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January 12, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-12

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Speech Group Plans Discussion

(Continued from Page 4)

Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar on Monday,
January 13, at 8:00 p.m., in Room
1564 East Medical Building. Sub-
ject: "Non-specific Defense Mechan-
isms in Virus Diseases." All inter-
ested are invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319, West Medical
Building, Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 7:30
p.m. Subject: "Carbonic Anhydrase".
All interested are invited.
Math. 370 Seminar will meet Tues-
day at 4:00 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Mrs.
Kaplan will continue her report on
Ahlfor's paper on the "Generaliza-
tion of the Picard Theorem."
Physics Colloquium: Professor N. H.
Williams will speak on "Frequency
Modulation" on Monday, Jan. 13, at
4:15 p.m. in room 1041 E. Physics
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
The attention of junior, senior and
graduate students in Aeronautical
Engineering is called to the announce-
ments of the following Civil Service
1. Junior Engineer (Aeronautical.)
2. Junior Professional Assistant
(Junior Engineer).
3. Student Aid.
Copies of these announcements
are posted on the Department Bulletin
It should be noted that the first
position does not require a written
examination, while the second one
does. It is understood that students
who expect to receive their degrees
in 1941 may submit applications for
the first position at this time. Appli-
cations for the second position must
be submitted before January 20, 1941.
The Student Aid positions of item
3 are available to juniors during their
summer vacation periods. A written
examination is required and applca-
tions must be submitted by January
20, 1941.
Students intending to file applica-
tions for these positions should leave
their names in the Aeronautical En-
gineering Department Office, Room
B-47 East Engineering Building.
Doctoral Examination for Mr. John
Russell Vatnsdal, Mathematics; The-
sis: Minimal Variance and Its Rela-
tion to Efficient Moment Tests,
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 3:15 p.m., in the
West Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Chairman, P. S. Dwyer.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Choral Union Concert: Vladimir
Horowitz, Pianist, will provide the
Seventh program in the Choral Union
Concert series, Wednesday, Jan. 15,
at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The
audience is respectfully requested to
be seated on time.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The work of Bruce Rog-
ers,-books, including the Lectern
Bible, pamphlets, studies, bookplates,
labels, water color sketches,-is being
shown in the ground floor cases,
Architecture Building. Open daily,
9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan-
uary 16. The public is invited.
Exhibition, Rackham Building:
Photographs of Outstanding Ex-
amples of Iranian (Persian) Archi-
tecture, made by Myron Bement
Smith and loaned by the Library of
Congress will be on Exhibit in the
West Gallery from Monday, January
13 until Saturday, January 25, from

2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
University Lecture: Professor Oskar
Halecki, late of the University of
Cracow, Poland, will lecture on the
subject "The Problem of an Inter-
national Order in European History"
under the auspices of theDepartment
of History, on Tuesday, January 14,
,at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor James
Holly Hanford of the Department of
English at Western Reserve Univer-
sity, will lecture on the subject, "John
Milton as Propagandist," under the
auspices of the Department of Eng-
lish at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, Janu-
ary 20, in the Auditorium of the
W. K. Kellogg Foundation Institute:
Graduate and Post-graduate Den-
tistry. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Myion Bement
Smith, Consultant in Islamic Archi-
tecture and Art at the Library of Con-


Y ) u-UU I, ir 1 1 1 \ 4A roundtable conference on the Is Desirable" is the topic of an in-
ple.L1) L I I Itechnical and economic aspects of tercircle debate which the freshman
both two-cycle and four-cycle diesels members of the group will discuss at
will be held at the next meeting of the meeting. Several more debates on
Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engineer- this subject will be held during the
University, will lecture on the sub- Lane Hall. John Swomley, Youth will meet for supper and a Round Church Service 7:30 P.M. "The Lord ing speech society, at 7:30 p.m. Tues- semester.
ject, "Happiness Measurements and Secretary of the National F.O.R.. will Table discussion on "High School of Glory." day in the Union. Among the points which will be
their Sociological Applications" un- speak on a Program of Pacifist Action. i f All services are held at the Mason- The discussion will be led by the con are tot ofch an
der the auspices of the Department This is an open meeting-everyone Social Life. considered are the cost of such an
of Sociology at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, interested is invited. At 7:00 p.m., Student Fellowship . members of the Sigma Rho Tau team undertaking by the government, the
Jan. 20, in the Natural Science Audi- _Mrs. Slosson will show colored movies which debated on this topic agaist advisability of giving the nation such
Unity Mratin in the League on Purdue at an American Society of power over private industry, the risk
vited. Portuguese Classes, International Monday Jan. 13. at 7:15 p.m. Detroit Mechanical Engineers' meeting last of managing so "seasonal" an in-
vited. Center: There will be 'an organiza- Southwest. leader. month in Milwaukee. dustry and the question of the great-
- tional meeting of the classes in Portu- "Resolved: That the Government er safety to the United States which
To students enrolled in the Series guese, to be offered by the Interna- Disciples Guild (Christian Church): gr a Ownership of Munitions Factories might result from such a move.
on Naval Subjects: The fourth lec- tional Center, Tuesday, January 14, 10:00 a.m. Students' Bible ClassH.'tmp
ture of tlhe series, subject, "The Navy at 7: 30 p.m. Students should meet in ,0:00 arm. Sludents' BibtedCaUs, H. 6
Ship," will be delivered by Captain the International Center. L. Pickerill, leader. Elected ASU Officer
B. B. Wygant, U.S.N. Commandant _ _10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev._
Reserve Midshipman's School, Chi- Fred Cowin, minister.Me42, of St.
1American Student Defense League Miss Margaret Campbell, 4.o t
cage, in room 348 West Engineering 1meetg, to lae e at 6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday L M. wa electeE vice-chair- I
at40_~.o uedy aur 4 the Michigan League, Tuesday, Jan. Evening Hour. Mr. Lawrence Quinn,
14, at 7:30 p.m. '36, will speak on the topic "Four man of the National Executive Coun- JNAYSL
Professor Ralph W. Hammett, of Years of College-An Evaluation." ell of the American Student Union at
a lectue on te re-onqet t ai Club Meeting will be held Wed- Informal discussion, refreshments and its annual convention Dec. 27 to 31
alctren hePfecoqust rMEN'ISkiClu MedngWOMEN'Sed ed
Wednes- nesday evening, 7:30, Jan. 15, in social hour will follow, in New York City. of all MEN'S and WOMEN'S
Architecture of Mexico onWens
day, Jan. 15, at 4:15 p.m. in the Union room 305. Applications for Richard Bancroft of Howard Uni- I
Architectural Lecture Hall. Lecture membership will be accepted. All in- Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. "The versity was elected chairman of the
ieura te Hlle terested please attend. Bell Tolls for Hemingway, sermon Council while David Bennett of Har-
will be illustrated with colored slides. , by Minister. vard University, James Moore of Cor-
-FrcsT 'sn12:00 a.m. Discussion of sermon led nell University and Howard Rose of
Events Today Cercle Francais: The 'Ensian pi- by a Michigan member of the In- the University of California were
Cture will be taken Wednesday, Jan. ternational Brigade. elected to the three other vice-chair-
international Center: A resume of 15, at 5:00 p.m., at Dey's Studio. 7:30 p.m. Mr. Carl Haessler, of the men positions.
the discussions of world problems by__ U.AW., will speak on "Labor's Part Preceding the suspension of th

the 6aturday Aternoon Round Table
e The Cooperative StudEy Group of
will be presented by four members
of that group under the chairman- the Public Health Club will meet
ship of Mr. Maluf this evening at I Monday, Jan. 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the
7:00 following the regular supper. Rackham Building. Subject: "In-
Anyone interested is invited. Service Education in Public Health."
Graduate Outing Club will meet The Women's Research Club will
in the club room at 2:30 p.m. today. meet on Monday, Jan. 13, at 7:30 p.m.
Be prepared for hiking or ice skat- in the West Lecture Room of the,
ing followed by supper in the club Rackham Building. '
room. (Use northwest rear entrance Program: "Early Rugs from the
Rackham Building). All graduate Near East; Problems in Dating and
students are welcome. Provenance," by Mrs. Kamer Aga-

in the Upheavals of 1940." Refresh-
Ann Arbor Society of Friends meets
in Lane Hall on Sunday. 5:00-6:00
p.m. meeting for worship. 6:00-7:00
p.m. a report on the Work Camp
Conference held in Philadelphia over
the holidays. All interested are in-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Commun-
ion; 9:30 a.m. High School Class,
Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning
Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend
Frederick W. Leech; 11:00 a.m. Jun-
ior Church; 11:00 a.m. Kindergartei,

Gamma Delta Student Club meets
at St. Paul's Lutheran Church this
evening at 5:30 for fellowship supper,
election of officers, and social hour.
Bethlehem Evangelical-Reformed
student Guild will have supper at
the Church tonight at 6:00. The
group will discuss the Student Sen-
ate's Winter Parley.
Lutheran Student Association will
meet this evening in the Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30. Supper
will be served, and afterward Dr. C.
P. Harry, Sec. of the Board of Edu-
cation of the United Lutheran
Church, and Rev. Frederick Schiotz,
Sec. of the American Lutheran Serv-
ice Commission, will address the
group. All are invited.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will meet today in the Fireplace Room
of Lane Hall at. 4:30 p.m. All stu-
dents interested are invited.
Coming Events
The Research Club will meet in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ing Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 8:00 p.m.
The following papers will be read:
"Some Analyses of Reasoning in
Rats," by Professor John F. Shepard.
"Franklin's Political Journalism in
England," by Professor Verner W.
Botanical Journal Club will meet
on Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in
Room N. S. 1139. Reports by: James
McCranie, "The Genus Septobasidi-
um;" Jose Santos, "Papers on hor-
mones in Achlea ambisexualis;" Jean
Farrell, "The communal nature of
the fruiting process in the Acrasiae;"
Verle Rennick, "Two diseases of Gled-
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Faculty members interested
in German conversation are cordially
invited. There will be a brief talk
by Mr. Maurice W. Senstius on "Eine
Bergbesteigung in den Tropen" (with
Juniors Mathmatics Club will meet
on Tuesday, at 8 p.m., in 16 Angell
Hall. sr. Wadey will give an illus-
trated talk on "Solid Geometric Fig-
ures in Three Dimensions."
Mathematics. Club will meet on
Tuesday, at 8 p.m., in the West Con-
ference Roomn, Rackham Building.
Dr. Martin will speak on "Two-to-
One Transformations of Two-Dimen-
sional Manifolds and Linear Graphs."
Varsity Glee Club: The following
men have been selected to go to
Jackson next Tuesday at 4:15 p.m.
pending their prompt attendance at
the rehearsal in the Union at 4:00
Sunday afternoon.
Bassett, Scherdt, Parthum, Hol-
land, Weller, Edwards, Pinney, Crowe,
Repola, Powers, Martin, Erke, Steere,
Klopsic, Conti, Morris, Fairbanks,
Wierengo, Davis, Berger, Swenson,
Hines, Whitney, Hipwood, Ed Gib-
son, Shale, Landis, Sommerfield, Nu-
achterlein, George, Brown, Col Gib-
son, Mattern, Ossewaarde.
Bring ribbons and formal clothes
for the Tuesday concert.

"Islamic Influences in Western
European Art," by Miss Helen Hall.

Faculty Women's Club: The Play- Harris Hall; 7:00 p.m. College Work
reading section will meet on Tues- Program. Speaker: Prof. Palmer
day afternoon, Jan. 14, at 2:15 p.m. Throop. Topic: The Church in the
in the Mary B. Henderson Room of Middle Ages. Refreshments; 8:00
the Michigan League. p.m. Choral Evensong (Epiphany
Candlelight Union Service).
The Monday Evening Drama Sec-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club First Methodist Church: Student
will meet at the Michigan Union on Class at 9:30 a.m. in the Wesley
Monday, January 13, at 7:30 p.m. Foundation Assembly Room. Prof.
George E. Carrothers, leader. Morn-
Michigan Dames: Click and Stitch ing Worship at 10:40 a.m. Dr. C.
Group will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Brashares will preach on "Liv-
Griffitts, 1507 Charlton Ave., on Mon- ing Room." Wesleyan Guild meet-
GayJan. 13.7 hr llnbAe.,talkon-ing at 6:00 p.m. Prof. Mentor Wil-
day, Jan. 13. There will be a talk on liams will speak on "Religion in Con-
hooked rugs and crocheting. temporary Literature." Fellowship
-~I~~hour and supper will follow the
Catholic Medical Students and their meeting.
friends will meet at 6:00 p.m Monday,
Jan. 13; on the third floor of the St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Morn-
League. Dinner will be served, follow- ing worship service at 10:45 with
ing which Dr. David O'Donnell, form- sermon by the Rev. Mr. Brauer on
er president of the Wayne County "Our Reasonable Service."
Catholic Medical Guild, will speak.__
Arrangements to attend may still be First Presbyterian Church:10:45
made by calling Frances Sullivan, Fims MrsnytWrip Serce. "Why
2-1566. a.m. Morning Worship Service. "Why
Does Not God Intervene?" by Dr. W.
P. Lemon.
The facilities of the Women's De- P.0Lem.
partment of Physical Education have 6:00 p.m. The Westminster Student
artent.oThePhsiaEuastionhas:Guild will be host to the young peo-
reopened. The hours are as follows: ple's group of the Second Baptist
Bowling Alleys at Women's Athletic Church. Supper at 6 o'clock. Serv-
Building. Daily except Saturday, ice at 7:00 p.m. is in charge of the
3:00 to 6:00 and 7:00 to 9:00. Satur- guests. A cordial invitation is ex-
day, 1:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 9:00. edd oal
Badminton Courts in Barbour Gym- tended to all.
nasium. Monday and Friday, 7:30 8:00 p.m. The Sunday Evening Club
to 9:30 p.m. will meet at 8 o'clock in the Lewis-
Vance Parlors. Three Oriental stu-
dents will lead an informal discus-
Churches sion of their country and its cus-
First Congregational Church: The toms.
various departments of the Church
School will meet at two sessions, 9:45 The Grace Bible Fellowship (Un-
and 10:30 a.m. denominational) Rev. Harold De
At 10:45 a.m., Public worship; Dr. Vries, Pastor.
L. A. Parr will preach on "Taking the Sunday School 10:00 A.M.
Short Cut." Church Service 11:00 A.M. "The
At 5:30 p.m. the High School Group Kingdom Announced."





750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Sunday Evening
6:00 Silver Theatre Catholic Double or Across the
6:15 Silver Theatre Hour Nothing Footlights
6:30 Gene Autry News The Show News; Music
6:45 Gene Autry Herschell Hart of the Week Detroit Cons'vatory
7:00 G. Smith Jack Benny's Dr. M. R. DeHaan, TherNews
7:15 G. Smith Program -Religious From Europe
7:30 Screen Guild Fitch Talk Charles Dant
7:45 Screen Guild Bandwagon Week-End Review Orchestra
8:00 Helen Hayes _ Charlie CKLW Concert Message
8:15 Helen Hayes McCarthy Party of Israel
8:30 Crime Doctor One Man's Face the Facts Sherlock Holmes
8:45 Crime; News Family Evening Serenade -Basil Rathbone
9:00 Ford Hour The Manhattan Old Fashioned Walter Winchell
9:15 Ford Hour Merry-Go-Round Revival Parker Family
9:30 Ford Hour Album of Hour- Irene Rich
9:45 Ford Hour Familiar Music Services Bill Stern
10:00 Take or Leave It Hour of Charm Canadian News Goodwill Court
10:15 Take or Leave It -Spitainy Orch. Britain Speaks -Interviews
10:30 Hermit's Cave Russell Barnes BBC Radio With Unhappy
10:45 Hermit's Cave Dance Music Newsreel People
11:00 News News News Music
11:15 Dance Orchestra Dance Music Dance Orchestra You
11 :30 Joe Reichman's " " Want
11:45 Orchestra n s Jurgens Orchestra B. Cummins Orch.
12:00 Dancing till 1 News; Music to 1 Recordings till 4 Dancing till 1
Programs are released by the radio stations and are subject to change without notice







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