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December 05, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-05

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Snow and colder.


Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


For Dr. Rutliven
And The Regents ,



Britain Is Called
'Good Loan Risk'
By U.S._Official

Addresses Bankers

Jesse Jones Backs Credit
To 'Bankrupt' England;
New Envoy Is Sent Here
House Of Commons
Hears Plea For Aid
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4-()-Spec-
ulation on the possibility of loans to
Great Britain reached new heights
in Washington tonight, following two
striking developments:
(1) Jesse Jones, Secretary of Com-
merce and Federal Loan Administra-
tor, tersely remarked that England
is a "good risk" for roans. He added
that ordinarily he favored lending
money "to good risks when they need
it for a proper purpose."'
(2) Secretary Morgenthau an-
nounced that Sir Frederick Philips,
Undersecretary of the British Treas-
ury, was arriving in the United States
today to "place the latest available
information (on British Finances) be-
fore the Treasury."
Gold As Collateral
Later, Chairman Marriner S. Ec-
cles of the Federal Reserve Board
said that in a speech Nov. 28 in New
York, he had asserted: "I believe that
Congress, in considering all the inter-
related elements of the monetary pic-
ture, should consider whether or not
it would be wise to make credits
available at low rates, as a means of
aiding the British, taking as collateral
their gold, as well as their security
holdings here, in Canada or else-
Eccles released what he termed a
"full and correct" text of his speech
before the national industrial con-
ference board. He said he was doing
this because "incorrect and mislead-
ing accounts" had appeared.
Meanwhile the British House of1
Commons heard an unofficial sugges-
tion today that the Government's ap-
peal to the United States for warships
to guard Britain's much-attacked At-
lantic convoys and for dollar credits
to pay for American supplies.
Hannah Urges Help
Ian Campbell Hannah, conservative
member of Parliament and an ed-
ucator who taught church history be-
tween 1915 and 1925 at Oberlin Col-
lege, Ohio, urged that the United
States "help patrol trade routes qf
the Atlantic with her own navy."
Moreover, he said, Britain should tell
Washington candidly "we want fi-
nancial help."
"I do not see how this nation can
bear the tremendous burdens of car-
rying on a great war which, after all,
if we see it rightly, is just as much
to the benefit of America as for our
own Empire," said Hannah.
Government spokesmen avoided a
direct reply to Hannah, who reflected
the nation's concern over U-Boat.
ASME Hears
Vincent Speech
Types Of Aircraft Engines
Discussed By Professor
Addressing a meeting of the Amer.
ican Society of Mechanical Engineers
last night in the Union, Prof. E. T.
Vincent of the Mechanical Engineer-
ing Department spoke of the devel-
opment, requisites, drawbacks and
possibilities of fundamental types of
internal combustion aircraft engines.
Professor Vincent pointed out the
fundamental need of modern, ef-
ficient aircraft engines and expressed
his view supporting the liquid cooled
engine as superior to the air-cooled
type, which, he stated, increases in
air drag much more than does the
first with equal increases in power.

John Ingold, Grad., gave a short
talk on the A.S.M.E. roast, and told
of its inception and traditions. Mem-
bership cards and pins were given
out at the meeting. Professor Vin-
cent is honorary chairman of the
Prof. Niehuss To Speak
On Marriage Relations

Famous Film
Series Tickets
On Sale Today
The ticket sale for the new A t
Cinema League series of famous films
of the past will start today at the
League, Union, and Wahr's and Ul-I
rich's Bookstores.
Dating from the popular, silent
Keystone comedies to the first talkingj
gangster picture, the series will be
available to students for $1. No single
admissions to individual performances
will be sold.
The series will start at 8:15 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 15, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre with five Keystone
comedies starring Charlie Chaplin;
the second will be Lon Chaney in
"The Unholy Three" on Jan. 19; the
third will be the prize-winning war
picture "The Big Parade," with John
Gilbert and an all-star cast of old-
timers on Feb. 2; and the last will be
"Little Caesar," a comparatively re-
cent gangster picture featuring Ed-
ward G. Robinson.
The two silent films will be ac-
companied by musical scores and all
the pictures will be supplemented
with selected short subjects. Each
showing will take place at 8:15 on a
Sunday evening.
Group To Meet
On Industrial
Relation Work
Delegates Will Consider.
Problems That Result
From Plant Changes
Plant superintendents and person-
nel men will meet at 8:30 a.m. today
in the Rackham Building in the
third industrial relations roundtable,
dealing with "Obtaining Employee
Acceptance of Methods Development
and Production Standards." These
roundtables are sponsored by the
Bureau of Industrial Relations. Ses-
sions will be held today and tomor-
The conferences are designed spe-
cifically to deal with problems arising
between employees and employers
because of necessary technological
changes in plant and plant equip-
ment. Each session will follow an out-
line, which was submitted to each
representative, that has been pre-
pared on the basis of a field study
in twenty selected companies.
This is an invitational conference;
only those companies in the metal
trades, or in related industries were
asked to participate. This was done,
John W. Riegel, director of the Bur-
eau stated, in order that representa-
tives might not be debating at cross-

Banker Group
Opens Annual
Session Today
I First Meeting Will Study
Controls And Audits';
Dean 'iason To Speak
Dean Clare E. Griffin, of the School
of Business Administration will wel-I
come Michigan bankers and trust
officiLls to the Third Annual Bankers
Study Conference at the opening ses-
sion at 9:30 a.m. today in the Union.
The two-day conference is spon-
sored jointly by the Michigan Bank-
ers Association, the State Banking
Department and the University of
Dean E. Blythe Stason, of the Law!
School, will deliver the feature ad-
dress at the Annual Banquet which
will be held at 7:00 p.m. today in
the Union. Dean Stason's talk will
be on "Tax Problems Confronting
the Banker."
The opening conference study ses-
sion on "Bank Operating Controls
and Audits" will begin at 10:15 a.m.
Speakers include: Clarence Schafer
of Chesaning; J. H. Reinking of St.
Joseph; andHerbert Strasslerof De-
An address on "The Development
of a: Effective Personality" by Prof.
Arthur Secord, of the speech depart-
ment, wii3 feature the luncheon at
12:45 p.m. After lunch, there will be
a tour of the campus for members.
In the second session at 3 p.m. the
group will deal with "Public Rela-
tions." Noble D. Tarvis of Detroit will
preside and Oliver J. Golden of Mon-
roe will lead the discussion.
Speakers include Dunlap C. Clark
of Kalamazoo on "Soliciting of Bank-
ing Business;" Eugene Lewis of De-
troit on "What Services a Bank Can
Render and Receive PayeFor;" and
Mr. Richard Grant of Detroit. The
conference will continue with morn-
ing and afternoon sessions tomorrow.
Harmon May Not Play
In New Year's Game
DENVER, Dec. 4. -(A)- Football
stars playing with or against Tom
Harmon in the East-West charity
football game may jeopardize their
standing for future competition in
sports supervised by the Amateur
Athletic Union, Daniel J. Ferris, AAU
secretary, said today.
Ferris added, however, that any
player's request for special permission
to participate in the New Year's Day
game at San Francisco probably
would be approved-by the AAU Board
of Governors.

Newest Dorm
To Hold Open
East Quadrangle To Invite
Public For Inspection;
Ruthvens Head Guests
Board Of Regents
Will Be Visitors
The East Quadrangle, newest set
of the University's residence halls, will
open its doors to general public in-
spection from 8 to 10 p.m. today when
it holds its first open house.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
head the guest list, which includes
the Board of Regents of the Uni-
versity, consisting of Franklin M.
Cook, Mrs. Esther M. Cram, David
F. Crowley, Charles F. Hemans, J.
Joseph Herbert, Harry G. Kipke, John
D. Lynch, Edmond G. Shields and
Eugene B. Elliott.
Individuals who have been con-
nected in one way or another with
the building and furnishing and gen-
eral operation of the residence hall
have been especially invited. They
include Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gram, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter M. Roth, Mr. and
Mrs. J C. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Pardon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl H.
Cress, Dean C T. Olmsted, Miss Jean-
ette Perry, assitant dean of women;
Morrison and Gabler, architects, and
Bryant and Detwiler, contractors.
The Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls, consisting of Dean of
Women Alice Lloyd, Prof. Margaret
Tracy of the economics department,
Qrof. Carl Brandt of the English de-
partment, Prof. John W. Eaton of the
German department, Prof. Stephen S.
Attwood of the electrical engineer-
ing department and Prof. Roger Mor-
rison of the Department of High-
way Engineering, Dean of Men Joseph
A. Bursley assistant Dean Shirley W.
Smith, Prof. Charles L. Jamison of
the School of Business idministration
and Karl Litzenberg of the English
department, Director of Residence
Halls, will also be special guests.
Hostesses in the respective recrea-
tion rooms will be the house direc-
tors, and the house directors of the
West Quadrangle will preside in the
dining hall.
The public is invited to inspect this
latest addition to the University dor-
mitory family.
Six Are Killed
In Air Crash
Ten Are Injured As Plane
Plunges Into Empty Lot
CHICAGO, Dec. 4.-()-Six per-
sons were killed tonight when a Unit-
ed Airlines Mainliner plunged into a
vacant lot near the Municipal Air-
Ten others were injured, at least
three of them critically, when the big
ship crashed in murky weather.
The company reported that the
dead were:
Captain Philip Scott, Chicago, the
pilot, a veteran of eight years' serv-
First Officer George S. Young, Chi-
cago, the co-pilot.
Lee F. Haneline, Chicago, division
superintendent of reservations and
S. W. Moore, U.S. Ordnance En-
gineers, Cleveland.
Miss Jane Selby, Chicago.

The mainliner, with 13 passengers
and a crew of three aboard, dropped
about a block and a half from the
airport about 6 p.m. (CST) while
snow was falling.
Witnesses reported that the pane,
in-bound from Cleveland and the
East, ticked a three-story apartment
building with its wing, brushed
against power lines supported by a
steel pole, smashed against a small
garage and fell to the earth a few
feet from a row 01 houses.
h; W

Ferenczi Discusses War Today;
Talk On Negro History Planned

Dr. Imre Ferenczi, formerly a lec-
turer on social policy at the Univer-
sity of Budapest, will discuss "War
and Man Power" in a University lec-
ture at 4:15 today in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall under the auspices of the
economics department.
Famed as an expert on migration
and population problems, Dr. Feren-'
czi was for many years technical ad-
visor to the municipality of Buda-
pest and has lectured at the Grad-
uate Institute of International Stud-
ies in Geneva, and at other European
He has collaborated with the Na-
tional Bureau of Economics Research,
is a contributor to the Encyclopedia
Brittannica and the Encyclopedia of
the Social Sciences, and has written
a work on the Syntheic Optimum of
Carrying on his study of migration
and population problems at the In-
ternational Labor Office for the past
20 years, Dr. Ferenczi has become dis-
tinguished for his international ap-
proach to the problems of a national-
istic world.
Dance Petitions
Are Due Today
Lists Must Be Returned
To Offices Of Union,
League Before 5 P.M.
All petitions for positions on the
Senior Ball and Frosh Frolic dance
committees must be returned to the
Student Offices of the Union or
League by 5 p.m. today if they are
to be considered valid, Doris Merker,
and Ward Quaal, both '41, presidents
respectively of the Women's and
Men's Judiciary Councils, declared
Petitions must be accompanied by
the signatures of tweny-five mem-
bers of the petitioner's class and
school and the petitioner's eligibility
card. The petition must also be ac-
companied by the official question-
aire released by the Judiciary Coun-
cil to help determine the qualifica-
tions of the prospective candidates.
The official list of candidates
that will be placed on the ballots will
be announced in The Daily the day
before the elections Wednesday, Dec.
11. This action was taken to eliminate
the cost of extensive campaigning,
thus making the election fairer to
all candidates involved, Quaal said.

Italians Reported Fleeing
As Greeks Continue Drive;
Nazis, Rumania SignPact

The introduction and adaptation
of the Negro to the New Wgrld is
the topic of a University lecture to be
given by Melville J. Herskovits, chair-
man of the anthropology department
of Northwestern University, at 4:15
tomorrow in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre. ,
Professor Herskovits has made ex-
tensive studies of the Negro in the
West Indies, Dutch Guiana, West
Africa and the United States to dis-
cover all the aspects of their back-
ground and the conditions of their
introduction into America.
Among his several works are two
volumes on the Dahmeans of West
Africa and "The American Negro."
Galens Opens
Annual Fund
Tag Days Held To Raise
Money For Children's
WorkshopIn Hospital
With pails on their arms and ready
to give out tags for contributions,
members of Galens, honorary jun-
ior and senior medical society, will be-
gin their twelfth annual Tag Day
Drive tomorrow and conclude the
Drive on Saturday.
Each year the society holds the
Drive to raisehmoney to support the
Galens workshop for crippled child-
ren on the top floor of the University
Hospital. It is in this workshop that
the children have a chance to make
toys or amuse themselves instead of
remaining in bed all day.
Konrad Moisio, a graduate of the
University and a former high-jump-
irW star for Charlie Hoyt a few years
ago, is the instructor in the Galens
workshop who helps the kids design
and fashion their toys. When they've
made enough toys for themselves, or
for other children in the wards, the
toys are sold to visitors to the hospit-
Window displays now being shown
in several of the stores on campus
were made and designed entirely by
these youngsters. Ingenuity and
craftsmanship are shown in many of
the toys on display.
For the past several years, Galens
has been able to raise approximately
$1600 in every drive. Last year the
sum was more than $1700. Percy Mur-
phy, '41M, stated that this year the
goal would be set at $1700 with a
great effort to surpass last year's
Special letters have been written
to all fraternities asking them to
contribute a lump sum for the house.
According to the responses, Murphy
said, "the fraternities are 100 per
cent behind the drive."

Porto Edda Nearly Taken
Atheds Claims; British
Sign TreatyWith Turks
German Offensive
To South Foreseen
(By The Associated Press)
Italian soldiers in the southern Al-
banian base cities of Porto Edda and
Argirocastro are fleeing to the north,
a Greek spokesman said last night,
indicating that Italy apparently has
given up hope of holding the two cit-
ies against the advancing Greeks.
Farther up the front in the cen-
tral sector, the Italians were said to
be withdrawing from before Premet.
The Greeks plunged on deeper into
Albania and in Athens the capture
of Porto Edda and Argirocastro was
expected momentarily.
The Greeks said their soldiers were
in the outskirts of Porto Edda, the
southern Fascist exit to the sea and
named after Mussolini's daughter,
Twenty miles north, the Greeks said,
the Italian supply center of Argiro-
castro wasin peril of capture.
While the Greeks thrust Mussolini's
men back along the front, Mussolini's
Axis partner Adolf Hitler, fashioned
new ties with his Rumanian ally
which might facilitate a move to
southeastern Europe; and the Axis
opponent, Britain, was laying a firm-
foundation by a trade and financial
agreement with Turkey.
Besides signing the 10- year trade,
agriculture, finance and transport
agreement with the Reich, Rumania
also figured in the news with the
frank statement of a Nazi leaning
newspaper in Bucharest, Curentul,
that Germany expects smaller Euro-
pean nations" to lend their armies,"
territory and transport facilities to
the Axis for a spring offensive.
Curentul did not elaborate on
where the offensive would take place
but there have been indications Ger-
many might make a southeastward
drive on the Suez Canal. The paper
told Rumanians especially to take
their alliance with Germany seriously.
Rumania recen'tly signed the tri-
partite alliance of Germany, Italy
and Japan.
Nazi-dominated Rumania also ex-
propriated all oil pipe lines, pump-
ing stations, reservoirs and land on
which they are situated.
Bund Termed


Declares Society
As Nazi Cover-Up

Music War Brings Headaches
To CampusRadio Listeners

Six Members Of Engineering
Faculty To Vie For Spoofuncup

Not only radio fiends, these past
few days, but also the occasional lis-
tener has been tearing his hair in
irritation because of the results of
the ASCAP-BMI music war.
Campus network followers, at least,
have been cognizant of the fact for
the past week that a peculiar trend
in radio programs has religious music,
Latin-American folk songs and civil-
war period tunes being plugged for
more than they are worth, with the
really popular music of the day rele-
gated to rare rendition.
The whole problem springs from
the recent move of the American So-
ciety of Composers, Authors and Pub-
lishers to increase their network fee
71 per cent over last year's, while
lowering their fee to independent sta-

music from their sustaining programs,
NBC bars them on Dec. 15, and on
Jan. 1 all ASCAP music will be
banned from every network program.
And the net result is that the few
popular BMI songs, like "There I
Go," "Practice Makes Perfect," "Fren- I
esi," and "Maybe," have been flooding
the ether for nigh onto a week.
Here is what the campus thinks
of the strange feud, answering the
question: "How is the ASCAP-BMI
Feud Affecting You?"
Shirley Kaplan, '43SM: So far I
don't mind the narrowing of radio's
repertoire . . . I guess that is be-
cause I don't listen often enough to
get tired of the same songs played
over and over. I would, however, like
to see the feud settled immediately!"

Six members of the Engineering
College Faculty will be "called on the
carpet" next Tuesday night to vie for
the double honor of possession of the
famous mechanical engineers' Spoof-
uncup and the title of "Man Who
Can Take It."
Both awards will be presented to
one individual at a dinner of the fac-
ulty and student branches of the
American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers in the League after the under-
graduate group decides upon the man
worthy of the "honors of honors"
that will be bestowed.
No one outside of the executive
council of the A.S.M.E. knows yet
how the winner will be selected or the
individuals who will serve as judges
and, according to the council, this
information will be withheld until
6:3 nm. Tuesday, the time of the


sisted mainly of questions and an-
swers and extemporaneous speeches
providing embarrassment for the per-
formers and amusement for the aud-
The Spoofuncup, which will be pre-
sented at the dinner for the seventi
time, consists of a tin funnel fastened
above an inverted tin cup and flanked
by two tin spoons. Its name, of course,
is derived from the objects of which
it is composed.
Chosen to serve as "roastmaster,"
the man with the job of sending his
colleagues "through the mill," is Prof.
Walter C. Sadler of the transporta-
tion engineering department-the on-
ly instructor on the program who
will be free from torture.
Those who have been chosen to
compete for the awards are Prof.
John A. Van den Broek of the en-
gineeringa m echanics depa~rtment.

The (hr-man-American FR * nrh
a membership of only 20,000, is tak-
ing the part of a noise-maker to
d°-vert attention from more danger-
ous Nazi operations in this country,
the Hon. Gerhart W. Seger, ner
member of t- German Reichstag,
declared last night in a lecture in the
Rackham Amphitheatre under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor branch of
the Committee to Defend America
by Aiding the Allies.
Seger, who in 1933, was interned in
a concentration camp for opposition
to the Nazi regime, cited the menace
of the rapidly increasing German
consular services in the United States,
despite a virtual disappearance of
travel and trade with Germany.
By enforcing the clauses of the
McCormick Act, which requires"the
registration of all diplomatic agents
entering this country, the U. S. gov-
ernment could imprison 2,000 Nazi
agents tomorrow for 2 years to im-
pair the fifth column threat, Mr.
Seger told his audience.
Saturday Is Deadline
For 'Ensian Pictures
Seniors who want their pictures in
the 1941 Michiganensian were warned
by John Cory, business manager, to
have their photographs taken by
Saturday. Coupons for pictures may

Only 14
Shopping Days

Christmas Vacation

El , - --7 w--A.4 a r I



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