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January 15, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-15

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WED~w", ,a..vr. A NT l1. I l Y 1, ThYi


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Fourth Technic
Issue Will Go.
On Sale Today
'Open House' Is Favored
As An Educational Aid
In Editorial Of Staff
The fourth issue of The Michigan
Technic, official Engineering Col-
lege magazine, will go on sale today
featuring three student articles and
a discussion of improving pipe line
efficiencies by C. H. M. Burnham,
chief engineer of the Panhandle
Pipe Line Co.
Student articles include a descrip-
tion of the Rackham Memorial in
Detroit by C. R. Tieman, '41E, an
explanation of the various ways of
making synthetic glycerine by Sey-
mour A. Furbush, '41E, and a de-
scription of the manufacture of
gems by Gordon Osterstrom, '43E.
"For the Students'' is the title of
the January editorial which deals
with the opinion of the Technic staff
in favoring "Open House" in the Col-
lege of Engineering as an aid in the
education of students.
Among the specialties in the issue
is 'The Technic Rambles", which
was especially written for the maga-
zine by Prof. A. D. Moore of the
electrical engineering department,
the most active toastmaster in the
Biographies included in "The
Technic Presents" are of Prof. Ben-
jamin F. Bailey, chairman of the
electrical engineering department,
Robert Morrison, '41E, president of,
the Engineering Council, and Char-
lie Barker, '41E, of the swimming


Chapman Talk
Will Feature
Animal Shots
Known for his intimate pictures of
wild animals, Wendell Chapman will
show moving pictures and close-ups
stills of the wild-animals of Canada,
the United States and Mexico when
he appears here Jan. 21 in the Ora-
torical Association Lecture Series.
So remarkable were his pictures
that a Hollywood producer, upon
seeing them, offered the Chapmans
a contract for taking moving pic-
tures. The producers, being more in-
terested in dramatic effects than in
the true portrayal of the animals,
planned to provide asistants to drive
or capture the animals.
Since the Chapmans were not in-
terested in staged pictures, but only
in natural actions, they refused the
offer and took pictures for themselves
as records of what they saw in na-
ture. As a result, they have brought
back intimate records of some of our
rarest native animals as they go
about their work and play in their
wild state.
Some years ago Chapman retired
from the bond business, and with
his wife, went to the Rocky Moun-
tains of the United States and Cana-
da. There they remained, winter and
summer, observing and photograph-
ing the native animals. Their ability
to gain the confidence of timid, wild
creatures has resulted in remarkably
intimate pictorial records.
Chapman is ;co-author with his
wife of three recent books, "The Lit-
tle Wolf," "Beaver Pioneers," and
"Wilderness Wanderers."
Rev. J. O'Mara
To Speak Here
Will Address Catholic Law
Student Supper In Union
More than 85 Catholic law students
will hold the first in the series of
meetings at 6:15 p.m. tomorrow in the'
Union to hear Rev. James O'Mara,
archdiocisen secretary of Catholic
charities speak following supper.
John Cummisky, '41L, heads a com-
mittee of six representing each of
the law classes which will arrange
monthly meetings of the group to
discuss legal-ethical problems.
Any Catholic law student is invit-
ed to affiliate with the group. This
interest group is similar to the group
of Catholic medical 'students who are
following a similar plan of study and
Reservation should be made for the
supper meetings at St. Mary's Stu-
dent parish or with Father Berry.
Further information concerning the
program and conduct of the meet-
ings may be obtained from the com-
mittee in charge.

Reuther Plane Production Plan
Termed Impractical By Colwell
By ROBERT SPECKIIARD thought that much of the Reuther
"Not impossible, not improbable, plan is sound, but pointed out that
but impractical"-thus did Prof. there are hitches in the designing.
L. V. Colwell of the Metal Processing construction and tooling of the pre-
Department, characterizes CIO di- cision machinery necessary for turn-
rector Walter Reuther's plan for pro- ing out airplane motors on high pro-
ducing 500 planes a day after six duction basis that the Reuther-plan
months, from the unused capacity as well as the 'present expansion
of the automobile industry. program faces. .
Reuther's plan proposes to reduce The designing and construction
the time necessary for mass air- of the special drill presses, broach-
plane production by merely building ing machines, milling machines and
the necesary tools and dies and other grinding machines that must bet
accessory' machines to adapt basic made to adapt basic , automobile
idle automobile machinery to air- equipment to the mass production of
plane production. According to Reu- airplane motors will take well over
ther, this conversion will take only tihe six months figure that Reuther
six months, as compared to the pres- proposes, Colwell declared. As the
ent Congressional program of ex- other p3ogram is alreacy started
pansion in the airplane industry, it- it will be able to attain mass produc- i
self, which is alleged to take 18 tion before the proposed Reuther
months before mass production. plan could, he added. "The produc-
Professor Colwell indicated that he Lion of'aineor




WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1941 of Nlasses will be reported to the
VOL. IL No. 78 Cashier of the University. and
Publieation In the Da1.iry ).fi a,?a All academic credits will be
Bllei n is constrthie oly Oi al wlield, the grades for the sem-
rnenbers fo the Un vIt. ester or Summer Session just com-
pleted will not be released, and no
Notices " i' 'of credits will be issued.
" 1 All students owing such ac-
Student Tea: PresideT and Mrs. counts will not be allowed to register
Ruthven will be at home to students in any subsequent semester or Sum-
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. mer Session until payment has been
To All Members of the University S. W. Smith,

the "Messiah" and to receive in ex-
change copies of Tschaikowsky's "Eu-
gene Onegin."
All Students, Registration for See-
and Semester: Each student should
plan to register for himself during
the appointed hours. Registrations
by proxy will not be accepted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Registration Material, College of
Architecture and Design: Students
should call for second semester ma-
teriaj at Room 4, University Hall, at
once. The College of Architecture
and Design will post an announce-
ment in the near future giving time
of conferences with your classifier.
(Continued on Page 4)

Fac1ulty, Grads
Discuss Plans
For New Club
Studies Of Latin-America
Would Form Subject
For Proposed Groupi

new special machines than Reuther-
and the automobile industry are fa-
miliar with."
As to the reserve capacity thatl
Reuther refers to, it must be remem-
bered that much of this is already in
use or in the process of conversion
to the production of airplane motors,
wings and fuselage parts, Colwell
said. "To allow the automobile in-
dustry to thus supplement the mass
production of airplanes under the!
supervision of the airplane industry,!
itself, seems to me a more practical
approach to the problem than to set


Staff: Federal Income Tax returns
are required of you not latei than
March 15 if during the year 1940 ou
(1) single, or married and not li'-
ing with spouse, if your gross inconic
was $800 or over, or
(2) if you were married and living
with spouse and aggregate gross in-
come was $2,000 or more.E
Blanks may be had at the Uni-
versity Business Office or at the
University Hospital Office.
Shirley W. Smith I

To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention of
eveiyone is .called to the Lost and
Found department of the Business
office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within
60 days will be surrendered to the
j fider.Shirley W. Smith.

\ ic.- -President and Secretary

DAILY at 2-4- -9 P. M.
- Today and Thursday -

__ _ _fI . Sbi r v . . . ii a
Student Accounts: Your attention -
is called to the following rules passed Students, Slhool of Dentistry:
by the Regents at their meeting of There will be an Assembly this af-
Feb. 28, 1936: ternoon at 4:15 in the auditorium.
"Students shall pay all accounts Colonel H. W. Miller will speak on
due the University not later than "If England Falls---What?"
the last day of classes of each sem- Al dental students and hygienists
ester or Summer Session. Student are required to be present.
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation: how- Student Loans: Application for
ever, student loans not yet due are student loans for the second semes-
exempt. Any unpaid accounts at ter should be filed in the Office of
the close of business on the last day the Dean of Students at once.

Faculty members and graduate stu- up entirely new assembly lines in
dents from seven departments in idle automobile plants not designed
the University met at 4 p.m. yes- to accommodate the production prob-
terday in the, Rackham Building to lems peculiar to airpiane production,"
consider the formation of a new he declared. ."This plan necessitates
Journal Club on Latin-American technical and supervisional skill that
studies, it was announced by Prof. cannot be duplicated as easily as
P. E. James, chairman of the com- Reuther assumes."
mittee. To the technical obstacles that
The program for future meetings Prof. Colwell believes dooms the Reu.
lwa discussed and plans were made thenr plan to the sphere of the im-
for the coming visit of William Ber- practical the added the question of
rien, field agent for the Committee what is to be done with such a num-
on Latin-American Studies of the ber as 500 planes a day. "Certainly
American Council of Iearned Soci- there must be counted among the
eties, who has been gathering infor- objections to the Reuther plan the
mation on activities from other tremendous problem of training the
schools in the United States. skilled personnel - pilots, mechan-
The purposes of the Journal Club ics, navigators, etc. - that would be
will be to exchange cultural informa- needed to operate and maintain the
tion on Latin America from every astronomical number of planes that
possible point of view. The members such a plan proposes to build in only
will pool their specialized knowledge one year," he concluded.
to the advantage of everyone con-
cerned. 1* 1
The Committe on Latin American ieveli P lans
Studies, of which the Michigan com- -
mittee is a local member, was formed M usic
in 1934 by a group of professors from
the University of Chicago and the
University of Michigan, including Announces Oxford High
Prof. Aiton, Phelps and James.
Ann annual handbook is published As Guest Orchestra
every year and an Institute of Latin
American Studies is held each sum- Prof. William D. R1velli announced
mer. The first institute was held yesterday that the guest high school
in 1939 at Ann Arbor. group which will perform in the
--_fourth Annual Instrumental Music
Clinic to be held here Saturday and

Matinees 25c Unusual Occupations
Nights 40c NEWS
incl. tax ODDITY




A member of the Voice Department of the University School of Music for twenty
years, is now teaching two days a week, Monday and Thursday, in Ann Arbor.
Mr. Hamilton was the originator of Voice Class Instruction at the University
School of music, 1933-1937. During that period of four years he had more than
four hundred students under his guidance. . Beginners accepted. Auditions free.
Studio: BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH, 423 Fourth Ave., South
For further information, please address
JAMES HAMILTON, 831 Tappan Court, or Dial 8389, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Pacifist Status
Is Described
Conscientious objectors who con-
tinue refusing to enter military ser-
vice even after their plea has been
denied by an appeal board will be
considered felons and as such will
lose their citizenship rights, John
Swomley, national youth secretary of
the Fellowship of Reconciliation, in-
ternational pacifist organization, re-
vealed in an interview yesterday.
Swomley, who counselled with con-
scientious objectors while -in Ann
Arbor this week, pointed out that
men must give positive proof that
they are C. O.'s. One problem brought
to him by people intending to regis-
ter as pacifists is of what will hap-
pen to their families, The govern-
ment has not yet made provision
for them.
In contrast to our law, Swomley
remarked that the English law is
much more liberal, and exempts
C. O.'s from any kind of compulsory
service. He attributes this to "a
more militaristic and less democratic
Administration here than the Parlia-
ment in England. The President has
not gone even so far as the British
in dealing democratically with con-
scientious objectors."
C. O.'s in England, Swomley said,
are ministering to the injured, aid-
ing unemployed, reconstructing dam-
aged places and helping in the re-
lief of war victims.
The Fellowship, he added, is still
working on its program of pacifist
action which is concerned in large
part with advocating a policy of ac-
tive non-resistance, like Gandhi's.
Ski Club Plans Meeting
The University of Michigan Ski
Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today
in Room 305 at the Union, Bob Lew-
is, Grad., announced yesterday.

Sunday will be the Oxford High
School Band, with Kenneth O. Bo-
vee conducting.
More than 300 band and orchestra
directors from high schools and col-
leges throughout the country will at-
I tend the clinic, which is being spon-
sored by the University School of
Music and the Michigan Band and
Orchestra Association. Guest con-
ductor will be Carlton. L. Stewart
of Mason City, Iowa.
Morton Gould, noted New York
composer, will also attend the clinic,
since he has professed his interest
in the convention's purpose - the
acquainting of music groups with
the latest in band and orchestra
numbers. Originated here four
years ago by Professor Revelli, the
clinic has grown in size. and im-
During the. two-day convention,
the University Concert Band, con-
ducted by Professor Revelli, will play
selections from the National High
School Festival -required list for 1941.
Thor Johnson, assistant professor of
music literature, will conduct the
University Symphony orchestra in
music from the required list for or-
chestras. In this way visiting direc-
tors will be given the opportunity to
select the year's repertoire for their
respective groups.

Youth Crime
On Increase
In ..nn Arbor
There has been a definite increae
in juvenile delinquency in Ann Ar-
bor within the last few years ac-
cording to Patrolman George Camp,
the juvenile police officer who re-
tired from the force Monday.
Because of departmental policy he
could not disclose the figures on the
problem. Contrary to the situation in
most other cities. Camp pointed out.
juvenile delinquency here is not con-
centrated in any particular neighbor-
hood or among any special income
"The basis for this type of delin-
quency in most cases, he declared, are
home conditions. Disturbed family
relationships like divorce or one of
the parents remarrying or both par-
ents working seem to furnish an en-
vironment that produces these juve-
nile problems."
Camp advocates reforms which he
believes can do much to improve the
situation. One evil is the lack of ac-
tivity for youth's abundant energy.
During school vacation periods one
can usually expect an ipcrease in juv-
enile crime, he said. Therefore, he
urges a great extension of supervised
recreational facilities in this com-
Another idea he suggests is that
the county should appoint a special
juvenile officer to investigate and
supervise this type of work through-
out the country. The present social
agency that deals with the problem
is too overworked with other things
to be able to give adequate attention
to juvenile delinquecy, he asserted.
for particular men
if you complain about dandruff,
itchy scalp or falling hair, try one
of our genuine scalp treatments for
a healthier head. Free consultation.
Bas eola Barlbers
"Keep A-Head of Your Hair"

Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union, in good stand-
ing, will please call for their Horo-
witz courtesy tickets today between
the hor's of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4 at
the offices of the University Musical
Society, in Burton Memorial Tower.
After four o'clock no tickets will be

L.Marin " Produced
by Louis K. Sidney
Information Please
"Soak the O a I News
rid y "THE LONG

turn at the

are also requested to-re-
same time their copies of

_ II


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Make your appointments for photographs as
soon as possible, to assure a convenient hour.
The deadline for appointments is January. For
photographs of superioor quality, come to-
332 South State Dial 5031


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