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January 09, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-09

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__. ,,

Wolverine Hockey

Team To Meet Michigan


Sofiak Takes
Scoring Lead
Mike Leads In Fouls Too;
Mandler Next In Totals
Tiny Mike Sofiak, sparkplug of the
Wolverine basketball team, led his
mates in three departments, both
commendable and condemnable, af-
ter the Varsity's first venture into
the 1940-41 Big Ten campaign.
Little Mike's 73 points in the sev-
en games played to date paces the
Michigan scorers, just 13 markers in
front pf sophomore Jim Mandler,
who has 60. Sofiak's average per
game is 10.4 points.
Not only does the diminutive Var-
sity forward lead his cohorts in scor-
ing, but he is also far out in front
of his mates in the race for "bad
man" honors, too. Mike has had no
less than 17 personal fouls called
against him to date.
Mandler's record of nine personals
nets him the reputation of "cleanest"
regular on the squad.
The complete figures follow:


don wirtehafter's


Sofiak ...... 7
Mandler.... 7
Brogan.... 7
Tiitzgerald .. 4
Ruehle .... 7
Herrmann .. 6
Cartmill . ... 7
Doyle....... 3
Glasser .... 4
Grissen .... 3

25 23
26 8
13 8
9 2
9 1
4 6
5 3
6 0
0 2



Totals .....7 99 53 251 76
In addition to his other two honors,
Sofiak also has the best foul shooting
average on the Wolverine squad.
Mike has drawn 32 foul shots and
has made good on 23 for an average
of .719.
FA FM Ave.
Grissen ....b....2 2 1.000
Sofiak........32 23 .719
Herrmann .... 10 6 .600
Brogan .......19 8 .421
Mandler ......19 8 .421
Cartmiill.......9 3 .333
Ruehle ........4 1 .250
Fitzgerald ....10 2 .200
Westerman,.. 2 0 .000
Totals .... 107 53 .495
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Business And Pleasure.. ..
EDITOR'S NOTE: Ed Frutig, Michigan's All-American, All-Bowl, All-Star and
All-Handsome gridiron end, takes over the Double today to present a first hand
account of his journey to sunny California and the East-West game.
WEDNESDAY-Formal congregation of the East team in Chicago's
Hotel Sherman . . . Everybody meets. everybody else. Coach Andy Kerr
holds a short meeting and learns that of the nine backfield men on the
squad, only Michigan Captain Evie is an experienced signal caller.
His worries are mitigated, however, when a 230-pound tackle from one
of the Southeast Conference schools drawls in a smooth and easy accent,
"Ah called signals for mah team durin the season . . . The coach signaled
from the bench and ah had the bes' eyes."
A short workout after the meeting, an hour of posing for photogra-
phers that clutter up the hotel lobby and make it look like a Hollywood
first night, and the ill-fated squad boards a train for California.
THURSDAY-The squad leaves the train and elbows its way through
a crowd of football fans, all crying for a peek at the greatest halfback of all
time (need I say more?).
The Ace is finally rescued from the autograph seekers by a dozen cops
and as many school officials and the team returns to the station and en-
trains to continue its jaunt westward.
FRIDAY-A repetition of Thursday except it's a big-
ger town an more people. At night a streamer of private
autos awaits the squad just outside of Reno, Nev. and be-
shind screaming police sirens, the 22 members of the East
team descend on the "Biggest Little City in the World."
To us casual observers,Reno appeared to consist sole-
ly of gambling joints, night clubs (mostly of the cheaper
variety with the cigar smoke atmosphere) and, though we
didn't seeany of them, the fafned divorce courts and
their products.
Ed Frutig The train is half an hour late leaving Reno, after be-
ing forced to wait until the coaches visit each night club to ferret out the
players who are enjoying themselves no end watching washed-out burlesque
queens hold sway with bubble dances and plain ordinary strip-tease routines.
The entire squad, including Forest Evashevski, was finally routed
from places featuring this sort of entertainment and the engines again
pulled us westward.
SATURDAY-We arrive in sunny California and see it receiving a thor-
ough bathing. The natives call it "liquid sunshine." The band greets us as
we disembark after our three day journey, and the crowd looks for Harmon.
The team is coralled into a waiting bus and taken to the Shriners' Hos-
pital for Crippled Children, which is maintained by the proceeds of the
East-West game'. The little kids make a clean steal of everyone's heart as on
crutches, in casts, and confined to their beds, they give cheers and yells for
the team, clamor for autographs and sing songs as though they were the
happiest people in the world.
And when the band of football players left, they weren't so sure
that these little soldiers didn't have a lot of things that we who seem to
be more fortunate, lack.
When we left there, the banquets began, one night after the other, and
needless to say, they surpassed for dryness anything the Sahara has to
MONDAY-The team begins the dull routine of two practice sessions a
day. All of the fellows had just completed tough seasons, and few felt like
giving their all in practice. A newspaper man, ever-alert for the sensational,
visited one of the more lackadaisical sessions, noted that everyone dogged
it, and scurried back to his typewriter to knock out a front page yarn of
dissention in the East ranks because of the presence of one Tom Harmon.
The story soon became grotesque in its inaccuracy and spread across the
country where the more gullible of the news reading public ate it up. A
bigger lie or grosser exaggeration-there ain't none.
CHRISTMAS DAY-We're given the afternoon off, so I cornered
the big tackle from the South to talk with him about football in his
school. "You gotta get all ya can, and ah got mine before the season.
Ah had 'em on the spot cause they needed tackles somethin' fierce," he
told me when I asked about subsidization.
We got to talking about ethics in football after awhile, andshe told about
playing Tennessee. "Why, you know," he said in his slow drawl, "the week
before the game, we found one of their scouts hiding in our stands taking
movies of our .practices . . . They'd a caught our man too but he was
NEW YEAR'S DAY-We'll skip this part of the trip, just men-
tioning that the West had Paul Christman and a prayer.
JANUARY 2-The nlane took us down to Los Angeles where we were
to play a ch-arity game for British war relief. Ralph Fritz joined the'squad
from Pittsburgh, and we met him after he had been on the plane for 17
hours. He was so tired, but felt up to a date with one of the Hollywood
glamour gals, so joined the rest of the boys and a group of Hollywood extras
in a quiet little party (?).
Now take it from me these extras in Hollywood are every bit as lovely as
the stars . . _. they just don't get a break. And this little dolly that I had
(if you read this, honey, I'm only kidding) could have won a prize anywhere
for sheei good looks. Of course, she couldn't keep a conversation sparkling
if it concenimed anything but gossip about screen stars, and she said no to
most of my questions, but what the Hell!
The game finally fell through, so after a couple more parties . . . quiet
ones, to be sure . . . Ralph Fritz and I took a Mainliner out of Hollywood
Saturday, had motor trouble, were grounded, but finally managed to arrive
back in Ann Arbor, all worn out and ready for three weeks of sleep, study
and serious work.

Northmen Will
Rely On Speed±
In Seeking Win
Exciting Game Forecast
As Huskies Challenge
With Diminutive Squad;
(Continued from Page 1)
from the Upper Peninsula. The
Houghton club doesn't boast many
giants but the little boys are fast andj
clever stickhandlers anti may prove
to be one of the toughest teams the
Wolverines have yet faced.
Biggest man on the squad is bruis-
ing defense man Arne Mars who is
5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 195
pounds. Mars will be remembered by
Michigan fans for his smashing body
checks and fine defensive play in
last year's contest.
Going to the other extreme, the
Huskies present tiny Bob Robillard,
alternate left wing, who tips theM
scales at a mere 130 pounds and
stands 5 feet 3 inches in his stocking

Sophomore wingman Roy Brad-
ley will break into the Michigan
hockey lineup for the first time
tonight teaming up with Bob Col-

Baird Small But Husky ins and Fred Heddle on the third
Working with Mars on the back- front line.
line will be Fred Baird, a Port Huronf
senior. Baird, the only Lower Pen-'
insula boy on the squad, is not a big Good Heavyweight
man, as defense men go, but he's
husky and known as a very fine poke 'restler Lacking
Wearing the pads for the Iorth- As Season Opens
erners will be Bob Larson, a senior
from Houghton. Larson has held'
the goalie's job for the last two years For the first time in many years,
and turned in three shutouts against the Michigan wrestling team will be
Michigan last season. In the other without a first-class heavyweight
game of the series, Michigan was vic- grappler.
torious by a 1T0 score. "Butch" Jordan did a very fine
Capt. Bob Petaja, diminutive right job at that weight for the past three
winger, is expected to spark the vis- b
itors' attack, replacing the graduat- years, and upon his graduation last
ed Villeneuve as the Tech offensive June Coach Cliff Keen expected to
spearhead. have Jack Butler as a capable sub-'
At the left wing spot will be Tony stiute for this year. But Butler,
Phillipich, at six feet the tallest man along with another gridder, Al Wis-
in the Huskies' starting lineup. Phil-.tent has had to spend all of his time
lj'pich learned his hockey in his home .ti' hsadtspnalofisim
town of Elcor, Minn. He is one of with his books. Another prospect,
two men on the squad from outside Rudy Sengel, has had a recurrence
the state. of a football knee injury.
Sophomore At Center Yesterday Keen held matches be-

Fill Make Debut

T-Boe Martin
Boasts Unique
Success Story
Personality and a pair of feet.
That's one of the queerest success'
formulas in the sporting world, but it
has carried young Strother (T-Bone)
Martin. Michigan's ace diver, to the
top of the heap.
T-Bone, by virtue of his accomp-
lish'ments last year, is the third rank-
ing diver in the country off the three-
meter board. He was beaten in the
Nationtal Collegiates by Ohio State's
one-two combination of Earl Clark
and the greatest of them all, Al Pat-
So far this season the unpredict-
able Wolverine has taken a first
place in the Pennsylvania meet and
then turned in the surprise of the
year with an upset victory over the
same Earl Clark.
"It was a fluke," Martin claims.
"We only had to do three dives down
at Ft. Lauderdale (where the upset
took place) and he flattened out on
one of them."
But the fact remains that the
beautifully built junior has been tak-
ing backwash from no one with re-
peated firsts in dual meets and his
third place in the Collegiates. And
it's mostly due to a personality and
a pair of feet.
T-Bone is an excellent diver, make
no mistake about that.hBut it's as
true as the day is long that he gains
added points merely from his appear-
ance and actions on the diving
There's something in that short,
chesty frame of his that captures
swim audiences and judges every-
where. Perhaps it's his poise or may-
be the crisp, sure way he springs
into the air for his plunge into the
Whatever it is, this certain some-
thing has a captivating influence..
It's the driving force behind the
poise and confidence he shows on the
board-the rhythm and grace when
he's in the air.14
Those feet are the greatest natural
asset young T-Bone owns. They
have the spring of a kangar'ooand
the control of a champion. They're
actually sights to behold when T-
Bone leads them sharply and crisply
into the water.
Other divers have gotten along
with split-second timing, miraculous
coordination or natural grace, but
for Strother Martin, who possessesr
those virtues too, it's personality and
a pair of feet.

Pigshin Moguls
Legalize Ille gal
Football Plays
It appears that the recent meeting
of the football moguls at Clementon,
New Jersey proved to be little more
than a ratification congress for a
number of illegal plays the grid
teams of the nation have been using
for some time now.
The rule forbidding a substitute
player from talking until the ball
has been put in play has been vio-
lated so often that referees no long-
er stand near the huddle when a
new player enters the game. We
have even been reading about some
coaches who don't even bother to
send in players for the purpose of
transmitting messages but signal
to the players on the field right
from the bench.
Old Rule Violated
The rule allowing the ball to be
handed forward at any point behind
the scrimmage line should not cause
the least bit of difference in the way
the game is being played. Coach
Yost in discussing this rule said:
"I have seen football teams play-
ing for a good many years now but
I have never seen a team penalized
for violating the old rule."
It has been a pet play of some
of the southern schools to have
the plunging back tuck the ball be-
hind the knees of a guard while
his teammates faked a play over the
center. The left end would then
slip nonchalantly to the lineman
who had the ball hid behind his
knees, take it, and run for a touch-
down if not detected by a wide-
awake player.
Michigan has used its fake buck
lateral for years now without incur-
ring a penalty.
Touchback Eliminated
The only rule which will effect the
game at all is the elimination of- the
touchback .on incomplete forward
passes into the end zone on - the
fpurth down. As the rule stands
now if the fourth down pass falls
incomplete over the goal. line, the
defending team will take over at
the point where the play had start-
ed, instead of on the 20-yard line
as before. Coach Yost points' out
that, "this will cut down most of
those, fourth-down passes hurled
from around mid-field over the goal
.Despite pressing demands, from
rmany quarters to increase' the
chances for scoring, the football ex-
Iecutives refused to take any action.


Jack Ruhl, 140-pound sophomore
center, will team up with Petaja and
Phillipich to complete the Tech start-
ing lineup.
If there are no changes, the start-
ing team for the visitors will average
5 feet 9 inches in height and the av-
erage weight per man will be 166
Eddie Lowery intends to start a
Michigan team made up of Hank
Loud in the goal, Capt. Charley Ross
and Bert Stodden at defense, Johnny
Gillis in the center spot and Gil
Samuelson and Max Bahrych on the

tween six of his wrestlers to help de-
termine who would compete at 136-
pounds, 145-pounds, and in the un-
limited division in the opening dual
meet with the Dearborn AC, Satur-
day night.
Emil Lockwood and John Wilson
grappled in the heavyweight divi-
sion. Lockwood, at 174 pounds,
spotted his larger opponent 30
pounds and barely squeezed out a
6-5 victory. In repeating his all-
campus victory over Wilson, Lock-
wood appears to have earned the
right to wrestle in the unlimited divi-
sion, Saturday.
In the other two matches for var-
sity berths, both winners had very
close calls. Ray Deane won on points
from Ed Wight, but the match re-
quired two extra two minute periods.
The score was 18-17.
John Paup downed Marvin Becker
in the other close match, 14-11.

Ross (c)

Pos. N

Mich. Tech
Petaja (c)

lF. .iii

vt /
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the price went to $4.50


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