Problems." All interested are
Mathematics 370, Seminar, will
meet Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 3:00 p.m.
in 3201 A.H. Professor Beckenbach
will speak on (1) "The Method of
Coefficients;" (2) "Bloch's Theorem."
Botany 1, Sec. 8: An examination
will be given covering the class ma-
terial on Bryophytes, Pteridophytes
and Gymnosperms on Friday, Jan.
24, at 8:00 p.m. in room 2033 N.S.
Attendance is optional.
K. L. Jones
Botanical Seminar will meet Wed-
nesday, Jan. 22, at 4:30 p.m. in Room
1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by Ralph E.
Bennett on "The morphology, cytol-
ogy, and physiology of perithecial de-
velopment in 'Pseudoplea Briosiona'."
Bacteriology Seminar on Monday,]
Jan. 20, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1564
East Medical Building. Subjec. "Re-
cent Developments in Typhoid." All
interested are invited.
.English 121: The course in the
English Romantic Poets will be giv-
en at 9 o'clock on Monday, Wed-
nesday and Friday. The hour stated
in the catalogue has been cancelled
infavor of the earlier hour. (English
121, MWF, 9, 2225 A. H.)
Required Hygiene Lectures fr Wo-
men, 1941: All first and second sem-
ester freshmen women are required
to take the hygiene lectures, whch
are to be given the second semester.
Upperclass women who have not com-
pleted the hygiene lectures, or their
equivalent. Hygiene 101, should also
enroll for these lectures, at the time
of regular classification at Waterman
Gymnasium. Any women who did
not complete the lecture series in
a previous year are urged to attend
the lectures so that they may pass
the final examination, thereby com-
pleting the requirement.
Students should enroll for one of
the following sections. Each section
will meet at the same hour and day
each week for seven weeks.
Section No. 1, Monday, 4:15-5:15.
Date of first meeting, February 24;
Room: Natural Science Aud.
Section No. 2: Tuesday, 4:15-5:15.
Date of first meeting, February 25;
Room: Natural Science Aud.
These lectures are a graduation re-
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Medical Adviser to Women
Notice to Students Planning to do
Directed Teaching: Students expect-
ing to do directed teaching the sec-
-ond semester are requested to secure
assignments in room 2442, Univer-
sity Elementary School, on Thursday,

Jan. 23, according to the following University Lecture: Professor James Church at 5:30 p.m. today
schedule: Holly Hanford of the Department of lowship supper and sociall
8:30 Social Studies English at Western Reserve Univer- 6:30 p.m. Professor Bruno
9:30 English sity, will lecture on the subject, "John of the Latin Department w
Milton as Propagandist," under the illustrated talk on "Musica
10:30-12:00 and 1:30-4:00 all other auspices of the Department of Eng- ments." All students invit
school subjects. lish at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, Janu-
No assignment will be made before ary 20, in the Auditorium of the Bethlehem Evangelical-
Thursday. If the periods suggested W. K. Kellogg Foundation Institute: Student Guild will haveA
are inconvenient, a student may get Graduate and Post-graduate Den- the Church at 6:00 p.m.,t
his assignment on Friday. Jan. 24. tistry. The public is cordially invited. mitri Teofilaktides will
I Turkey Since World War


for a fel-
hour. At
ill give an
al Instru-
supper at
today. D%-
talk on:
1 "


versity of Chicago, will speak on
"Fundamentals of Photosynthesis."
League House Representatives will
meet on Monday, Jan. 20, at 4:45 p.m.
in the League. Election of officers.
Attendance compulsory.
Alpha Kappa Delta will meet on

The Bibliophiles Section of Faculty Kindergarten. Harris Hall; 7:00 p.m.
Women's Club will meet Tuesday, College Work Program. Harris Hall
Jan. 21, at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Speaker: Prof. Palmer A. Throop.
Mrs. Carl E. Burklund, 1561 Marl- Topic: Religion and Ethics. Re-
boro Drive. freshments.
(Continued on Page 8)

Doctoral Examination for Mr.
Frank Clarence Benner, Chemistry;
Thesis: "Wetting and Adsorption
Studies of Binary Organic Liquid
Systems with Silica by a Pressure of
Displacement Method," Monday, Jan.
20, 4:00 p.m., 309 Chemistry. Chair-
man, F. E. Bartell.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
amination and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient1
reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Chamber Music Concerts: The
Musical Art String Quartet of New
York, composed of Sascha Jacobsen,
first violin; Paul Bernard, second
violin; William Hymanson, viola, and
Marie Roemaet-Rosanoff, violoncel
1rs under the lauspices of the Ui
versity Musical Society, will inaug-
urate the First Annual Chamber
Music Festival, with three pro*ranm
to be given in the Main Lecture Hall
of the Rackham Building, as follows:
Friday Evening, Jan. 24, 8:30:.
Works of Mozart, Tansman and
Saturday Afternoon, Jan. 25, 2:30:
Works of Haydn, Bloch and Borodin.
Saturday Evening, Jan. 25, 8:30:
Works of Schubert, Turina and Ravel.
Reserved season tickets (three con-
certs) at $2.00, and tickets for in-
dividual concerts at $1.00, are now
on sale at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower. Preceding each
condert tickets will be available in
the main lobby (left) of the Rack-
ham Building.
Student Graduation Recital: Uar-
da Fo'ster, Pianist, will present a re-
cital at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, Jan.
20, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. This recital is in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music.
Exhibition, Rackham Building:
Photographs of Outstanding Ex-
amples of Iranian (Persian) Archi-
tecture, made by Myron Bement
Smith and loaned by the Library of
Congress will be on Exhibit in the
West Gallery until Saturday, Janu-
ary 25, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
University Lecture: Dr. Hornell
Hart, Professor of Sociology at Duke
University, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Happiness Measurements and
their Sociological Applications" un-
derthe auspices of the Department
of Sociology at 4:15 p.m. on Monday,
Jan. 20, in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-

University Lecture: Myron Bement
Smith, Consultant in Islamic Archi-
tecture and Art at the Library of Con-
gress in Washington, D.C., will lecture
on "Iran: The Country and Its Archi-!
tecture" under the auspices of the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art, In-
stitute of Fine Arts, at 4:15 p.m. on
Tuesday, January 21, in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The public is
cordially invited.
Wendell Chapman, author and not-
ed photographer of wild life, will
present his colored motion picture
lecture "Wild Animals of the Rock-
ies" Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 8:15 p.m. as
the fifth number on the Oratorical
Association Lecture Series. Tickets
are on sale tomorrow morning at the!
box office, Hill Auditorium.
I French Lecture: Professor Louis
Allard, recently of Harvard Univer-
sity, will give the first lecture on the
Cercle Francais program, Monday,
January 20, at 4:15 p.m., room 103,
Romance Language Building, on "Le
Theatre et la Vie."
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured at the door at the
time of the lecture.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Picture will be
taken today at Rentschler studio at
3:00 p.m. Wear full dress clothes:
remember ribbons. Please be prompt.
Rehearsal will follow at 4:00 p.m.
in the Union. Freshmen Glee Club
members are invited to attend the
Graduate Outing Club will meet in
the club room today at 2:30 p.m. All
graduate students are welcome. There
will be skating.
The Hillel Forum Series is pre-,
senting Professor Frederick L. Schu-!
man, Professor of Government at
Williams College. at the Rackham
Auditorium tonight at 8:15 p.m., in
a lecture on the subject "Can Ameri-
ca Escape War?" Admission is free
and the public is cordially invited.!
The Gamma Delta Student Clubj
will meet at St. Paul's Lutheran

Lutheran Student Association will
meet at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall
at 5:30 p.m. today for social and
'supper hour. The group will leave
the Parish Hall at 7:00 p.m. to par-
ticipate in a joint meeting with the
Congregational Students at the First
Congregational Church.
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will meet today in the Fireplace
Room of Lane Hall at 4:30 p.m.
Stacy Wood, head of the Inter-Var-
sity Christian Fellowship, will speak.
All students interested are cordially
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Members of all departments
interested in German conversation
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief talk on "Was ist Propaganda-
Analyse?" by Mr. W. S. Landecker.
The Pre-Medicaal Society will meet
Wednesday, Jan. 22, in the East
Amphitheater of the West Medical
Building at 8:00 p.m. Two medical
movies will be shown: "Good Hospit-
al Care", and "Tonsillectomy under
Local Anaesthetic."
The Acolytes philosophical society )
will meet Monday, January 20, at
7:45 p.m. in the Rackham Build-
ing. Prof. Fajans will speak on
"Matter and Scientific Method."
Faculty members and students are

Tuesday, Jan.21 at 7:45 p.m., in the First Methodist Church: Student
Rackham Building. The Speaker will Class at 9:30 a.m. with Prof. George
be Professor Hornell Hart of Duke E. Carrothers. Worship Service at
University. 10:40 a.m. Prof. Hornell Hart of
Duke University will speak on "Chris-
Luncheon Lecture: Professor Hor- tianity in an Age of Science." This
nell Hart, of Duke University, will speaker is being sponsored by the
speak on "Religion and Successful Henry Martin Loud Lectureship. Wes-
Marriage" at a luncheon at Lanejleyan Guild meeting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. E
Hall, Monday, Jan. 20. Make reser- Hart will speak on "Life Ought to
vations before 10:00 a.m. Monday. be Thrilling." The members of the
Baptist Guild will join us for this f rGlamour
Ann Arbor Friends: Hornell Hart meeting and for the supper and fel-ready for liw bus' days
will speak at an informal meeting lowship hour following. s
Monday, Jan. 20, at 8:00 p.m. in the ----t-
Upper Room, Lane Hall. All inter- St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: ( JIMATTIA
ested are invited. Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
-- 9:30 a.m. High School Class, Harris REAUTY SHOP
German Club will meet in room Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Phone 8878 . . 338 S. State
305 Michigan Union, Tuesday, Jan. Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis;
21, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. James S. Ed- 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m.
wards will talk on "Student Days in ~ ~ --m~~ -{}-
Munich." 0
ellowship of Reconciliation will JA N-UA RYs
nmet Monday. Jan. 20, at 7:00 p JL~mU RY. ~f
in Lane Hall to list and discuss dif
icult questions confronting pacifists.sn M
The meting is open to all. O utstanding M onth 0
Michigan Dames: Any dames who 0
wish to sing in the chorus for the For our reduced prices continue thru-
Civic Music Night, March 11, meet ;?out the month of January; and here's
in the lobby of the League on Mon-
day evening at 7:30. your chance to get those thick towels o
The Book Group will meet at the you love'
League at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, Jan.
20. Three reviews will be given.
I The Bookshelf and Stage Section A G L IN N SH 0P
of the Faculty Women's Club will8
meet Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 2:45 p.m. 10 NICKELS ARCADE
at the home of Mrs. W. R. Taylor, I
2007 Washtenaw Ave. ;; ooe;;;;;c ;;;;;; o c;;;;;;; {;;;;;;;y



A.I.Ch.E. Meeting on Tuesday, Jan.
21, at 7:45 p.m. in Room 1042 East
Engineering Building. Dr. Harold
Beatty, Assistant Director of Chem-
ical Research of Ethyl Gasoline Cor-
poration, will speak on "The Tetra-
Ethyl Lead Industry". All interested
are invited. The 'Ensian picture will
be taken at 7:20 p.m. at the Spedding
Studio. Please be prompt.
Sigma Xi will meet on Wednesday,
Jan. 22, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. Dr. James Franck, De-
partment of Chemistry at the Uni-



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