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November 26, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-26

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ass Meetlng







T oay


3r 1IG TIM!

NNTHAT with a pigskin calling a third of the University to Ohio State, and
a roast turkey taking care of another third at their respective homes, the
campus this past week-end looked like a wind-swept Texas prairie.
But that fial third- sopping up their Thanksgiving nostalgia in
fraternity houses and celebrating the 40-0 landslide at the League and
Union dances-made Michigan's inner domains look more like a Texas
cornfield ablaze!
THE THETA XI PLEDGE FORMAL, which started the year's longest

week-end Wednesday night at the
League, paired up some campus peren-
nials and new twosomes in the persons
of George Wills and Mary Lueders, Phil
Conley and Jeanne Wurmser, and Jim
Martin with Patty Hughes. Ray Allen,
Dorothy Bogart, Dave Meier and Phyllis
Gardner cut up until the wee sma' hour
of 1:30 p.m. on the line, taking advantage
of a mid-week late night.
WANDERING AROUND with their un-
derpins well covered on Black Friday
were Pussy Hughes and Frank Shaw,
Peggy Martin and literary light Jay Mc-
Cormick, Lila Foster and Pete Voegelin,
and Sally Morton and 'Bill Kelly. Bill
Sawyer's Union music helped them forget
a memory and Christmas a long spell off.


Ancient Greece
Will Be Theme
Of Annual Play,
Shirley Silver, JGP General
Chairman, Announces Roles
Available To Junior Women
In the guise of "Jumpig Jupiter! '',
1940 Junior Girls Play, ancient
Greece, stirring with the first con-
tacts of a new life, will be reborn and
given to the Michigan campus at a'
mass meeting of all junior ,vomen at
5 p.m. today in the ballroom of the
League, Shirley Silver, '42, general
chairman, announced.
At today's meeting, dates for try-i
outs for speaking, singing and danc-
ing parts will be announced; whether
you are Psyche, Venus or just a Mich-
igan coed, there is rm for everyone.
Careful outlines of te work involveda
in producing the play will be given,
so that there need be no doubt in the
mind of each woman as to just which
field of work will best compliment her
Author To Be Presented
The author cf the winning script,
Frances Patterson, '41. will be intro-
duced to those attending the meeting;I
the theme and general idea of her
play will be presented briefly and,
entrusted to the confidence of the
junior women.
As a part of the meeting, each
member of the central committee will
explain the work which comes under
the domain of her committee; she will
als discuss new ideas and plans. Miss
Silver will explain all the plans which
have been agreed on by the central
committee since it was appointed last
Committees To Start Work
Once all the machinery of produc-
tion has been dealt with, there will be
an opportunity for women to sign up
for the committees they prefer; work-
will begin now, to be climaxed March
26, when the play will have its pre-3
miere before the seniors after their!
annual banquet.
"Jumping Jupiter!" is a very mod-
ern and very gay story, set in a classic
Greek background. It takes delicious
cracks at the modern age, and especi-
ally at the futile gesture we make in,

Robes Can Be 'Snappy'

First Coke Bar
Will Be Held
At Union
Campus Invited To Afternoon
Of Dancing And Refreshments
Dick St rain, Chairman, Says
Opening for the first fling of the
season, the Union Coke Bar will begin
its weekly afternoon of dancing and
refreshments from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30
p.m. today in the small ballroom of
the Union.
Anyone on campus may drop in, to
enjoy free cokes and an hour of
dancing to the latest recorded music,
Dick Strain, '42, social co-chairman
of the Union, announced. There will
be other refreshments, and the ter-
race off the ballroom will be furnished
with tables set up for bridge.
Specially invited groups this week
are Delta Gamma, Alpha Phi, Stock-
well, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi,
Michigan House, and Tyler House,
Agnes Crow, '42, will be hostess at
this week's event. It is stressed, how-
ever, that everyone, not only the spe-
cial groups, are invited to attend this
first coke hour. The Coke Bar will
be a regular feature among the vari-
ous entertainment projects of the
Admission will be 10 cents for men,
and women may enter free, either
with a date, or singly. Last year the
Union Coffee Hour of the first sem-
ester became so popular that the
name was changed to Union Coke
Bar, and during the second semester
attendance ran as high as 150 to 200
guests each Tuesday.



that Thursday'sl

Variety And Humor Glamorize
The Lives Of Backstage Workers


holiday was but

PLEDGE FORMALS seemed to highlight all week-end activity with Theta
Phi Alpha's at Barton Hills according the limelight to Gloria Nelthorpe
and Dick O'Hara, Betty Irving and Joe Hession, and Olga Manikoff and
Bob Smolenski. Ruth Parsons with brothger Bob entertained guests Mary
Hayden with Bill Dobson.
Down at Columbus making merry over the football kill Saturday night
'l were Milly Radford and Ian Ironside, who took over
S0 * the city's famous Catacombs with Lucille Woodward
and Paul Smith, Ann Rhoads and Norman Aurbach.
The spooky atmosphere of the night club, which won
a play in a recent issue of ife because of its "Room
of 1000 Skulls", also attracted Jack Sherrill, Mich-
igan's drum major, who was stagging it with a crowd
of bandsmen.
nimble legs to the dance floor of a Columbus hotel
with Winclgellized Margot Thom in tow.
MAKING A LONELY TWOSOME in downtown Ann Arbor Friday were
Al Daring and Dorothy Brooks . . . Claire Reed-Hill and Bill Schust
tripled with Margerie Ashley, John Larenzo, Rae Gustafson and John
Rookus dining, movieing and bowling . . . The Football Mixer at the League
Saturday afternoon swelled its numbers with Sue Hollis and Ries Heller,
Dave Panner and Ada Turner ... The Union fling Saturday night rounded
up Mary Dixon and Newton Webb, BMOC Bill Rockwell and his Detroit
date Jeanne Borden, Ruth Fitzpatrick and Bob Wheaton,
Joanne Baker and Bob Hacket.
* * *
T HE PHI SIGMA SIGMAS had an out-of-town date,
orgy Sunday night with president Beverly Sadwith
theatre-going with Dr. Al Freedman of Flint, Elaine Ross
with Kenneth Wax of Chicago, and Reva Fromkin with;
Joe Gilbert. Shirley Kaplan and Cyril Green adhered
to local talent trailing behind with Sandors Goodsteinr
and Herm Epstein respectively.
Putting the finishing touches to the week-end that
same night at the Art Cinema League's German film were
Anita Newblatt and Jerry Wilner, of Flint'. . . Hitting
the cokeries were Virginia Moore and George Castel, Barbara Acorn and
Carl Barry, Barbara Clark and Milt Coulson.

Ruthven Tea
Will Be Held
League Group To Be In Charge
Of Social Function Tomorrow
The entire student body has been
invited to attend the second in the
series of teas which will be held from
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow at the
home of President and Mrs. Ruthven,
Virginia Osgood, '41, chairman of the
social committee of the League, an-f
nounced yesterday.
Group I of the committee which in-
cludes members whose names begin
with the letters A-E will be in charge
of the tea. The group is under the
n imnvl~i^-0 ~nf -:sT-l---- S'

There is glamor and excitement in
going "backstage" where one can see
the machinery of a play inioperation.
Stage costumers., thewmake-upstaff,
lh and "scnery technicians are all
busy. A story in themselvces are the
scavenger hunters of thie theatre -the
properties staff. It is upk to this inde-
spensible unit of the stage clockwork
to see that each player has the pro-
perties he needs at the right time;
that props are on the stage where and
when they should be.
On campus "prop men" of the Chil-
dren's Theatre have been asked for
everything from see-saws to a live cat.
The latter, Cricket by name, got his
stage experience in the Theatre's pro-
duction "Dick Whittington and His
Cat" last year when Cricket spent
some of his time on stage in fear,
trembling, biting and scratching, in-
stead of as a loving, purring pet. Up-
on one occasion his master had to
stroke air when the cat disappeared
from his basket. Cricket reformed'
this year for "The Princess and the
Pea" in which he appeared enclosed
in a silver platter, The only diffi-
culty experienced was in getting the
cat completely covered, paws, whis-
kers, tail and all.
Rubber Wheeled Skates Needed
On call for ths year's initial pro-
duction too were hard rubber wheeled
roller skates, necessarily hard rubber
to prevent floor scratches. Eventually
this request required a visit to a local
roller skating rink and a tryout by
the two youthful dates of the Theatre-
Arts properties chairman, Elaine
Fisher, '42. Plates of food required
for "The Princess and the Pea" neces-
sitated a candy purchase-and con-
siderable plate balancing on the part
of the skating waiters. Pillars from
the School of Architecture and mat-
tresses from a sorority house had to
be brought in for the same play.
Last year the properties staff found
itself turned into an emergency car-
pentry crew when six see-saws from
Michigan Party
Michigan Sailing Club
Mortar Board
Mu Phi Epsilon
Newman Club
Nippon Club
Omega Psi Phi
Pan Hellenic Association
Phi Epsilon Kappa
Phi Eta Sigma
Philippine-Michigan Club
Phi Tau Alpha
Pi Lambda Theta
Pi Tau Pi Sigma
Polish Engineering Society
Public Health Club
Quarterdeck Society
Republican Club, U. of M.
Robert Owen Cooperative House
Rochdale Cooperative
Senior Society
Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Eta Chi
Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Rho Tau
(Continued on Page 6)

the school grounds could not be de-
livered because they were emented
down. Saw horses, straight boards,
and green paint had to be put to-
gether at the last minute. Only em-
ergency job so fa this year was a
broken clock hand which had to be
painted back on the clock.
During the performances proper-
ties are kept in place by staff workers
on a "prop table" beneath a "prop
light" which can be kept on at all
times unless there 'is a blackout on
the stage. "Striking props" after the
last performances involves returning
all borrowed articles. Sometimes prop
men, anxious to get their belongings
out of the way of the scenery men,
have made the mistake of taking
down and putting away property
which needs to be used later in the
play with the result of a mad reassem-
bly rush at the end.
Three Plays Scheduled
Between the end of Christmas Va-
cation and the beginning of next sem-
ester, this committee, which consists
of 15 members, five of which work
on each show, will be called upon to
supply properties for three shows call-
ing for entirely different items. One
is "The Children .of 1777," a story of
the American Revolution; the second,
"Alladdin," an oriental fairy tale, and
a dance pantomine in conjunction
with the University Dance Club.
But whether the staff is asked to
furnish a grocery store or mak& up
a bed with 20 mattresses on it, the
group is there to do its part toward
making the play tick along smoothly;
toward helping the show to go on.

even thinking of war. There is a
beautiful opportunity offered by this
play for experimentation with lights
on columns and drapery, for those
whose hobby is stagecraft, Miss Silver
Tues.: 5 p.m. Merit System Com-
mittee Meeting.
7 p.m. Assembly Board Meeting.
7:30 p.m. Beginning Dancing
8:30 p.m. Advanced Dancing
Wed.: .4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Ruthven
Thurs.: Meeting of All Theatre
Arts Chairman and Assist-
Marriage Is Told
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bill of Detroit,
announce the marriage of their

chairmanship of Betty Johnson, 142,
who will be assisted by Margaret
Gardner, '42Ed. All members of the
committee are expected to attend in
order to assist the hostesses.
Special invitations to attend the
function have been extended to Kap-
pa Alpha Theta, Mosher Hall, Lloyd
House, Alpha Tau Omega and Theta
Mrs. Frederick C. Klein of Mosher
Hall, Mrs. Eugene A. Girard of Lloyd
House, Mrs. Catherine Kircher of
Kappa Alpha Theta, and Mrs. Arthur
E. Wood have been asked to pour.
Ruthven Teas are given bi-monthly
throughout the year and everyone is
invited to attend, even though they
do not receive a special invitation.
Tour Will Be Held
Dr. Elmer Berry, resident adviser
of Lloyd House, will conduct a tour
through the University Museums at
3:30 p.m. today.

(Continued from Page 4)
Congregational Student Fellowshi
Congress Cooperative House
Delta Omega
Deutscher Verein
Disciples Guild
Eastern Society
Engineering Council
English Journal Club
Fellowship of Reconciliation
F. F. Fraternity
Flying Club, U. of M.
Forestry Club
Gamma Delta
Glee Club, Men's
Glider Club, U. of M.
Glee Club (Men)
Glider Club
Graduate History Club
Graduate Student Council
Hillel Metropolitan Club
Hillel Players
Inter-cooperative Society
Inst. of the Aeronautical Sciences
Iota Alpha
Junior Mathematical Society
Kappa Kappa Psi
Kappa Phi
Karl Marx Society
La Sociedad Hispanica
Le Cercle Francais
Les Voyageurs
Lutheran Student Association
Men's Judiciary Council
Men's Physical Education Club
Michigan Christian Fellowship


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Appoi nt-
ments Now!
to assure yourselves
convenient dates
Distinctive Portraiture
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7Aank4 (ci' the
,F ell P


daughter, Martha, '40, to Robert
Pugh, '40, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Pugh of Detroit, on October 12, at
the Redford Methodist Church.
They will live in Detroit, where Mr.
Pugh attends law school. While on
campus, Miss Bill was affiliated with
Kappa Delta sorority.

#o0wA1or diw~t a




Yes- She sent him a PORTRAIT
made from her
Ensian Senior Picture

Before You Buy



M~errier Christmas
every woman will enjoy receiving
this Christmas . . . something that
she can use for a long time to
come! Maybe you'll want to give
L: her a bejewelled evening bag for
gay evenings, or a luxurious leath-
er or suede one for daytime, or a
"Campus Kit" if she's a student..

Picture Coupons
$2 Credit
if portraits are ordered
Avoid the Rush!

Take advantage of it by pick-
ing out your gifts now. A
small deposit will secure any
item. ,

A rich, new, light tan that $
"does things" for your
sports clothes! GUMBO



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