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December 08, 1940 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-08

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8, 1940



Harmon RepeatsOn Associated Press All-America


Frutig Chosen
End On Third
Honor Eleven
Seven Wolverine Gridmen
Rate Honorable Mention
For Fine Performances
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. -(P-
Throughout the gridiron season
Thomas Dudley Harmon of Michi-
gan, the midlands' greatest halfback
since the days of Red Grange, and
Jarrin' John Kimbrough of the Tex-
as Aggies were perhaps the most
talked about college players in the
And today, with three sparkling
years of competition completed, they
were chosen on the 16th annual All-
Arherica team selected by The Asso-
ciated Press on the basis of a nation-
wide survey of expert opinion.
Aces Were Marked
These aces, standouts on the all-
star club of 1939, were marked men
from the outset this season but still
END-P. Severin, North Carolina
TACKLE-N. Drahos, Cornell
GUARD-R. Suffridge, Tennessee
CENTER-C. Gladehuk, Bost. Coll.
GUARD-W. Alfson, Nebraska
TACKLE-R. Reinhard, California
END-E. Elrod, Mississippi State
BACK-'. Albert, Stanford
BACK-T. Harmon, Michigan
BACK-G. Franck, Minnesota
BACK-J. Kimbrough, Tex. A & M
no rival was able to throttle them.
Starting with Michigan's opener
against California, in which. Harmon
uncorked a 28-point scoring spree,
and carrying on through the final
garewith Ohio State, when he scored
22 points, the Gary Thunderbolt fig-
ured in most of the Wolverines'
touchdowns, either through his runs
or his passes. Kimbrough's talents
were employed chiefly as a bruising
blocker in the early engagements
but when he finally was turned loose
as a ball carrier he bulled through
Arkansas, Southern Methodist and
Rice for some 300 yards.
Altogether four members of last
year's All-America cast were selected
again. The others were Nicholas Dra-
hos, Cornell's bulky tackle, and Paul
Vincent Severin, North Carolina end.
Franck Gains Honor
Rounding out the backfield with
Kimbrough and Harmon were George
Franck, fleet-footed halfback of Min-
nesota's powerful unbeaten machine,
and Frank Albert, Stanford's smart
and versatile quarterback.
With Boston College's giant Chet
Gladchuk at center, the line forms
with Bob Suffridge of Tennessee and
Warren Alfson of Nebraska at guards,
Bob Reinhard of California as Dra-
hos' running mate at tackle and Er-
win (Buddy) Elrod of Mississippi
State serving with Severin at end.
Albert and Reinhard are juniors,
the others seniors. This All-America

team has all the requisites-brains, full squad, while the Southwest and
skill, speed and durability, with the Far West have four each and the
line averaging 202 pounds and the Rocky Mountain sector one.
backfield 190. While there may be possible debates
Midlands Dominate elsewhere, few will object to the list-
The midlands dominate the selec- ing of Harmon and Kimbrough with
tions even more than a year ago, with the gridiron's all-time greats. Rivals
three players on the first team and were keyed up to stop them and spe-
ten men altogether on the All-Ameri- cial defense traps were set but they
ca squad of 33, comprising first, sec- kept on parading their exceptional
ond and third teams. talents Saturday after Saturday.
The South and East trail the Mid- Harmon authored a gridiron record
West with seven players each on the I that few of football's heroes have

equalled. Off to a running start with carrying. But he is one of the best
28 points against California, Tom of the flingers. He completed 43 out
tallied all of Michigan's 21 against of 95 for 503 yards and seven touch-
Michigan State, 20 against Harvard downs and figured directly in the
and continued his touchdown trots scoring of 159 of Michigan's 196
on through the final game when he points. He wasn't a pampered, pro-
rang up 22 points against Ohio State tected back either, for his 433 minutes
in the worst rout in modern Buckeye of playing out of a possible 480 proves
history. Altogether, he had 16 touch-fhiaits 4
downs ad 117 tis his durability.

was a star in this lone game that the the 1920's by Red Grange of Illinois.
Wolverines lost. He played the full Michigan's Ed Frutig earned a
60 minutes and completed 10 of 14 berth on the third team at the end
passes, one for a touchdown. The post for his brilliant work all season
combination of a slippery field and long as a pass-snatching offensive
the Gophers' defense prevented any star and a steady defensive performer.
of his customary broken field esca- Meriting honorable mention in the
pades. all-star selections were seven other
Set New Records
His 33 touchdowns and 237 points. Wolverine standouts: Capt. Forest Ev-
over three years set new Western ashevski, Captain-elect Bob Westfall,
conference records, surpassing the 31 Joe Rogers, Al Wistert, Ralph Fritz,
touchdowns and 186 points made in Milo Sukup, and Bob Ingalls.

Harmon Is Flinger
Harmon's passing skill has been
overshadowed by his spectacular ball-

Minnesota was the only team
against which he failed to score a
touchdown but Harmon nevertheless

Second Team
Dave Rankin, Purdue
Tony Ruffa, Duke
Marshall Robnett, Tex. A & M
Rudy Mucha, Washington
Hunter Cohern, Miss. State
Fred Hartmann, Rice
Loren MacKiiiney, Harvard
Paul Christman, Missouri
Charles O'Rourke, Boston Coll.
Francis Reagan, Pennsylvania-
George Paskvan, Wisconsin


Third Team


William Jennings, Oklahoma
Alfred Bauman, Northwestern
George Kerr, Boston College
Ray Apolskis, Marquette
Cecil Scheffel, Denver
Joseph Ungerer, Fordham
Edward Frutig, Michigan
Bill Dudley, Virginia
James Thomason, Tex. A & M
Robert Foxx, Tennessee
James Kisselburgh, Ore. State


Ho liday



Ii , il


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even to the roomy trousers,
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