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December 13, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-13

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Snow and Colder.

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication

Iait j

Strikes Condemned .



Britain May Name
Eden Ambassador
Replacing Lothian

Don't Pass Them By -Buy A Goodfellow Daily Monday

Italian Forces Flee
British Blitzkrieg
On Egyptian Front

Warship May Transport
Body Through Atlantic
War Zone For Burial
Death Creates Gap
In Foreign Service
LONDON, Dec. 12-()-War Min-
ister Anthony Eden was mentioned
prominently by, some tonight as a
possible choice to succeed the late
Lord Lothian as British ambassador
to the United States.
It was pointed out the dapper War
Secretary enjoys the support of all
parties in the British Parliament.
A reliable source said that in the
event the choice falls on someone
holding ambassadorial status, the
likely selection would be Sir Ronald
Campbell, former British Ambassa-
dor to France. He recently was named
Envoy'to Portugal,
Lord Lothian's passing in Wash-
ington early today created a severe
gap in Britain's. diplomatic ranks
since he was regarded generally as
the very man needed at this critical
time to build up British-American
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12-(/P)-The
unexpected death of Lord Lothian in
the midst of burdensome duties as
British ambassador created the possi-
bility tonight that a United States
warship might transport his body
through the Atlantic war zone to his
embattled homeland.
Both British and American of-
ficials, however, awaited word from
Lothian's relatives in England before
arranging a funeral for the 58-year-
old bachelor diplomat, who died of
uremic poisoning at 2 a.,M. (EST).
Secretary of State Hull, calling at
the sprawling red brick embassy to
extend condolence, offered " all fa-
cilities at our disposal."
Customarily a warship is made
available for taking a foreign envoy',
body home. In view of wartime con-
ditions, it was generally believed that
a decision would be left up to Pres-
ident Roosevelt should a burial in
England be desired.
Goodfellows - Monday
Mimes Opera
Coninues Run
Only Tickets For Matinee
SaturdayYet Unsold
The Mimes Union Opera "Take A
Number" will continue its run at 8:30
p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, with performances sched-
uled also for tomorrow afternoon and
The only tickets remaining may
be had for the matinee tomorrow,
priced at $1 for orchestra seats and
75c for box seats. All other showings
have been completely sold out.
The Union, in collaboration with
the opera's songwriters, is now of-
fering a limited supply of books con-
taining ten of the most popular
"Take A Number" songs, the words
and piano arrangements of the music.
The song books may be had in the
Mendelssohn lobby before the shows
and throughout this week and next
at the Union and campus book stores
for 35 cents.

Crawford Will Talk
At Phi Delta Kappa
Initiation Ceremony
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the en
kineering college will speak on
"Scholars and Leadership'; at the ini-
tiation banquet of Phi Delta Kappa.
education "Phi Beta Kappa" and
national professional fraternity at 6
p.m. today in the Union.
Sixteen graduate and undergradu-
ate men have been selected for mem-
bership on the basis of leadership
and outstanding scholarship.
Among those to be initiated are
Percy Danforth, Grad., Donald J.
Davis, Grad., Walter S. Grimala,
Grad., James R. Irwin, Grad., Wil-
iam E. Martin, Grad., William M.
McLean, Grad., Howard E. Parr, '41,
J. Donald Phillips, Grad., Karl L.
Randel, . Grad., William Riodan,
Grad., Winston Roesch, Grad., George
Ruehle, 4lEd., William Faulson,
Grad., Donald E. Smith, Grad., Al-
vah L. Zwickey, Grad., and Clarence
Carothers, Grad.
Be A Goodfellow
Student Senate
Makes Winter
Draft, Academic Freedom
Will Highlight Annual
The draft and academic freedom
will be among the highlights of the
Student Senate's annual Winter par-
ley, according to plans disclosed last
night by Robert Warner, '43, chair-
man of the parley committee at the
Senate's regular meeting.
The date of the parley has been
set for January 10, 11, and 12, the
first weekend after Christmas vaca-
The first day will be devoted to a
discussion of the draft and the war
situation. It is expected that some
prominent draft official will give an
explanatory talk on that topic. The
question of American foreign policy
will be taken up when four speakers
representing divergent points of view
will describe what part they believe
this country should play in the pres-
ent conflict abroad.
"The second day's session," Warn-
er said, "will be concerned with stu-
dent problems and higher education."
Members of the Senate debated
whether the subject of academic free-
dom because of its ramifications
should be scheduled. It was finally
decided that the parley committee
should place it on the agenda.
Additional (topics on the second
day will be student goveriment on
the campus and the importance of
fraternities and sororities.
On the third and final day of the
parley, talks will be heard on the
question of what plans if any the
college student can make concern-
ing his future in view of the pres-
ent world conditions.
Earlier in the meeting, Robert
Krause, '43, chairman of the student
rights committee reviewed his group's
plans for a survey of student work-
ing conditions throughout Ann Ar-

;-c 4-
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More Goodfellow Salesnan Are Needed
Although 250 Have Volunteered Services

SRA Will Sponsor
Annual All-Campus
Carol Sing Sunday
Annual All-Campus Sing will be
held at 9 p.m. Sunday at Lane Hall
under the auspices of StudentRelig-
ious Association, Lonna Parker, '41,
chairman announced.
Students are invited to participate
in singing the traditional Christmas
carols. Music will be led by a double
quartet composed of Barbara Fischer,
'41, Linda Gail George, '42, Ann Weh-
ner, '41, Jean Fairfax, '41, Bob Hol-
land, '43SM, Russell Van Cleve, Grad,
Urie Bronfenbrenner, Grad., and
Frank Dugan, '41F&C. This group
will also sing some unusual carols.
All students attending are asked
to bring an inexpensive washable
gif t.
Refreshments will be served fol-
lowing the musical program. Assist-
ing Miss Parker on the committee
in charge are Helen Pielemeier,
'41Ed, Madeleine Smith, '43, Kay
Summers, '42, and Ted Hildebrandt,
Be A Goodfellow
Santa Claus,
Played By Evy,
Is HereToday
Christmas Party Of IFC
Will Feature Clowns,
Band And Tumblers
Santa Claus-personified by Foot-
ball Captain Forest Evashevski, the
campus choice-will arrive in Ann
Arbor this afternoon, as far as some
5,000-odd local kids are concerned.
Old Santa, the patron saint of
Christmas, will ring up the curtain
of the Holiday season for the children
at the third annual Interfraternity
Council Christmas Party in Hill'Aud-
itorium, a gala affair that will raise
youthful spirits to a high-point pre-
viewing the Christmas morning cli-
IFC members have been working
nearly a month to arrange a pro-
gram of entertainment that prom-
ises to. be better than anything
staged at the two preceding parties.
They have arranged for acts by indi-
vidual students as well as groups,
and staff members are ready to take
the roles of clowns who will amuse
the kids with their antics.
Curtain raiser of the program, the
Varsity Band, will present a specially
arranged series of Christmas carols
shortly after the doors of the Audi-
torium swing open to the crowd at
4 p.m. The Band will be followed by
members of Dr. George May's Uni-
versity Tumbling Club, acrobats who
will put on a gymnastic show.
Charles Forbes, '41BAd, a semi-
professional magician, will stage a
"kid show," to be followed by the
showing of a movie program, selected
cartoons and comedies provided by
the management of the Michigan
Climax of the afternoon will come
with the appearance of Santa "Evie"
IFC workers will distribute more
than 5,000 packets of cookies, candy,
nuts and fruit-provided by Ann Ar-
bor merchants-to the kids as they
leave the Auditorium at 5:30 p.m.

I i

20,000 Prisoners Seiz
As RAF Bombs Fo
Retreat From Egypt


British Clean Out
Wide Battle Area
ROME, Dec. 12.-(P)-The Rome
radio conceded tonight the loss of
the Italian Egyptian base of Sidi
Barrani to the British, the speaker
"For the moment General Wavell
(the British commander) has cap-
tured Sidi Barrani. What of it?"
CAIRO, Egypt, Dec. 12.-(P)-Itall-
an prisoners of war were declared
tonight by a British spokesman to
be falling so rapidly by thousands
into British hands that the prob-
lem of feeding and eventually mov-
ing them out of the desert is becom-
ing troublesome.
The day's operations were two-
Around Sidi Barrani, the Italian
base that fell yesterday, the Bri-
tish were occupied in clearing up a
battlefield which had extended over
200 square miles.
Those Fascists who had escaped
the British encirclement-and their
number was said here to be small-
were being pursued westward toward
Italian Libya, harassed by the Royal
Air Force and the Navy as well as the
land forces.
A spokesman at British headquar-
ters said the official estimate of at
least 20,000 Italians already captured
could not yet be extended because
of the difficulty of keeping in touch
with the pontinuing sumccesses of
British troops.
Vast quantities of tanks, lorries
and arms of all sorts were captured
from the fleeing Italians.
There was no confirmation of
rumors that Salum, the Italian posi-
tion just within Egypt beyond the
Libyan frontier, had fallen to the
Hundreds of Italian officers have
been taken prisoner.
Be A Goodfellow
Hillel To Hear
Dr. Blakeman


More than 250 Goodfellow sales-
men have already volunteered to sell
the special editions of The Daily
Monday, Laurence Mascott, '41,
chairman of the Goodfellow drive,
announced yesterday.
Mascott urged that all cooperating
organizations turn in lists of names
of salesmen and the times and places
of their selling by 2:00 p.m. today,
and he called attention to additional
case histories submitted by Mrs.
Dorothy Engel of the Family Wel-
fare Bureau in illustration of local
need for financial aid.
During the five years since Mr.
J walked out on his family, Mrs. J
had waged a gallant fight to keep
her home together. It was not easy
to keep up with all the needs of
three growing boys, but she was de-
termined to do just that and to
"keep off relief,"
Mrs. J managed to get all the
cleaning jobs she could and still find
time to make all the family's clothes
and to raise vegetables for canning
their winter supply.
Mrs. J couldn't always pay at-
tention to some of the things that
she knew were important in raising
boys, things that would keep
them busy and happy during their
hours at home, she worried about
their "running wild," and one day

through one of her employers she
came in contact with the Bureau.
Realizing that keeping all her wor-
ries to herself was making her impa-
tient and irritable, Mrs. J confided in
Diishnik Victorious
In Chess Matches
Prof. Ben Dushnik of the Univer-
sity's engineering college won eight
of the 14 chess games he played
simultaneously last night at an Ann
Arbor Chess Club contest in Union.
Of the other six games, Prof. Dush-
nik lost four and two were draws.
His opponents, 16 of them, were
grouped around 14 chessboards, try-
ing to outsmart last Tuesday's
winner of the "Spoofuncup.' All but
two were University students.
The professor's average of games
won is ranked with that of profes-
sional players who have attempted
the same feat.
Tickets with the following num-
bers will not be honored at the
Soph Prom tonight, Bernard Hen-
del, general chairman of Soph
Prom, announced-Nos. 95, 99, 295,
229, and 300.

the Bureau worker. The relationships
between her and the boys had grown
strained and bitter, and more and
more the boys were staying away
from home.
Mrs. J was invited to come to the
Bureau office where for at least one
hour in her busy week she might
spend some time unloading her bur-
densome fears and anxieties to a
friendly, sympathetic listener trained
to understand all kinds of human
Here 'she found a new perspective,
new courage to go on. She talked over
every sort of worry, from budgeting
to her more personal feelings. Grad-
ually she became less tense and ir-
ritable with the boys.
At the same time the boys were
helped to join some groups where
their interests in music, nature study
and camping were encouraged. They
are still pretty unruly at times, but
the Bureau worker has managed to
strengthen the straining threads of
this family's life, preventing what
might have become a truly broken
Christmas this year is going to be
a very different time for the M fam-
ily. It was sad enough three years
ago, the year Mr. M died after a
long illness, for in a big family of
(Continued on Page 2)




Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counse-
lor in religious education, will be the
guest speaker on the Fireside Dis-
cussion program at 8:15 today at the
Hillel Foundation.
"The Religious Conflicts Peculiar
to Our Time" will be the subject of
Dr. Blakeman's discourse. He will dis-
cuss the present-day conflicts be-
tween the theological and ethical
concepts of religion.
The Hillel Fireside Discussions
have been on the general 'topic of
"This Changing World" which has
been approached from various view-
points by such outstanding campus
speakers as Mentor Williams of the
English department, Prof. Arthur
Smithies of the economics depart-
ment, and Kenneth Morgan, direc-
tor of the Student Religious Associa-

Engineers, ,Foresters Join Dentists

Turbulent Near East Opposes
Axis Powers, Lecturer Believes

In Protesting Coeds'

Arabs throughout the Near East
fighting for independence from Brit-
ish and Fiench mandates are never-
theless opposed to the Axis powers,
Mrs. Howard Taylor, wife of a form-
er Associated Press correspondent in
Syria pointed out yesterday at Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Confederation of the Arabic peo-
ples of Trans-Jordan, Syria, Le-
banon, Palestine and possibly Tur-
key and Egypt would unite territory
half the size of the United States
having as many people, she com-
t mntol

the peninsular Arabs; Prince Abdul
Majid Haydar, and Emir Aodula,
prince of Trans-Jordan.
Nationalistic spirit has been fought
by the French in Syria by censorship
of the press, and telegraph and tele-
phone communications and by se-
vere economic hardships, Mrs. Tay-
lor illustrated from her personal ex-
Heavy taxation, exploitation in-
stead of guidance, bankruptcy, and
mismanagement of utilities regulated
by the government have hindered
Pmnnm innmnn o af K ria cl-i

While the students in the School
of Dentistry were busy yesterday
planning a wholesale dating of Ypsi-
lanti girls as a mark 'of protest to
the Michigan coed, groups of en-
gineers and foresters prepared de-
tailed discussions accusing the vic-
tims.of "four out of five" of ex-
tremely bad taste in men.
The whole thing started last week
when a survey was taken among
150 University women to find out
what men they thought made the best
dates. The results placed the Literary
College males in first place, men-
tioned the dentists and foresters as
"least liked" and accused the en-
~rnorc of havira'nfl arnon oh inAd

and announced yesterday that plans
were well under way.
The engineers struck back by
forming The Committee for Social
Justice for Engineers and prepared
a statement of protest for The Daily
early this week. Yesterday a letter
was received from the Forestry
School giving the reasons why the
foresters were not rated first in the
popularity poll.
As far as the engineers were con-
cerned most Michigan coeds cannot
fairly judge them and they give the
following assertions to support their
1. They just accept the statement
that "the engineer never gets away
from his lid rule" without actually

rste For ien
for the engineers showed that only
34 could have had dates with the
5. The engineers sponsor two of
the biggest formal dances of the
year, the Engineering Ball and Slide
Rule Ball, while the Literary College
students sponsor none.
The foresters have the following
contentions to make:
1. The method of rating was not
reliable as 150 "average" girls were
picked to vote and foresters do not
date "average" girls. So few women
meet our specifications that there
were bound to be only a small num-
ber who had had the good fortune
to date us, they claim.
9 Ask the oirl whn knowsn -

Western World Told To Follow
Hopi Indians' Peace Methods

Addressing Phi Kappa Phi's semi-
annual initiation banquet in the
League last night, Prof. Micha Ti-
tiev of the anthropology department
praised the Hopi Indians for having
found a peaceful means to solve
their problems and advised the peo-
ples of the so-called western civili-
zation to do the same.
"We can't follow the model cre-
ated by the Hopi tribe because of the
many differences in our cultures'

public opinion prevents qny an-
The young people grow up with the
idea of peace, Professor Titiev con-
tinued, and all are taught to respect
one another's opinions. Their train-
ing is so complete that they have
never made any agressive wars and
have never praised warriors or advo-
cated agression at any time, he said.
He also pointed out that the tribes
have not liked the white settlers in
their section of the country and to-
dAU almi +ham ac my nh O .

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