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December 01, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-01

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00: by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff

Press, 1940-41

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
bonald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. . . AsCity Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . .Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
To Camacho ..
for President Manuel A. Camacho of
Mexico who officially takes office today in the
presence of Vice-President-elect Henry A. Wall-
ace. He should be congratulated first on his
good fortune at remaining unassassmated till
inauguration day; second, on not having to sup-
press a rebellion; third, on acquiring a pat on
the head from President Roosevelt; and fourth,
and most important, for lining himself up with
the Cardenas machine in the first place.
Camacho's cooperation with Cardenas is a
curious relation. Camacho is supposed to be
of the Right, and Cardenas is supposed to have
chosen him, in the absence of a promising Left-
ist candidate, as the most likely to salvage some
of his liberal gains, and pushed him (with an
army) into victory at the polls. Already the
new administration is supposed to be swinging
to the Right with the support of the United
States, a support apparently unsolicited.
If what Camacho's supporters say about him
is true, more power to him; but he must be
reminded of what his predecessor and colleague
left for him.
H E MUST BE REMINDED that his friend
Cardenas seized land for communal farms
and had to finance the peasants on these farms
as well as forfeit the taxes of the former owrirs.
Cardenas also turned Mexico's chief industries
over to unskilled workers who sacrificed efficienWt
management to bickering over wages and prof-
its; and in addition, he had to pay for expro-
priated lands and industries. To date ertrmous
quantities of raw materials, including natural
gas, have been wasted and the oil supply is
expected to expire in seven years.
Especially Camacho should remember the dan-
gerous government system Cardenas built over
the Mexican people. A prime example of which
is the requirement that all civil and military
officers must be members of the Mexican Revo-
lutionary Party which has completely controlled
all elections, including Camacho's.
E SHOULD REMEMBER that every worker
has an "exclusion clause" in his contract
with his employer. This clause allows the gov-
ernment-approved union executive board the
tight to exclude from his job any man who does
not obey board orders, including political com-
mands. And instead of distributing confiscated
lands among the peasants, Cardenas devised the
collective farm system which provides that pea-
sants work the lands in communal groups as
share-croppers. They must depend directly on
the government for their livelihood.
All these aspects of the Cardenas administra-
tion point directly to a leftist, totalitarian form
of government. They are the results of an ideal-
istic dream that dashed itself to bits against hard
economic realism. They are the "liberal gains"
Cardenas. thought Camacho "the most likely to
Therefore, congratulations and success to you
President Camacho. Best wishes and fond hopes
that the United States will do more than indi-
cate its friendship, and that you will decide cor-
rectly whether your bread is buttered on the
Left or Right side.
- Emile Gele
Harmon On Cornell Upset .

It's known as "Academic Allergy", (to be re-
ferred to as A.A.). It's the disease whose cure
is completely unknown. It's the disease for
which there is no formula No. 66. It's the dis-
ease which is caught at one time or another by
more than 75% of the student body. It's A. A.
that Fire and Water shall discuss today.
An individual afflicted with A. A. can be iden-
tified in the following manner: he cannot read
a textbook. He can sit for hours on end (he
sits in a chair right side up but the hours are
on end) reading Satevepost, Colliers, hairbrain
fiction, good fiction, good or bad essays and
comic strips with no visible effett. But when-
ever the person afflicted with A. A. opens a text-
book or any Prof-assigned reading, he develops
a subdivision of A. A., known as T. A. (textbook
allergy). He opens the text and squirms. He
begins to itch. His mind wanders idly over the
whole gamut of sex and science while his fingers
wander idly to the radio to increase the volume.
He scratches himself. He unconsciously re-
reads the same introductory paragraph 17 times
and still has no knowledge of that paragraph's
meaning. He throws the text to the floor and
reacts in any of the following ways: (1) Just
sits and listens to the radio; (2) Goes out for
a hamburger and a cup of coffee; (3) Goes to
the show; (4) Goes beering; (5) Goes to bed
and sets the alarm for 6 a.m. so that he can'
arise early and squeeze in a few hours of solid
study before classes. (Editor's note: It's a
1,000 to 1 he won't get up at 6.)
The foregoing symptoms distinguish T. A., one
form of A.A. But there are many other forms
of A.A. There is, for example, that form of
Academic Allergy known as Classroom Allergy
or C.A. The afflicted student cannot attend
classes. He either finds it impossible to awake
before noon (no matter what time he went to
sleep the night previous) or he would rather
drink cokes in the morning or if he attends
classes he merely squirms in his seat during the
whole period, fails to hear a word of the lecture
the prof is presenting and thinks about the
cute blonde either back home or in the third
seat, second row.
Another variation of Academic Allergy is li-
brary-phobia. The subject is afraid to enter
the library. He is afraid he will be pushed into
the stacks and left there for years. He cannot
sit in one of the straight-backed library chairs
or if he can manage to do so, he spends all his
time watching the women go in and out the
library doors. He is also afraid to take a book
out over-night because, knowing his disease, he
realizes that he'll never be able to get up at some
ungodly hour of the night (7:45 a.m., to be
exact) to return said book by 8:00 a.m.
Worst form of Academic Allergy, however, is
known as Extra-Curricular Activities. If the
subject is well-smitten with A.A. he will de-
velop his Extra-Curricular Activities into Cur-
New Culture
For America ...
LOOK HOMEWARD, America! This
is the earnest exhortation of Irwin
Edman writing in the December Harper's. To
Philosopher Edman perhaps the only desirable
indirect effect of the tragic war in Europe will
be that America will be required to build its
culture in its own way.
The Edman thesis is a cogent one. For has
not American culture been bound too long by
the strictures of European pace-setters? For
have not the eyes of creative artists in America
been too long riveted upon European models?
For have not Americans worshipped too long at
European shrines? The day of the cultural ex-
odus to Europe is over. Post-war Europe, whe-
ther or not it is controlled by Hitler, will be
so wracked with its own social and economic
pains that it will be forced to abdicate its posi-
tion as Arbiter of Culture.
T IS CLEAR that America has never been com-
pletely free from the European tradition. In
what critics call its Golden Age, Emerson was
decisively influenced by the intuitive philoso-
phers of Germany. The myths and legends of
the Old World fascinated Hawthorne. Long-
fellow was addicted to the use of classical forms.
In its Gilded Age American culture was still
Europeanized. The self-imposed exile of Henry
James in England symbolized America's cul-
tural dependence on Europe, its vestiges of a

shallow colonialism. Only in late decades have
American men of letters and artists been suc-
cessfully experimenting with d.ative forms. Stein-
beck, Dos Passos, Benton and Gershwin were
among the progenitors of the New Culture.
And now there will be no choice. Relentless
bombings have destroyed the physical receptacles
of European art. And "the revolution of nihil-
ism" has temporarily destroyed the psychological
foundations of the European Tradition: that
freedom so necessary for the effective operation
of the creative spirit. America's own mores must
now provide the base for its culture.
This does not imply that the Great Tradition
is dead. Its influence will no doubt continue in
a hundred subtle ways. This does not imply
a disrespect for that Great Tradition. But the
Second World War has necessitated a new or-
der. Never again will there be the slavish adula-
tion of European forms and subjects which has
so marked the American mind in the past.
THE LEADERS of the New Culture in America
must not approach their subject, which will
be the whole of America, in a holier-than-thou
attitude. They must not be mere chauvinists.
Their works must not be encased in red-white-
and-blue bunting. They must not indulge in
sentimentalizing and glorifying the historical

ricular Activities and Curricular Activities into
Extra-Curricular Activities. For him there is
no hope.
Unfortunately, the above case history and
general outline of Academic Allergy could well
be entitled."Personal History" (if Vincent Shean
hadn't already written something with that ti-
tle). If Fire and Water fails to appear next
semester, there will probably be no announce-
ment of the fact in The Daily. The readers of
this column (both of them, our roommate and
our mother) can then conclude that our A.A.
has resulted in S.I. (Scholastic Ineligibility).
Incidentally, if Mr. Palmer of the economics
department, our instructor in a highly interest-
ing, extremely valuable, well-presented Econom-
ics 52 course, reads the preceding paragraphs-
we're only kidding.
0 e
liominie Says
Confidence and the obligations which attend
any understanding between two persons or be-
tween a person and his group constitute a fruit:
ful field of character development.
It takes two persons to create a social contact;
two confiding persons to cement a friendship.
But one of the persons can ruin that situation.
For example, take this principle and apply it
in four familiar areas of our common life."
(1) Friendship. Two must trust to create a
friendship. But if one begins to distrust, the
other may trust in vain. One can ruin what
two create.
(2) Marriage. Two learn to love and conjugal
happiness is possible. The family in embryo is
introduced. Its happiness becomes an enrich-
ment. Its satisfactions deepen into meanings
which otherwise could never be reached. But it
is necessary that one only acts untruly to wreck
that family and ruin what two brought into
(3) Commerce. The bank and the world ex-
change is built not by one but two agents-the
depositor and his bank. Otherwise no struc-
ture of credit and exchange can be brought
about. But one can break it down. If I fail
to make systematic deposits to cover my checks
I ruin it. Or if the Bank, as in the debacle of
1931-32, fails in her handling of accumulated
wealth and faith she can ruin commerce. What
two built one party can destroy. ,
(4) Patriotism. The citizen doing his part
plus the political unit doing its part are essen-
tial. Two must build. But the citizen can quit
and ruin the entire social structure. Or the
state may loaf at its post and, in spite of its
loyal citizens, destroy the whole. What two must
create one alone can dissipate.
The untrue person in friendship is ingrate; in
marriage, deserter; in commerce, thief; in na-
tional life, traitor. Social solidarity as well as
growth in the cultural ideal or strength of the
church depends not a little upon the presence
in society of many who are true friends, loyal
mates, square dealers, and responsible citizens.
- Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1940 Academic XNotices
VOL. LI. No. 54I
Zoology Seminar: Thursday, De-
Publication in the Daily Official cember 5, 7:30 p.m., Amphitheatre,
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the university. Rackham Building. Report by Mr.
Arnold 0. Haugen on "Life History
NO ces and Management Studies of the Cot-
tontail Rabbit in Southwestern Mich-
President and Mrs. Ruthven will igan."
be at home to members of the faculty ,_
and other townspeople today from
4 to 6 o'clock. BiologicalChemistry Seminardl
_____meet in Room 319, West Medical
Building. at 7:30 p.m.. Wednesday,
Faculty, School of Education: Dec. 4. Subject: "Synovial Fluid and
Monthly luncheon meeting. Mn- Cartilage Metabolism."
day, December 2, Michigan Union.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
To Members of the Faculty; College in Room 303 Chemistry Building at
of Literature, Science and the Arts: 415 on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Dr. J. 0.
The third regular meeting of the
Halford will speak on "The equili-
Faculty of the College of Literature, brium in the conversion of arylcar-
Science and the Arts of the academ- bnl oayclrmtae.
ic session of 1940-41 will be held in binols to arylchloromethanes."
Room 1025 Angell Hall, December Concerts
2, at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the various commit- Choral Union Concert: Richard Bo-
tees have been prepared in advance nelli, baritone, will give the fifth pro-

City Editor's
,5c atc

and are included with this call to the
meeting. They should be retained in;
your files as part of the minutes of:
the December meeting.
Edward H. Kraus
1. Michigan Cooperative Teacher
Education Study, Dr. H. L. Turner.
2. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of November 4th, 19403
(pp. 692-693), which were distributed
by campus mail.
3. Consideration of the reports sub-
mitted with this call to the meeting.
a. Executive Committee, prepared
by Professor P. S. Welch.
b. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, prepared by Professor L.j
I. Bredvold.
c. Senate Advisory Committee oni
University Affairs, to be given byl
Associate Professor W. L. Ayres.
d. Deans' Conference, prepared by
Dean E. H. Kraus.
4. Freshman Tests of Scholastic An-f
titude, Assistant Professor P. S. Dwy-l
5. New business.
6. Announcements.I
Engineers: Sophomore, Junior andl
Senior: Mid-semester reports for
grades below C are now on file and
open to inspection in the office of
the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West
Engineering Building.
A. H. Lovell,
Assistant Dean
To members of the faculty, stu-;
dents, and townspeople: The Board
of Governors of Residence Halls, and
the residents and staff of the East
Quadrangle of Men's Residence Halls,
cordially invite members of the fac-
ulty, students, and townspeople, to
attend an Open House in the East
Quadrangle, on Thursday, Decem-
ber 5, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Stu-
dent guides will be available to con-
duct visitors through the various'
units of the Quadrangle. Guests are
asked to enter through the East Uni-
versity door, which leads directly into
the main lobby. I
Naval ROTC Students: The field
trip planned for Monday, Dec. 2, is
postponed to Monday, Dec. 9.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union Chorus whose
records are clear, will please call for
their courtesy tickets on the day of
the Richard Bonelli concert, Tues-
day, December 3, between 9 and 12
and 1 and 4 o'clock, at the offices of
the University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service Examina-
tions. Last date for filing application
is noted in each case:
Transportation Tariff Examinelr,
(Freight), Salary $2300 and $2000,
Dec. 31, 1940.
Transportation Tariff Examiner,
(Passenger) Salary: $2300 and $2000,
Dec. 31, 1940.
Senior Bookkeeping Machine Op-
erator, Salary: $1620, Dec. 31, 1940.
Senior Blueprint Operator, Salary:
$1440, Dec. 31, 1940.
Junior Blueprint Operator, Salary:
$1260, Dec. 31, 1940.
Senior Photostat Operator, Salary:
$1440, Dec. 31, 1940.
Junior Photostat Operator, Salary:
$1260, Dec. 31, 1940.
Horizontal Sorting Machine Op-
erator, Salary: $1260, Dec. 31, 1940.
Multilith Cameraman and Plate-
maker, Salary: $1620, Dec. 31, 1940.
Multilith Press Operator, Salary:
$1440, Dec. 31, 1940.
Senior Photographer, Salary:
$2000, Dec. 31, 1940.
Assistant Photographer, Salary:
$1620, Dec. 31, 1940.
Machinists, Salary: $6.80 per day
to $1.104 per hour, Indefinitely.

Shipfitters, Salary: $6.81 per day to
$8.93 per day, Indefinitely.
Lens Grinders, Salary: $5.92 per
day to $8.00 per day, Indefinitely.

gram in the Choral Union Concert
Series. Tuesday evening, December
3, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium.
University Symphony Concert: The
University Symphony Orchestra,
Thor Johnson, Conductor, presenting
Ava Comin Case, Pianist, will give
its second concert of the year at 4:15
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. While
this concert is open to the public,
small children cannot be admitted
for obvious reasons.
Organ Recital: A program of
Christmas organ selections will be
presented by Palmer Christian, Un-
iversity Organist, at 4:15 Wednes-
day, December 4 in Hill Auditorium.
The general public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: An exhibit of ceramic
processes including structure, form,
color and glazing is being shown in
the first floor hall of the Architecture
Building through December 10. Open
daily, except Sunday, from 9 to 5. The
public is invited.
University Lecture: H. Lauterpacht,
Whewell Professor of International
Law at Cambridge University, will
lecture on the subject, "Problems of
Post-War International Reconstruc-
tion," under the auspices of the Law
School and the Department of Poli-
tical Science at"4:15 p.m. on Mon-
day, December 2, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The public is cordially
University Lecture: Melville J. Her-
skovits, Professor of Anthropology
and Chairman of the Department at
Northwestern University, will lecture
on the subject, "The Negro in the New
World," under the auspices of the De-
partment of Anthropology, at 4:15
p.m. on Friday, December 6, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Imre Fer-
enczi, formerly of the International
Labor Office, Geneva, Switzerland,
will lecture on the subject "War and
Man Power" under the auspices of
the Department of Economics on
Thursday, December 5, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The
public is cordially invited.
Mathematics Lecture: Professor
A. W. Tucker of Princeton Univer-
sity will lecture on Monday, Decem-
ber 2, at 3:00 p.m., in 3011 A.H., on
"Some Topological Properties of the
Real Hyperquadrics."
Hon. Gerhart H. Seger will lecture
on Wednesday, December 4, at 8:00
p.m. in the lecture room of the Rack-
ham Building. His subject will be
"The German Fifth Column." His
lecture is sponsored by the Ann Arbor
branch of the Committee to Defend
America by Aiding the Allies.
"Brazil," illustrated lecture by Jul-
ien Bryan, noted cameraman, Mon-
day evening in Hill Auditorium at
8:15 as the fourth number on the
Oratorical Association Lecture Ser-
ies. Tickets may be purchased Mon-
day at the Auditorium box office.
Lecture: Kirby Page will speak on
"Personal Religion and World Prob-
lems" at Lane Hall Saturday, Decem-
ber 7 at 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal at
4:00 p.m. sharp today, with the first
part of the rehearsal time for Union
opera practice. The executive commit-
tee will meet at 3:00 p.m.

Intercooperative Council: Educa-
tion Committee, Mr. David Sonquist,
Executive Secretary of the Eastern
Michigan Association of Consumers
Cooperatives, will speak on the "Phil-
ncnh o~~-vrrf ("rnc,nsmvv npvtives_"

The Lutheran Student Association
will meet this evening in the Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30. Supper
will be served, and afterwards James
Vine will lead a panel discussion on
another aspect of the National Ash-
ram theme: "Thy Kingdom Come."
All are invited.
Bethlehem Evangelical-Reformed
Student Guildwill have supper today
at 6:00 p.m. at the church. Fahkri
Maluf will speak on "The Syrian
Youth Movement."
Michigan Christian Fellowship will
hold its regular Sunday meeting to-
day at 4:30 p.m. in the Fireplace
Room of Lane Hall. Rev. Sudgen of
Jackson will deliver the second in
the series of four messages,
Coming Events
Junior Mathematics Club will meet
Tuesday evening, December 3, at -8
o'clock in Room 106 Rackham Build-
ing. Dr. J. D. Elder will give a dem-
onstration of the Hollerith tabulat-
ing machines. Everyone interested is
Economics Club: Members of the
staffs and graduate students in Busi-
ness Administration and Economics
are cordially invited to hear Dr. Nel-
son Lee Smith, Chairman of the New
Hampshire Public Service Commis-
sion, speak on "Looking Ahead in
Regulation" on Monday, December 2,
at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
Junior Research Club will meet on
Tuesday, December 3, in the Amphi-
theatre of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies at 7:30
Program: "Application of Radio-
Activity to Problems in Chemistry,"
A. F. Voigt, Chemistry Department.
"Biological Applications of Radio-
Active Isotopes," Jacob Sacks, De-
partment of Pharmacology.
Seniors of the School of Education
will hold a class meeting on Tuesday,
December 3, at 4:10 p.m. in room 3001
of the University High School. Offi-
cers will be elected and matters con-
cerning Convocation and Commence-
ment will be discussed. All seniors
are urged to attend.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Faculty members interested
in German conversation are cordially
invited. There will be a brief talk
by Mr. H. T. Pirce on "Ein englis-
cher Regierungsbeamter."
Camp Davis Reunion on Monday,
December 2, at 8:00 p.m., in Room
302 of the Union. All members of
the faculty and students who have
attended Camp Davis are invited. Re-
The Student Branch of the A.S.M.E.
will meet on Wednesday, December
4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Prof.
E. T. Vincent of the Mechanical En-
gineering Department and honorary
chairman of the Branch, will give
an illustrated talk on "Modern In-
ternal Combustion Engines." John
Ingold will also describe the A.S.M.E.
Roast and point out what it means
to the engineering student. Member-
ship cards and pins will be given out
at this meeting.
A recorded program of classical
music will be given Monday evening
at 7:30 o'clock in the auditorium of
St. Mary's Chapel. This is sponsored
by the Newman Club. All students
interested are invited to attend.
Senior Engineers: Mr. W. M. Sack-
ett, representative of R. R. Donnelley.
& Sons Company, Chicago, will inter-
view Senior Engineers December 2

through 6. Anyone interested, see
Mr. Sackett for interview schedule
Monday, December 2, in Room 214
West Engineering Building.
X-ray movies made during speech
and breathing will be exhibited in
the amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building on Monday, December 2, at
4:00 p.m. All students of Speech are
urged to attend. The showing is
open to other members of the faculty
and student body who are interested.
Graduate Coffee Hour will be held
Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Building. Moving pic-
tures of Alaska by Prof. Baxter of
the Forestry Department. All grad-
uate students and faculty welcome.
Seminar in Religious Music meets
Monday at 4:15 in Lane Hall.
Faculty Women's Club: The play-
reading section will meet on Tuesday,
December 3, at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary
B. Henderson Room of the Michigan
Michigan Dames: Click and Stitch

THIS IS THE STORY of a basketball game;
sports staff of the Michigan Daily versus
the editorial staff.
* * *
Obviously this kind of tripe belongs on page
three. But we've been sabotaged. The sports
staff potentates refused to allow this truth to
appear. So here it is:
'4 *

The point? We beat 'em,
Wirtchafter has been chiseled
Daily Single, if at all.

and badly.
down to a

Casualties on the edit staff were less numer-
ous. We suffered blisters on the arches our-
selves, but even that has its sweet points. Maybe
those flat feet will keep us out of the army for
a while. Maybe . .. . .
* * *
30 on that.
* * ,*
THE GIRLS at Goucher College report that
$135 per year is enough to dress a coed. It
takes trick mathematics, though. Buy a coat
that costs $80, and it lasts for four years. So
that's only $20 a year. Hah!
* * * .
The airlines should remove their hostesses
from these planes Tommy Harmon is riding
around the country. If they don't they'll have
a marriage rumor on their hands. It doesn't
take much, these days.
* * *
HOLLYWOOD'S publicity agents are busy
these days, between Marjorie Weaver and
the strip-tease picket.
It's highly possible that both of the afore-
said will appear in motion pictures one of
'these days. Yup, highly possible.

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