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January 09, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-09

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Gordon Hardy Plays At 'Hangover Hustle' Today In




Tickets For Engineering Ball
To Go On Sale Today In Union

General sale of tickets for the an-
nual winter Engineering Ball on Fri-
day, Jan. 17, will begin at 8 a.m. to-
day in the Union, Edward King, '41E,
general chairman announced yester-
day. Tickets are $2.50 per couple.
The sale will be held from 8 a.m.
to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. it
was announced, under the direction
of George Hogg, '41E, and Don Hart-
well, '41E, Engineers will be able to
procure tickets during those same
hours in the lobby of the East En-
gineering Building and on the second
floor of the West Engineering Build-
ing above the Arch.
Proceeds from the sale of tickets,
King said, will be used to help spon-
sor Open House next semester to
show the rest of the ,campus what
activities are being carried on in the
College of Engineering.
Furnishing the music for the En-

gineers' 'first formal of the year will,
be Everett Hoagland and his orches-
tra which has recently completed an
engagement at the Waldorf-Astoria
in New York. Featured with the
group will be Don Burke, vocalist.
The theme of the dance will be
"Modernism;" scenery and music will
be arranged to comply with the gen-
eral spirit of the "Modern Age." Sev-
eral of the decorations will be sim-
ilar to those in the scientific exhibits
of last year's New York World's Fair.
Meeting Is Announced
There will be a meeting of the AnnS
Arbor Independents at 4:45 tomor-
row in the League. The place of
meeting will be posted on the Leaguej
bulletin board.

ii 'F

Special Sel1ing!

Novelty Games
WilllBe Played
At Milk Dance
Dancers To Demonstrate
Numbers For Danco;
Prizes Will Be Given
"Hangover Hustle," to be held
from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in
the Union Ballroom, while it is a
milk dance, will be far from sour.
Gordon Hardy's orchestra will play,
for the dance, with novelty arrange-
ments for the various dance numbers
which will be featured as part of the
entertainment. Main feature of the
afternoon will be danco, the modern,
form of bingo, set to rhythm.
Here's how you play it: it's all a,
matter of identifying a few simple,
little dance steps. Demonstrating
the steps will be Claire Reed-Hill,
'42; Murray Markland, '43; J ne
fConnell, '42, and Bob Shedd, '42.
As the various novelties are danced
by these two couples, the participants
in the game will fill in their danco
cards as they recognize the dances.
Prizes will be awarded for those who
are successful enough to keep their
Virginia r;eels and congas straight,
according to Dick Strain, '41, social
co-chairman of the Union.
Another novelty will be a balloon
relay dance, in which the contestants
have to blow up their balloons until
they break before continuing the
Guaranteed the right remedy for
all sizes and descriptions of hangovers
are the 60 hosts and hostesses. The
hostesses may be recognized by small
milk bottle pins, while the hosts will
wear little whisky bottles in their
There will be a charge of 25 cents
for men, while women are invited to
attend as guests of the Union. Tick-
ets may be obtained at the door, or
from staff members of the Union
Today Is Deadline
For Eligibility List
Of Junior Women
All women who wish to have their
names included on the official JGP
list must have their eligibility cards
signed between 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
today in the Undergraduate Office of
the League, if they have not done so
This is absolutetly the last oppor-
tunity to get cards signed, announced
Rosalie Smith, '42. Those whose cards
remain unsigned will not be able to
work on JGP until second semester.
There will be a meeting of the pro-
grams committee, under Virginia
Drury, '42, at 5 p.m. in the League.
Glee Club To Rehearse

Good Costumes
Are Necessary
Aids ForPlays
Poise and mastery-the attributes
so important to the performance of
the actor-are aided and abetted by
correct costuming in a play, accord-
ing to Emma Mellencamp, costume
designer for the plays presented in
the Children's Theatre. Young actors
and actresses particularly, Mrs. Mel-
lencamp pointed out, lose embar-
rassment and self consciousness
when properly dressed to play their
For "Children 1777," which will be-
gin its three performance run tomor-
row night in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, Mrs. Mellencamp and her
student assistants outfitted 16 play-
ers in costumes of the American rev-
olutionary period. A trip through the
costume room in the League brought
to light the wide variety in the type
of garments needed for the play,
which included among its characters
representatives of almost every class
living in the American colonies as
well as some immigrant peoples.
The material going into the gar-
ments was equally as varied as their
design: old pantaloons made sleeves
in one dress; ten-cent store chamois
made a buckskin costume; the blue
velvet lining of an old fur coat made
the jacket for a little rich girl's
dress; an old gold belt made gay trim
on a boy's bright red suit; a quilted

.1""..145Add (llniouir

Volun teer Knitters
Now Have Chance
To Aid Red Cross
Long-awaitted material and in-
structions for Red Cross knitting pro-
jects may be obtained from 10 a.m.
to 12 noon today through Saturday
at Room 222 of the Nichols Arcade.
The wool may be used by all wo-
men who will agree to finish the
sweater by the end of January, Janet
Lewin, '43, chairman of the Student
Workroom, has announced. Heavy
women's sweaters will be knitted.
Students who expressed a prefer-
ence for knitting over sewing at the
Women's Athletic Building are re-
minded that this is the first oppor-
tunity on campus to knit for the Red
Cross. Sewing operations will be con-
tinued from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Satur-
day at the WAB.

Women Presidents
To Convene Today
Dormitory, sorority, and league
house presidents will meet at 4:30
p.m. today in the League for their
weekly open forum on house problems
with the League Judiciary Council.
The approximately 75 women who
represent all the campus groups have
found the weekly meetings, an in-
novation in the League this year,
helpful in making plans within their
various houses and in solving prob-
lems common to the group whether
they concern house rules or social af-
Results of Tuesday, Jan. 7,
games are: Delta Delta Delta 18,
Barbour 12; Mosher I 23, Alpha Xi
Delta 9; Zone III 5, Couzens II 4;
and Newberry 12, Adelia Cheever 7.

Only 25.00

MAN-TAILORED CLASSICS in a fabric we don't know when
we can get again at this price. Beautiful heather-mixture
tweeds with blue, grey, beige or brown tones predominat-
ing. Sturdy, long-wearing. Lined and inter-lined for extra
warmth. Misses' sizes.





I"o(The Varsity Men's Glee Club will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union
to rehearse for their first formal out-
of-town concert in Jackson.

Brilliant Past And Shining Future ..
Merrily rang the bells on New
navy blue skirts. For that fact,
Year's, and they bade goodbye to many blouses will be worn low over
twelve months that were rich in fa- the hips rather than tucked in, and
shion innovation. Led for the first will be moulded to the figure.
time by American designers, the fem- Red, which was the banner color
inine world came forth with every- for this year, can't keep its popular-
thing new, from jumpers and jerkins ity indefinitely but it will die hard
through harlequin rimmed glasses for many people like it. Draped lines
to cover-up evening dresses, will probably continue for a while.
College clothes took up but a Saddles, although no more the com-
small corner of this new, big plete rulers they were, will never
wardrobe, but they adopted much completely disappear. Those are the
that was new, and added import- fashions of forty, and a few for forty-
ant bits for themselves. There was one. But there's a lot that we don't
know about, which we trust will be
a definite trend back to smooth-good.
ness, which was best evidenced by
the fact that neat wool blouses,
mostly long sleeved, for the first
time began to contend the popu-
larity crown of sweaters. Dark
leather shoes, worn without ankle
socks, have also fitted this new
mood, and hair-do's this pas year
were kept neater by drawing the
front up into a pompadour. m
Hats have been made to fit this
newest of coiffures so that they now
sit on the back of the head behind CLEA RA N
the puff of waves and curls. Such
hats, being conservative, are more
easily adaptable to the informal dat-
ing clothes that are most featured
here at Michigan. Fur hats, an in-
troduction of this year, will probably
feature more different kinds of fur~s
applied in more different ways in
Skirts in 1940 lost some of their *Better Di
flaredness and some of their length.
Lots of pleats and front and back Dresses originally $16.
fullness replaced the flare. Pleats
went well with the new long torso
effect of dresses and suit coats. Dresses originally $16
This low waistline is causing quite
a bit of contention among the fa- Dresses originally $25 an
shion authorities now for some say
it will continue into 1941 and others
say it won't.
Maybe because they aren't quite * Fur-Trim
smooth, knee-length socks never made
the grade on this campus. Although
the South American and oriental
influences were much used, they
weren't seen here very much either.
After many years of success on other A special group of fou
zampuses, boots finally "took" in originally $169 and $1 79
Ann Arbor. A surprising thing for values at $98.
cur conservative tastes is that novel-
ty glasses immediately became pop- A second group of fur-
alar, for many are the coeds now at $58.
wearing blue, green or red rimmed
glasses or pixie rims.
Military notes accented many fall
and early winter outfits, and in
these first weeks of 1941, this style
is narrowing down to a specialty Entire remaining stc
on sailor boy costumes. Deep square
collars are the first and the last REVERSIBLE TWEE
word, and not-too-loose long torso REVERSIBLE CORD
middies are destined to top your



Start the


Week after vacation
off Riaht with




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