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December 05, 1940 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-05

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"_______-I-___ T-H E 1 HIGAN- DAttY T aSf

IFC To Hold
Holiday Party
For Children
University Tumbling Club
Will Appear; Magician
To Give Special Show
With plans for the third annual
Christmas Party held by Interfrater-
nity Council for Ann Arbor school
children already well under way, local
business men have assured Council
members of support of the project.
When the.doors of Hill Auditorium
open to the kids at 4 p.m. Friday, Dec.
13, more than 5,000 of them are ex-
pected to throng into the huge build-
ing for a program that will feature
everything from Santa Claus to
candy, clowns to magicians and tum-
blers to Christmas music.
Prof. William D. Revelli has assured
the Council of the presence of the
Varsity Band, whose members will
play a special program of Christmas
carols. The University Tumbling
Club, directed by Dr. George May,
will present a program for the chil-
dren, and Charles Forbes, '41BAd., a
semi-professional magician, will stage
a show. Forbes will be assisted by
other students.
TUTORING can bring returns by
using classified advertising. Rea-
sonable rates. Call at The Mich-
igan Daily. 125
WANTED-Round trip ride to New
Mexico for Xmas. Share expenses.
Call Art, 7522. 150
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 5c
MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 So.
State. 19
WHY RUN HOME when you can
run a Daily classified for a ride
home. 124
USED CLOTHING-bought and sold.
Claude H. Brown, 512 S. Main St.
Phone 2-2756. 170
BEN THE TAILOR-More money for
your clothes-good clothes for sale.
122 E. Washington. lc
EXPERT HOSIERY and garment re-
pair. Reasonable rates. Weave-Bac
Shop-Upstairs in Nickels Arcade.
LOST-Oxford glasses' chain. East
Huron between Glenn and Twelfth.
Call 7611 or 3988. Reward. 149
TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5689. 9c
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 14c
VIOLA STEIN - Experienced legal

typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 30
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St. Phone 3916. 10c
pairs of sox, 6 handkerchiefs fin-
ished, 2 suits underwear, 2 bath
towels, 1 pajama suit fluffed-99c.
Ace Hand Laundry, 1114 S. Uni-
versity. 15c
APPLES-Spys, Kings, Greenings.
Fresh cider. Friday delivery. Ph.
3926. 1003 $3rooks St. 148
selection in town. All imprinted
with your name. From 50 for $1.00
up. Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.
For Error"
Satirical anti-Nazi Melodrama
by Clare ("The Women") Boothe
TODAY thru Saturday

Boston Orchestra To Play Here
In Only Michigan Appearance

The Boston Symphony Orchestra,
under the baton of Serge Koussevit-
zky, will make its only Michigan ap-'
pearance of the year in the Choral
Union Series at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday
at Hill Auditorium.
The orchestra's performance will
be its sixteenth in Ann Arbor. First
heard here in the 1890's, the Boston
group also has played in 1913 and
1917, and annually since 1931. Tic-
kets for the concert Wednesday may
be obtained throughout the week at
the University Musical Society's of-
fices in Burton Tower, or at the Hill
Auditorium box-office after 7 p.m.
In celebration of their sixtieth sea-
son the symphony 'group has ar-
ranged special programs of high cal-
ibre for this season's tour, and will
offer the following numbers in Ann
Arbor: Beethoven's Overture to "Le-j
onore", No. 3, Op. 72; Symphony No.
4 in B-flat major, Op. 60, by Bee-
thoven; and Shostakovitch's Sym-
phony No. 5, Op. 47.
Koussevitzky, who will be conduct-
ing, has been leader of the Boston
Symphony for more than a quarter
century. Born in Russia, where he
organized and conducted orchestras
in Moscow and St. Petersburg, he
came to America in 1924, and was
accepted during his first season as
one of the nation's most brilliant
musical personalities.
Koussevitzky is also noted as one
of the first maestros to give impor-
tant play in his orchestra's repertoire
to comparatively unknown composers.j

In this way he helped popularize
Debussy, Ravel, Prokofieff, Honneger,
Boussel and Berg.
As a matter of fact, on his arrival
here in 1924 some music lovers hoped,
and others feared, that Koussevitzky
would steer the Boston group towards
ultra-modern music. But at that
time even playing Brahms or Tchai-
kowsky was a provocation for much
criticism. Through the brilliant in-
terpretation of Koussevitkky by the
107 members of his orchestra however
these composers were established in
American taste.

Opera Scripts
Next Semester Is Deadline
For 1941_Manuscripts
Jack Silcott, Grad, chairman of this
year's Union Opera, announced yes-
terday that a change in Mimes' policy
will have the 1941 opera script due
next semester instead of next fall.
Since a fertile source for the musi-
cal manuscripts has been the play
writing courses of Prof. Kenneth
Rowe, of the English department,
members of these classes will be ad-
mitted to a special rehearsal of "Take
A Number" at 9:30 p.m. today in the
In order to give the potential opera
authors a realistic view of the prob-
lems of staging this type of show,
Silcott revealed that although the
play will be presented in its entirety,
the actors will not be costumed and
several of the special effects to be
used in the regular performances will
be experimented with at this time.
Ghouls Gather
For Congress
'Coffin Capers''
From the sunny shores of Calif-
ornia to the rockbound ghosts of
Maine, thousands of specters will
come tomorrow-at least in spirit--
to witness the grave diggings (not
grave-diggings) at Congress' fourth
annual Congressional Fling, "Coffin
Capers" for short; at least that's one
ghoul's opinion.
And the ghoul is-take a guess-
Rigor Mortis, who has been investi-
gating the campus for possibilities
for rooming, feeding and entertain-
ing the hobbling horde of hob-goblins
which will invade Ann Arbor for the
Annual Convention of the Interna-
tional Brotherhood of Ghosts, Spooks
and Banshees, which will be held
simultaneously with Coffin Capers.
The renowned ghoul explained that
Chan Pinney, male lead in the Union
Opera, "Take a Number", would sing
the songs from that production at
the dance, and Bill Sawyer's Orches-
tra would play, but warned: "We
want to make this a closed affair
-no mortals allowed!" Mortis turned
back to the bar and finished drink-
ing his zombie.
Dr. Claire Healey
To Speak At Hillel
"The Physiology and Anatomy of
the Reproductive System" will be the
subject of a lecture by Dr. Claire
E. Healey of Health Service at 8:00
p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation.
This talk is the second in a series
of talks on "Marriage and Family
Relations" which is being conducted
as a part of the Hillel Institute of
Jewish Studies.
Dr. Healey's talk will be followed
by a general discussion period. The
lecture is open to the public, Elaine
Fisher, '42, chairnan of the Insti-
tute announced.

Nazi Activity
In Guatemala
Termed Minotr
Nazi activity and influence in
Guatemala is negligible, Eriju Her-
rarte, '42, foreign student from the
small Central American republic, de-
clared in an interview yesterday.
There is no truth to the statement
that the Nazi German government
dominates the press, he maintained.
Both sides of the.war are presented in
the legation mimeographed papers
published by both the British and
German legations.
The leading banking houses have
been in the country for more than
30 years. They represent English,
French and American interests as
well as German firms, Herrarte
pointed out.
Before the war there was active
trade with Continental nations, he
said, since Guatemala exported cof-
fee, her chief product in return for
manufactured goods. With the con-
clusion of reciprocal trade agreements
with the United States now more than
half of the country's total produc-
tion of coffee chicle and bananas is
exported to the United States.
The government seeks its favor
principally from the United States.
Over a decade ago, Herrarte cited,
when a revolutionary party took over
the republican government, it was
not recognized by the United States
and therefore immediately went out
of control.
The republic freed from Spanish
rule in 1817 depends greatly on
American friendship and good will
for its prosperity and safety, Her-
rarte insisted.
British Honduras which .lies to the
Northeast of Guatemala will probably
be (ceded back to Guatemala, its
original owner, he predicted. The
British have ceased oil development
for the present he stated. Thus the
United States is the primary econ-
omic and diplomatic interest of
Guatemala, he concluded.

Legislation against sabotage and
subversive activities will undoubtedly
be passed at the coming session of
the State Legislature, Albert J. Rapp,
Washtenaw County prosecutor and
chairman of the Permanent Lw En-
forcement Committee of Michigan,
asserted yesterday in an interview.
Rapp stated that his group was
preparing several laws to present to
the legislature that would make the
act of deliberately inciting class or
religious hatred a felony in this
state. Other legislation under con-
sideration includes the prohibition
of foreign uniforms and strengthen-
ng the law on sabotage.
The work of this law enforcement
committee is not confined to legis-
lative matters, the prosecutor ex-
plained. It also deals with important
problems concerned with improving
law enforcement in Michigan.
"We would liketo establish a crime
laboratory in this state that would be
available to police officers through-
-ut Michigan. This laboratory would
provide scientific facilities where ex-
perts on matters like hair, ballistics
and handwriting could make their
analyses," -Rapp stated.
It was disclosed that conferences
have been held with the University
administration on the possibility of
setting up a laboratory here. "They
are perfectly willing," he said. "They
have the space and considerable

equipment. With the hospital here
and the facilities for autopsy work,
the University would be an excellent
It was explained that the diffi-
culty confronting the establishment
of a laboratory is that elaborate and
expensive apparatus is required and
the State has not seen fit to provide
funds for this purpose.
This committee, which is made up
of six representatives from the state
sheriffs association, six members of
the state police chiefs association
and six members from the state pros-
ecutors association, put 21 bills be-
fore the legislature at its last session
and 18 were passed. Rapp declared.
Among the legal renidies they
are now considering is the substitu-
ton of medical examiners for coro-
Be Smart - Individualistic
You, too may have a Personality
hair style-cut-blended-shaped to
your facial features . . . Ap-
proved by B.M.O.C. Try us
Itaseol Barbers
Betwveen Mich. Theatre and State

Sabotage Laws WillBe Passed
By State Legislature, Rapp Says


Network War
Irritates Fans
(Continued from Page 1)
there is plenty of talent lying around
for BMI to discover, and that the
calibre of their offerings will improve
in the very near future."
James Gormsen, '42: "I don't think
a better thing could have happened in
the Tin Pan Alley World. This cap-
ping of ASCAP production means
that young song writers over the
country have the opportunity to break
into the big-time. I have heard that
BMI is asking for all amateurs to
contribute their works immediately."
Sociedad Hispanica
Will Hear Staubach
La Sociedad Hispanica will hear
Professor Charles N. Staubach lecture
on the Spanish author, Feijoo, at 4:15
p.m. today in Room 103 of the Ro-
mance Languages Building.
Feijoo was an 18th century Span-
ish writer, who was never particular-
ly noted for his humor. However,
Professor Staubach intends to bring
out this aspect of the author's work
in proof of the fact that Feijoo did
have his humorous moments.
Professor Staubach's lecture is the
first of a series to be presented by
the Spanish Club throughout the year.

20 Pledges Initiated
By Kappa Kappa Psi
Twenty pledges to Kappa Kappa
Psi, national honorary band frater-
nity, were initiated to full member-
ship yesterday.
The new members are: Louis Da-
vis, '43SM; Milan M. Yancich, '43SM;
Wilfred Roberts, '43SM; Roy Swift,
'43SM; Raymond Opland, '43SM;
Clarence Schultz, '43SM; Charles
Wellington, '41SM; George Irwin, '43;
Dale Zornow, '43; Donald W. Mac-
Leod, '43SM; Owen Mays, '42; Robert
Voss, '43E; Franklyn Tinker, '43SM;
Oscar Feldman, '43; Frank Basso,
'42SM; Roy Mattern, '42; Albert Ers-
kin, '43E; John Ginther, '43SM; Rob-
ert Kuite, '43SM, and Clelan Gra-
ham, '41A.
Cercle Francais Hears
Guy S. Metraux Speak
Le Cercle Francais heard Guy S.
Metraux, '42, of Lausanne, Switzer-
land speak on "The Provinces of
France." Metraux spoke from person-
al experience as he has both lived and
traveled in France.
Initiation ceremonies were also held
at the meeting. The initiates were:
Louise Watson, Spec., Ray Chambers,
'41, Metraux, Gaston Seydoux, '41E,
Anne Westenburg, Spec, and Don
Martso, '41.

SHOWS DAILY at 2-4-7-9 P.M.
4/ ...nowea
picture I
A MERVYN LeROY Production





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