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December 14, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-14

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14, 1940


r_.,._____________________ I. U. . . __. . ,..

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Student Red


To Sew

Today At WAB
Help Is Asked From Women
With Spare Time; Varied Work
Provided According To Ability
Sewing machines will be in contin-
uous action from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to-
day as the student workers of the
Washtenaw County Red Cross con-
tinue their weekly meetings at the
Women's Athletic Building.
Kappa Kappa Gamma has added
its support to the project through the
donation of rent money for the sew-
ing machines this week. Other
groups have been asked to lend their
support towards keeping the ma-
chines in operation.
Under supervision from the local
chapter, the new Student Workroom
provides charitable work for people
of varied sewing ability. Processes
of cutting, pinning, basting, machine
stitching, pinking and pressing, are
done by women in accordance with
their degree of experience.
A recording concert of classical
selections will be heard throughout
the day, according to requests made,
while the regular Saturday Opera
will be heard over the radio.
No binding hours or regular at-
tendance is required of students who
wish to join the Red Cross roster
through this new workroom. The As-
sociation, which is sponsoring the
project, welcomes all women who
have at least 15 minutes to spare
during the specified hours.
Goodfeiiows - Monday
To Be Today
The holiday spirit will be ushered
in today at the Club Wolverine's
Christmasopening, at the Jingle Ball
at the Union and at the fling at the
Club 7-11 at the League.
Featured at the Wolverine, where
red and green decorations will form a
colorful background, will be Dean
and Catherine Figg, adagio and tap
dance team, according to Michael
Massa, '42, who is chairman of the
dance. Favors will be given at the
door and there will be a prize offered
after an elimination dance. Reserva-
tions may be made at the Wolverine
desk or by telephone.
The traditional Christmas dance at
the Union, Jingle Ball, will be held
from 9 pm. to midnight. Bill Saw-
yer's orchestra will play and there
will be door prizes including boxes
of candy, dance passes, cartons of
cigarettes and dinner tickets, an-
nounced Dick Scherling, '42, social
The ballroom will be decorated with
a Santa Claus 10 feet in height and
a Christmas tree, in addition to the
customary red and green ornaments.
Candy will be presented to each
couple attending the dance.
At the League, the Club 7-11 will
open its doors from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
for the last time before the holidays.
The usual refreshment service, as well
as tables for bridge, and recorded
music for dancing will be offered.
The Kalamazoo Room will remain
open the extra hour from midnight
to 1 a.m. in order that senior wo-
men may take advantage of their
late permission.
Japanese Dinner
Will Be Held Today
A typical sukiyaki dinner will be
served at the Nippon Club's annual
Christmas party at 6:30 p.m. today
at the International, Center, an-
nounced Helen Shimoura, '41, secre-

tary of the group.
Bill Takahashi, Grad., Lester Ka-
shiwa, Grad., and Kikue Oshima,
Grad., she added, will attempt to
reconstruct a real Japanese atmos-
phere, not only through the food, but
also in the decoration scheme.
'Pd rker
l'AC'4AT [
Duofold Set-
* $6.45 Value
only $5.0
Sold Separately
Brand new Sacless
Duofold Pen . . $3.95
New Writefine Pencil
to match . . $2.50
Aft % M

Large Evening
Bags Illustrate
Practical Mode
~ '
For years women have unsuccess
fully tried to cram lipstick, compact,
hankie, and comb into dainty, dimin-
utive evening bags, designed rather
for appearance than practicality.
Today's trend, however, is towar'd
larger, more sensible purses, both
for daytime and evening use.
These larger bags are in answer
to the prayers of long-suffering
males, who have spent many an un-
comfortable evening with pockets
burdened with feminine foibles. If
the mode toward increased size pre-
vails, women will be able to jam all
beauty aids into capacious bags.
For the woman who wears glasses,
larger evening purses will also prove
a boon. The problem of how to car-
ry glasses when one is attending the
opera or theatre in formal attire is
now solved. e
Styles in evening bags are varied.
They may be of petit point, brocade,
mr gold or silver kid. Velvet ones in
shades to match evening gowns are
also popular. Fitted bags, while
more expensive, are the ultimate in
practicality for evening use.r
Goodfelows - Monday -
First Technicolor
Movie Of Palestineg
Will Be Tomorrow
Palestine's first technicolor sound
movie production will be given one
of its earliest American showngs at
8 p.m. tomorrow in the League by
Avukah, student Zionist organization,
Evelyn Sislin, '41, president, an-
nounced yesterday .
Entitled "Our Promised Land," the
film portrays the construction of
the new Jewish Palestine.
Tickets wiIl be on sale at the League
desk and Lane Hall or they may be
obtained from any Avukah member
for 25 cents. Proceeds will be con-
tributed to the Jewish National

Music Score
For'41 JGP
To Be Written
Synopses of the script of "Jump-
ing Jupiter", 1941 Junior Girls Play,
may be obtained by anyone who
wishes to submit music for the play
that will be presented next semester.
Phyllis Waters, '42, chairman of
the music committee, will give syn-
opses upon request. In the synop-
sis will be found the story of the
play with enough of its theme to
indicate the type of song that will
be suitable.
For those would-be composers
lacking technical musical knowledge,
but who have ideas for songs, Miss
Waters suggests that they persuade
a musician to write the number
down for them. "It may be just
what the committee is searching
for to complete the script with mu-
sic," advised Miss Waters.
Today is the deadline for JGP
health' rechecks which are re-
quired of every woman who in-
tends to work on the play. Re-
check cards may be left with Mrs.
Parker at the Health Service.


Bridge Match
To Be Played
At 2 p.m. today the Union will be
the scene of a strenuous bridge bout
between eight faculty members of
the University Club and men's teams
from the student body.
This third bout of the season pro-
mises to reach new heights of excite-
ment and shrewd playing owing to
the crushing defeat the students
showed the faculty teams in the first
encounter and the brilliant retalia-
tion of the faculty teams in the sec-
ond, Dick Scherling, '42, said.
The seriousness of the situation in
the eyes of the University Club is
reflected by the extremecaution with
which their teams have been select-
ed, Scherling commented. Hurling
their heavyweights into the battle,
the faculty lead off with Conway
Magee and Sumner Myers.
Complete starting line-up for the
faculty has not been revealed by
Coach A. D. Moore. Student teams
selected from both the Novice and
Open Class Players are headed by
Paul Keller, '43, Ken Johnson, '43L,
John Bachman, '42, John Wendt, '42,
Donald Young, '43, Oscar Feferman,
'41BAd., Lloyd Mowery, '41, Frank
McCabe, '42E, Lin Tong, Grad., Dav-
id Davidoff, '42L, and Scherling.


Olde Yuletide Spirit To Descend
On Campus. With Dances Today

"Ye Olde Yuletide Spirit" has in-
vaded the campus this weekend and
the place has taken on an air of fes-
tivity with lighted Christmas trees,
bells and everything to go with the
holiday atmosphere, and the proverb-
ial good cheer.
Alpha Chi Sigma will give a radio
dance from 9 p.m. to midnight today
with Mr. and Mrs. R. K. McAlpine
and Prof. Clair Upthegrove chaper-
oning. There'll be a pledge formal
going on at the Alpha Epsilon Phi
house with the theme of the dance
being the "Twenty-Fifth Century."
Bill Gail's orchestra will furnish the
music and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ac-
kerman of Grand Rapids and Mr. and
Mrs. Myron Wallace will chaperon.{
Alpha Kappa Kappa has planned'
a dance for 9 p.m. today with Grant
Morrow and W. J. Slasor chaperon-
ing, and Alpha Kappa Lambda is
having a dinner dance from 7 p.m.
to midnight with Bill McKay's or-
chestra playing. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Payne and Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Denise will chaperon.
Betsy Barbour House will cele-
brate with a formal dance starting
at 9 p.m. and Max Crosman's or-
chestra will play. Mrs. Stanley Mit-
chell, Mrs. Frederick Kline, Mrs. Dane
Poppleton, and Miss Charlotte Scho-
etker will act as chaperons.
Delta Delta Delta has planned a
Chistmas formal with Woody Mack's
orchestra supplying the music, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. DeFries and Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Clement as chaper-
ons. Delta Sigma Delta will give a
formal with Dr. and Mrs. Homer E.
Faust and Dr. and Mrs. Harold W.
Hild acting as chaperons.
The East Quadrangle will begin
their dance at 8:30 p.m. with Mrs.
A. O. Lee, Mrs. W. C. Newell, and
Mrs. J. E. Kallenbach, housemothers,

as chaperons. At the Union there ing the music and Prof. and
will be a dance sponsored by the I Joseph Cannon and Mr. and


International Center at 9 p.m. which
will have Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Mar-
shall and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dew-
bowski as chaperons.
Kappa Alpha Theta will have its
annual pledge formal tonight with
Gordon Hardy and his orchestra pro-
viding the tempo. Mr. and Mrs. John
L. Kollen, Mrs. Irene Johnson, and
Mrs. Catherine Kircher will chaper-
on this affair.
There will be a party at the Kath-
erine Pickerill Cooperative house
from 8:30 to midnight with Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Juliar, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Freedman acting as chaperons.
Jack Rosevear and his orchestra will
.play for the dancers at the Lawyers'
Club formal from 9 p.m. tomidnight
today, and Prof. and Mrs. R. A.
Smith and Miss Inez V. Bozorth will
The Newman Club will hold a
pre-Christmas tea dance from 3 p.m.
to 5 p.m. today in the Chapel Club
Room of St. Mary's Chapel. Jane
Kenney, '41, is chairman of the af-
fair, and assisting her are Sally
Walsh, '43, Anne Royle, '43, and
Betty Prindiville, '42.
Phi Delta Theta will give a Christ-
mas formal from 9 p.m. to midnight
with Herb Ritz and his orchestra pro-
viding the music. Dr. and Mrs. H.
G. Weller and Lieut. and Mrs. Harold
Watson will chaperon the party. Phi
Kappa Tau will put on a festive air
at a pledge formal tonight with Larry
Smith and his orchestra playing for
dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heller
and Mrs. Helen Gucker will act as
There will be a pre-Christmas for-
mal at the Sigma Phi house tonight
with Ray Carey's orchestra furnish-

George W. Johnson, of Grand Haven,
as chaperons. Sleigh bells will jingle
or horses will neigh, according to the
weather, when the students of St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church leave
Harris Hall at 9 p.m. on either a
sleigh ride or a hay ride. At 11 p.m.
when they return from their jaunt,
there will be refreshments and danc-
ing at Harris Hall.
Trigon has planned a dance for
tonight with Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Thulin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Vleet, of Birmingham, acting as cha-
perons.. 'There will be a dance at the
West Quadrangle also from 9 p.m. to
midnight with the West Quad orches-
tra being directed by Gerald Dena-
vie. Dr. Arthur Rooker, and Prof.
J. A. Kitchen will act as chaperons.
Zeta Tau Alpha will have a pledge
formal with Earl Stevens and his or-
chestra furnishing the music for
dancing. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mac-
Farland of Dearborn, Dr. and Mrs.
Emory Sink and Dr. and Mrs. Max
Peet will chaperon this affair.
Betrothal Announced
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Victor of De-
troit announced the engagement of
their daughter, Judith, '41SM, on
Friday, Dec. 6, to Dr. Samuel Stul-
berg, '38D, son of Mrs. Pearl Stul-
berg, of Detroit.
Dr. Stulberg was an instructor at
the University from 1938 to 1940
while he worked on his Master's De-
gree which he received last June.
He was a member of Alpha Omega
arLd Omega Kappa Upsilon, honorary
dental fraternity.

ASCAP Musical Network War

Cancels Bill
War over the networks reached
local significance late Thursday
when it caused the regular Friday
night broadcast of Bill Sawyer's radio
program to be indefinitely can-
Sawyer did not broadcast his us-
ual half-hour last night when he
and his orchestra played on the
"X-mas X-press." He explained
that this was because of the national
strife between the American Society
of Composers, Authors and Publish-
ers and the major network systems
of the-nation over the enormous fees
charge by ASCAP.
Music To Be Revised
Not until Jan. 1 will the full effect
of this ban on network tunes be
felt, but the stations are already re-
vising their- music departments to
accommodate the impending change.
As matters now stand, the ASCAP
tunes control 90 per cent of the pop-
ular music.
The conflict will begin in real
earnest next month and, after this
time, only tunes owned by the BMI
(Broadcasting Music Incorporated),
or otherwise not affected by the rul-
ing, will be played. Among the tunes
nQt under the ASCAP banner which
Sawyer mentioned as familiar to
Ann Arbor audiences are "I Give



You My Word," "I Hear Rhapsody,"
"There I Go," and "Frenesi."
'No More Broadcasts'
To those who have been listening
to the Friday night half-hours and
who will be disappointed by the can-
cellation of the broadcasts, goes the
consolation that it is not only the
public but also the musician who will
bear the brunt of this conflict.
Sawyer repeated, "So until the
present war between the networks
and ASCAP is ended, there will be
no more broadcasts from the Union."
Goodfellows - Monday
Junior Medical Class
Elects Robert Leitch
President At Meeting
Robert M. Leitch of Battle Creek
has been chosen president of the jun-
ior class of the School of Medicine
at I meeting to elect officers.
Donald L. Davidson, from Shelby,
was elected to the position of vice-
president while William D. Penhale
of Plymouth was selected to act as
class secretary.,
Carl A. Benz of Ann Arbor received'
the highest number of votes to win
the vote for treasurer of the class.
Chosen as honor man of the group
was Don Okamura, who comes from
Papaaloa, Hawaii.


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1432 Washten'w-Dial 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Lillian Dilts, Assistant
William Barnard, Director of Music
9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all age
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service. "The Man
Who Gave Us Christmas" will be the sub-
ject of the sermon by Dr. Lemon.'
10:45 A.M. Nursery during morning worship.
12:15 P.M. University Student Forum in the
choir room. Topic, "The World Holiday in
5:30 P.M. A Pageant, "What Child Is This?"
given by the Church School in the auditor-
ium of the church. Everyone invited.
6:00 P.M. Westminister Student Guild will
meet for supper. Following the supper there
will be carol singing. Dr. Lemon will give
some Christmas stories. This is the last get-
to-gather before vacation. All students in-
6:30 P.M. Tuxis Society for high school young
people in the Vance Parlor.
8:00 P.M. The Sundajy Evening Club will have
for its speaker Miss Dorothy Eckert, Instruc-
tor in Music literature, who will talk to the
group on familiar Christmas carols.
Sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches.
Zion Lutheran Church,
E. Washington at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon,
"The Victor Crowned" by Rev. E. C. Stell-
Trinity Lutheran Church,
E. William St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30'A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon "Be
Faithful and Hopeful" by Rev. H. 0. Yoder.
5:30 P.M. Lutheran Student Association in
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Supper at 6:00 -
Christmas Program of carols, sacred Christ-
mas Recordings and a Christmas Story,
"Christmas in the Heart" by Rachael Field
to be read by Mrs. Alfred Wagner.

Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Assistant Min.
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:30 A.M. High School Class, Harris Hall.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Right Reverend Herman Page, D.D.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Harris Hall.
5:00 P.M. Choral Evensong. Music by Mr. Faxon
and members of the Schola Cantorum.
7:30 P.M. Episcopal Student Guild in Harris
Hall. "The Christmas Service".
409 South Division Street
10:30 A.M. Sunday Service.
11:45 A.M. Sunday School.
Free reading room at 206 E. Liberty St. open
daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30
A.M. to 5 P.M. and on Saturdays till 9 P.M.
State St. between Washington and Huron.-
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares, and
J. Edward Lantz.
Music: Hardin VanDeursen, director; Mary
Eleanor Porter, organist.
9:45 A.M. Church School for students. Dr. G.
E. Carrothers is the leader. Wesley Founda-
tion Assembly Room.
10:40 A.M. Church for Nursery, Beginners and
Primary Departments. Parents may leave
children there while attending church.
10:40 A.M. Morning Worship. Dr. Brashares's
subject is "Home Sweet Home."
6:15 P.M. Wesleyan Guild Fellowship program
and supper followed by Madonna Program.
8:00 P.M. "Living Madonnas" Presentation of
Masterpieces of Art by Kappa Phi in a Cand-
lelight Christmas Service for students, mem-
bers and friends of the church.
512 East Huron.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
Jack Ossewaarde, Minister of Music.
10:30 A.1M. The Church at Worship. Sermon,
"Characteristic Christian Living".
10:30-12:10 P.M. Kindergarten and Primary
Children meet downstairs for Worship and
11:30-12:10 P.M. The Church at Study. The en-
tire congregation is urged to remain through
this part of the Church service.

_ 1'





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The Liberal Center
State and Huron Streets.
H. P. Marley, Minister.
11:00 A.M. Christmas Sermon for Students -
",4 B.C., 1940 A.D., and 2400 Maybe". Read-
ing of Christmas Poem by Elizabeth Kelly

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