T ti7RsDA, JAMTAUY 10i
DI T en
The twin evils of flu and fear of
final exams were wreaking havoc
throughout the Big Ten this week
as the conference tried to keep up
its accustomed routine.
Everyone has his troubles,
though, and this music dispute
over the radio is not the least of
t im. ASCAP, however, smiled a
benevolent smile on the University
of Wisconsin and gave it permis-
sion to play "On Wisconsin"' and
"Manhattan Beach" by John Phil-
jps Sousa,' both school songs, on
university radio programs. The
American Society of Composers,
Authors and Publishers even went
further and gave a blanket per-.
mission to Wisconsin to use all its
At Indiana tired students took
heart this week with the introduc-
tion of new smaller registration
blanks. The blanks are three-quar-
'tersthe size of the old ones and the
student will only have to sign his
name five times, write his address
foul times and fill out a total of
l20 blanks.
Over at Chicago biggest news
to come out during the week was
the announcement of the proba-
tion of Blackfriars, campus organ-
zXation similar to Mimes, for an
unpaid debt left over from the
production last year. The debt of
$250 is owed to the university de-
Vartment of Building and Grounds.
WBAA, the voice of Purdue, uni-
versity radio station, had its facili-
ties greatly increased during the
week. The station moved from its
old headquarters in the Electrical
Ingineering Building consisting of
three rooms to a new spacious head-
quarters in the Music Hall of twelve
rooms. This includes studios, of-
fices, workshops, storerooms, and
control rooms. The power of the
station has also been increased from
5,000 watts to 50,000 watts.
Happenings from here, there and
everywhere ... they're hoping for
the opening of the new Union at
Illinois by second semester . . . the
Student Senate is demanding a re-
fund of first semester Union dues
... Minnesota airmen are working
for a new mechanical-aeronautical
engineering building ... Jack Ben-
ny and Fred Allen are in Evans-
ton to judge the Northwestern Syl-
labus Queen Contest.
State ,Officials
Are# ToAttend
Lectures Here
Federal and state conservation of-
ficials are attending the first of two
short courses in administrative man-
agemnent being offered this winter b3y
the School of Forestry and Conser-
r ation.
Planned especially for men in high
executive conservations, the first
course will last through Jan. 31.
About 20 younger forestry and con-
servation workers will enroll for the
second course, to be held from Feb.
10 to March 7.
The courses are directed by Prof.
George C. S. Benson, director of the
curriculum in public administration,
who arranges the subject matter so
that it will apply directly to the ac-
tual administrative problems faced
by these men in their work.
Representatives from the U.S. For-
est Service, the U.S. Soil Conserva-
tion Service, theU.S. nFishand Wild-
life Service, the Tennessee Valley
Authority, the Michigan Department
of .Conservation and the CCC organ-
ization in the state are attending the
course which opened this week.
Art Exhibit To Open
Sponsored bye the Ann Arbor Art
Association, the 18th annual exhibi-
tion of Ann Arbor artists will open
tomorrow in Alumni Memorial Hall.
Students, faculty men and towns-
people have contributed over one
hundred paintings, ceramics, sculp-
tures, and prints to the two week
All items were selected by a jury
consisting of Prof. Walter Gores,
Prof. Harold E. Wethey and Mrs.
Donald Gauss.
President Gets Inaugural Tickets
Refu gee Evacuation Increasing
III Difficulty, Morgan Reports
y ROBERT, SPECKUARD al Refugee Service, Jewish refugee
"Recent developments in the Euro- organization - the largest of its kind
pean conflict are increasing daily the - under the directorship of Prof.
difficulties of bringing refugees from William Haber of the University
the continent to this country," de- economics department who returns
clared Kenneth Morgan. director of to teaching next semester; the Inter-
the Student Religious Association national Migration Service, a perm-
anent group whose particular fune-
summariin a survey of refugee and tion is the supplying of technical
relief organrzations made over the advice concerning affidavits and vi-
holidays. sas; and the Emergency Refugee
Morgan visited the New York City Committee organized to assist the
headquarters of the major refugee escape of refugees who would be lia-
ble to pimishment for their political
and relief organizations actively or religious views. The function of
fonctioning today. They include the all these organizations and many,
American Friends Service Committee minor ones is the three-fold task of
Sactive in both refugee and relief tobtaining affidavits in this country,
providing transportation to this coun-
work: the American Committee for try, and providing hospitality for the
(Christian Refugees, a cooperative refugees in this country.
I Protestant organization: the Nation- At the present time almost no visas
--- ---are being granted by our government,
' 1 Morgan learned. The President's
It lurcf ,roupCommittee on Political Refugees
Imust first pass on all political refu-
!gees before visas will be granted; on
W ill ConVenle the other hand American consuls
abroad are issuing visas almost ex-
clusively to blood relatives of Amer-
,J ican residents.
The refugee situation varies
Second Pastor Convention throughout the European nations
now under the heel of Hitler, Morgan
Will Discuss Christian was informed. Practically no one has
Faith And Democracy been able, according to all available
information, to come out of Belgium;
IDiscussion of the topic "Our Chris- only a few residents of non-bellig-
tian Faith and Democracy" will mark erent countries have come out of oc-
the second annual Michigan Pas- cupied France; within the last three
tor's Conference to be held here Mon- weeks the exit of the first refugees
day through Wednesday under the to leave Holland has been reported;
auspices of the Michigan Council of occasionally a train is sent across
Churches and Christian Education France and Spain to Lisbo, Portu-
and the University Extension Service. gal, loaded with refugees that the
Lectures by eminent pastors and German government wishes to re-
thelians ill b t d lieve itself of, Morgan learned.
Garg To Feature
Of Former Years
Thirty-five "Gargoons," more car-
toons than have ever been included
in a single issue of Gargoyle, will ap-
pear in the January edition of the
campus magazine, appearing Thurs.,
Jan. 23, Dave Donaldson, '41, editor-
in-chief, announced yesterday.
Among these will be featured 22
prize cartoons of the last eight years,
Donaldson added. Highlighted among
the "tried and true" will be several
by Al Willians. '39, who is now work-
ing as a cartoonist for Disney.
Prof. E. C. Case To Lecture
"Bone Hunting' will be the sub-
ject of an address by Prof. E. C. Case
of the geology department at the
meeting of the Chemical and Met-
allurgical Engineering G r a d u a t e
Luncheon at noon today in Room
3201 E. Engineering Building.
To Talk Here
Myron Smith To Deiver
MUniversity Lecture
Myron Bemet Smith. consultant in
Islamic Archaeology and Art at the
Library of Congress. will deliver E
University lecture Tuesday on "Iran
The Country and Its Architecture"
under the auspices of the Research
Seminary in Islamic Art. Institute of
Fine Arts.
Secretary to the American Com-
nmittee for the Great Exhibition of
Persian Art held in London in 1931.
Mr. Smith has conducted research
that has secured him a reputation as
an explorer and authority on the ear-
ly Islamic monuments of that coun-
Mr. Smith served five years in Iran
as Research Fellow of the American
Council of Learned Societies and has
since been advisor at the Library of
Congress in connection with the books
in his field and is Director of the
Archives of Islamic Art and Culture,
Tickets and an engraved invitation for his own third inauguration
were presented to President Roosevelt at the White House by Joseph
E. Davies (center), chairman of the arrangements committee, and Mel-
vin Hildreth, chairman of the invitation committee.
Higher Education Is Suppressed
In Poland, Prof. Halecki Says
Higher education in Poland has
been completely and indefinitely de-
stroyed, Prof. Oskar Halecki, former
dean at the University of Warsaw, ,
asserted in an interview yesterday.
"A term of three years was stipu-
lated for the closing of Czechoslo-
vakian universities, but the Germans
have forbidden college activity in Po-
land indefinitely," Professor Halecki
said. "Only technical and primary
schools are permitted, and these are
being restricted to Germans."
Explaining that higher education,
bas not been completely abandoned
by the Polish, he cited the Polish
University in Exile in Paris with its
departments under prominent pro-
fessors as the first attempt to main-
tain the Polish standards of culture.
The spread of the war once again
disrupted the organization.-
"Now it is almost impossible to re-
organize," Professor Halecki de-+
clared. "The few professors who+
have escaped Poland have scattered.
over the world and those who were!
caught in the country are either in!
concentration camps or Siberia."
He cited the Crakow University,
founded in 1364, as a typical instance.
Over 170 professors, including some
of his close friends, were sent to
concentration camps in which ten
percent died within a few months.
Most of this group, he said, had
nothing whatever to do with pol-
Professor Halecki pointed out that
only two Polish groups are carrying
on higher education in the world.
One group of 100 students are study-
ing in Switzerland with the support
of the European Students Fund, and
a medical faculty of Polish profes-
sors has organized classes in London.
Explaining how a few professors
happen to be outside Poland, Pro-
fessor Halecki said that he himself
and most of the professors now in
the United States were by chance
on research tours or were attending
conferences when the war broke out.
After the conquest no more were
allowed to leave, he stated.
uelglU1 wil Le aUgmneneu Ry
forums listed under the main titles
"Pastoral Counseling," "The Church
and Its Community," and "Church
and'State." Each forum will have a,
leader and will deal with an aspect
of the general heading.
Dr. Oswald W. S. McCall of the
New First Congregational Church of
Chicago will deliver lectures entitled1
"Arrows of God" and "A Rendezvous
with Death" at two general sessions.
Three approaches to the relation of
democracy and Christianity will be
discussed by Prof. Edwin E. Aubrey,
professor of theology and ethics ofI
the University of Chicago.
Group meetings will be held Tues-
day for 11 different denominations
at various local churches, and ex-7
hibit of helpful literature related to,1
ministerial work will be displayed
during the entire conference.
ASCE Convenes Today
Prof. E. L. Eriksen of the engin-
eering mechancis department, and
Prof. Robert H. Sherlock, Prof. L. C.
Maugh, and Prof. R. L. Morrison, all
of the civil engineering department,
are attending the annual meeting of
the American Society of Civil Engin-
eers today in New York.
Ruftiven To Greet
YMCA Delegates
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will welcome more than 300 delegates,
to the annual State Convention and'
Laymen's Conference of the YMCA
Jan. 23 in the Union.
Dr. James Ellenwood, state YMCA
secretary for New York, and Judge
Eskil C. Carlson, former president
of the National YMCA Council, will
deliver the chief addresses at the con-
The meeting will also include a
number of discussion sections and a
tour of the campus.
The Laymen's Conference has the
specific purpose of acquainting the
laymen of state and local YMCA
groups with the programs and tech-
niques utilized in other YMCA units.
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