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December 04, 1940 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-04

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Wt.DNSAY, DtUEMBEU 4, .1940

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, , a - ~ ~ F... . . at+
E'ited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41


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It was with extreme surprise that
we noted Touchstone's left-handed
pnaise yesterday of our Sunday's
column The Reply ChurlishI and
P ire and Water long ago entered into
a solemn agreement that there shall
be the smallest possible amount of
feudin' between us. We never ex-
pected, howeve', that we would ad-
vance into a mutual-praise stage.'
We tlhla Touchstone gilite con-
sistently turns out a. good Clumn
too. So there.
It seems as if we'll soon be forced
to get a hairedt and perhaps even
shave. After all, if you're paying
three bucks to get a reproduction of
your unlovely face in the 'Ensian. you
may as well look civilized, assuming
that a haircut and a shave is a mark
of civilization.
This being a senior is a terrific
nuisance. Things were so much easier
when we were juniors-no 'Ensians
or senior pictures to worry about-
and we had already solved the Con-
centration problem as well as having
learned how to get a C out of a
course without too great effort or
too consistent attendance. As a Sen-

apple-poIsh with Mr. Palmer and
give hir free space in The Daily.
* *
Headlines in college newspapers
these days are hiighly confusing. We
refer specifically to those that state:
G1 Wle Mv'kc Sweeping Gains.'" The
! eciie ' i at a loss to know whether
I he headline refers to the war in
Alnia or fraternity rtshiig.
For a long time a slinky fellow's
editorial has been laying in the ed-
itoi',al basket vainly awaiting pub-
.ication. Out of sympathy we. there-
fore, print the following:
What will happen to Wendell Will-
kie now that the election is over?
Rumors are making the rounds with
astounding rapidity-claiming that
'he will be made secretary of com-
merce, president of the University of
Wisconsin or new head of the United
States Defense Board.
If we are to believe the rumors,
almost anything can happen to the
ex-candidate for president. But to
clarify the issue, allow us to reveal
some known certainties:

for we don't seem to be able to do Wendell Willkie will NOT be made
the latter. That's why we openly secretary of labor.

Wendell Willkie will NOT be of-
fered the job of basketball coach at
the University of Michigan when
Bennie Oosterbaan leaves to head
tlie University of Chicago. replacing
Wendell Willkie will NOT write
crime novelettes for pulp magazines.
Wendell Willkie will NOT be ap-
pointed Josef Stalin's personal adviser
at the Kremlin.
Wendell Willkie will NOT become
Joe Louis' manager, nor will he take
over the financial end of the Grand
Rapids Bulldogs baseball team.
Wendell Willkie will NOT be of-
fered the Editorship of the Daily
Wendell Willkie will NOT be named
administrator of the TVA.
Wendell Willkie will NOT marry
Madame Perkins.
Nor will he be chosen new president
of the CIO.
Now that some rumors have been
dispelled about the future of Mr.
Willkie, we may rest in comparative
peace, awaiting further develop-


Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler . .
Karl Kessler . . .
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman . .
Laurence Mascott . .
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman
Business Manager . .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

. a

a f
Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
Exchange Editor
Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. . Jane Krause





(Continued from Page 2)

The editorials published ip The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.,
One Activity
That's Worthwhile .. .
= TCANNOT BE DENIED that campus
women are continuously asked to
spend time and money on current school projects.
We spend our time on activities for our own
ersonal gain and money on drives for charitable
There is a new project afoot now, and it re-
quires a recombination of the old factors. The
student Red Cross chapter at the Women's Ath-
letic Building is asking that we give our effort,
our time, not our money, to a humanitarian
We can put our political theories aside for
the moment in helping the cause which aids
refugees from Aire, flood, war, and other catas-
trophes. We can think of help for others, not
in monetary terms, but in terms of work and
the sacrifice of a very few minutes.
THE ASSOCIATION which is sponsoring the
new chapter is not asking you to give up a
whole day, or even a whole hour if that much
cannot be spared.' "Every minute counts", Dr.
Margaret E. Bell said, and so expresses the prin-
ciple involved in the project. The WAB will be
open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every Saturday. Can
there be anyone on campus who cannot afford
to drop in to work a short periodduring those
The demands and requirements of the chapter
are so little, that we cannot help but think that
those who do not cooperate in the new plans
are admitting their own laziness. There will be
no binding "hours" to keep, no "signing up". The
Women's Athletic Association asks you merely
to come out whenever you can, to work.
-Frances Aaronson
About Ireland
And Naval Bases .
R ECENTLY Winston Churchill made a
public appeal for certain Irish na-
val bases. He proposed that Britain lease the
bases from Eire.
IMMEDIATELY many people here in the United
States concluded that of course Ireland should
and would consent to the proposal. When Pre-
mier Eamon de Valera announced that his
country would do no such thing these people
were both angry and amazed. They cold see
nothing which, justified the position De Valera
had chosen to take.
In reality there are a multitude of very valid
arguments to support the Irish refusal. Amer-
icans who do not believe so have failed to under-
stand the problems and temperament of the
common people of Ireland. We sit back com-
placently more than 3000 miles away and say,
"Why, of course Ireland should lease those
bases." And yet such action on their part
would immediately place them in the midst of
the war. Without doubt Germany would expand
its bombing operations to include the little is-
land country. In other words, we are asking the
Irish to voluntarily subject their country to the
terrifying and tragic experiences of Coventry,
London and Birmingham.
NOW, the Irish have a fierce, undying love
for their country, which has become more


The Irish stake in the outcome of the conflict
is no greater than ours. Yet the horrors of mod-
ern warfare would touch us much less than they
would the people of Ireland, for the Emerald
Isle has very few modern defense weapons, and
it has been checked in almost every attempt to
obtain more. Czechoslovakia and Sweden are
no longer available as a source of equipment.
Turning to the United States the Irish found
that British and War Department orders take
precedent over any others. Thus, Eire has little
or no chance of bettering their defense fortifi-
cations and weapons.
SOME BRITISH and American sources have
even gone so far as to accuse the government
of Eire of going against the will of the Irish
people in refusing to lease England the bases.
There is absolutely no truth in this contention.
His Excellency Minister Brennan, again, informs
us that, "The policy of neutrality is supported
by every party in the Dail, by all the people,
and by every metropolitan and provincial news-
paper in the country." And Time Magazine
states that the "conservative Irish Times, long
the upholder of British interests in Eire, is
against the leasing of bases to Ireland."
Such facts are conclusive evidence that the
people are wholeheartedly supporting their gov-
ernment in this matter. And the support does
not stem from a hatred of anybody. It does
not mean the Irish are pro-Nazi or anti-British.
It merely means that they do not want the
dreaded German Luftwaffe to begin paying
visits to their country.
- Homer Swander
Richard Bonelli came and went last night at
Hill without impressing the audience greatly.
We thought he was, if not bad, at least not good.
While his voice came out in good, rich tones some
of the time, there was a noticeable reaching for
pitch throughout the performance. Mr. Bonelli
was flat. He made mistakes on things which
are counted among the preliminary elements of
a trained voice. Several times there was defin-
ite throatal sound before the tone to be produced
came out, he rode his tones often, and stayed
under the pitch even oftener.
The recital started off poorly, gained a little
as it went, but never came to a really good spot.
The first group, songs of Mozart, Schubert and
Rossini, was not well done. Mr. Bonelli's best
here was the florid La Tarantella, a piece which
seemed to fit his style better thanl the preceding
In the second set of songs, Mr. Bonelli did far
best on Bird of the Wilderness by Horsman. The
others were presented with definite evidences of
technique, but were still unsatisfying. He did
well (relatively) with Vision Fugitive, a lovely
thing by Massenet.
After the intermission, we were entertained
with some rather good piano music. Ernst Wolf,
who did an excellent job of accompanying the
singer, did well with Chopin's Nocturne in C
minor, better with the frolicsome Hopak, of Mous-
sorgsky, and very well on the charming little
rondo by Haydn. We enjoyed that.

WASHINGTON - Several months ago the De-
fense Commission, with a fanfare of publicity,
announced the appointment of a Priorities Board.
It was headed by Donald Nelson, former man-
agerial wizard of Sears Roebuck, and included,
William Knudsen, Edward Stettinius and Leon
Henderson, Defense Commission aces.
But despite its brilliant personnel, the Board,
like so many other things about the Defense
Commission, isn't all that appears on the surface.
What only insiders are aware of is that the
Board's vaunted powers cover only the priority
of distribution. That is, it can regulate the
kind of planes a manufacturer can make and who
shall get them.
This is important, but far from the whole
story. For an equally important priorities prob-
lem, that of production is totally untouched by
the Board. In other words the Board is not at-
tempting to control the supply of essential raw
Old Mistake
An ironic feature of this situation is that it
is a repetition of a major error of the World
War Industries Board.
The old Board also started out by setting up
priority controls only over distribution. By the
summer of 1918 the mistake was realized and the
loophole plugged, but not without the loss of
vital time.
This lesson was not lost on the Army and
Navy, and after the war, industrial mobilization
plans provided for a complete priorities control
covering both raw materials and distribution.
Today Army officers connected with the job of
industrial mobilization, privately are much dis-
turbed about the situation. Some gloomily fore-
see a grave crack-up in defense production un-
less immediate corrective steps are taken. Be-
cause of the lack of centralized authority in the
defense set-up-the key weakness-these offi-
cers are keeping their mouths closed. But under
cover, there is considerable resentment, which
naturally doesn't improve the already none-too-
cordial relations between the Army and the De-
fense Commission.
Greatest Army fear is a shortage in strategic
ores such as chrome, manganese and tungsten,
which already are below the two-year emergency
reserves laid down by the Joint Munitions Board.
Chrome Supply
The Army's worry has been heightened by the
war in Greece, which constituted our chief
chrome supply, together with Jugoslavia and
Turkey, both sitting on the Balkan powder keg.
Chrome imports are below the reserve tonnage
requirements set by the Munitions Board, and
with steel output steadily mounting, it will only
be a relatively short time before we get a
chrome shortage, which would cause chaos in
the machine tool industris.

Quadrangle of Men's Residence Halls,
cordially invite members of the fac-
ulty, students, and townspeople, to
attend an Open House in the East
Quadrangle, on Thursday, Decem-
ber 5, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Stu-
dent guides will be available to con-
duct visitors through the various
units of the Quadrangle. Guests are
asked to enter through the East Uni-
versity door, which leads directly into
the main lobby.
Academic ]otices
Chem. and Met. Engineering Sem-
inar for Graduate Students will meet
today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E.
ing. Bldg. Mr. W. H. Davis will
speak on "Relative Compositions of
the Vapor and Liquid Phases of Com-
plex Hydrocarbon Mixtures Under
Cracking Conditions."
Bacteriology Seminar tonight at
8.00 in Room 1564 East Medical
Building. Subject: "The 'Second
Stage' in Anigen-Anti-body Reac-
tions." All interested are invited.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
in Room 303 Chemistry Building at
4:15 p.m. today. Dr. J. O. Halford
will speak on "The equilibrium in the
conversion of arylcarbinols to aryl-
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319, West Medical
Building, at 7:30 tonight. Subject:
"Synovial Fluid and Cartilage Me-
Organ Recital: For his last concert
before the holiday vacation, Palmer
Christian, University Organist, will'
present a program of Christmas selec-
tions at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
torium. While these concerts are open
to the general public free of charge,
small children cannot be admitted. for
obvious reasons.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: An exhibit of ceramic
processes including structure, form,
color and glazing is being shown in'
the first floor hall of the Architecture
Building through December 10. Open
daily, except Sunday, from 9 to 5. The
public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Imre Fer-
enezi, formerly of the International
Labor Office, Geneva, Switzerland,
will lecture on the subject "War and
Man Power" under the auspices of
the Department of Economics on
Thursday, December 5, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Melville J. Her-
skovits, Professor of Anthroplogy
and Chairman of the Department at
Northwestern University, will lecture
on the subject, "The Negro in the New
World," under the auspices of the De-
partment of Anthropology, at 4:15
p.m. on Friday, December 6, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is cordially invited.
The first lecture of a Sociedad His-
panica's series, "El Humorismo de
Feijoo" by Dr. Charles Staubach, will
be presented Thursday, December 5,
at 4:15 p.m. in Room 103 R.L. Admis-
sion by ticket.

ject will be "The German Fifth Col-
umn." His lecture is sponsored by
the Ann Arbor branch of the Com-
mittee to Defend America by Aiding
the Allies.
Events Today
Pre-Medical Society will meet to-
night in the East Amphitheatre of
the West Medical Building at 8:00.
Dr. G. G. Alway will discuss various
aspects of general medical practice.
Membership cards will be issued to all
members in good standing.
The Student Branch of the A.S.M.E.
will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Union.
Prof. E. T. Vincent of the Mechanical
Engineering Department and honor-
ary chairman of the Branch, will give
an illustrated talk on "Modern In-
ternal Combustion Engines." John
Ingold will also describe the "A.S.M.E.
Roast" and point out what it means
to the engineering student. Member-
ship cards and pins will be given out
at this meeting.
Alpha. Phi Omega meeting tonight
at 8:00 in the Union. All members
are urged to be present. Officers
for the coming term will be elected.
Acolytes (philosophical society) will
meet tonight at 7:45 in the Rackham
Building. Prof. Henle will speak on
"The New Algebra of Logic." Stu-
dents and faculty members are in-
Graduate Luncheon will be held this
noon in the Russian Tea Room of
the League. Miss Northrup and Miss
Arnohld will speak.
La Sociedad Hispanica will meet
tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan
League. An interesting program by
the new members is being planned.
Graduate Coffee Hour will be held
today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Building. Moving pictures of Alaska
by Prof. Baxter of the Forestry De-
partment. All graduate students and
faculty welcome.
The Newman Club will hold a cof-
fee hour honoring Catholic Foreign
Students tonight, 8:00-10:00, in the
chapel club rooms. All club members
and their friends are invited to attend.
International Center: An all-Si-
behius program of recorded music will
be given tonight at the Center. It
includes the Second and Fifth Sym-
phonies and Pohjola's Daughter.
Phi Delta Kappa Business Meeting
tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Building.

J.G.P. Music Committee meets to-
day at 5:00 p.m. in the Women's
League. Bring eligibility cards.
General Publicity, Theatre Arts:
Committee meeting at 3 o'clock today
in the Undergraduate Office of the
Seminar in Social Minorities meets
today at 4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall.
Seminar in Theology meets today
at 4:30 p.m. in Lane Hall.
Seminar in Devotional Literature
meets tonight at 7:30 in Lane Hall,.
Meeting of committee chairmen of
"X-mas X-press" this afternoon at
4:15 in the Michigan League.
Michigan Dames: Drama Group
will meet at the home of Mrs. R. W.
Cowden, 1016 Olivia, tonight at 8:00
p.m. The "Male Animal" will be read.
Coming Events
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 8:30 to
10:00 Saturday evening, December
7. The moon and the planet-, Jupi-
ter and Saturn, will be shown through
the telescopes. Children must be ac-
companied by adults.
The Apothecaries Club invites the
general public to a free techicolor pic-
ture and lecture on the Grand Canyon
given by Prof. Clover of the botany
department, at 4:3Q p.m. on Thurs-
day, Dec. 5, in Room 303 Chemistry
.*.Compulsory Meeting of Women's'
House Presidents in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League at 4:30 p.m. on
Thursday, December 5.
Theatre Arts Committee: Compul-
sory meeting of all chairmen and
assistants at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, De-
cember 6, in the Michigan League.
Seminar-in the Bible meets Thurs-
day at 4:30 p.m. in Lane Hall.
The Married Couples' Cooperative
announces two vacancies. Couples
interested, call 7350 for information.
The house will be in operation after
January 1.
The Interior Decorating Group of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
at the League on Thursday at 3:00
p.m. Miss Mary Riddle of the J. L.
Hudson Company will speak on
"Table Arrangements." Also a dis-
play of Christmas glassware and
china. Members may bring guests.

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Wednesday Evening
6:00 News Tyi Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas " variety Program
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross News Room World Today Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Mr. Meek Cavalcade Carson Robison The Lone Ranger
7:45 Mr. Meek Doc Sunshine
8:00 Big Town Hollywood Playh'se Melody Steet Quiz Kids
8:15 Big Town ."
8:30 Dr. Christian Plantation Party Evening Serenade Manhattan Midnite
8:45 Dr. Christian News Ace
9:00 Fred Allen Eddie Cantor Hope Tabernacle Yukon Challenge
9:15 Fred Allen .' " Fran Wien Gar Orch
9:30 Fred Allen District Attorney The Question Box John B. Kennedy
x. ,'aA Allant,"4-'- .--

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