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January 17, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-17

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C o
E O- -
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940.41
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Cormnan

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

1' '1
sents currently in Alumni Memorial Hall its
annual show of members' work. An exhibition
of this srt immediately raises critical problems
that are no more easily solved than were the
similar ones faced by the jury. Let it be said
that the standard of the show is good, although
there is nothing present that is outstandingly
different or unique, nor does one see shown the
signs of a great and original mind new to the
world. However, one does not expect that in
an exhibition of this character. Rather, is it
to be regarded as a live display of a healthy
interest in art. After all, there is a much great-
er opportunity to understand art by making a
stab at it than there is in hearing an infinite
number of lectures on the topic by experts, qual-
ified or not. As it is, then, Ann Arbor has a
just right to congratulate itself on its Art Asso-
ciation and the stimulation coming to the com-
munity from seeing the products of many peo-
ple practically interested in the arts.
From the entire exhibition the visitor gets an
interesting and, I think, typical reaction in pan-
oramic form to various art traditions. There
are evidences of the renaissance re-studied and
diluted, essays in current abstractionist styles
and modes, an occasional hint of post-war, Ger-
man expressionism, one or two suggestions of
the method of surrealism-which, by the way,
are not successful-and most startling is one
picture that irresistably calls up the ghost of
Arnold Bocklin, of all people. Yet, these recol-
lections and influences are fair enough, in that
they show sensibility and alertness, and tfte show
is blessed by the almost entire absence of imita-
tion Brooks, Karfiols, or Bentons.
AS I HAVE SAID, the work is of a good level.
Were I to undertake the ungrateful task of
selecting the best thing in the show, I believe
the choice would be a draw between Emil Wed-
dige's lithograph, Village Pond, no. 103, a first-
rate performance, and Grover Cole's matt-
glazed white bowl, no. 32, a sensitively designed
and handled piece. These two items seem to be
the most completely successful and would hold
their own in any company. Good, too, are
Mina Winslow's fresh water color, no. 10b, East
Ann Street, and May Brown's sparkling Modern
Arrangement. John Clarkson's Valley, no. 28,
relates to the theory of modern painting as the
international style does to modern architecture.
like it or no, the picture has an idea. Jean Paul
Slusser's San Francisco, no. 88, marks another
peak for him, being authoritative yet unforced.
Edward Calver's Heath, no. 22, and Elizabeth
Bailey's Taos Puebla, no. 7, are simple and di-
rect observation slowing considerable feeling.
Donald Gooch shows in Sunday Morning Break-
fast, no. 48, a sarcastic bit of genre which is
most telling. Martha Parker's La Siesta, no. 78,
is an odd summation of the nude, done with
grace and some memory of Pascin.
The oils are less important than the water-
colors, and the sculpture, save for Carleton An-
gell's Puma, no. 5, and Ernst Mundt's elegant
ceramic group, Adam and Eve, no. 73, is negligi-
ble. Among the oils, Doris Porter's Hallowe'en
is perhaps the most satisfying. It is simple and
not overbearing. Margaret Bradfield shows a
pleasant flower piece, and Mr. Slusser's On the
Huron is distinctly ornamental. Orlo Heller's
Still-life, no. 54, is full of sober delight in the
art of painting, and Alexander Mastro-Valerio's
Nude, no. 98, is subtly satisfying in color.
- John Maxon

Business Staff
Business Manager 4 .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager'.

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Associated Farmers
And Migrant Labor
IT SEEMS that the Associated Farm-
ers of California are determined to
retain their status as one of the leading anti-
labor groups in the country, for they have be-
come openly active once more.
You will perhaps remember the "Farmers"
from their self-styled "aggressive action" cam-
paign against the Dust Bowl migrants in 1936-
37. The membership of the Association is, of
course, not made up of small, hardworking
farmers as they would have you believe. Instead,
the greatest portion of the members are wealthy
owners of large industrialized farms- Factories
In the Field" as Carey McWilliams calls them.
The idealogy of the organization is well il-
lustrated by the fact that it has opposed almost
every particle of progressive legislation passed
in the last eight years-such acts as the Wages
and Hours Law, the National Labor Relations
Act and the Social Security Act.
R have become particularly alarmed at new
labor gains such as the successful Vultee strike
and the State Supreme Court decisions pro-
tecting the closed shop. Therefore, in close co-
operation with other businessmen's associations
they began casting around for some method to
combat the advances of labor. The scheme they
hit upon was just about what one would have
expected. They decided to launch their reac-
tionary campaign behind the very convenient
camouflage of national defense and patriotism.
Time Magazine reports that the organization's
first step was to scatter all over the California
countryside red, white and blue billboarcd posters
which read, "National Defense-A nation at
work-Protect the open door for jobs for every-
one-The open shop is the open door."
Obviously, the signs are nothing but false
propaganda designed to subtly inject into the
mind of the average person the idea that labor
is being unpatriotic when it demands the closed
shop, the right to strike and the right t picket.
The Associated Farmers of California hope that
under the guise of a national defense emergency
they can get a strangle hold on labor which will
last long after the emergency is past.
labor and capital-both employees and em-
ployers-will be required to make sacrifices dur-
the present emergency, we must also demand
that neither group profit at the expense of the
other. And, yet, that is just what the "Farmers"
on the Pacific Coast are trying to do-profit at
the expense of the laboring class.
This condition is not, by any means, limited
to California, however, although it is in a much
more~advanced stage there than elsewhere. There
are people in every state in the'union who agree
with the actions and motives of the Associated
Farmers and would like to profit from the de-
fense program. Such people are dangerous to
America. It is, therefore, up to the clear think-
ing, far-sighted persons in the country to be al-
ways on the alert. They must see that no one
takes from them the social advances whih have
been obtained in recent years, for if these gains
are now lost we will have taken the first fatal
step toward the complete disintegration of our
Let us hope the people of California set us a

11 ,
Sobert S.Aeet
WASHINGTON - That astounding executive
order signed by the President making Charles
F. Palmer, Defense housing coordinator, a super
defense agency all by himself, is not going to
last. His power-hungry wings are going to be
clipped in short order.
Cooked up in tight backroom secrecy by Bud-
get Director Frank Smith and 'his little clique
of civil service bureaucrats, and sprung on the
entire Defense command as a bombshell out of
the clear sky, the extraordinary scheme literally
turned the Administration inside out.
In the eight years of the New Deal no move
has ever created such inner turmoil and upheav-
al. From top to bottom the inner circle rocked
with raging fury like a ship in a typhoon. There
was plenty of reason for the explosion. Every-
thing about the affair was in the realm of the
PALMER has been under fire for months from
Defense Commissioners, builders, govern-
ment housing chiefs and other authorities. Al-
though on the job nearly six months, housing for
tens of thousands of civilian defense workers
all over the country still is a total blank.
Several weeks ago, with the q.t. aid of William
McReynolds, Civil Service Secretary of the De-
fense Commission and one of the Budget Bur-
eau clique, Palmer attempted to ease himself
out from under the control of the Defense Com-
mission-and free of the increasing rain of brick-
bats and complaints. This maneuver was block-
ed and a quiet move started to, get rid of him
Last Saturday plans were set in motion within
the Commission to go to Roosevelt when he re-
turned from Hyde Park and recommend that
Palmer be replaced. The boys were too late.
The chicken already had flown the coop.
by mascot,
ONTINUING a tradition begun last semester,
Athe campus co-ops, united in the Inter-
Cooperative Council, present atthe Union this
afternoon their annual open meeting to the
public. The subject is "Campus Co-ops-What
They Were; What They Are; What They Offer,"
and Rev. H. L. Pickerill, one of the godfathers
of the campus co-op movement here, will be
the principal speaker.
Of course, the meeting is not only designed to
inform the campus community as such of the
cooperatives but also to explain to those, either
male or female, who are contemplating mem-
bership in a co-op of the advantages and re-
sponsibilities entailed in such membership.
But, above all, the meeting should be impor-
tant to the University community because of
the significance of the co-op movement itself-
especially here. The co-op movement here is
significant because it has been the means by
which hundreds of students can afford to attend
college. It is significant because of its active
practice of the principles of democracy.
THERE DO EXIST, however, misconceptions
concerning the co-ops at the University of
Michigan. We would place under this list, first,
the notion that it is difficult to join a coopera-
tive. Though the Inter-Cooperative Council
Personnel Committee receives more applications
for membership than there are "room" vacan-
-ies in the constituent houses, boarding oppor-
tunities in the co-ops are almost unlimited. A
"boarding" position in a co-op, moreover, en-
titles the boarder to all the privileges of full

membership, since he is usually considered in
an apprentice position to a rooming and board-
ing membership. Requirements for acceptance
by the Personnel Committee which serves as a
"clearing-house" for all the co-ops assigning
new members on the basis of need of the mem-
ber and the need of the houses for members
(thus avoiding competition between the houses
for members) are not difficult to meet a cer-
tain amount of need and a basic degree of tol-
erance by the applicant.
Second misconception we would list as a skep-
ticism of the living standards of the co-ops
which can offer to their members prices rang-
ing from $2 per week to $6.50 per week for board
and room. Such a misconception ignores the
mass-purchasing power and highly efficient
purchasing of the united campus cooperatives
and does not realize that, since all work in a
co-op is done by the members themselves, a
labor cost (in price terms) is non-existent.
THIRD FALLACY and a vicious one is that the
"co-ops are filled with Communists." The
fact exists that the co-ops when they admit
members do not even ask the political affilia-
tions or feelings of the applicants since the
co-ops, sublimating democracy, are interested
in the member as an individual in a fully dem-
ocratic society. There may be Communists in
the cooperatives, but even the members them-
selves would not know the number or extent.
Co-op men do know, however, that in a campus
cooperative there is a wider expression of all
opinions than exists in most other parts of the
campus; that in a cooperative because of its
democratic principles and procedure there exists
a fellowship based on living and working to-
gether for common ideals and aspirations with-


Christianity And War These lectures are a graduation re-
To The Editor: quirement.
AFTER READING in the Detroit Margaret Bell, M.D.
News under the caption "U.M. Medical Adviser to Women
professor writes war plea" that "To

stay at peace would in all probability
bring the destruction of our liberties
and ways of life," I feel I must con-
demn such sophistry. I would address
myself to the Christians on this cam-
pus because I know that their ap-
proach to the crisis must be different.
I go upon these assumptions: War
is evil and the evil tree cannot bring
forth good fruit; peace is good and
a good tree cannot bring forth
evil fruit; the power of good is al-
ways greater than the power of evil.
Ours is a Christian country and
must have Christian doctrines to
guide it; in a crisis like the present
these principles must stand forth'
in the words of Christ in the Bible.
Two of the most important are found
in Christ's sermon on the mount:
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they are the children of God," and
"Love your enemies: Do good to
them that hate you."

All students taking classes in In-
strumental Supervision are required
to attend a Conference conducted by
Mr. Carleton Stewart of Mason City,
Iowa, to be held in the Third Floor
Assembly Hall,. Rackham Building,
9:30 to 12:00 a.m. today. This con-
ference takes precedence over other
School of Music Classes.
All are invited to submit questions
to Mr. Stewart. Leave thee questions
in my mail box, First Floor, Burton
Tower. before noon Thursday.
- David Mattern
Recreational Leadership: Women
students wishing to enroll in the
course in Recreational Leadership of-
fered by the Women's Department of
Physical Education during the sec-
ond semester are asked to fill out
an application blank in Room 15,
Barbour Gymnasium, by January 25.

O A CHRISTIAN those words Doctoral Examination for Miss Su-
T A w Hsuen Wu, Botany; Thesis: "Cy-
mean something that we don't tological Studies on Spironema Fra-
just think about, but must put into grans Lindl. and Certain other Com-
action. Those words aren't to be melinaceae," today at 10:00 a.m., 1119
thrown aside just because we are on N.S. Chairman, W. R. Taylor.
the brink of war, or because our gov-
ernment doesn't seem to recognize Doctoral Examination for Miss
Christian principles; those words are Doris Alicia Cline, Education; Thesis:
to be vitalized now of all times. If "AnsA na lisefEd at on esis
thequoatonsaboe re ot nogh An Analysis of Data Concerning
the quotations above are not enoug Freshmen Admitted to Wayne Uni-
to cover the situation, we find that' rsmnAmte oWyeUi
Christ made* himself more specific: I versity," today at 2:00 p.m. 4017
"You have heard that it hath been U.H.S. Chairman, George E. Meyers.
said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth By action of the Executive Board
for a tooth. But I say to you not to the chairman may invite members of
resist evil: But if one strike thee on the daculties and advanced doctoral
thy right cheek, turn to him also candidates to attend the examina-
the other." (Matthew, 5, 38) I can- tion and he may grant permission
not expound the whole Christian to thoseswho for sufficient reason
viewpoint here or anywhere, but I might wish to be present.
do exhort those REAL Christians to C. S. Yoakum
work for peace and not aid in bring- Abnormal Psychology 42," second
ing us into war directly or indirectly. semester, gives three hours credit, not
T MEN like Prof. McDowell. who two hours as announced in the Cata-
wrote the war plea and to other log.
war-mongering professors and stu-
dents I can only add that if you Concerts
would work half as hard for peace as'
you do for war, we would have a Student Graduation Recital: Uarda
world worth living in. You are no Foster, Pianist, will present a recital
better than Hitler when you have at 8:30 p.m., Monday, January 20,
to put your ideas over the same way in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
he does. This recital is in partial fulfillment
John P. O'Hara, '42L of the requirements for the degree
o P r 4 of Bachelor of Music. t e

(Continued Trom Page 2)



may be procured at the door at the
time of the lecture.
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: Professor C. C. Furnas of Yale
university will speak on the "Kine-
tics of some Solid-Gas Reactions of
Interest to Metallurgists" at 4:15
p.m. today in Room 303, Chemistry.
The meeting is open to the public.
Events Today
Dormitory Board will meet in the
League at 4:30 p.m. today. All As-
sembly representatives residing in
dormitories are requested to attend.
The I.Ae.S. will have its 'Ensian
picture taken at 5:30 p.m. today at
Rentschler's studio. It is imperative
that all members come.
Future Teacher's Association will
meet today at 4:15 p.m. in the Ele-
mentary School Library. It is im-
portant that all members be present
for the election of officers. Anyone
who has not secured a membership
may do so a few minutes before the
Auditioning for JGP songs will be
held today, 2:00-4:00 p.m., in the
League. Room reservation will be
posted on the bulletin board. Com-
posers are requested to bring copy of
the music and lyrics. If not able to
be there, and interested in writing
songs, call Phyllis Waters, 2-2547.
Disciples Guild will have a Winter
Sports Party at Huron Hills Country
Club this evening. Meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St., at 8:00 p.m.
Call 5838 for reservations. Small
Association Coffee Hour will be
held at Lane Hall, 4:00-5:30 p.m., to-
day. All students are welcome.
J.G.P. Dance Rehearsal today at
4:00 p.m. in the Women's League.
Westminster Student Guild and the
Methodist Young People will sponsor
a party in the social hall of the Pres-
byterian Church tonight from 8:00
to 12:00. An evening of entertain-
ment and fun.
Harris Hall: There will be a tea
this afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30. All
university students areinvited.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class at
7:30 tonight in Room 214 at the First
Methodist Church. Dr. C. W. Bra-
shares, leader. At 9:00 pm. there
will be a joint party with the Pres-
byterian Guild at the Presbyterian
All Congregational students and
friends are cordially invited to a party
to be given in the Congregational
Church parlors, tonight, 9 to 1 o'clock.
Folk dancing and games. Refresh-
Newcomers' Section, Faculty Wo-
men's Club: Midwinter Party today
at the Michigan League at 3:00 p.m.
Mrs. Ralph W. Hammett will give
an illustrated talk on Mexico and tea
will be served after the talk.
Conservative Services will be held
at the Hillel Foundation tonight at
7:30. The Fireside Discussion to fol-
low will be led by Prof. Preston W.
Slosson on the subject, "This Chang-
ing World-Techniques for Living."
The public is cordially invited.
Coming Events
Suomi Club meeting Saturday, Jan,
18, at &00 p.m. at the Speech Clinic,
at 1007 E. Huron.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
2:30 Sunday afternoon in the club-
room. (Use northwest rear entrance
Rackham Bldg.) Watch for further
notice, All graduate students wel-

Saturday Luncheon Group meets
Saturday, 12:15 p.m. at Lane Hall.


e 1
Lusty, bawdy and downright funny is per-
haps the best characterization of "The Baker's
Wife," a French film produced by Marcel Pagnol
and starring Raimu which began its three night
run at the Lydia Mendelssohn last night under
the sponsorship of the Art Cinema League.
And last nigjit, "The Baker's Wife" proved
to its local audience that it actually was the top-
notch, scintillating comedy that won it countless
awards and tributes-even those of Dorothy
Thompson, which may or may not be an advan-
Skillfully combining clever dialogue with su-
perb comedy acting and equally sure and excel-
lent direction by the gifted Marcel Pagnol, the
film tells the story of a good baker, played by
Raimu, in a small town in Provence,. But though
it is Raimu and his fine portrayal that head-
line the film, the picture features the story of
the baker's wife (played by Ginette Leclerc) who
runs off with a handsome shepard (Charles
Moulin) and is made to come back by the vil-
lagers, not because they feel sorry for the grief-
stricken baker. but because he wouldn't bake any
more bread until she did come back.
But there are other interests seeking the
return of the baker's wife since the reactions
to the baker's serio-comic plight are tem-
pered by the characters in the story according to
that which each has to lose by the baker's wife
running off with another man. Though the
simple villagers -are concerned only with the
loss of their daily bread, the marquis is concerned
with the loss of his prize horse, on which the
two impetuous lovers rode off, and the village
curate is concerned only with saving the baker's
soul while the school teacher is perhaps alone
in his desire merely to help a fellow human.
John Erskine, however, says in his foreword to
the filrm: "The subject is man's need of bread
... Day-dreams, traditions, even prejudices-all
tempered with charity-are our daily bread."
Impressive, however, are such scenes as the
baker's first refusal to believe that his wife

Bradley Under Fire
To The Editor:
Louis Adamic's new book "From
Many Lands" in Sunday's Daily not
only fails to give a clear idea of what
Mr. Adamic is getting at, but also
says something about Mr. Adamic's
position that is absolutely false.
After quoting Adamic's purpose-
"to begin exploring our American cul-
tural past and to urge the cultiva-
tion of its many common fields-.. -
until we dare to sink our roots into
our common subsoil"-and "I am try-
ing to work toward an intellectual-
emotional synthesis of old and new
America," Bradley states:
"He favors, in short, lasting effec-
tive racial assimilation."
NOT ONLY do the above quotations
from the book have nothing to
do with assimilation, but nowhere,
in the book, in his previous books, or
in his articles in the new magazine
that he edits does he champion racial
assimilation. On the contrary, his
idea, as expressed in "Common
Ground" is:
"The central educational or cul-
tural effort, both with youths and
adults, should not be toward uni-
formity and conformity-to the preva-
lent, as it was in the "Americaniza-
tion" drives of twenty years ago and
as it still is to an entirely too great
an extent, but toward accepting and
welcoming and exploiting diversity,
variety and differences which do not,
and cannot conceivably ever, come
into conflict with out national ideals
and safety."
ADAMIC'S IDEAS should be of
special value to members of mi-
nority groups-students and profes-
sors alike-who dislike the thought
of identifying themselves with the
culture and problems of the group
of their origin. "What's wrong with
just being an American?" (i.e. pseudo
Anglo-Saxon) they ask. Adamic's
expert observation has convinced
him, to quote a reviewer of the book
in Christianity and Society:
"Only as the American-born sec-
ond and third generations of 'for-
eigners' move away from the current
surface values of Americanism, re-
capturing what is best in the cul-
tural heritage of their' ancestors,
will they truly contribute to what is
enduring. America, the paradise of
millions of life-tossed peaple, will as-
sure her real future much more if
the descendants of the motley i-
migrant groups revive in living mem-
ory and active life the spiritually
linked traditions of their parents and

Exhibition, Rackham Building:
Photographs of Outstanding Ex-
amples of Iranian (Persian) Archi-
tecture, made by Myron Bement
Smith and loaned by the Library of
Congress will be on Exhibit in the
West Gallery until Saturday, Janu-
ary 25, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
University Lecture: Dr. Hornell
Hart, Professor of Sociology at Duke
University, will lecture on the sub-
ject, ''Happiness Measurements and
their Sociological Applications" un-
der the auspices of the Department
of Sociology at 4:15 p.m. on Monday,
Jan. 20, in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Professor James
Holly Hanford of the Department of
English at Western Reserve Univer-
sity, will lecture on the subject, "John
Milton as Propagandist," under the
auspices of the Department of Eng-
lish at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, Janu-
ary 20, in the Auditorium of the
W. K. Kellogg Foundation Institute:
Graduate and Post-graduate Den-
tistry. The public is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Professor Louis
Allard, recently of Harvard Univer-
sity, will give the first lecture on the
Cercle Francais program, Monday,
January 20 at 4:15 p.m., room 103,
Romance Language Building, on "Le
Theatre et la Vie."
Tickets for the series of lectures

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Friday Evening
.6:00 Stevenson News Music; Oddities Rollin' Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music Home The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review
6:45 Kelody Marvels Lowell Thomas Canadian Speech Short Short, Story
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val /Clare-News To be Announced
7:15 Lanny Ross Dinner Music Do You Remember? Radio Magic
7:30 Al Pearce Heritage Carson Robison The Lone
7:45 Al Pearce of Freedom Symphony Band Ranger
8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Lew Friday Night
8:1$ Kate Smith Concert Loyal Army Show
8:30 Kate Smith Information, Laugh 'n Death Valley
8:45 News at 8:55 Please Swing Club Days
9:00 Johnny Presents Waltz Sen. Ludington Gang
9:15 Johnny Presents 'rime Interlude; News Busters
9:30 Campbell Playhse Everyman's I Want John B. Kennedy
9:45 Campbell Playhse Theatre A Divorce Your Happy B'thd'y
10:00 to be announced Wings National News Prize Fight:
10:15 Alfred E. Smith of Destiny Britain Speaks Fritzie Zivic

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