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December 11, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-11

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WJf NESDA-i ,DECEMBERit 1, 1940+

Editorial Staff
Paul M. Chandler . . . . City Editor
Karl Kessler . . . Associate Editor
Milton Orshefsky Associate Editor
Howard A. Goldman . . . Associate Editor
Laurence Mascott . Associate Editor
Donald Wirtchafter . . . . Sports Editor.
Esther Osser . . . . .Women's Editor
Helen Corman Exchange Editor
Business Staff

Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
'Jane Krause

" The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by memabers of The
Daily staff and represent the views of th
writers only.
A New Deal
[u J-Hops. ..
STUDENTS who complain of the rise
in price of J-Hop tickets often con-
fuse the real reason for this jump with the new
two-night plans.
Even Though the $1.50 addition to ticket price
could not be termed exhorbitant for the extra
entertainment of the Saturday evening informal,'
there are explanations other than extension of
. ans to account for the rise.
Ticket sales will be cut this year from 1565
t, 1200, according to a ruling by the Committee
on Student Affairs. The ruling was passed with
te purpose of eliminating the excessive crowded-
ness that has come to be an adverse connotation
of Michigan's most glamorous social function.
EVEN IF tle affair were put on according to
the usual one-night plan, ticket price would
Dave risen probably to $6.50 instead of to $7.00.
Those connected with J-Hop planning are do-
ing their best to eliminate the difficulties that
have caused hitches in past functions. One of
the main difficulties has been the uncomfortable
atmosphere of a dance floor packed past moving
F OR THE FIRST TIME in the history of the
school, Michigan will see its traditional high-
light of the dance parade rated along with the
weekend festivities of universities known for
,heir outstanding dance sets. Out-Of-Town
datep will no longer have to be lured to Mich-
igan on the basis of a single-night festivity;
Independients will no longer wonder where to
hibernate when the fraternity men flock to
their own Saturday night formals, while house-
party guests will be able to take advantage of
a double celebration both Friday and Saturday
- Frances Aaronson
Two Can Live
W ITH THE NEW YEAR will come a
step which will definitely mark the
University of Michigan student body as one of
the most progressive on any of this country's
campuses. This step will be the extension of
the cooperative principles to include cooperative
housing for married student couples.
It is only this year that anything has been
done about providing efficacious rooming and
boarding facilities for married students. In a
step which will mark the University of Mich-
igan as one of the most progressive of this
country's campuses, a group of married students,
assisted by the Inter-Cooperative Council in-
stituted an investigation as to the possibilities,
advantages and disadvantages of a cooperative
for married students.
After much research the committees decided
that a cooperative for married couples could be
formed on the campus here at Michigan. A
general call was made for those interested in
working on this project and the response was
OW THAT the house has been rented and
furnished and practically ready for occupa-
tion the experiment is not over. It cannot be
called a success until it has been proven that
rY.,xn~an nnyo acs .roll ac rici f7~ n

by mascott
(Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of
columns on what we consider one of the most press-
ing problems of our times - the youth problem.)
President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
White House,
Washington, D. C.
Pearson and Allen in yesterday's Merry-
Go-Round" revealed that you have been "doing
a lot of thinking about domestic problems -
(1) Youth and (2) Old-Age Pensions."
We are extreme pleased to see that even in
the present U.S. emphasis upon foreign policy
and re-armament, you are concerned about the
problems of old age and youth - especially
youth. We were also quite gratified to read that
though you have no pafiticular program in mind,
you are asking "for suggestions and ideas". The
following then are some of Fire and Water's
suggestions and ideas upon the youth problem.
CERTAINLY a great deal has been written on
the subject. Everyone from Archibald Mac-
Leish to the editors of "Life" to 'Gene Tunney
to your own wife have expressed themselves
upon it. Yet, as you seem to understand, the
youth problem is still the murky, mystical ques-
tion, the unknown either glorious or horrible
potential upon the American future.
Possibly a few misconceptions should first
be cleared up. American youth is not ambition-
less nior radical nor cynical. If it seems as if
American youth has no ambition, it is mostly
because American youth sees a situation where
there were five millions of its numbers unem-
ployed (at least before the present re-arma'
ment), where the percentage of adults, as em-
ployables is greater (since our population is be-
coming more adult) and thus employment more
difficult to secure.
Perhaps the analysis of the Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Sci-
ence made in November, 1937, best describes
this situation in terms of educational and eco-
nomic developments: "Trends in modern in-
dustry indicate that employment in a very large
percentage of the jobs in the country requires
little or no formal training for success in these
jobs. Our employment system is requiring finer
and higher skills for fewer and fewer people;
for the vast majority of jobs, workers can be
prepared in a period of from a few weeks to six
ON THE OTHER HAND, in our educational
program we are steadily enrolling a larger
and larger percentage of the population in our
schools and we are'giving our people better and
better training. Thus we are faced with the
situation of training more and more people for
better and better things and sending them out
to seek employment in a system that requires less
and less of that which schools can accomplish.
"If this generalization is correct, it seems that
we are faced with the conclusion that for the
vast majority of workers in the future their jobs
will be merely routine, operative types of em-
ployment requiring little or no skill or special
training and offering little satisfaction that
comes from doing a piece of work that requires
intelligence -and skill. If this is true, it means
further that the great body of workers (espe-
cially youth) must seek their major satisfac-
tions in life outside of their employment, in
avocational and recreational activities."
WE, THEREFORE, propose first to you, Pres-
ident Roosevelt, the problem of mapping a
program of cultural and social development for
youth - the development of an adequate and
appropriate leisure-time and avocational pro-
gram for our people.
HOw About

Spanish Movies?...
WHEN the Art Cinema chooses pic-
tures for its year's program of for-
eign movies, why do they not select at least one
Spanish speaking picture per year?
Over 800 students are at present studying
Spanish in the University, making this language
second only to French in the number enrolled,
and the difference is only about 200. Students
of French have often commented on their ap-
preciation of the movies, because of the valuable
experience in hearing the language spoken at
length by natives. Such experience would be of
value also to the people learning Spanish.
THIS IS an especially opportune time to con-
sider bringing Latin-American-made movies
here for two reasons. One is that Spanish is
becoming more and more popular as our
closer relations with Spanish America make
the language much more practical. Another
is because of the possibility of effecting better
understanding of other American countries
through the reflection of their customs and
ideas in their pictures.
It is possible to find at least one picture worth-
while showing here every year. "Alla en Rancho
Grande", for instance, which will be presented
here next week, has received, favorable notices
from American critics. The Art Cinema League
might consider other movies made by Mexican,
Central American, or South American producers.
This year's program has already been filled,
but when next year's is announced, we hope to
see at least one made by actors whose native
tongue is Spanish.
-Jean Shapero

Dew Pe.o
obeM Afse. A
W ASHINGTON - One of the most difficult
things to find out about the progress of the
defense program is the rate of production - or
"procurement", as military experts call it.
There has been fanfare about the fact tl&
the Defense Commission has "cleared" some
$10,000,000,000 worth of projects and that of this
vast sum, orders for around $9,000,000,000 actu-
ally have been let. But on the all-important de-
tail of when these arms, ships, planes, etc., will
be forthcoming, there is a deep silence.
This is not a recent development. From the
start of the defense program'all public announce-
ments of Army and Navy contracts have care-
fully omitted any information about delivery
dates. The official explanation has been "mili-
tary precaution".
DOUBTLESS there are instances where se-
crecy is necessary. But it also is true that
the great bulk of Army and Navy procurement
dan be found minutely itemized in the published
hearings of the congressional appropriation com-
mittees, and any foreign power that wants to
find out what is what about our defense need
only read these free public documents.
In some official quarters the opinion prevails
that the real reason for secrecy is not so much
"military precaution" as the desire to suppress
the fact that output is dragging.
No Medium Tanks
CONSIDERABLE COLOR is given this view by
certain production figures that have been
obtained. For example:
(1) Medium-weight tanks, which are the
backbone of Hitler's famous panzer divisions,
are at least ten months behind shedule. In
fact, orders for them have just been placed. A
possible explanation for this delay is last-minute
changes in design resulting from combat experi-
ence abroad.
(2) Airplane production, which certain De-
fense chiefs optimistically said would be up to
around 1,000 planes per month by November,
actually is some 250 ships short of that very mod-
est mark. Moreover, a considerable part of this
production is in training planes and unarmored
bombers. They are necessary, of course, but
the plane situation is far from an armada of
50,000 fighting ships.'
(3) A serious bottleneck in range-finders and
gun-sights is holding up output of light and
heavy guns for the Army and Navy. This situa-
tion is expected to be eased soon, when the East-
man Kodak Company gets into production on a
$12,000,000 order just signed for this equipment.
known, such as the resistance of certain
manufacturers to accepting war orders, also the
opposition to mushrooming plants for purely
emergency purposes, demands for tax conces-
sions, and the constant changing of specifica-
tions by the military expets
But there are other factors; less known but
just as obstructive, in some instances far more so.
No Mass Production
chiefs is lack of machine-tool facilities. Yet
there are many small plants of this type around
the country that have been literally begging for
orders and not getting them. One company with
150 lathes has been advertising for business in
trade journals for months.
Also there is strong evidence of a lack of vision
or initiative or both in making the best use of
mass production facilities. The blame for this
goes right back to high Defense quarters.
The gigantic resourzces of the auto industry,

for example, have been practically untouched
for defense output. New plants have been or-
dered that will take months to build, when by
a coordination of the great auto factories. parts
of planes, tanks, guns, etc. could be turned out
in carload lots daily and assembled at central
W ILLIAM REUTHER, young official of the
United Auto Workers, long ago proposed
such a plan for a daily output of 500 all-metal
pursuit planes of the most powerful type in the
world, and at one-third their present cost. But
the matter is still "being discussed".

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(Continued from Page 2)
Choral Union Concert: The Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra, Serge
Koussevitzky, Conductor, will give
the sixth program in the Sixty-Sec-
ond Annual Choral Union Concert
Series this evening at 8:30o'clgck in
Hill Auditorium.'
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The winning drawings
for the Magazine Cover Contest spon-
sored by DeVde & Raynolds of Chica-
go are being shown in the third floor
exhibition room, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun-
day, through December 17. The pub-
lic is invited.
An exhibition of Abstract Photog-
raphy and a Survey of Drawings by
American Artists is open afternoons,
2:00-5:00, in Alumni Memorial Hall,
through Dec. 20.
To Seniors and Juniors of the ,Col-
lege of Engineering and others en-
rolled for the lecture series on naval
subjects: The third lecture of the
series will be delivered at 4:00 p.m.
on Thursday, Dec. 12 in the Naval
R.O.T.C. Chart House, North Hall.
Subject: "The Navy Afloat." Speak-
er, Lieut.Commander W. L. Field,
U.S. Navy.
Events Today
Alpha Phi Omega open meeting
tonight at 8:00 in the Union. Chief
of Police Norman Cook will be guest
speaker. All pledges and others in-
terested are invited.
Graduate Luncheon will be held
in the Russian Tea Room of the
League at noon today. This will be
the last luncheon before vacation.
The Seniors of the School of Edu-
cation will meet tonight at 7:30 at
the Michigan League. There will
be election of officers and plans made
for future functions. All seniors
are urged to attend.
Theatre Arts General Publicity
Committee will meet at 3:00 p:m. to-
day in the undergraduate office.
Seminar in Social Minorities meets
today at 4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall.
Seminar in Theology meets today
at 4:30 p.m. in Lane Hall.
f nlnraldo Gets Meteorites

Seminar in Devotional Literature
meets tonight at 7:30 in Lane Hall.
Wesley Foundation: Student Tea
and Carol Sing, .4:00-5:30 p.m. to-
day in the Wesley Foundation
The Union Classical Record Hour
will be held today from 4:30 to 5:30
in the Terrace Room of the Union.
Everyone is invited.
Faculty Women's Club: Today at
3:00 p.m. Prof. Jean Paul Slusser
will give a. gallery talk on the Art
Exhibit from the 1939 Golden Gate
Exposition in the Mezzanine Galler-
ies of the Rackham Building.
Hillel Institute of Jewish Studies:
Classes which meet today at the
Hillel Foundation are: Elementary
Hebrew at 4:30 p.m., and Yiddish and
Yiddish Literature at 8:00 p.m.
SComing Evets
The Psychology Journal Club will
meet on Thursday, Dec. 12, at 7:30
p.m., in the West Lecture Room of
the Rackham Bldg. Discussion on
"Social Behavior in Animals." Films
on this subject will be shown. Faculty
members, graduate students, and
concentrates in psychology are cord-
ially invited. Refreshments.
Phi Kappa Phi semi-annual dinner
and initiation of candidates will be
in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room
of the Michigan League on Thursday,
December 12, at 6:15 p.m. Professor
Mischa Titiev of the Department of
Anthology will talk on "The Hopi-
A Peaceful People." Reservations still
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Decem-
ber 12, in the Observatory Lecture
Room. Mr. H. R. J. Grosch will

speak on "Progress on a
Orbit of Jupiter's Eighth
Tea at 4:00.


Political Science Round Table will
meet Thursday, December 12, at 7:30
p.m. in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Topic:
"The Relation of the United States to
the World War."
Tau Beta Pi: Professor Preston
Slosson will speak Thursday, Decem-
ber 12, in the Michigan Union. Din-
ner at 6:00 p.m. Mr. Willard Dow
will be unable to attend as previously
Michigan Sailing Club: First meet-
ing Winter Lecture Series. Subject:
"Basic Definitions and Principles of
Sailing." All sailors welcome. Michi-
gan Union, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, De-
cember 12.
Seminar in the Bible meets Thurs-
day at 4:30 p.m. in Lane Hall.
League. Dance Class Committee
will meet Thursday, Dec. 12, 5:00 p.m.
in the League. Please see the bulletin
for the room.
Independents will meet on Thurs-
day, Dec. 12, at 4:45 p.m. in the
League. All members please attend.
Very important.
Garden Section, Faculty Women's
Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. on Thurs-
day, Dec. 12, in the Michigai League
Garden Room. Mrs. E. B. Mains will
give a talk and demonstration of
making Christmas decorations.
The Interior Decorating Group of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
on Thursday at 3 o'clock at the
League. Mr. Perrine of Nielsen's will
give a demonstration lecture on
Christmas decorations.


City Editor's


the University is:

COUNCIL hints that

750 KC - CBS 920 BC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Bluo
Wednesday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson ' Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast " The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas " variety Program
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade World Today Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Mr. Meek Cavalcade Carson Robison The Lone Ranger
7:45 Mr. Meek" Doc Sunshine "
8:00 Big Town Hollywood Playh'se Melody Street Quiz Kids
8:15 Big Town "0"
8:30 Dr. Christian Plantation Party Evening Serenade Manhattan Midnite
8:45 Dr. Christian News Ace
9:00 Fred Allen Eddie Cantor Hope Tabernacle Yukon Challenge
9:15 Fred Allen " " Fran Wien Gar Orch
9:30 Fred Allen District Attorney Citizens All John B. Kennedy

1. Asking students not to reenter.
2. Raising outstate tuition.
3. Sanctioning speeches against "abuse of
academic privilege."
4. Silencing a too-articulate minority.
5. Putting the ASU on probation.
because these things are necessary to remove
the stain of a bad reputation the University has
received in Lansing.
** *

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