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December 14, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-14

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V. .1

We'll Sit This One Out'



Edited and managed by students of therUniversity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of allrnews dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
College Publishers Representative
420 MADIsoN AVE. ' NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff

He vie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen, Corman

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. .Associate Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
. . . . aWomen's Editor
* . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of-the
writers only.

Of A New Regime

. . .

D. Van Wagoner will be inaugurated
as the new Governor of the State of Michigan.
Students who are interested in progressive gov-
ernment will be watching the opening months
of his regime; with critical attention.
In the past, Mr. Van Wagoner has been chiefly
concerned with the problems of highway con-
struction. It will now be necessary for him to
acquire a broader conception of the whole'
governmental process in the complicated mod-
ern world.
WE HOPE that Mr. Van Wagoner does not
support the: static concept of state govern-
ment upheld by his immediate predecessor.
Rigid adherence to partially outmoded govern-
mental practices and an undue emphasis on a
policy of' retrenchment will never result in an
improved state government. Governors must
be constantly aware of the opportunities to
extend the social function of state government.
They must realize that state government is a
great service institution, not merely in its con-
ventional routine operations but also in such
activities as introducing a system of industrial
compensation. It is important that state gov-
ernors do not become bogged down in a mass
of administrative detail and thus neglect the
infinitely more important positive functions
of their governments.
Mr. Van Wagoner's appointments. will be
crucial. The character of his executive assistants
will partially determine thee success of his whole
administration. Particularly is this true of his
appointment of a State Civil Service Commis-
sioner. For this administrator, will face the
responsibility of effectuating the terms of the
civil service amendment to the state constitu-
tion, accepted by the voters in last November's
election. But his responsibility will be coun-
tered by his unusual opportunity to insure the
efficiency of a long-needed political reform. A
real civil service system, not a mere pretense,
would be a credit to any state administration.
W E HOPE that Governor-elect Van Wagoner
will consider the recommendations of po-
litical science authorities for streamlining the
machinery of state government. We hope that
he will consider human needs, such as those of
crippled children, above the demands for a
balanced budget. We hope, that he will see that
labor has proper representation on the board
which arbitrates labor disputes. In brief, we
hope that the new governor will stress the dy-
namic obligations of social reform which all
governmental units in the twentieth century
must strive to fulfill.
It is clear that the political complexion of
the state legislature will hamper Mr. Van
Wagoner's plans. Tactfulness in dealing with
a legislature controlled by the opposition will
be a fundamental necessity of his administra-
tion. But he still retains the power of appoint-
ment. And he can still determine the essence
and tone of governmental procedures in Mich-
igan for the next two years.
-Chester Bradley
Who's Scapegoat Now?
When so many of a dictator's right hand men
must step down, the dictator himself is in a
nestionnah nosition. This must be the reac-

APROPOS of nothing in particular, I was flip-
ping through the pages of a picture maga-
zine the other day, and there were some shots
of interiors of modern houses, including one
under which the cutlines said something like
"This charming modern library combines beau-
ty of line with ample book space" and so forth.
There was one set of bookshelves visible in the
picture, also a silly looking desk, a radio, an
easy chair, a lamp, tables and various womanly
touches. Now what kind of a library is that?
I have seen too many of these libraries without
books; it is beginning to make, me sore. I
know some people at home who spent twenty-
five thousand dollars on a house, and the li-
brary in the thing consists of two small sunken
shelves, a soda siphon, and a very expensive
and large radio, on which you can get Shanghai
or Berlin or London with a flick of the wrist.
Most of the time the people sit and listen to
Jack Benny or the American Album of Familar
Music. The books are those large, colorful
publishers' remainders which sell for a dollar
and an amount of cents that ends in nine al-
ways. They are uncut for the most part, though
a few novels have been read.
I hate to scream about the good old days, but
by the lord Harry what has happened to people
and books? If people were not buying anything
these days, if they had lost that sense of pride
in possession, I couldn't say much, but when I
look at a cheap car garnished with extra bumper
guards, sixteen various colored lights and mud
guards bejewelled flapping in the wind, when
I see houses filled with small figurines and
whatnots or more antique chairs than anyone
could possibly ever sit on, or a whole closet
devoted to the storage of twelve bridge tables
and their accompanying uncomfortable folding,
back breaking chairs, I cannot but wonder at
the American public's capacity for cheapness'
and distortion of values. I say this in all snob-
bishness, for indeed I am a book collector my-
self, not in a superficial tooled leather binding
way, but by virtue of a strong conviction that
most of the best things of good living are cen-
tered around an oversupply of good books, books
which overflow shelves everywhere in a house,
books which are old or new and worn but read
by the older people, by. the kids, maybe even,
though I personally hate the habit, borrowed
by friends.
BUT BOOKS have become strange things to
moderns. There are a few stupid bores who
To the Editor:
We think that it's about time some people
besides the ASU expressed themselves publicly
about democracy and civil liberties on this
We, members of History 41, have formed a
committee within our class to register our dis-
approbation of the disciplinary action which
has been taken against a recognized student
group and two senior editors of The Daily and
the loss of Margaret Campbell's scholarship.
This committee is entirely independent of any
organization, and was formed to give voice to
a common feeling.
We realize that there may be reasons which
justify these actions, but the coincidental re-
lationship of the steps and the weakness of the
technical charges seem to indicate that there
may have been unjust discrimination in these
We suggest that members of other classes
form committees on this broad basis, with a
view mainly to consolidating opinion and es-
tablishing a definite voice in defense of aca-
demic freedom.
- The Committee of History 41

City Editor's
THERE'S a Michigan coed leaving for Miami,
and she wants one companion to drive down
with her, "preferably male." If you are inter-
ested, it tells all about it on the Union travel
"Take A Number" was abbreviated by
half an hour on the second night . . . a
smart step and a favor to the customers.
It's really a funny show, when they cut
those intervals between laughs.
The Duke of Windsor flies to see FDR con-
cerning the ambassadorship. It's rumored
Wally doesn't like him to leave her .. . it's
just pulling teeth.
,OU MAY NOT KNOW IT, but women are
being cut out of the collegiate flight train-
ing program all over the U.S. because "they
have no military value". All prospective en-
rollees have td pledge themselves now to enter
the army or navy air corps. That let's the
coeds out.

make as if to be literate on the basis of buying
a book selected for them by a famous and con-
servative national committee every month, but
for the most part people today will wait to see
it in the movie, or read it condensed in a nifty
little magazine, or by spending fifteen minutes
a day staring at a five foot shelf of stuff be-
come broadened in the head, or just let the
whole thing go and figure there is some very
good stuff to be heard on the super-heterodyne,
thirty-tube, special speaker. beautiful walnut
cabineted radio, and perhaps there is, but cer-
tainly it is not radio serials or the half hour
romantic comedies of famous soap companies.
As a nation, because I think our newspapers,
the only thing people ever read, have become
more intelligent or sophisticated if you will,
we are better informed than ever before, but
as a nation too we have a gift for the obvious,
an affinity for bromides that springs directly
out of none of us ever having read enough
serious literature to get out of the day to day
groove we were born in. It's a tough state of
things when the only people who buy books are
rich old men who like to brag about how many
firsts they have in their locked bookcases, uncut,
unread, unthought about. I hear much about
the educational contributions the cinema and
radio have made to our civilization. What are
they, please? So long until soon.
Robert S.Aleu
WASHINGTON - In the momentous strug-
gle over foreign policy that will be fought out
in the new Congress convening in a few weeks,
the spearhead of the isolationist side will be an
organization about wich very little has been
disclosed. Its name is the America First Com-
Except for some full-page newspaper ads and
radio speeches after the destroyer-base swap,
covertly attacking aid to Britain and the de-
fense program, the organization has operated
largely in the bactground. At present it is
concentrating on raising money and building
up a nationwide network of local units, similar
to the opposition William Allen White Com-
mittee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies.
THIS RESTRAINT is not due to modest
America First is 'merely biding its time.
Plenty will be heard from it when the rhetorical
guns begin to roar.
America First is well fitted for the leadership
of its cause. Under its banner are united the
spokesmen of the various elements that con-
stitute the chief opposition to the Government's
foreign policy - isolationists, big business ap-
peasers, pacifists, fellow-travelers, and sub rosa
The origin.of the committee is as interesting'
as its membership. America First is the product
of Yale University, the brain-child of R. Douglas
Stuart, Jr., 24-year-old law school senior and
son of the first vice-president of the Quaker
Oats Co.
The Conception
STUART got his fledgling movement off to a
rousing start by staging a meeting for Colo-
nel Lindbergh, with the aid of a group of class-
mates and the faculty element that sponsored
a speech by Earl Browder, head of the U.S.
Communist Party. The same argument of free-
dom of speech was used t defend both affairs.
Lindberh's talk was a big success, and Stu-
art's movement attracted the notice of certain
business and social leaders in Chicago. Chief
among them were General Robert Wood, head
of Sears, Roebuck; Edward L. Ryerson, director
of Inland Steel, and a number of other large
concerns, including Quaker Oats; Mrs. Janet
Ayer Fairbank, wealthy socialite, and Chester
Bowles, chairman of Benton and Bowles, one
of the biggest advertising firms in the country.

THROUGH these potent contacts Stuart
quickly met others who also were keenly
interested in the possibilities of his move-
ment. Among them were William Castle,
Under Secretary of State in the Hoover Cabinet,
one of the closest intimates of the former Pres-
ident, and the original master mind behind
Lindbergh; Senator Burton K. Wheeler, isola-
tionist Democrat, and Senator Bob Taft, run-
ner-up for the GOP presidential nomination at
Stuart became so enthusiastic about Taft and
his isolationist views that at the Philadelphia
convention he refused to swing over to Willkie
even after he was nominated, because Willkie
advocated aid to Britain.
The Birth
INEXPERIENCED and somewhat naive, young
Stuart and his movement were quickly taken
in hand by skilled veterans.
Wood, Bowles and other interested business
men put their firms' publicity staffs to work on
a big-scale promotional drive. They also ob-
tained the crack services of Batten, Barton,
Durstine & Osborn, of which GOP Representa-
tive 'Bruce Barton is president; Ruthrauff &
Ryan, and several other big-shot advertising
It was this aggregation of master minds that
planned and placed the newspaper ad campaign.




(Continued from Page 2)j
Principal Translator, salary $2,600,
Dec. 30, 1940.
Accounting and Auditing Assistant
Salary, $1,800, Dec. 30, 1940.
Junior Warehouse Examiner, sal-f
ary $2,800, Jan. 6, 1940.
Junior Airway Traffic Controller,
salary $2,000, Indefinitely.-
Complete information on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.'
The Married' Couples' Cooperative
House announces one vacancy. All
interested call 7350 evenings. The.
house will be in operation beginning
January 1.
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar, Monday, De-1
cember 16, at 8:00 p.m., Room 1564a
East Medical Building. The subject
will be "Immunological Studies of
Certain Tumor Viruses." All inter-
ested are invited.
English 149 and 85 (Playwriting):
The classes will meet on Tuesday,
Dec. 17, at 8:00 p.m. in 4300 Angell
Hall for a laboratory production.
They will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 7,
at 7:30 p.m. in 3212 A.H.yfor dis-
cussion of the play.
Pre-Medical Students: The final
set of tests in the series of aptitude
tests for members of the Pre-Medi-
cal Society will be given today at
1:30 p.m. in Room 300. West Medical
Doctoral Examination for Charles
William Clapp, Physics; Thesis: "An
Acoustic Wattmeter for Measuring
Sound Power Density," Monday, 1:00
p.m., 3063 East Physics Building.
Chairman, F. A. Firestone.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum

from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:00l
to 10:00 p.m.

Events '-Today
Suomi Club meeting tonight


8:00 at the League.
Saturday Luncheon Group meets
today at 12:15 p.m. Lane Hall.
Ski Movies will be shown tonight
at 7:30 in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre, in sound and color, of Dick Dur-
rance and other world famous skiers,
showing the fundamentals of skiing.
All interested are invited. No charge.
Coming Events
International Center - Saturday
Round Table will convene at 3 o'clock
this afternoon. "The Nature of His-
toric Causality." Everybody interest-
ed is welcome.
The Graduate Education Club will
meet Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 4:30 p.m. in
the University Elementary School
Library. Dr. Paul Harrison will be
the speaker. All graduate students
in Education are invited. Refresh-
Alpha Lambda Delta: Initiation of
new members Tuesday, Dec. 17, at
4:00 p.m. in the League Chapel. All
active members call Lorraine Jud-
son or Gertrude Inwood before Mon-
day, Dec. 16, whether or not you can
come *and make arrangements for
paying dues. There will be a tea
The Densmore Culb of Detroit will
meet Alpha Nu Tuesday, Dec. 17, in
the Michigan Union. Subject: "A
decrease in the power of the federal
gov't is advisable."

Religious Music Seminar meets
Monday at 4:15 p.m. Lane Hall.
All-Campus Carol Sing will be held
Sunday at 9:00 p.m., Lane Hall.
J.G.F. eligibility cards which have
been signed for the Music Committee
will be tacked up on the bulletin board
in the Undergraduate Office of the
Outdoor Sp r-s: There will be no
skating or skiing this weekend.
Hobby Lobby: No new work will be
started until after vacation. Stu-
dents may finish their work before
vacation on the regular days. Fol-
lowing vacation, the group will start
on leather work.
The Karl Marx Society presents
Joseph Clark. prominent Marxist
writer and editor of the "Youth Re-
view" who will speak on "Trends in
the Socialist Movement on Mon-
day, December 16, at 8:00} p.m. in
the Michigan Union. Every one in-
terested is invited:
Bethlehem Evangelical-Reformed
Student Guild: All members are cor-
dially invited by the Student Relig-
ious Association to attend the All-
Student Carol sing at Lane Hall,
Sun., Dec. 15, at 9:00 p.m. Refresh-
ments. No meeting at the Church.
Avukah, student Zionist organiza-
tion, is sponsoring a technicolor
sound film produced in Palestine, en-
titled "Our Promised Land," in the
League on Sunday, Dec. 15 at 8:00
p.m. Tickets on sale at the League
desk, Lane Hall, and the Hillel Foun-
Disciples Guild (Christian Church)
(Continued on Page 6)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Wu*

Saturday Evening

Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The winning drawings
for the Magazine Cover Contest spon-
sored by De"Voe & Raynolds of Chica-
go are being shown in the third floor
exhibition room, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun-
day, through December 17. The pub-
lic is invited.
An exhibition of Abstract Photog-
raphy and a Survey of Drawings by
AmericandArtists is open afternoons,
9.-M-5-M in Alumni Mnria Hni111

6:00 Stevenson News
6:15 Musical
6:30 Inside of Sports
6:45 world Today
7:00 People's Platf'rm3
7:15 People's Platf'jrm
7:30 News To Life
7:45 News to Life
8:00 Marriage Clube
8:15 Marriage Club
8:30 w. King Orch.
8:45 King Orch; News
9:00 Your Hit Parade
9:15 Your Hit Parade
9:30 Your Hit Parade
9:45 Sat. Serenade
10:00 Sat. Serenade
10:15 Public Affairs

'Sport Review
Revue; News
Sports Parade
S. L. A. Marshall
Pastor's Study
Passing parade
Yvette, Songs
Studio Feature
Knickerbocker Play
Truth, C'nsequence
Nat'l Barn Dance

Qugstions Of 'Hour]
NHL Hockey PlayersI
Jim Parsons
Red Grange
News-Val Clare
Tiny Hill Orch.
Sons of the Saddle
New. Ace
Football Roundup
NHL Hockey:
at Toronto
Chicago Theatre

Day In Review
Record Review
Town Talk
Organ Favorites
Jimmy Dorsey Orch
News Ace
Man & the World
Little 01' Hollywood
Gabriel Heatter
National Defense
NBC Symphony


I -


Uncle Ezra

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