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December 10, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-10

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It's Up To You ,..

Cloudy, considerably cooler.

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


34 Candidates
Put On Ballots
Elections Here
Judiciary Councils Choose
Freshmen And Seniors
For 17 Dance Positions;
Four AreUnopposed
Classes Will Vote
At Polls Tomorrow
Thirty-four candidates will com-
pete for 17 positions on the Senior
Ball and Frosh Frolic dance com-
mittees on election day tomorrow,
Doris Merker, '41, and Ward Quaal,
'41, presidents of the Women's and
'Meh's Judiciary Councils announced
yesterday. Four candidates have al-
ready been declafed elected in the
Senior Ball race, because they have
encountered no opposition.
Paul Rogers is the Architecture
Schopl's representative on the Senior
Ball committee; James Lau received
the position from the School of Fores-
try rand Conservation; Herbert Bro-
gan was the only candidate from the
Education School as was Dorothy
Carter of the Nursing School who has
already been elected.J
Remaining Posts
Candidatesfor the remaining posts
on the Senior committee include:
from the Literary College (two mem-
bers must berwomen) Jack Cory,
Douglas Gould, Bill Elmer, George
Nadler, Herbert Weidman, Neal See-
gert, Helen Bohnsack, Yvonne West-r
rate, Lee Keller, and Eleanor Sevison.
Engineering candidates for Senior
Ball are: Fred Dannenfelser, Chan
Pinney, Robert Buritz, Charles Berk-
er, Charles Heinen and Bill Vollmer.
Music candidates are Betty Ann
Chausty and Catherine McDermott.
A total of five will be elected from thei
Literary College, three from Engin-
eering and one from Music. Lr
College positions on the Frosh Frolic
committee. (two of whom must be
women) include: Morton Hunter,,
Robert Grunder, Robert Schultz,
Marvin Borman, John Brackett,
James Weinstein, John Rodger, Clif-
ford Straehley, Harold Cooper, Lucy
Barnwell, Jane Pritchard, Joan
Beardsall and Elizabeth Bunnell.
Engineers' Positions,
Engineers vieing for three positions
on the Frolic committee are: Quinn,
Wright, A. Arnold Agree, Richard,
Wald, Bernard Brown, Charles Neil-
son and James Claypool.
Polling will take place for Literary
students between 10 a.m. and 1lnoonF
and between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. at,
University Hall Lobby and between
10 a.m. and 12 noon at the Romance
Language Lobby. Engineers may cast
their ballots morning and afternoon
at the same hours at the West Engin-
eering Building First Floor Lobby and
the East Engineering Lobby. Music
School candidates may drop their
ballots in the ballt box in the MusicI
School between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.
The time of balloting has been ex-;
tended to the morning to facilitatec
voting for many students who find
it inconvenient to vote in the morn-t
ing, Quaal said.1
Saint Nicholas
To Be Chosen
In Vote Today

An all-campus vote today will de-
cide which of seven nominees will
play the part of Santa Claus for the
third annual Interfraternity Council
Christmas Party, which will open the
holiday season for more than 5,000
Ann Arbor school children at 4 p.m.
Friday in Hill Auditorium.
The prospective Saint Nicks, as
nominated Saturday by campus lead-
ers, are Jim Gormsen, Bob Shedd,
Dick Strain and Pete Haller, all '42,
and Forest Evashevski, Ward Quaal
and Paul Chandler, all '41.
Members of the Council staff will1
be posted on the campus this morn-;
ing to conduct the balloting.
The appearance of Santa will be
the climax of the party, which will al-,
so offer entertainment by the Univer-
sity Tumbling Club, MagicianCharles
Forbes, '41BAd, the Varsity Band and
a troop of clowns. A special movie
program, consisting of cartoons and

Nazis Protest British Ship's Alleged Extensive Repair In UruguayI

British Launch Offensive
In Egypt;GreeksAdvance
On Italian Supply Harbor

Vengeful Engineers Will Gloat
Tonight As Professors Roast'
Michigan's mechanical engineering students will see another "passing
of the Spoofuncup" tonight but not before they take advantage of their an1
nual opportunity to soundly "roast" several members of the faculty to decide
the "Man Who Can Take It."
The Spoofuncup will be awarded for the seventh time at the 12th stu-
dent-faculty banquet of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers de-

MONTIEVIDEO, Uruguay, Des. 9.--(P)-While sailors rapidly patched battle scars on the British auxiliary
cruiser Carnarvon Castle, shown here as it put in for repairs, Germany formally protested to the Uruguayan
government against grtnting the ship 24 hours to make repairs. Details of the protest delivered by the Nazi
minister, Otto Langmann, were not disclosed but it was understood he said the British were making additional
repairs other than those affecting her seaworthiness. The Carnarvon Castle first was given two days to com-
plete repairs but the time later was extended 24 hours. The Carnarvon Castle was battered by German shells
in a running fight with a raider last Thursday and-put into Montevideo Harbor Saturday to make repairs.
Committee Of 28 Campus Leaders
Begins WorkOn Goodfellow Drive

Plans for the sixth annual Good-
fellow campaign drive to be held for
the benefit of needy students and
underprivileged families of Ann Arbor
went into effect yesterday with the
announcement of 28 campus leaders
to sponsor and promote the drive.
The Goodfellow drive, the only an-
nual all-campus organized and spon-
sored charity drive, is promoted en-
tirely by students and will be cli-
maxed by a street sale of Monday's
special edition of The Daily.
The drive, which has in the past
raised as much as $1,675 in a single
day's campaign, is expected to enlist
more than 300 Goodfellow volunteers
for 10 hours who will canvass down-
town Ann Arbor and the University
campus in a concerted effort to raise
funds for local charities. '
Serving on this year's executive
committee are Laurence Mascott, '41,
editor of the Goodfellow Edition;
Lee Hardy, '41, president of the
League; Douglas Gould, '41, president
of the Union; Annabel Van Winkle,
'41, president of Panhellenic Associa-
tion; Patricia Walpole, '41, president
of Assembly; James Harrison, '41,
president of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil; William H. Rockwell, president
of Congress and Edward Fried, '41,
president of the Inter-Cooperative
Also cooperating in the campaign
are Hervie Haufler, '41, managing
editor of The Daily; Robert Gilmour,
'41,, assistant business manager of
Draft Permit Required
For Canadialt Travel
All students of draft age who intend
to leave the United States on their'
way home this Christmas will need
special permission from their local
draft boards.
Students must have a special per-
mit mailed to them from their local
board, granting permission to travel
through Canada, or they will face the
possibility of not being able to re-
enter this country.
Travelers by car and hitch-hikers
are especially cautioned to get per-'
mits before leaving for home, while
those going by train should carry a
permit as a safety precaution.

The Daily; Helen Bohnsack, '41, wo-
men's business manager of The Daily;
Jane Krause, '41, women's advertis-
ing manager of The Daily; Doris
Merker, '41, president of Women's
Judiciary Council; and Bill Muehl,
'41, president of the Student Religious
Other aides in the Goodfellow drive
will be Jane Grove, '41, president of
Women's Athletic Association; Doro-
thea Ortmayer, '41, president of
Scroll, Jane Sapp, '41, president of
Senior Society, Helen Barnett, '41,
president of Mortar Board; Harriet
Heames, '42, president of Wyvern;
Norman D. Call, '42, president of
Sphinx; Blaz Lucas, '41, of Michi-
gauma; John DeVine, '41, president
of Druids; Bill Combs, '41,_president
of the M Club; Robert Sibley, '41,
president of Triangles; Edward A.
King, '41E, president of Vulcans; and
Robert J. Morrison, '41E, president of
the Engineering Council.
Mascott, executive committee
chairman, stressed the importance of
pre-drive pledges, which can be made
'Take A Number'
New Union Opera,
Opens Tomorrow
An old campus tradition will get its
second wind tomorrow night when the
Union Opera, "Take A Number," goes
before the footlights of the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
For it is hoped that the 1941 Opera
production will insure the long-life
of a new era of Operas that was be-
gun this spring with the well-remem-
bered show, "Four Out Of Five."
In 1930 the glorious age of Operas
that made the name of Michigan a
theatrical by-line in the "twenties,"
died a sudden death as the unpara-
lleled prosperity of that period. For
nine years the tradition of the Opera
had lain dormant until this spring
on the incentive of Mimes, it was giv-
en the necessary support to put it on
its feet, wobbly as they may have

upon application to the business man-
ager of The Daily, and urged that
their submission be made before Sat-
The Goodfellow drive was originally
conceived six years ago at a meeting
betwen a group of undergraduate
leaders interested in the problems of
the needy ,and Mrs. Gordon W. Bre-
voort, secretary of the local Family
Welfare Bureau.
Be A Goodfellow
Slosson Talks
On Germany's
Chance In War
Effect Of Nazi Aircraft,
Subs On British Ships
Discussed By Professor
The success of Germany's overseas
raiders, her submarines and her air-
craft against British shipping will de-
cide the war, Prof. Preston W. Slos-
son, of the history department, told
members of the American Association
of University Women in a lecture on
"Current Events" yesterday in the
Rackham Building.
The war will be decided not by
land, not by air, Prof. Slosson stated,
but by sea. Great Britain cannot
produce enough materials to wage a
successful war against Germany; but
she must 'get a steady stream of
supplies from the United States.
While Italy is not waging a success-
ful war against Greece, Prof. Slos-
,on said, the mere fact of her bellige-
rency makes her useful in Germany's
war against Great Britain. England
must keep many ships, airplanes and
men in the Mediterranean; forces
which might otherwise be used in de-
fense of the island.
The Johnson Act and the Neutral-
ity Act prevent us from extending
credit to either Great Britain or Can-
ada, Prof. Slosson pointed out, but
we might give them money outright,
effect a barter agreement or pledge
British investments in America. None
of these, he emphasized, would be
very effective.
If on the other hnd, he declared,
we should change the neutrality laws
and permit U.S. ships to enter the
war zones, we would have to accept
the consequences. Unless we are pre-
pared to accept a formal declaration
of war, he said, we should not pursue
this policy.
Goodfellows - Monday
Debate Squad
Ends Season
Non-Decision OSU Contest
Follows Two Successes
Men's varsity debate squad con-
cluded its Western Conference fall
season with a debate with a two-man
Ohio State team here last night, in
the North Loung of the Union.
Representing the University,
George Eaves ,41, and Edwin Bow-
ers, '41, upheld the negative of the

signed to give both graduates andO
undergraduates "retribution for the
tortures of grades, quizzes and blue-
Here are the details of tonight's
battle for the famous ASME trophy:
Time: 6:30 p.m. today.
Placer The Michigan League.
Contestants: Prof. A. H. White of
the chemical engineering department,
Prof..Ben Dushnik of the mathema-
tics department, Prof. John W. Nick-
elsen of{ the mechanical engineering
department; Prof. James H. Cissel of
the civil engineering department,
Prof. John A. Van den Broek of the
engineering mechanics department
and William F. Bone of the metal
processing department.
R-'ctmaster (he who aids the stu-
dents in torturing his colleagues) :
Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the civil
engineering department, mayor of
Ann Arbor.
Judges (four of the former winners
of the honor): John Grennan of the
metal processing department, Prof.
Walter E. Lay of the automotive en-
gineering department, Prof. Axel Ma-
rin of the mechanical engineering de-
partment and Prof. Henry L. Kohler
of the automotive engineering de-
Complete list of awards: The Spoo-
funcup, a trophy composed of a tin
funnel on an inverted tin cup flanked
by two tin spoons; the title of "Man
Who Can Take It," and the title of
most "popular-unpopular" member
Second 'Stardust'
Article To Appear
In GargThursday
As a follow-up to last issue's treat-
ise on osculation, Stardust, expert
on male-female relations, has contri-
buted to the December edition of
Gargoyle, to appear on campus
Thursday, an article on how to get a
date-"Dates Is Funny Animals."
Featured in "These Are The Peo-
ple" will be Prof. Percival Price, car-
illoneur extraordinary, while Virginia
Lee Hardy, president of the League,
will be unmasked in "Preposterous
A description of the efficiency of
the new Health Service is given by
Mort Jampel, '41, and it is first hand
information, right from the patient,
according to Dave Donaldson, '41,
editor in chief of the campus maga-
Other articles concern "Helpful
Hints in Philosophy," valuable hints
on "Conquering Your Allowance" and
"Of Men and Muscle."

of the engineering college faculty.
Student Committee: J. M. Hallissy,
'42E, P.A. Johnson, '41E, S. Crocker,
'41E, J. A. Templer, '42E, G. D. Cam-
eron, '43E, P. E. Fromm '41E, R. G.
Morin, '41E, and J. N. Eastman, '41E.
The exact natue of the contest is
not known as yet outside of the stu-
dent committee but it is expected to
consist of either questions and ans-
wers, impromptu speeches, songs or
anything of a similar type that will
best aid in "roasting" the faculty.
Be A Goodfellow
Titiev To Talky
On Hopi Tribe
At Dinner Here
Phi Kappa Phi To Hear
Discussion Of Indians'
Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthrop-
ology department will present a lec-
ture on "The Peaceful People" at Phi
Kappa Phi's semi-annual informal
initiation banquet at 6:15 p.m. Thurs-
day in the League.
In his address Professor Titiev will
discuss the Hopi Indian tribes and
the various aspects of their culture
which make it the "peaceful people."
His talk will attempt to show how
both their laws and political philoso-
phy have been made peaceful and
how, unlike the rest of the world, they
usually settle their disputes without
A graduate of Harvard University
with a doctor's degree in 1935, Pro-
fessor Titiev has been connected with
both the anthropology department
and the University museums for the
past five years. His special field of
study is the ethnology of the south-
western United States.
Phi Kappa Phi, senior scholastic
honorary society, is the only organi-
zation of its kind with membership
open to all schools and colleges at the
University. The initiates, who were
adnitted on the basis of scholarship.
character and leadership,,will be wel-
comed by Dean Alice Lloyd, presi-
dent of the group, at Thursday's din-
Be~A Goodfellow
Glee Club Will Meet
The Varsity Men's Glee Club will
hold their last rehearsal for the Union!
Opera, "Take A Number," at 4 p.m.
today in the Union.

Desert Fighters Hurl New
Assault On Fascist Foes
In Sidi Barrani Area
Italian Right Wing
Beaten, Say Greeks
EGYPT, Dec. 9.-(MP-Britain's arm-
ored desert fighters, striking at dawn
with new and sudden fury against
Italy's invaders in Egypt, captured
1,000 prisoners by nightfall, killed
their commanding officer and seized
his assistant, the British command
announced tonight as the fighting
went on.
The "great raid" against Marshal
Graziani's legions in the Sidi Barrani
region, 70 miles from Libya's fron-
tiers, possibly heralded the full-
fledged offensive against Italy be-
cause of its gearing with Italian re-
verses at the hands of the Greeks in
Fighting still swirled south of Sidi
Barrani late tonight, and more Ital-
ian prisoners were being rounded up,
the British said. -
An Italian camp at Mabeya a few
miles south of Sidi Barrani, the coast-
al base the Italians occupied three
months ago, yielded 500 prisoners,
the British said.
That many more were reported cap-
tured about 30 miles from the coast.
This attack, on the Italian right
flank, apparently was the main thrust
and other British units surged around
it and pressed on westward behind
the Italian advance lines.
Italy's Entire Right Wing
In Flight, Greeks Claim
ATHENS, Dec. 9.-(M)-The entire
Italian right wing behind the Greek-
occupied port of Porto Edda has been
rout to flight and a whole series of
strategically important peaks in the
northern sector of the front has been
captured by the Greeks, a govern-
rnent spokesman declared tonight.
The spokesman said that the Itali-
In right wing had been put to flight
Since yesterday noon.
Tlh e Greek warriors, with a fifth
f Albania's territory behind them,
were making a vast twin drive against
;he Italian armies between them and
he port of Valona, the city they ex-
pect to be their next big prize.
Passing Argirocastro, last of Italy's
southern Albanian bases which was
raptured Sunday, the Greeks swiftly
organized their campaign aimed from
the east and south toward Valona, 40
miles northwest, an entry point for
7'ascist men and supplies.
Both Berlin And London
Claim Bombing Offensives
(By The Associated Press)
London claims that British bomb-
ers dropped tons of high explosive
bombs on the Bordeaux lair of Ger-
man U-boats which raid Atlantic
shipping and possibly scored direct
hits on some submarines moored at
the main work dock, it was reported
"The pilots are certain that many
high explosive bombs fell close to if
not on submarines at the dock," the
Air Ministry News Service said in its
report of last night's raids by the
Royal Air Force upon Germany's war
Meanwhile, Berlin reports that a
great glowing sea of fire that en-
gulfed blocks of houses and grain
elevators and warehouses was left by
German bombers in their mightiest
assault on London.
The 12-hour raid last night show-
ered 700 tons of high explosives and
100 tons of fire-bombs on govern-
ment buildings, oil storage tanks,
grain elevators and warehouses, the
communique said.

'Significance Of 1940 Elections':
Prof. J.K. Pollock Tells Forum
One Third Of Voters Do Not Vote

Back For Annual Ann Arbor Visit:
Serge Koussevitzky Conducts
Boston Symphony Tomorrow

Although the number of voters in
the November presidential election
was the largest in history, there were
still about' one-third of the eligible
voters in this country who did not
cast a ballot in a highly important
election, Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department 'as-
serted in a talk last night at the Ann
Arbor Community Forum.
Professor Pollock spoke with two
Ann Arbor attorneys on a forum
discussion of "The Significance of
the State and National Elections of
1940" at a meeting held in the Patten-
gill Auditorium of Ann Arbor High
School. The other two speakers were
*'L, .-ncrtnr al.' nlnni- Ci a,'T ndr,

groups in voting behavior," Profes-
sor Pollock explained.
In defense of the non-voter, Pol-
lock declared that he has too difficult
a task as a result of the numerous
decisions he has to make on the large
4Professor Pollock characterized the
suggestion for abolition of the elec-
toral college as a reform with far-
reaching consequences. The tendency
of the electoral college is to keep the
number of parties down to two, he
said. He mentioned approvingly the
proposal to make the electoral col-
lege votes approximate the pro-
portion of votes each party receives
in a state.
/"Sn~r 1/n ~r<.h rn~ .n'

Serge Koussevitsky, Russian-born
conductor, will bring the Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra here for the sixth
Choral Union Concert at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
Sponsored by the University Musi-
cal Society, the recital will include
the playing of Beethoven's "Overture
to Leonore," No. 3, Op. 72, and the
Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major, Op.
60; and Shostakovitch's Symphony
No. 5, Op. 47.
The orchestra performance will be
its only Michigan appearance this
year, and will provide Ann Arbor res-
idents their sixteenth opportunity to
hear the world-famous group. The
Boston Symphony was first heard on
this campus in the 1890's, and since
1931 has played annually in Choral
Union concerts.

The present maestro came original-
ly from Russia, where he had organ-
ized two great symphony orchestras
and established them in Moscow and
in St. Petersburg. In Paris, he organ-
ized the Concerts Koussevitzky, which
enjoyed an unprecendented vogue.
Upon taking over the Boston Sym-
phon Koussevitzky continued his pol-
icy of introducing new composers to
his audiences, and was one of the
first to popularize Debussy, Ravel,
Prokofieff, Honneger, Roussel, Berg,
and Stravinsky.
Koussevitzky has expressed his con-
viction about the importance of mus-
ic in these, words: "Great music is
a necessity of life. Nothing less-a
necessity." His behavior at rehearsals
is in line with this hbeliesf.for he is,

m w

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