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November 26, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-26

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TaE MICX11t~AN DAILY Tt~8D~4Y, NOVE3~ER '26. 1940
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The Editor




The Reply CbToulI

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student. Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Staff
Hervie Haufler .
Alvin Sarasohn r.
Paul .M. =Chandler
Karl Kessler .
Milton Orshefsky .
Howard A. Goldman . .
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter .
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman . .
Business Staff
Business#Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
AsCity Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
Exchange Editor
Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only. -
They Never
Learn.. .
FASCISM, strangely enough, still ap-
peals to a number of British and
American industrialists. In spite of every effort
of Hitler to discourage their faith these men
still believe that only under fascism can they
hang on to their fortunes. Communism is elim-
inated by its very nature, and democracy as
worked in the United States seems unwilling to
permit the whofesale fortune making of former
years. So these men have turned to fascism as
the only way to keep their money intact and
keep the "masses" under control.
Hitler came to power in Germany on the as-
sumption of the industrialists that they would
be safe with him in the driver's seat. Their early
disillusionment caused only a slight tremor in
the ironbound faith of certain British and Amer-
ican moneyed men. Even after Munich they be-
lieved that fascism was the one sure way to
keep what they had. And today, they still be-
lieve the same myth; fascism will save us from
Communism and the robbing of our money.
Today there is a bloc of men in England who
want peace with Germany. They want peace
for themselves, not for the soldiers, sailors, air-
men and civilians. They believe that they would
not be treated as the people of the continent
were and are being treated They feel that
under fascism they can continue living as they
did before the war, and they feel that their
interests will be safer under Hitler than the
present governmental setup.
What supreme egotism is it that makes these
men think that fascism will respect their wishes
and their interests? They have no basis for their
suppositions; every move of Hitler has been in
the opposite direction. Yet they go on blindly
believing that fascism will respect their wishes.
If England were to make a peace settlement with
Germany today, these men would feel secure.
They have faith in fascism. And they won't be
convinced that they have been fooled until they
see their last dollar taken by their "savior."
Over here the situation is not much different.
We have our little group who swear by fascism.
They too believe that their money is safe with
the fascists. This democracy is too liberal for
them. They don't feel secure. There is too
much social unrest. If we had the steadying in-
fluence of fascism here, our troubles would be
They just can't see that their troubles would
just be beginning. And in their shortsighted
way they are willing to throw democracy over-
board and bring fascism in, still believing that
they will be safe,
- Eugene Mandeberg
Cigar, Professor? . .
It's not particularly unusual for a boy to be
happy because of a girl. But it was at the Uni-
versity of North Carolina one day recently.
Walking into class several minutes late with
a smile on his face and a cigar in his hand, one
of Dr. E. E. Ericson's students startled the pro-
fessor into stopping his lecture.
"Have a cigar," he said.
Dr. Ericson and the class raised eyebrows and
"I've just become the father of a baby girl,
seven pounds, two ounces,"the late-comer ex-
plained. "You're not going to give a quiz, are
you?" And he took his seat.
After the class recovered its noi th nro-

In the Michigan Daily of November 19 a let-
ter from the Men's Judiciary Council-a Univer-
sity selected body of conservative students-
attempted to defend President Ruthven's dismis-
sal of some thirteen University of Michigan stu-
dents. The basic argument of the letter was
simply and directly stated; in dismissing these
students from the University, President Ruthven
had "to forego hgis personal belief in academic
freedom" so that he could erase the undeserved
reputation of the University with its financial
HOSE OF US who have spoken in criticism
of the Regents' and President Ruthven's
actions in this case are in complete concurrence
with the expressed opinion of the Judiciary Coun-
cil that this is an issue of academic freedom and
that the principles of academic freedom were
foregone in this case. But we wish to quote
President Ruthven on this point: 'No inquiry
was made as to membership in organizations, or
as to political, or economic beliefs'. The differ-
ence in these two statements on the same side
of the fence mirrors the necessity for what a
growing number of- doubtful students would like
to see to find out more, namely, 1) a statement
of the specific charges-, 2) the opportunity for
those students who wish to defend themselves
to do so, and 3) the opportunity for the Univer-
sity to refute the defense of the stude'nts.
To state as the Council, does, that the Univer-
sity is faced with the 'demands of three or four
students' is an unforgivable understatement.
There are the thirteen students who were sep-
arated from their education, and a list of over
60 prominent Americans, who ardently desire
the granting of an open hearing. The list in-
cludes such persons as Franklin P. Adams,
James Truslow Adams, Franz Beas, Dashiel
Hammett, Rockwell Kent, Max Lerner, Robert
S. Lynd, R. J. Thomas, and 52 more. And to
state, as the Council does, that nine students
asked for no further publicity must be denied in '
the light of the fact that thirteen students have
indicated that they would defend themselves if
charges were made.
states 'that a person is entitled only to rights
which do not work ill upon the majority'. From
this premise the council and the University is
unequivocally led to the dangerous doctrine that
the interests of the majority are best served by
the suppression of a minority. The University
can have no objetive basis for the suppression
of a political opinion in the interests of the ma-
jority. The only objective basis for the deter-
mination of what constitutes 'ill upon the ma-
jority' are the laws of the state. A minority does
not have the right to steal, slander, murder, but
it has the right in an allegedly democratic so-
ciety to think, act, and speak freely. In this
case no law of the state has been violated, but
the right of minority to exist has been. We con-
tend that America has been founded on the
rugged principle that the best interests of all
the 100 percent, are best served by the complete
freedom of all, that truth will emerge from the
free market of opposing opinions, that suppres
sion of opinion is the negation of true Amer,
icanism for such suppression leads to violence.
The 'ill upon the majority' in this instance,
states the Council, is the tuition raise. They
attribute the tuition raise to a state deficit and
to the 'free tongue and free pen . . . which the
Administration and the Council have permitted'
(sic) !
IF THE TUITION RAISE was due to a deficit
then it wasn't due to the exercise of free pen
and speech. If the right of free speech was at
fault then to be punished for the exercises of
fundamental democratic rights is to deny that
we have democracy at the University. Which
we grant.
But the tuition raise was not due to the deficit,
which in turn is alleged to have caused smaller
appropriations. The State Budget indicates
that the U. of M. appropriation was decreased
less than one percent. (State Budget, Fiscal
Year, 1940-41, and Public Act. No. 325, 1939).
And less than that one percent will be raised
this year by the tuition rates in view of the
present enrollment. This democratic action of
the University hit the in-state and out-state
students who are in the lower income brackets.
Hence in order to suppress a minority political

opinion the Administration raised the tuition
thereby denying an education to hundreds, of
prospective students. As for the deficit, it con-
sists of the unsatisfied needs of the state's
WE DENY that the 'legislature' or the 'people'
of the state effected the tuition raise and
the expulsion of the Michigan students. We
affirm that President Ruthven is not the person
primarily responsible. We wish to point only
to the make-up of the Board of Regents and
let the implications speak for themselves. The
University's Board of Regents contains, among
its eight members, Michigan's former head foot-
ball coach, Harry Kipke, who as a candidate for
his post received the aid of Ford's anti-union
personnel director, Harry Bennett. Since his
election, Kipke has been given the luncheon con-
cession at the River Rouge plant. Five of the
Regents are corporation lawyers. One, a Dem-
ocratic nation committeeman, was formerly legal
counsel for Consumers Power, a subsidiary of
Commonwealth and Southern. Another was
chairman of a Garner-for-President Committee.
The seventh is a retired banker. The eighth is
the wife of a General Motors executive. (S. R.
Kaye, The Nation, Sept. 14. 1940.)
Moreover, it is ridiculous for the Men's Judi-
ciary Council to place the issue as one between

The World Needs Heroic Youth
We cannot but feel concerned about the fate
of our culture when we witness the crumbling
down of those values which made it possible,
and which make life seem worth living for us.
Not a single one of those values, whether reli-
gious, philosophic, scientific, social or political,
was granted to mankind at ease; all were se-
cured by pains and sufferings, and the greatest
of them were bought by the blood of martyrdom.
THESE HEROIC DEEDS of the past have es-
tablished for us the very grounds of our
civilized existence, which we have come to take
for granted. We have received so much with
passivity and indifference that we are endan-
gering in our selves the sources from whence
spring these values and these ideals. If we con-
tinue to be passive and indifferent, we are going
to loose the great heritage intrusted into our
Today there is a wave of violence which is
smashing ruthlessly against our moral edifices.
The depth on whose surfacethis wave is rolling,
is full with false doctrines and deformed values.
It rests on the view that man is a mere hedonis-
tic animal, bound to follow the line of least re-
sistence, which for him consists of that path of
behavior leading to maximum pleasure and min-
imum pain. As such, man can be intimidated
through his own intrinsic fear, and all means
which can effect this intimidation are sound
political instruments.
How can we save our culture? We can save
our culture, as has always been done in his-
tory, only through the heroic spirit. Heroism
falsifies the principles on which rests the doc-
trine of violence and intimidation, it asserts
man's privilege to move against his line of least
resistance, and to accept voluntary suffering
for his ideals.
Heroism cannot spring on all kinds of soil.
It is only that deep conviction in the infinite
worth of the human personality, that faith in an
absolute moral order and that belief in a tran-'
scendental truth judging us as individuals and
nations, which can give rise to the heroic spirit.
If we seriously mean to save our culture this is
what we need: heroic youth.
- Fakhri Maluf
To define as 2 percent of the population-or even
the campus those who are strong supporters of
trade unions, the Wagner Act, the NYA, the
TVA, the Wage and Hour Act, in short, those
who are the real devotees of democracy, the real
defenders of the bill of rights for everybody, is
looking away from the strong approbation of
such measures by a majority of the people of the
state and country.
AS TO THE CHARGES of radicalism we can
better than quote what we prefer to believe
is the real President Ruthven, who has said
the following on notable occasions:
"Far from being 'red' or even liberal, colleges
are, on the whole, really the strongholds of con-
servatism and important agencies in maintain-
ing the status quo.
MANIFESTATIONS of radicalism in our stu-
dent body are a healthy sign that today's
students are interested in the betterment of
their world, and as long as I am President of
the University of Michigan, I shall continue to
open the eyes of our students to the great prob
lems of civilization . . . It is positively dan-
gerous for society to thwart the ambition of
youth to reform the world."
Most significant, however, was the Men's Ju-
diciary Council's conclusion "that if we were
an independent endowed university like Har-
vard or Columbia, the situation would never
have arisen".
To those of us who are more aware of the
actual developments in the current American
scene, such a conclusion is naive, for the private
universities have led the way in abrogation of
academic freedom.
Michigan may be summarized in these
words: In the name of national unity for war,
all opposition to moves which mean involvement
must be silenced. Hence there will be a number

of college presidents who will deny the existence
of academic freedom in order to goose-step the
weak and timid into another war. They seek
to inoculate students with the stereotypes argil
superstitions of the dominant groups in control.
They desire not free men but robots, weak and
pitiful conformists clinging to the futile phobias
of the past. They are the handmates of the
interests that seek to break the backbone of
labor, the CIO, emasculate the progressive mea-
sures of 1933-38, strike fear and apathy into the
little people' and then plunge our country into
a conflict on two oceans and two continents.
The political events of contemporary Europe
have given the perfect title to the suicidal process
of fearfully obeying the demand that democratic
institutions be weakened and democratic rights
abridged: appeasement. Those of us who are
strongly intent upon the maintenance of Amer-
ican democracy must realize that appeasement
is more than a series of tragic European political
maneuvers; appeasement is an intellectual phe-
nomenon of this historical period of crisis. It
is the delusion of those who lack faith in the
extension of democracy. We have that faith.
The expulsions will not be ignored. We will be
heard. We offer to debate the Men's Judiciary
Council on the question 'Resolved, That the Ex-
pulsion of the Michigan Students was a Justifi-
able Abridgment of Academic Freedom.'
- Harold Norris, Chairman.

We have heard the New York Phil-
harmonic many times before, but
never at the low ebb of last Sunday's
concert. Rumor has it that the men in
the orchestra carried some grudge
against Barbirolli into the auditor-
ium. We cannot vouch for that but
we do know something was very
It was a totally uninspired perfor-
mance, and the "disinspiration"
showed up "best of the worst" in the
The Concerto Grosso by Handel
was carried off with a fair degree of
success, with one or two really nice
passages. The "Italian" symphony of
Mendelssohn was not so good. Men-
delssohn's music is laid out to an ex-
treme neatness of form, perceptible
easily to the untrained ear. It is
a striking characteristic of his com-
positions, and was performed with
great disspiritedness. The orchestra
lacked in the clarity and precision
necessary to bring out the beauty
of this work.
There were noticeable lacks of pre-
cision in attack and continuity
throughout, particularly apparent in
the andante movement of the Handel,
the andante of the Mendelssohn and
the allegretto in the Sibelius second
symphony. Once or twice the wood-
winds gave out with a beautiful
"bird" which was not calculated to
add to the beauty of the performance.
Many in the audience seemed to be
waiting to see what would be done
with the Sibelius Second in D major
We believe that either Mr. Barbirolli's
interpretation fell far below the stan-
dard of - execution for this work, ox
the orchestra was very much off.
The huge, sometimes stark music of
the Finnish composer can not be
numbered among the more easily per-
formed orchestral compositions. It
requires clear, understanding execu-
tion, fine phrasing, and excellent
control of tempo, dynamics, and pre-
cision if it is to be presented under-
standably. Sunday's performance was
vague, imitative, and thoroughly un-
derdone. All the fine simplicity, the
vastness and the often bleak strength
of this piece were lost almost entirely.
It was well-mishandled, entirely mis-
interpreted. There was little coher-
ency in the phrasing, climatic sec-
tions were underdone, and the lack
of precision was again felt strongly.
The piece seems to us to be a com-
bination of what might be Finnish
folk tunes, Sibelius' own personality,
and undeniably, the influence of
Tschaikowsky. Particularly in the vi-
vacissio movement is the presence of
Peter Illyitch felt: in the climax

One of the boys had received his
letter saying please to show up for
his physical ..examination in order
that he might be drafted in the near
future, and we were all trying to
make him feel good, like telling about
the patients in certain hospitals who
are kept in dark rooms, who are at-
tended by nurses and staff doctors
who wear masks so they won't see
the faces of these aforesaid men in
dark rooms, and somebody added
that many many doctors even refused
to treat these patients, which cold-
bloodedly is not so cold-blooded be-
cause what good does it do a man
to get well without a face.
Then the soon-to-be-drafted piped
up with "well they have made the
packs lighter, cut 'em from 75 to 65
pounds so the boys can march 30 in-
stead of 18 miles a day." That was
nice. All of us nodded. Then the
talk veered around to whether it was
worthwhile being a conscientious ob-
jector, and we said what the hell,
aren't we all conscientious objectors?
And again we nodded. But life in
a jail was pretty bad. As soon as
you got out of jail you had to regis-
ter or else go back to jail. You did
not pay for your crime with just one
year in the pen. You paid part with
a year of your life, and then the
balance was extended in easy pay-
ment plans, all you had to do was
register and you 'would not have to
pay any more, except possibly-and
the guy who was going to be drafted
got lower and lower.
We are the happy people. We are
the hopeful kids, the dreamers, the
builders for the future. Whatever
which builds into the popularly
known theme. The theme and cli-
mactic section could well have been
conceived by Tschaikowsky. Its meth-
od of building-up, and the "juicy"
theme following are very like him.
An immediate change comes after the
theme has finished, but the Philhar-
monic lost all coherency there, drop-
ping the thread of continuity com-
The encore, Ride of the Valkyries
by Wagner barely missed total mon-
otony. It is fine when well-done, but
it was very dead Sunday. We may say
the same for the orchestra.

it is. it is not going to happen to us.
Even the guy who will be drafted
felt that something would turn up.
he would have TB or some social dis-
ease or coronary thrombosis, but he
and the rest of us knew he did not
have any of these, he was in good
enough shape for the armed forces,
even though he is kind of thin, and
it did not matter that like most of
last year's seniors, his job is still
enough in the formative stages so
that it can easily be filled while he
is gone and when he comes back, so
that was nice too. We nodded. All
of us. But it couldn't happen to the
other three of us. It could happen
to him, but that only meant there
must be something the matter with
him; it couldnt' happen to us.
I said what were the chances for
a return showing of All Quiet On the
Western Front, and somebody
laughed. We talked a little about
the scene in the hospital where the
boy with no foot says his foot hurts,
and the dummkopf says "how can
your foot hurt when you haven't
got-" and there is a dead silence,
broken by the boy with no foot. A
very impressive scene, and so is
the business of the boots, and there
are the two scenes in the school-
room, and the face of the teacher.
But of course it isn't us. We are
not like the kids in All Quiet On the
Western Front, they are Germans,
and even though we can feel a cer-
tain pity for pre-World-War-I Ger-
mans, it does not carry over to Ger-
mans now. They are not kids. They
are monsters, and teachers today are
not like that teacher in the film, no,
this is a new era. We could not feel
really sorry for the guy with us who
was going to be drafted. Just the
same I would like to see that picture
brought back here, and shown to
special audiences, the draftees and
the faculty. Maybe it would make
things a little nicer. Maybe people
would figure they had failed again,
and be a little sweeter to each other
to make up the deficit. Right now
the books don't seem to balance.
The youth side seems to be in red.
There is a noticeable lack of con-
vertible assets. Too bad. Too bad.
But it can't happen to us; there must
be something the matter with that
guy, the one who is going to be
drafted. So long until soon.




AN ORDER by the Fascist party
decrees that radio listeners'must
stand while listening to broadcasts
of Italian war communiques. Still,
caution should be exercised. One of
these times they'll turn around and
find a Greek inhabiting the easy
It's not denied that when Il Duce
himself makes a speech the Italios
will have to walk up main streets
on their hands, whistling in spa-
ghetti and giving the Fascist salute.
FOOTBALL'S OVER so maybe it's
all right to talk about the Mar-
jorie Weaver-Tom Harmon axis. A
syndicated piece from Hollywood
says that pretty Margie has talked
to Darryl Zanuck about the possi-
bility of a new football picture. The
masculine hero? You guess. All of
which explains a lot.
It might not be so bad at that,
though, seeing our Tom dash up
to the bonfire in his University of
Beulahville sweater and shout:
"Come on gang, we've got to beat
those guys tomorrow."
Of course the coach would be sick
in the hospital. And Margie would
breathe : "Tom, you're wonderful.
If you win tomorrow, you can tAke
me to the marshmallow roast!"
* **
That's our Tom.
Speaking of movies, is there any-
thing faster in the world than those
newspaper photographers who drop
from the chandeliers in cinematic
night club brawls? Now you see 'em,
now you don't.
It's the thanksgiving season, and
and all of us pay gratitude to the
Michigan team for the sound-
beating administered OSU. No
team ever was more deserving of
a licking.

VOL. LI No. 49
Pubication in the Daily Official
Bulletinis constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 27, from
4 to 6 o'clock.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds to
loan on modern, well-located, Ann
Arbor residential property. Inter-
est at current rates. F.H.A. terms
availasle. Apply Investment Office,
Room 100, South Wing, University
Group Hospitalization and Group
.Surgical Plan: Applications for en-
rollment in either group hospitaliza-
tion or the group surgical plan spon-
sored by the Michigan Hospital Serv-
ice will be accepted if received by
the Business Office on or before No-
vember 30, 1940. Those applications
for group hospitalization will become
effective December 5 with the first
payroll deduction on Decezi~ber 31. If
a sufficient number enroll for the
surgical plan, the above dates also will
apply to that service.
Public Health Assembly: Dr. Rich-
ard A. Bolt, Director of the Cleveland
Child Health Association, will give an
illustrated lecture on the "Interests
and Activities of the Cleveland Child
Health Association" at the Public
Health Assembly this afternoon at
4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the

W. K. Kellogg Institute,
sional studentsein public
expected to attend.

Wanted: Boys for delivery work in
Detroit during Christmas vacation
with one of the best firms. Must have
own car. Salary. Call at Bureau for
further information; hours 9-12 and
2-4; 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
Approved Organizations:
Abe Lincoln Cooperative House
Alpha Gamma Sigma
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Nu
Alpha Phi Alpha
Alpha Phi Omega
Al Thaqafa
Am. Inst. of Chemical Engineers
Am. Inst. of Electrical Engineers
Am. Inst. of Mining and Metallur-
gical Engineers
Am. Society of Civil Engineers
American Student Union
Anti-War Committee
Apolthecaries Club
Architectural Council
Armenian Students Association
Beta Kappa Rho
Bethlehem Evangelical Reformed
Student Guild
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Brandeis Cooperative
Chi Gamma Phi
Chinese Students' Club
Christian Science Organization
(Continued from Page 5)

All profes-
health are

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Tuesday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Musical Newscast " Evening Serenade
6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day In Review
6:45 The World Today Lowell Thomas ItTexas Rangers
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val Clare Easy Aces .
7:15 Lanny Ross Dinner Music Here's Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Holmes Musical Rendezvous Ned Jordan
7:45 Haenschen Orch. " Doc Sunshine
8:00 Missing Heirs Johnny Presents Forty Plus Ben Bernie
8:15 Missing Heirs " To Be Announced "
8:30 First Nighter Treasure Chest FHA Speakers Question Bee
8:45 First Nighter " Interlude; News
9:00 we, the People Battle of the Sexes Toronto Symphony Grand Central Sta.
9:30 We, the People
9:30 Professor Quiz Fibber McGee " John Kennedy
9:45 Professor Quiz " Bishop & Gargoyle
10:00 Glenn Miller Bob Hope National News Wythe Williams
10:1 Secnd Husnd,.BiainSnaks m.

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