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January 15, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-15

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Snow andl Warner

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2b Memodam-
James Joyrce...

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


President Rebukes
Wheeler Criticism
Of Lend-Lease Bi l

Student Loses Eyebrows,
Hair-AV-But Is $18 Richer

U i

'Triple A' Label For Aid
To British Plan Called
'Rotten' By Roosevelt
'Hope I Am Wrong,'
Senator Declares
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15-(P)-Dis-
playing more anger than he has
shown in many a day, President
Roosevelt todlay declared critics of
his aid-to-Britain plan were guilty
of the "rottenest".and "most dastard-
ly" untruths when they charged the
plan would result in "plowing under
every fourth American child."
The President named no names at
a press conference, but it was imed-
iately recalled that Senator Wheeler
(Dem-Mont), embattled opponent
of the Roosevelt plan, had said in
a speech Sunday night that "the
lend-lease-give program is the New
Deal's Triple A foreign policy-plow
under every fourth American boy."
Wheeler Expresses Hope
As soon as he heard of the Presi-
dent's remarks today, Wheeler shot
back with a statement that "appar-
ently the President lost his temper."
He expressed the hope his "plow un-
der" statement would prove to be un-
true; but added that every speech of
the President leads 'the country a
step "closer to war."
The President's remarks grew out
of a discussion of the recently intro-
duced bill giving him broad powers
to supply war materials, and other-
wise assist countries battling the
axis powers
A reporter noted that the bill had
been called a blank check, and asked
for the President's comment on that.
. Mr. Roosevelt said he supposed the
best way to put it was to suggest that
Nome one write hirn-~another bill thatl
could not be so labeled and that
would accomplish the same objec-
"That is not an answer," he assert-
ed, "to those, at all, who talk about
plowing under every fourth American
child, which I regard as the most un-
truthful, as the most dastardly, un-
patriotic 'thing that has ever been
said. Quote me on that. .1
'Rottenest Thing In 'Public Life'
"That really is the rottenest thing
that has been said in public life on
my generation."
A good time to kill a poor slogan,
he added, was at its birth. He de-
clined to say who used the slogan,
asserting merely it had been used by
several persons and that he had read
about it in a newspaper.
There was discussion in Adminis-
tration quarters at the capitol, how-
ever, of these possible changes in the
bill : '
1. A two-year limitation on the
operation of the measure.
2. An amendment designed to con-
vince the public that American de-
fenses would not be impaired by the
transfer of naval vessels or war
equipment to other nations,
3. Some restriction of the power
of the President to waive all other
laws in carrying out the "lend-lease"
4. Possible limitation of the con-
templated aid to'Great Britain and
her immediate allies instead of op-
ening it to any nation the President
might designate.
Speech Contest
Halstead, Mills, Bloomer
Will JudgeCompetition
Six students chosen from repre-
sentatives of 18 sections of Speech
31 will participate in the second final
contest of the semester at 4 p.m. to-

day in Natural Science Auditorium.
Richard Mead, '42E, will speak on
"It's a Fine State of Affairs." Perry
Nelson, '42, has selected as his topic,
"Gotta Match Mister?" "Tis a Tale"
will be the subject of Morton Jampel,
'41, while Leonard Grossman, '43,
will speak on "Slipping Beauty." Ro-
bert Vibbert, '43, has chosen the top-
ic, "To Your Post." John Stewart, '43,
will speak on "Dovn the Old Road."

Illness Wave
Not Epidemic,
tDr. Brace Says
Although the facilities of the
health service building have been
taxed almost to capacity by a def-
inite increase in the number of bad
colds on campus, the wave of illness
has not reached epidemic propor-
tions, Dr. William D. Brace, assis-
tant director of health service, said
According to reports received in
the health service, he said, Ann Ar-
bor residents appear to be escaping
the worst blows of the influenza
which is spreading throughout the
state and various parts of the coun-
Reviewing the report issued by the
health service in December Dr. Brace
noted that the wave had already be-
gun to rise. The figures indicate
a rise from 8,080 dispensary calls
reported for December of 1939 4p
9,444 reported for the same month
last year.
Patients confined to the infirmary
increased nearly a hundred per cent
over 1939.
Dr. Brace reiterated a warning giv-
en Monday by Dr. Warren D. For-
3ythe, director of health service, to
students to observe extraordinary
precautions against infection. It is
unwise during these winter months,
he said, to mingle in any crowds or
to associate - with anyone who may
be infected.
In case of illness, he cautioned,
medical observation should be sought
at once to prevent the progress of
possible infection and to guard
against complications. For even a
slight cold, he said, rest and quiet are
'Thde Baker's Wife'
Tickets Go On Sale
Today At League
Tickets for the Art Cinema
League's showing of "The Baker's
Wife," famous French film, will go on
sale today at the Lydia Mendelssohn
The picture, which has been award-
ed "the best foreign film of the year"
title, will be shown at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow, Friday and Saturday at the
Mendelssohn Theatre. Admission may
be had for 35 cents.
Starring the noted European actor
Raimu and Ginette Leclerc, the film
deals with the marital troubles of
a village baker whose private life
becomes the concern of the entire
community. English sub-titles have
,been supplied for the movie by John
Erskine, well-known American auth-

Minus the hair on his head and
eyebrows, and $18 richer, sophomore
Ralph F. Berlow of New York today
faced the consequences of a rash
moment in his fraternity house.
Berlow's Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity
brothers, in a collective challenge,
offered him $15 if he would remove
all of the hair atop his head. The
challenge was accepted, and with the
use of two pairs of scissors, two elec-
tric razors, .and one straight edge
razor the job was finished.
Receiving an offer of $3 for his re-
maining eyebrows, Berlow picked up
an electric razor and whisked them
away. Today he was taking his bil-
liard ball appearance to classes as
usual, vowing at the same time "to
pull no more crazy stunts."
The house meeting at Berlow's fra-
ternity was broken up with the arriv-
al of The Daily photographer and a
vote taken before a picture was per-
mitted. Berlow was worried that his
parents might hear of the escapade.

Improved Night Defense
Heightens British-Hopes,
Admit CarrierDamages

-Daily Photo by Will Sapp

City To Elect


University Man
Not Be Mayor;
Economy Need

Two Republicans and one Demo-
crat yesterday filed for the office
of mayor in the Ann Arbor gpring
elections to succeed Walter C. Sadler,
assistant professor of Civil Engineer-
ing, who announced that he would
not seek reelection.
Yesterday was the deadline for
nominating petitions: Those filing
were Leigh Young, present city coun-
cil president and member of the for-
estry school faculty, and Albert Mc-
Donald, businessman, both Republi-
cans; and William Kolander, drug-
gist, Democrat.
In his statement announcing his
retirement from office, Mayor Sad-
ler expressed the belief that the city
needed a businessman as mayor,
rather than a University man. A bus-
inessman's government, he stated,
could institute some real economies in
the city hall.
Glenn L. Alt, councilman from the
seventh ward and assistant profes-
sor of Civil Engineering, filed for
presidency of the city council on the
Republican ticket.
University men nearly dominated
the sixth ward race, where four con-
nected with the University filed pe-
tions. John B. Waite, incumbent, of
the law school, and William Pen-
dorf, assistant to the registrar, both
Republicans, filed for alderman.
In the first ward, Robert, A. Duval,
assistant to the registrar, filed forI
supervisor on the Republican ticket.
Only Democrats to file from the Un-,
iversity were Donald K. Anderson,
assistant to director of the University
New Service, for alderman, second
ward; and E. L. Eriksen, chairman
of the Department of Engineering
Mechanics, for supervisor of the sev-
enth ward.

Final Deadline
Set For J-Hop
Booth Requests
Application Must Be Sent
To Collins By Jan. 25
With All Tickets Listed
All applications for J-Hop booths
must be filled out and mailed to 548
State St., by Jan. 25, Bob Collins,
booth chairman announced.
Each application must include
numbers of at least 20 tickets, the
names of ticket holders and as many
of their guests as are known. If
more than 20 couples will use the
booth, the names of the additional
members should be included.
Each group must provide the fol-
lowing articles of furniture for its
own booth: davenport "or settee, two
occasional chairs, four. small chairs,
two floor lamps, (indirect globe if
possible), medium sized table strong
enough to hold a 150 pound contain-
er, and one one and one-half foot by
nine foot rug.
Furniture forbooths may be taken
into the Sports Building only be-
tween 9 a.m. and 12 noon Feb. 14, and
must be removed between 8 a.m. and
12 noon Feb. 16. Transportation for
furniture is to be provided by the
individual groups. Articles used in
booths should be plainly marked to
establish ownership.
All questions regarding booths will
be answered by Collins, 2-4481.
London Blitz
Will Be Topic
Of Watt Talk
H. Sholo Watt will speak at 4:15
p.m. Friday on "Across the Atlantic
in a Former United States Destroyer
to Three Weeks in the London Blitz-
krieg" under the auspices of the his-
tory department in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Recently he returned to England
in one of the destroyers which were
exchanged for sites for bases in Brit-
ish possessions in the Western Hem-
isphere. He is widely known as a
broadcaster and newspaperman. For
the past nine years he has been a
member of the London Daily Tele-
graph staff.
Last year he conducted a three
month's speaking tour in Canada.
After this he spent one month in
London, principally in bombarded
London. On his return he has at-
tached to the British Library staff as
an honorary researcher.
In 1939 he covered the royal tour
of Canada and the United States for
the London Sunday Times. He has
been employed as broadcaster for
the British and Canadian Broadcast-
ing Corporation and for the Colum-
bia network.
Born in British Columbia, Watt re-
ceived his education in Canada,
France, and at the University of Ox-
ford in London.
Chemists Will Show
Sound Movies Today
"It Isn't Done With Mirrors" and

Southampton, Illustrious
Hit By Dive Bombers
In Mediterranean Area
Destroyer Gallant
Reported Struck
i (By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Jan,14.-Britain's 23,-
000-ton aircraft carrier Illustrious
and the 9,100-ton cruiser Southamp-
ton were damaged Jan. 10, the Ad-
miralty announced tonight, in the
first reported use of German dive
bombers in the Mediterranean area.
Italian and German planes co-
operated in the attack on the war-
ships, which were convoying mer-
chant vessels to Greece with "ma-
terial assistance" for the Albanian
Gallant Damaged
The 1,335-ton destroyer Gallant
was damaged earlier by a mine or
a torpedo, the Admiralty said, when
the convoy encountered two Italian
destroyers. One Italian ship, a ves-
sel of the Spica class (638 tons) was
reported sunk; the other escaped.
The Gallant reached port safely, it
The surface encounter and the
later aerial attack, which the Admir-
alty said cost the Nazis-Fascist forces
12 planes and damage to "a further
number," took place in the Sicilian
Channel, between Sicily and the
North African mainland.
Informed sources in London said
tonight the attack might be an in-
dication that Germany's air force
would make a new challenge to Bri-
tain's sea power, concentrating on
the Mediterranean fleet which has
virtually swept away most of the
Italian opposition.
Extent of the damage and the
number of casualties suffered on
board the Illustrious and the South-
ampton were not specified.
Flight Deck Hit -
Naval circles, however, said one,
bomb on the flight deck of the Illus-
trious would put the carrier almost
completely out of action until repairs
could be made.
It was from the deck of the Illus-
trious that the British planes took off
last Nov. 11 for their major attack
on the Italian naval base at Taranto.
The idea that Germany might be;
intending to concentrate on the Bri-
tish Mediterranean fleet both to
strengthen Italy and hold up sup-
plies to Greece was supported in part
by a Royal Air Force communique
from Cairo today, which said "very
heavy damage" had been caused to
the air base at Catania, Sicily.
Regent Bill Introduced
Senator Charles C. Diggs, Demo-
crat, Detroit, introduced a bill to
place the office of regent of the Uni-
versity of Michigan on the non-part-
isan election ballot.

Noted Pianist
Will Present
Concert Today
Vladimir Horowitz, internationally
known Russian pianist, will appear
at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium
in a Choral Union recital sponsored
by the University Musical Society.
The 36-year-old virtuoso has not
been heard in Ann Arbor for eight
years, and is at the present time
making his first tour of America
since his return from European en-
gagements. A few tickets for his per-
formance may still be obtained at
the musical society's offices in the
Burton Tower today, or after 7 p.m.
at the Hill Auditorium box-office.
Horowitz arrived in Ann Arbor
last night, and will make a tour of
the campus some time today before
his recital. He himself studied with
private tutors as a child until he en-
tered the Kiev music conservatory
where he was graduated at 17.
The following is the program to be
played tonight: Beethoven's Sonata
in E-flat major, Op. 31, No. 3; Schu-
mann's Arabesque, Op. 18; Chopin's
Sonata in B-flat mitor, Op. 35; six
short etudes by Jelobinsky-Noc-
turne, Valse, Remniscence, Danse,
Recitatif, and Toccata; Liszt's Sonet-
to del Petrarca, Au bord d'une source,
and Feux follets; and his own Vari-
ation on a Theme from "Carmen."
U.T.S. Demands
Plants Reopen
Government Takes Drastic
Action In Eaton Strike
(By The Associated Press)
The Government stepped into a
labor dispute involving a defense in-I
dustry yesterday and demanded thatI
strike-closed plants in Ohio and
Michigan be reopened.
Elsewhere on the labor front ac-
cusations of "labor profiteering" and
"hiding behind national defense"
were exchanged by a labor leader
and an airplane company; William
Green, president of the AFL, accused
a CIO union of a "deliberate at-
tempt to sabotage the national de-
fense program"; and it was learnedl
the CIO steel workers union would
ask three big steel companies for
wage increases.
The Government's position in the
Ohio and Michigan strikes, involv-
ing five units and about 3,500 em-
ployes of the Eaton Manufacturing
Company, was stated by James F.
Dewey, a labor department concil-
iator. Dewey said in Detroit he would
insist as a "defense measure" that
the the plants be reopened and that
differences be adjusted after the
itlants were running.

RAF Nocturnal Fighters
'Beginning To , Show'
Results, Report Says
Smallest Shipping
Loss Is Announced
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Jan. 14.-An Air Minis-
try statement that RAF night fight-
ers are "beginning to show results"
against nocturnal raiders and the
Admiralty's announcement of one of
the smallest week's shipping losses of
the war bolstered hopes of Britons to-
night of overcoming eventually the
two chief menaces to their embattled
Last night's massive fire-bomb
raid on 'the southwest Port of Ply-
mouth, the target of 10,000 incendi-
aries and "many tons" of high ex-
plosives, showed, however, that Bri-
tain has far to go in coping with the
night raiders-and the Air Ministry
admitted as much.
Ministry's Report
Telling of efforts to fend off night
raids, the Air Ministry News Service
said "more and more Nazi bombers
are being intercepted and those get-
ting through are being attacked with
some success."
The number of night fighter squad-
rons "is steadily increaing," it said,
but added that progress necessarily
was slow because the pilots have to
be taught an entirely new technque,
One night fighter pilot -was qUot d
as saying his job was "like trying to
swat a wasp in a blackout room."
An Air Admiralty statement assert-
ed that in the week ending Jan. 5
only four British merchantmen total-
ing 14,687 tons were sunk. In only
four other weeks of the war have
the figures been less.
The sharp decline was attributed
by authoritative quarters to three
factors-bad weather, increasingly
heavy RAF raids on Nazi-held French
coast naval bases and the increased
onumber of escoit vessels assigned to
Nazis Stay Away
After the massive overnight as-
sault against Plymouth the Germans
stayed away from Britain in daylight
today, the Government announcing
"nothing to report."
At Plymouth rescue squads still
dug into the smouldering wreckage
in search of possible victims. Several
fires raged uncontrolled there for
hours, but casualties were declared
to have been "remarkably light."
Clark Nelson
Student Service Director
To AddressMeeting
Clark Nelson, national director of
the World Student Service Fund, will
address students at an organization
meeting of the group on campus at
4 p.m. today at Lane Hall.'
Representatives of almost evelry
student organization have been asked
to participate in the program to raise
funds for needy students in the Far
East and Europe who are oppressed
because of war conditions.
Funds have been solicited on many
large campuses and funds have al-
ready reached the students in nations
where concentration camps prevail
and where colleges and universities
are attempting to carry on their cur-
riculum. At least half of the funds
raised will go to China. Fifteen per-
cent of. the total will be used to
handle refugee student relief in the
United States. The remainder will be
used in Europe.
Under Nelson's direction the cam-
paign will be organized here, Jean
Fairfax, '41, of the Student Religious

Association, will preside at tomor-
row's sessions.
Trigg Chosen President
Leslie Trigg, '41E, was elected
president of the Flying Club at a

Haleeki Blames Overemphasis
Of Politics For Peace Failures

Le Cercle Francais Announces
Annual French Lecture Series

Failures of past world orders for
peace have been chiefly due to over-
emphasis of political ends and com-
plete neglect of moral and spiritual
principles, Prof. Oskar Halecki, world
renowned Polish historian, declared
in a University here yesterday.
Professor Halecki asserted that
the future world order must be sin-
ilar to the League of Nations with-
out its mistakes, and outlined four
necessary and fundamental points:
(1) The order should be new in
that it would not seek to re-establish
boundaries and principles of pre-
vious treaties. (2) It should not be
dictated by violence, but by free dis-
cussion of all nations on an equal
(3) The new order must be demo-
cratic. Professor Halecki explained
that international democracy would
permit equality for all the units in
the order. Minor nations would be.
strengthened in the world society,
but member nations would not neces-

and just international order than
has ever been attempted.
In tracing past efforts at perma-
nent world organizations, he denied
that the Treaty of Versailles was re-
sponsible for all modern evils and
denounced as exaggerations the re-
ports that Woodrow Wilson's peace
points were distorted. He declared
that the two chief principles, the
right of self determination and the
creation of a link between nations,
were embodied in the League which
was the most progressive peace ef-
fort up to its time.
Professor Halecki pointed out that
the League's failure could be par-
tially blamed on too rapid develop-
nient. It sought to extend its juris-
diction over too wide a geographical
and legal field before it had devel-
oped the means of maintaining this
jurisdiction, he said.
When disputes arose between small
nations, the League was able to act
effectively; but then when one of the
greater powers violated laws, the
League could do nothing, Professor

Popular annual series of French
lectures will begin Monday, January
20, under the auspices of Le Cercle
Francais, it was announced yester-
Opening the group of six lectures
will be Louis Allard, who initiated
last year's program. He will speak
on "The Theatre and Life" at 4:15
in the Romance Languages Build-
Prof. Allard has been professor of
French literature at Harvard and vis-%
iting professor at Coluhibia Univer-
sity in 1939. He is author of two vol-
umes on French comedy of the nine-
teenth century. For his outstanding
literary work he was decorated by the
Legion of Honor and given the title
of officer of public instruction by the
French government. He has also been
the first professor awarded the chair
of French language at the University
o~f T a 1 lin i-. ChIi.ha,. lla *tp rwas

Prof. Marc Denkinger bf the de-
partment will speak on "The Daring
Life of the Duke of Lauzun in the
Reign of Louis XIV" on March 26.
This lecture will be followed by Prof.
William Merhab's discussion of
"Madame Stael and Napoleon" on
April 9.
Prof. Michael Pargment will con-
clude the series of lectures with a
discussion of "The Work of Charlie
The program of lectures will be
concluded with the annual French
play sponsored also by Le Cercle
Francais. The play is open to all
students with dramatic training and
fluency in speech. This year's play
will be given May 2.
The lecture series and French play
are two of the oldest traditions of
the campus. They were established
at i-the t1urn of th e r pnturv and ba'rpa


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