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December 01, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-01

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Six women Take 2059 MenAn r SIie
And E ngineering In Stride


Masculine Colleagues Find
Girls 'Irking' In Class
But Date 'Em Anyway
Profs Show Them
No Special Favors
Two thousand and fifty-nine men.
Six women. And they love it.
For despite the fact that the six
female engineers are subjected to
monkey-suits, masculine cuss words
and unsusceptible profs, not one of
them is sorry that there are only six.
And not one of the 2059 men in the
College of Engineering is sorry that
there are not more than six.
The women base their stance on the
unique positions they find themselves
holding in all-male classes. The men,
as a rule, are annoyed at the limita-
tions to their freedom imposed by the
inhibiting presence of the easily-
shocked sex.
Career Most Important
According to Edna Marie Sinclair,
'44, Virginia May Frey, '42, Caroline
Hager, '43, Villa Schwertfeger, '43,
Tenro Sihvonen, '41, who left the Un-
iversity this week because of illness,
but who will return in February, and
Margaret Udell, '41, however, the En-
gineering School is no place for the
designing woman-unless she is ac-
tually capable of designing with slide
rule and blue prints. They each scoff
at the campus notion that coeds study
with engineers for other reasons than
career consideration, for when that
'type" does appear, she hardly lasts a
semester, they say.
On the other hand, the men com-
plain that they must curb their "na-
tural exuberance of expression"
in the presence of the women. But
each of the six defendants has had
questionable experiences with the en-
gineers and blasphemy.
Get Good Grades
The men also will express con'tempt
at the engineering accomplishments
of their feminine competition. But
the girls' grades are all above average.
The six have the edge over the men
in other respects also. Take Caroline
Hager, for instance, a transfer from
Stanford University. She flew her own
plane here from Washington, D. C.,
and she is heading towards aero-
nautics as a major. Her Aeronca 65,
a two passenger plane, resides in a
hangar at the Ann Arbor airport,
and she has already made two week-
end trips home. Her interest in avi-
ation was engendered more than ten
years ago; she comes from a family
of flyers, her father having piloted
in World War I. And finally, she be-
longs to the 99'ers, a woman's fly-
ing club organized by the late Amelia
Earhart, and has won awards at na-

Girl Flyer Shows Plane To Friend

(Continued from Page 4)
uate Class and the Roger Williams
Class meet in the Guild House.
6:30 p.m. Roger Williams Guild
will meet in the Guild House.
First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship at 10:40 a.m. Dr. C. W. Bra-
shares will preach on "Joy Through
Pain." Student Class at 9:45 a.m.
Professor George E. Carrothers will
lead the discussion. Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 6:00 p.m. Discussion
groups. Mr. Hardin Van Deursen
will tell about Church Music in the
group on "Christian Worship." Fel-
lowship hour and supper at 7:15 p.m.
Disciples Guld (Christian Church)
10:00 a.m. Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday
Evening Hour. Willard Verduin will
lead a discussion on Prayer and Wor-
3hip in Personal Religious Living. So-)
,ial hour and refreshments.
The Ann Arbor Soviety of Frihne

(Quakers) meets in Lane Hall onI
Sunday: 3:30 p.m. Study of Quaker'
Principles. 5:00 p.m. meeting for
Worship. 6:00 p.m. business meet-
ing. 7:00 p.m. supper.
First Congregational Church: 10:00
a.m. Adult Study Group, led by Rev.
Ernest Evans. Topic: "Our Heritage
and Polity."
10:45 a.m. Service of Public Wor-
ship. This is LOYALTY SUNDAY,
and every-member-present day. Dr.
L. A. Parr will preach on "Trivial
Moods and Great Tasks."
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship. -Dr.
Parr will give a reading of Henry Van
Dyke's, "The Other Wise Man." So-
cial hour and refreshments follow.
First Presbyterian Church: 9:45
a.m. Bible Class for University stu-
dents in the choir room. Prof. R.
D. Brackett, teacher.
10:45 a.m. "Adventurous Living"
will be Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon
6:00 p.m. Westminster Student
Guild will meet for supper at-6:00
o'clock. At 7:00 o'clock there will
be a panel discussion on "Is it Paci-

fism or Militarism?" All students are
St. Andtrew's Episcopal (Ali-t i
6:00 a, Holy communion: 9 U0Oa in
Breakfast iii Harris Hall for Epii'-o
pal students from the Upper Penin-
sula to be guests of Bishop Page;
9:30 a.m. High School group,. Harris
Hall; 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion
and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis;
11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m.
Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 5:00 p.m.
i0)==>UGo=U=o<{s,()C^ 0
v .Y
$6.00 for $3.50
Monday and Tuesday 50c
1205 S. University Phone 4818
* ;=>:=> O;::::::=>O<=

50th Anniversary of St. Andrew's
Choir, Choral Evensowx College Work
Program.i Haimiv Hail - uppeir wi
CMeditaion: 7.00 p.ii."udents in
China Today" by Prof. John Coe,
Central China College.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
(Continued on Page 7)

She'll adore
you ...and these
by Luc en Lelono


Caroline Hager, '43, seated behind the controls in her own plane,
an Aeronca 65 which is kept at the Ann Arbor airport, shows Villa
Schwertfeger, '43, how she handles her two-passenger plane when mak-
ing flying trips.
:ional meets for her stunt flying. I with the men in Sigma Rho Tau,
It can't be said of Miss Hager, for engineering men's speech society,
3ne, that her sex is at a disadvantage which as yet has no woman on its

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' a
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And in order to enjoy your sport to the fullest
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Our selection is unlimited.
The Best in Sporting Goods
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711 North University 907 South State

.n the engineering Mield!
Margaret Udell spends her extra
time knitting, doing fancy handiwork
and a bit of sketching. Feminine?
She's majoring in electrical theory.
She's had a B average for five years,
and she came heie from high school
on an Alumni scholarship, helping to
put herself through with NYA work
as well. On the other hand, although
she's nicinamed 'Mickey' and intends
to fill a man's position after school,
she admits that perhaps a woman's
place is in the home and does not in-.
tend to work after she's married.
Hobby Is Crocheting
Villa Schwertfeger, like most of the
other six, has always liked the tech-
nical fields and cannot understand
why she is considered unusual for
choosing the engine school. It is na-
tural to her to spend her spare time
crocheting or flying a rented plane at
the airport. As far as the engineers
go, she believes ,they are the least
social minded group on the campus,
and yet she has never dated students
in any other field.
Next semester will see freshman
Marie Sinclair in a greasy-coverall,
known as a monkey-suit, doing the
shop work that will prepare her for
aero-design. She is also keeping a
step ahead of most of her fellow stu-
dents by building model airplanes
as a hobby. Unlike her sister engin-
eers, she objects to fussy feminine
clothes, and prefers tailored models
even on her dates, during which, she
reveals, she often talks "shop." If
fthey will let her, she will also compete

Virginia Frey has combined a taste


for mathematics and art into an
illumination photometry major, and
will apply her knowledge of lighting
eventually in her own home. She has
definite ideas about being a career
woman for two years or so before
settling down, and does not think she
is doing more than any other woman
in wanting to support herself.
Tenho Sihvonen, a blue-eyed blond,
has weathered difficult studies and
engine school men for four years now,
and knows whereof she speaks when
she calls being one of the very few
women registered an "unusual experi-
ence." She has held a Donovan
scholarship and kept a 3.3 rating.

" If she likes the out-of doors,
she'll love woodsy "Carefree"
Perfume ... and you. The
handclasp flacon is a joy.
* A fragrant jewel-a per.
fume-filled plume to be worn
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Sophisticated pencil - slim
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Cobweb Hosiery
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" This handbag size perfume
bottle is shaped like a hand-
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* "'Robin Hood" Ensemble
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*-Watch her eyes sparkle over
this "Penthouse"-four dif-
ferent Lucien Lelong per-
fumes under one roof. $2.50

516 East Liberty

Dial 23-23-1


r I I


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