W eather
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
Freedom OfnThought
And The United Stata
Wolverine Quintet
Whips Ypsi, 36-16;
Varsity Five Gives Poor
Exhibition; Penn Loses
SwimmingMeet, 51-23
Swimmers Take
All First Places
Save for a brief but prolific out-
burst of scoring at the start of the
second half, the Wolverine basketball
team hardly looked like the same
quintet that swamped Michigan State
a week ago as they slopped thei
way to a 36-16 victory over a hap-
less Michigan Normal team last night
at Yost Field House.
Perhaps Coach Bennie Ooster-
baan's charges were overconfident;
perhaps they had an off night; or
maybe it was the inferior caliber of
their opposition that made the Wol-
verines look so poorly.
But the Varsity's performance last
night was far below par for a team
that opens a stiff Big Ten cam-
paign within a few weeks.
The Wolverines' passing and ball
handling was slipshod; they took
66 shots during the course of the
eve1ing and connected only 15 times;
and at times during the first half
proved suckers for some simple block-
out plays'that thesYpsi cagers worked
to ring up baskets.
First Half Close Throughout
Michigan never led Normal by
more than four points at any
stage of the first half, and it was
only by virtue of hoops by Captain
Herb Brogan, Jim Mandler and Bob
Fitzgerald near the close of the half
that the Varsity managed to leave
the floor with a meager 16-12 ad-
Oosterbaan must have injected
some fire into the squad during the
locker room intermission, because
the Wolverines appeared a rejuve-
nated team at the' beginning of the
second half.
Fitzgerald, Mike Sofiak and .Bill
(Continued on Page 4)
Swimming Team
Overwhelms Penn
(Special to Tile. Daily)
BUFFALO, N.Y., Dec. 14. - With
times that were far from good, Mich-
igan's indomitable swimming team
shattered the existing Niagara Asso-
ciation records in every event tonight
as they overwhelmed the University
of, Pennsylvania, 51 to 23 at the Buf-
falo Athletic Club.
Matt Mann's National champs won
every first place on the program as
they inaugurated their 1940-41 sea-
son in an auspicious manner before
a packed audience.
Sophomores and veterans alile
shared the glory of victory as the
youthful Jack Patten and veteran
Charley Barker led the. assault on
the hapless Quakers.
Patten Takes Two Events
Patten took both the 220 and 440
yard free style distance races to
make his bow to collegiate circles.
His time in the 220 was 2:19.9, slight-
ly over two seconds above the Big
Ten record for that event. He came
back in the 440 in 5:14.5, a new
Niagara Association record despite
its mediocrity.
Dependable Charley Barker, for-
(Continued on Page 5)
Goodfelows - Monday
Third Technic
To Be Issued
Publication Will Feature
Open House Editorial
In addition to the four student and
faculty articles which will highlight
the third issue of the Michigan Tech-
nic tomorrow, the staff will present
a large number of special features
including an editorial on Open House
in the Engineering College.
The editorial advocates another
Open House this year for the pur-
pose of showing the rest of the cam-
pus what the engineers are doing
and also explains just how this dem-
onstration has been conducted in the
BJase Survey
Cruise Ended
By President
WARM SPRINGS, GA., Dec. 14-(N)
-President Roosevelt ended a cruise
over nearly 4,000 miles of the Cari-
bbean and Atlantic today, assured by
a personal inspection that sites for
American defense bases in Jamaica,
St. Lucia, and Antigua were satis-
factory, but skeptical about facilities
in the Bahamas.
Pointing up evidence of Anglo-
American friendship, the cruise took
the President into the waters of a
belligerent power for the first time
since the current conflict began in
Europe. He paused at more than half
a dozen British islands, and also at
the French island of Martinique.
Mr. Roosevelt came ashore from the
cruiser Tuscaloosa at the Charles-
ton, S.C., navy yard this afternoon,
tanned by a tropical sun and salt
laden breezes, after twelve days at
The President gave a clear indica-
tion that he would veto the Walter-
Logan bill providing foricourt re-
views of rulings of various quasi-
judicial government agencies.
Asked at a press conference wheth-
er he made up his mind on the leg-
islation, he said he had "pretty well,"
and that he thought reporters had
been guessing pretty accurately what
he would do.
Be A Goodfellow
Center To Hold
holiday Dinner
Plan Informal Program
For Foreign Students
One of the most festive occasions
sponsored by the International Cen-
ter will be held at 6 p.m. today as for-
eign students gather to celebrate a
traditional American Christmas,
Prof. Raleigh Nelson, director of the
Center, announced.
A special holiday supper will be
served at the Center decorated with
holiday greens and a Christmas tree.
During the dinner Santa Claus will
arrive to distribute the inexpensive
gifts contributed by all who attend.
Following the dinner an informal
program will be given. Traditional
and unusual Christmas carols will be
sung in the lounges of the Center,
Professor Nelson said.
Foreign students from more than
50 nations will be represented in the
group. This is the first in a series
of activities scheduled for the Uni-
versity's students who will spend va-
cation in Ann Arbor away from their
,Laval Ousted By Petain
From Foreign Ministry
British""laim Capture Of 26,000 Italians;
Rome Denies Possibility Of Peace
(By The, Associated Press) ing up enemy pressure" in Egypt, but
Chief of State Marshal Petain dis- British statements shed far more
owned swarthy little Pierre Laval as gloom on the Italian situation, with
his political heir in the New France the official declaration that 26,000
yesterday and handed his Foreign Italians have been captured in the
six-day-old offensive.
ldinistry portfolio to Pierre-Etienne Virginio Gayda, authoritative Fas-
'landin, Rightist "appeaser." cist editor, obviously reflecting the
"It is for reasons of interior policy," official viewpoint, said the African
'e'ain broadcast to his countrymen. results could be judged only months
~It has no effect upon our relations hence.
with Germany. I remain at the The Rome radio said Italy would
elm. The national revolution con- not sue for eadsid eelop-
rnues."ntsu o peace despite develop-
iAues avs"snments in Egypt and Albania. In the
Authoritative sources in neighbor- latter campaign, Yugoslav border
jg Switzerland said Laval was un- dispatches said Italian planes heav-
ier guard at his estate-accused of ily bombed Greek positions in the
Ilotting to set up a separate govern- Northern Pogradetz area but that
nent in Paris with himself as head Greeks still were claiming local suc-
'and even conspiring to lead France cesses in their advance there.
into war against her former ally,'On the home front, the British re-
Britain. O h oefot h rts e
ported raids on the Nazi U-boat base
At any rate, the change was inter- at Bordeaux, in southwestern France,
preted widely as proof that Petain and other successful air attacks over
and General Maxime Weygand, pow- German-occupied territory with only
erful leader of the unbeaten French negligible Nazi activities over the
forces in North Africa, no longer British Isles.
trusted Laval to treat directly with Be A Goodfellow
Germany because of fears he might . Liner
go too far on his own. ritishL ine
Semi-officially Berlin indicated
its approval of Flandin as the new Is Torpedoed
Foreign Minister, while Swiss diplo-
matic observers connected the sud-
den switch at Vichy with persistent, Near Ireland
though denied, reports of a meeting
between Hitler and Premier Mussoli-
ni within the last 48 hours. 'Western Prince' Loaded
"TheBritish radio saidiFlandin With 10,000-Ton Cargo
"has been most consistent in his in-
trigues for the German oppressors," English Officers Aboard
and interpreted Laval's dismissal to
Germany's decision he was no longer NEW YORK, Dec. 14-()-The
useful to the Nazis because of the British liner Western Prince, loaded
French public's open hatred of him. with a heavy cargo, including air-
Flandin, 51 years old, was a pre- planes, and carrying British officials
war exponent of understanding with home for the Christmas holidays,
Germany. He is a former Premier was torpedoed today about 550 miles
and after the Munich Agreement he northwest of Londonderry, Ireland.
telegraphed his congratulations to Mackay radio' here picked up an
Hitler. SOS call that the 10,926-ton ship
The French upheaval came as the had been "torpedoed" at 2:02 A.M.
British were pounding the Italians E.S.T.). Nothing further was heard
retreating from Egypt into Libya, by after the first call, relayed by the
land, air and sea. Portpatrick, Scotland, station.
The Italian high command report- Furness, Withy and Company,
ed Fascist counterattacks were "slow- managers of the Western Prince,
Goodfellow Army Of 300
To Start 6th Annual Drive
To Aid Needy
Ruthven To Join Goodfellow Army
Facultymen And Students
Combine Services For
CampaignOf Charity
President Ruthven
Backs Undertaking
A Goodfellow Army of over 300 de-
termined faculty members and stu-
dents will range the campus and
downtown area all day tomorrow in
a concerted attempt to raise this
year's Goodfellow Fund to an un-
precedented peak.
Including many of the campus'
prominent students and faculty, the
volunteer army will begin its activi-
ties at 7:45 a.m. tomorrow. Empha-
sis this year will be upon volunteer
work. Wherever there's a pail and
a bunch of Goodfellow Dailys, facul-
tymen and students are invited to
pitch in and become newspaper boys
for one day for charity.
Ruthven Gives Support
President Alexander G. Ruthven
expressed his support of the Good-
fellow drive in a statement given last
night to The Daily. He said,,"For
the sixth time a Christmas Season
Goodfellow Drive is to be made on
President Alexander G. Ruthven, pictured here as he sold Goodfel-
low Dailies three years ago, will again join the Goodfellow Army to-
morrow as more than 300 students and faculty members will attempt to
set a new record of Goodfellow sales.
Student Registrees
May Enter Canada
Without 'Permits
Students of draft age planning to
travel either to or through Canada
during Christmas vacation will not
be required to receive permission
from their local selective service
According to A. C. Pack, chairman
of the Ann Arbor Draft Board, a
ruling was passed Friday night which
reversed a decision earlier this week
requiring permits.
"As long as students who have reg-
istered will not be drafted or con-
sidered for the draft until July 1,
we see no reason why permits should
be needed for Canadian travel," Mr.
Pack said yesterday. Formerly per-
mission was required for automobile
and hitch-hiking travel and recom-
mended for those going home by
Windsor Off On Mysterious Flight
identified one of the 60 passengers
as C. D. Howe, Canadian Minister
of Munitions and Supply. Also aboard
was Captain W. A. Charlton, one-
time master of the Queen of Ber-
muda. The ship had a crew of 80
when she left here Dec. 6.
John Gammie, Associate Director
of Cunard White Star Lines, passen-
ger agents, said he had "no informa-
tion" on the liner.
The vessel carried a 10,P00-ton
general cargo and a large quantity
of mail. Four twin-motored bomb-
ers were lashed to her deck. She was
due at an English port tomorrow.
The 496-foot Western Prince was
built in 1929 at Port Glasgow for
trade between New York and South
America. After the war began, she
University Coed
To Publish Novel
A Michigan coed who "never even
worked on her high school news-
paper," is the editor-in-chief of a
new campus pictorial magazine,
"Limelight," which will hit Ann Ar-
bor newsstands Wednesday morning.
She is Mary Kasper, a junior in
the literary school.
The first issue, a 20-page maga-
zine, will have a print order of 1000
copies to be sold at 10 cents apiece.
The format, the same size as that
of Gargoyle, will be printed by off-
Students model fashions for girls
-evening and sport clothes, skirts
and sweaters, date dresses and hats
-and for men-formal, sport and
daytime clothes.
I C ( I I-KiC \A/AV
SRA To Revive
Old Yule Carols
In SingTonight
Students Asked To Attend;
Double Quartet To Sing
Old Christmas Songs
All students are invited to attend
the annual Christmas Carol Sing
sponsored by the Student Religious
Association at 9 p.m. today at Lane
Traditional songs will be sung led
by a double quartet composed of Bar-
bara Fischer, '41, Linda Gail George,
'42, Ann Wehner, '41, Jean Fairfax,
'41, Bob Holland, 43SM, Russel Van
Cleve, Grad., Urie Bronfenner, Grad.,
and Frank Dugan, '41F&C. The group
led by Lonna Parker, '41, will also
present some unusual Chistmas car-
Students attending are asked to
bring inexpensive washable gifts
which will be used in the toy lending
library maintained by the Associa-
tion at Perry and Donovan Schools.
The yearly contributions to the li-
braries are necessary, Kay Summers,
'41, explained, because once a year,
the children are allowed to select one
toy they would like to keep in the
lending library operated by students
of the Universities.
Refreshments will be served fol-
lowing the musical program. Assist-
ing Miss Parker on the committee
in charge are Helen Pielem:i r, '41Ed,
Madeline Smith, '43, Kay Summers,
'41, and Ted Hildebrandt, '42.
Phi Eta Sigma,
Plans Initiation,
Eleven Students Will Join
Scholastic Fraternity;
Prof. WeaverTo Talk
Eleven sophomores representing
the Literary College and the College
of Engineering will be initiated into
Phi Eta Sigma, honorary scholastic
fraternity, at 5 p.m. today in the Un-
Following the initiation a banquet
will be held for the new members at
6:15 p.m. at which Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department
will be principle speaker, giving his
views on the relationship between
the scholar and the citizen.
The following are from the Lit-
erary College: Martin Browning of
Iron Mountain; Albert Grunewald of
Grosse Pointe; Cyrus Neuman of
Philadelphia, Pa.; Robert Stacy of
Jamaica, Long Island, N.Y.; and
Richard Walker of Point Vedra
Beach, Fla.
Robert Hehemann of Cincinnati,
Ohio; J. Bradford John of Ann Ar-
bor; William Lehmann of Detroit;
John Munson of Vulcan; Pete Smith
of Toledo, Ohio, and Paul Weingar-
ten of Chicago are representatives of
the College of Engineering.
Alloted posts and instruction
for salesmen in tomorrow's Good-
fellow Drive may be found on
page eight of today's Daily.
the campus. It is an undertaking
which richly deserves all the sup-
port we can give it, for it is the ex-
pression of the impulse, which we
all share, to help the less fortunate,
and we have seen how effectively the
funds collected in past years have
been used."
Prominent faculty members sell-
ing papers tomorrow will include
President Ruthven, at the Diagonal;
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, in the League
lobby; Dean Ivan C. Crawford, East
Engineering steps and North En-
trance West Engineering; Dean Jos-
eph A. Bursley, on the Union steps;
Dean Jeannette Perry, in the League
lobby; Dean Walter B. Rea, nojth
entrance to Angell Hall; Prof. How-
ard B. Calderwood, Angell Hall; Prof.
I. R. Sharfman, Angell Hall; Field-
ing H. Yost, middle of the diagonal;
Prof. Bennett Weaver, Engineering
Arch, and Prof. Waldo Abbot, on
Union steps.
Twenty-eight campus leaders con-
stitute this year's executive com-
mittee fo4r the Goodfellow drive.
Serving on the committee are Laur-
unce Mascott, '41, editor of the Good-
fellow Edition; Lee Hardy, '41, presi-
lent of the League; Douglas Gould,
'41, president of the Union; Annabel
Van Winkle, '41, president of Pan-
hellenic Association; Patricia Wal-
pole, '41, president of Assembly;
James Harrison, '41, president of the
Interfraternity Council; William H.
Rockwell, '41, president of Congress
and Edward Fried, '41, president of
the Inter-Cooperative Council.
Daily Men Aid
Also cooperating in the campaign
are Hervie Haufler, '41, managing
editor of The Daily; Irving Guttman,
'41, business manager of The Daily;
Robert Gilmour, '41, assistant busi-
ness manager of The Daily; Helen
Bohnsack, '41, women's business
manager of The Daily; Jane Krause,
A1, women's advertising manager of
T'he Daily; Doris Merker, '41, presi-
lent of Women's Judiciary Council;
and, Bill Muehl, '41, president of the
Student Religious Association.
Other aides in the Goodfellow drive
will be Jane Grove, '41, president Of
Women's Athletic Association; Doro-
thea Ortmayer, '41, president of
Scroll; Jane Sapp, '41, president of
Senior Society; Helen Barnett, '41;
president of Mortar Board; Harriet
Heames, '42, president of Wyvern;
Norman D. Call, '42, president of
Sphinx; Blaz Lucas, '41, of Michi-
gauma; John DeVine, '41, president
of Druids; Bill Combs, '41, president
of the M Club; Robert Sibley, '41,
president of Triangles; Edward A.
Charlie Chaplin Films To Open
New Art Cinema Series Today
The new Art Cinema League film
series opens at 8:15 p.m. today at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre with the
showing of five Keystone comedies
starring filmdom's top comedian of
the past 20 years, Charlie Chaplin.
A few tickets are still available at
the League and Union, priced at $1
for the series of four evenings of
movie entertainment planned. No
single admissions to individual per-
formances will be sold.
The Keystone comedies which lead
the league's bill tonight are the typ-
ical slapstick efforts of the 1920 pro-
ductions that stressed pie-throwing,
baggy, patched pants, black roller
derby, crooked cane, tiny moustache
and toes turned out at right angles.
Even in the 1920's the actor was
known throughout the world for his
effective pantomine.
The pictures will be silent, but ar-
rangements have been made for a
musical score to accompany them.
Ticket holders will also be given
the opportunity to see "The Unholy
Three," one of the greatest ter-
rorizing horror pictures of all time
starring the "man of a thousand
faces," the late Lon Chaney, on Jan.
............. 1. _f"Z "