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November 29, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-29

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x-7119.1 177 4 1 111111-111-









Is Keynote

At Sixth Annual Swim



Texas Upsets
Mighty Aggies
Cadets' Rose Bowl Hopes
Shatter At 7-0 Loss
AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. 28.-(P)-
Mighty Texas A. and M. came to the
end of its rope -today-strangled by
an ancient jinx and a magnificent
football team.
One fierce thrust in the first 57
seconds of play by their 46-year old
rivals, the University of Texas,
bagged a touchdown, wrecked the
Rose Bowl-b6und Cadets and para-
lyzed 45,000 fans.
It was just that quick. Final score:
Texas 7, Aggies 0.
Briefly and shockingly, it was Tex-
as' football game from that first bold
surge engineered by Peter John Lay-
den, today one of the finest football
players the old Southwest has ever
put on a field.
Only once did the Aggies threaten
to pick up the thread of their great
winning streak that had stretched
to 19 consecutive games. That was in
the second period on a magnificent
one-man riot by John Alec Kim-
brough, the All-Americanfullback.
He went 63 yards straight downfield
on nine carries but the lone Aggie
scare petered out on the Texas 12.
The jinx they said this Aggie team
could lick-tpe one that has prevent-
ed a Cadet eleven from winning in
Austin since 1922 and allowed it to
win only three times in 46 years-
laughed its loudest tonight.
It cost the Aggies a Rose-Bowl in-
vitation, may cost them an undisput-
ed Southwest Conference title. But
there was a strong possibility they
would move into Dallas' Cotton Bowl
classic on New Year's day.

Lowrey's Hopes High:
New Era Looms For Ilockey Team

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Kemp, Bahrych, Goldsmith
Form Fast, Versatile
Forward Wall
A new era in Michigan hockey is
scheduled to begin tomorrow night
when the Wolverine pucksters take
the ice for their opening game against
the London A.C. team.
During the last two seasons, Eddie
Lowrey's lads have had a tough time
coming out on top in any major game
but, with a vastly improved squad,
Eddie has high hopes that they will
open the 1940-41 season with a vic-
tory over the Canadian club.
The revised edition of the Mich-
igan hockey team will be built around
five veterans of last season's squad,
bolstered by the addition of four
promising newcomers.
At the defense positions, Charley
Ross, captain of this year's squad, and
Bert Stodden, hard checking Ann Ar-
bor senior, will carry on-where they
left off last year, playing practically
the entire game without replacement.
Ross and Stodden are both excel-
lent defensemen and, in addition can
be counted on as occasional scoring
threats. Ross is especially dangerous
on the offense, being fast, a fine
stick handler and the possessor of the
hardest shot on the team.
On the starting forward line, will
be a third veteran, Paul Goldsmith,
at center and two sophomores, Max
Bahrych and Bob Kemp, flanking
him. Goldsmith, a junior, is a much
improved player while Bahrych and
Kemp were ehe stars of one of the
strongest frosh clubs in recent years
last season.
Lowrey intends to start Hank Loud
don wirtehafter's
Statistic Champs Of 1940
Statistics released by the Western
Conference yesterday clearly show
how powerful the Michigan gridiron
attack was during the past campaign.
After looking at the figures, you
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in the goal but Hugh McVeigh, prom-
ising sophomore candidate, will also
be in uniform and may see service
in the nets before the game is over.
Jimmy Lovett, playing his third
year of Varsity h'ockey, is expected to
spark the offensive threats of the
second forward wall with junior
wingman Johnny Corson and Jimmy
Anderson, another new face in the
lineup, playing alongside him.

Bob Collins and Gil Samuelson will
also see action on the Coliseum ice to-
morrow night, either as a part of
a third forward line, along with
Johnny Gillis or Fred Heddle, or as
defense replacements for Ross and
Stodden, should they need them.
Gillis, former Varsity swimmer, has
not fully recovered from an injury
suffered last week and will probablyl
knot play more than a few minutes.I

Mann Unfolds
Of Tank Talent
Fancy And Funny Diving,
Water Polo, Mermaids
Will Feature Program
(Continued from Page 1)
But the 1940 edition is different. The
accent is on entertainment-"We
want to give the people a good time,"
Matt eplains it.I
And entertainment the fans shall
have. From top to bottom the pro-
gram reads like a three-ring circus.
Matt Mann, the dean of water shows,
has arranged every event with an
eye toward audience-appeal.
From River Rouge h's bringing
the man that helped put Cleveland's
Great Lake Exposition and stogie-
chewing Bill Rose's shows over the
top-Clayton Mains.
Comic Diving
He does everything you least ex-
pect, and when a hurtling body with
arms and legs thrashing the ozone
comes plunging off the board-well,
you can start holding your sides.
That, for your information, will be
Clayton Mains-every twist and turn
of him.
Another sure rib-tickler is the great
"Battle of the Century," the faculty
water polo match. Anything goes in
this event-holding your opponent
under water, hitting in the clinches,
using a five-man goalie-just any-
Betty Burton, Michigan AAU
champ and sister of Dobson Burton,
the Wolverine natator, is teaming
up with Martha Blair to present the
feminine side of the show. They are
both divers.
Record In Danger
Sophomore Jim Skinner, in event
number three will attempt to crack
his own pool record of 1:02.1 for 100
yard breast stroke in one of the feat-
ure races of the evening.
Matt's varsity, in a handicap race,
is throwing all its strength against
All-American Gus Sharemet in the
75 yard race. Gus will face Charley
Barker and Bill Holmes, both letter
winners and Bob West, Claire Morse,
and Bill Garvey, sophomores.
Jim Welsh, Michigan's great dis-
tance man, will hook up with Jack
Patten and Dobson Burton in what
should be one of the best duels of
the show in the 200 yard swim.
Bill Gail, deprived of one leg by an
auto accident, has consented to give
an exhibition of diving that is guar-
anteed to thrill the hard-hardest
soul. Bill, an orchestra leader on
the side, does things off the board
with just one underpin that are
Natatorial Extravaganza
There's more, too-a class swim
race-the "Evolution of Swimming"
--dives by Jack Wolin and Strother
Martin-a Flipper race and others.
The sixth annual Swim Gala is
truly a natatorial extravaganza-a
16 event program designed for your
pleasure. Admission is 50 cents and
the WAA shares in the receipts. Ev-
eryone is going to Matt Mann's great-
est show yet.

The usually sunny-dispositioned
Bennie Oosterbaan isn't smiling so
broadly these days.
The reason? Mr. Oosterbaan has a
weighty task on his hands. All Bennie
has to do before the curtain is raised
on the 1940 basketball season here,
Dec. 7, is to find capable replacements
for last year's Captain Jim Rae and
Charlie Pink.
And that's no small job, either.
High scoring, six-foot, four inch cen-
ters and speedy 40-minute guards
don't exactly grow on the neighbor-
hood bushes. Between them last year
Rae and Pink tallied 356 points, al-
most half the team's total, handled
the brunt of the Wolverines' defen-
sive tasks, and contributed no little
toward keeping up the morale of a
mediocre team.
Work To Plug Gaps
But the philosophic Mr. Oosterbaan
isn't wasting any time saturating
crying towels over his graduated hoop
stars. Right now Bennie's bending
all his efforts toward filling their
illustrious shoes with the material on
As matters stand right now, Cap-
tain Herb Brogan, little Mike Sofiak
and George Ruehle are slated to fill
regular berths in the Varsity lineup.
But even their exact positions are
question marks.
All three can play either forward
or guard, so Oosterbaan is waiting
to see how the rest of the squad
shapes up before assigning his three
veterans to regular stations.
Rookie Shows Well
At present, Jim Mandler, a six-footj
four-inch sophomore from Chicago,
looms the number one prospect for
Rae's vacated center job. Mandler has
plenty of sorely needed height and
a good shooting eye, but Bennie has
his fingers crossed pending the rook-
ie's initial performances under fire.
The fifth position on the team is
wide open. Lanky Bob Fitzgerald, Bill
Cartmill and sophomore Mel Comm
are trying hard to convince Ooster-
baan that the job belongs to a for-
ward with Brogan, Sofiak or Ruehle
filling the guard posts.
Paddleball, 4:15 p.m.
Handball Court 4
Instruction by Earl Riskey,
originator of the game. Equip-
ment furnished.
Tennis, 4:30 p.m.
Main Gymnasium
Demonstration and talk on
"Tennis Techniques" by Var-
sity Coach LeRoy Weir and
members of the varsity team.
Squash Racquets, 6:30 p.m.
Opening Metropolitan League
game between faculty team
and Detroit YMCA. LeRoy
Weir, Sumner Myers, Marvin
Niehuss, Earl Riskey and
Kooman Boycheff will play
for the faculty.

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Cagers Compete To Fill Shoes
Of Rae, Pink On Starting Five


At the same time, however, Jim
Grissen, who began showing promise
at the end of last year, and Leo
Doyle, another sophomore, would
rather see the team's veterans in the
forecourt and are waging a merry
battle for one of the guard positions.
Don Holman, Bill Herrmann, and
Harold Westerman are also in the
picture, but are handicapped by lack
of height on a team where six-foot-
ers are at a premium.




can't help but believe that the Wol- Hal Hursh. In his first year as a punt-
verines won everything in the Big er Tom wound up the season with a
Ten except one measly football game 41.5 yards per kick record, which

and the title.
Even though Michigan had only
four Conference battles, while every
other team had either five or six,
the Wolverines led the way in al-
most every department.
Tom Harmon scored more points
than any other back in Big Ten com-
petition with a total of 40, while Min-
nesota's George Franck, who played
in two more games than the Michi-
gan ace, ran second with 36.
In yards gained rushing, it was
Bullet Bob Westfall first with a 443
net total and Harmon following be-
hind in third place with 330 yards
picked up via the running route.
One interesting fact is found in the
total offensive figures where West-
fall, who failed to complete the only
pass he attempted all year, still man-
aged to finish with the fifth best
record in the Conference despite the
presence of a host of triple-threat
backs in enemy line-ups.
Harmon, of course, finished first
in thatbdepartment by adding 306
yards by passing to his rushing
total of 636 yards. The nearest man
to Terrible Tom is Smith again
with 547.
Perhaps the most amazing of all
figures is the punting averages where
Harmon finished third behind Ohio's
Don Scott and Indiana's "Hurlin"

isn't bad in any league.
Things looked bad for the Wolver-
ines after the opening California
game when Harmon booted the ball
25 yards a try.
It was a disappointing factor since
the Ace had practiced his punting
all summer while he worked as a
life guard on one of Lake Michigan's
sandy beaches.
But it wasn't disappointing for
long, because Harmon improved in
every game and finally climaxed
the season with a 50-yard average,
against Ohio Saturday.
Well, those are the individual sta-
tistics, and the teamn figures are even
more impressive. The Wolverines led
their Conference rivals in points
scored, scoring defense, total offense,
first downs, pass completions and
punting average.
If nothing else, Michigan wins the
Conference mythical title for 1940.



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