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November 19, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-19

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Cloudy and warmer.


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Is The Radio
For 11-Year-Olds?

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
"W- T o -


J.L. Lewis Resigns
Presidency Of CIO
To Fulfill Promise

China, Japan Hitler Meets
Peace Move Axis Envoys
Is Reported In Mountains

30,000 Italians Reported
Waging Desperate Battle
To Defend Albanian Base

Convention Hears Leader's
Plea For Labor Unity;
Murray Slated For Job
AFL Chief Doubts
Efficiency Of Move
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Nov. 18.-
(P)-With the mist of tears in his
eyes, John L. Lewis solemnly told his
CIO legions today that he was step-
ping down as their leader and fer-
vently bid them carry on with unified
leadership the militant organization
he founded five years ago. ,
In a hall packed with 500 delegates
to the CIO's third convention, Lewis
gave notice he was fulfilling his pre-
election promise to retire as CIO
president if President Roosevelt was
Acclaim Leadership
Shouting, marching delegates who
gave Lewis a 40-minute demonstra-
tion of acclaim for his leadership,sat
hushed as he said, "I won't be with
you long. I have done my work. In
just a few days, I will be out of this
office which at the moment I oc-
"I shall hope that whoever you
elect as my successor, that you will
give him ypur support without stint
and go back to your membership and
ask them to give him a break also, be-
cause he will need it. I ought to
Lewis' successor will be chosen in
the closing stages of the convention.
Up to now, all eyes have been cen-
tered on Philip Murray, the quiet-
spoken Scot who has been a co-work-
er of Lewis for 30 years.
Remains Labor Figure
In relinquishing his CIO presi-
dency, Lewis remains a figure in
labor affairs through the presidency
of the United Mine Workers Union
which he has headed since 1920.
The retiring CIO chieftain indi-
cated that his role in the future
would not be a silent one and that
his course would that of defender
and advocate for what he called the
"unprivileged segment of the na-
tion's population."
n this connection he spoke of 52
million persons who were "hungry"
and "undernourished," 20,000 farm-
ers who cannot sell their foodstuffs
for a return, and 10,500,000 white
and negro residents of the south who
cannot vote, he explained, "because
they have to pay a cumulative poll
Roosevelt Asks Labor
For Peace Movement
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 18. - )-
President Roosevelt's desire for a1
labor peace move, to begin in the
White House, was communicated to-'
day to the American Federation of]
Labor convention which also was in-c
formed by Secretary of War Stim-
son that workers will have to make1
sacrifices under the defense pro-1
AFL President William Green,1
deeply skeptical that a labor settle-
ment was brought any closer by
John L. Lewis' announced intentioni
of resigning the CIO presidency, toldi
the applauding convention of the
President's desire for unity in labor
Green said:
"The President of the United
States is willing to help us and assist
us and he has asked if committees
(AFL and CIO) can be assembled
and put to work, that they meet with
him first of all and explore with him
the situation at the White House.
there to receive his assurances of
good will and cooperation."
At the same time Green outlined a
settlement plan which he admitted
was not new and which he charged

-without using his name-that Lewis
had already blocked by refusing to
let committees from the Congress of
Industrial Organizations treat with
AFL representatives.
Supreme Court Rules
Chicago Picketing Legal
Supreme Court today ruled that a
Chicago labor union was free to car-

Retires Tearfully

Bond To Give
Marriage Talk
In Ilackham
Third In Lecture Series
Centers On Insurance
Aid Relative Questions
Mr. Floyd Bond of the Depart-
ment of Economics will address the
third supplementary lecture of the
Course in Marriage Relations at 7:30
p.m. today in the Women's Lounge of
the Rackham Building.
The lecture and discussion that
will follow will consider problems and
question that relate to personal in-
surance. The general public has been
cordially invited to attend.
The supplementary lectures are de-
signed to expand the scope of the
regular series of Marriage Lectures.
On Nov. 26, Prof. George B. Brig-
ham will discuss housing problems.
Investments will be the topic of Mr.
R. Gordon Griffith at the lecture on
Nov. 28. Dr. Katherine Greene will
address the group on family recrea-
tion on Dec. 4 and the following eve-
nng Prof. Marvin Niehuss will speak
on the subject of Law of Domestic
Campus Poll To Pick
Band For Soph Prom
How would you like the chance to
name our favorite rhythm makers as
the band that plays at Soph Prom?
An all-campus poll will be conduc-
ted today to determine the band that
everybody wants to hear, Bud Hendel,
43, general chairman of the Soph
Prom committee, announced yester-
Ballot boxes will be located in the
lobby of the Union, at the center of
the Diagonal in the lobby of the
League, at the Engine Arch and in
the foyer of Angell Hall.
The bands available for the Dec.
13 engagement are BobChester, Gray
Gordon, Joe Sanders, Jimmy Joy,
Gus Arnheim, Anson Weeks and An-
dy Kirk.

Settlement Terms Thought
To Have Been Tendered
By Tokyo Authorities
Troop Withdrawal
Complete In South
(By The Associated Press)
HONGKONG, Nov. 18-After 40
months of war in China, Japan was
reported today to be seeking direct
peace negotiations with Chinese Gen-
eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek.
These reports, attributed to Tokyo
:curces, lacked any official confirma-
tion. Rumors of Japanese peace feel-
ers circulated last week in Chungking,
but Chinese military spokesmen there
said that, instead of thinking of
peace, China was preparing for three
years more war if necessary.
The Japanese dccision to make
peace overtures, the Tkyo reports
said, was reached N;. 1 by the
Imperial Cocerence, which includes
Japan's high military and p.itical
If efforts with Chiang fail to Qet
any'There 1: fore the end of this
month, the Tokyo reports said, Japan
will recognize the Japanese-spon-
sored Wang Ching-Wei government
in Nanking and continue fighting
Chiang, classifying him as a "rebel."
Last week the Japanese army com-
pleted withdrawal of its forces from
Kwangsi and southwestern Kwang-
tung Province, in southern China,
moves interpreted in some quarters
as designed to give China "face" and;
clear the way for peace talks. Japan's
official explanation was that these
forces no longer were needed as a
result of newly gained bases in
French Indo-China.
U.S. Denies Accusation
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. -OP)-
The State Department described
baseless today Japanese press re-
ports that the United States and
Great Britain were pressing a mili-
tary agreement upon Thailand (Si-
am), and implied that the reports
might foreshadow some new step in
Japan's expansion program.
IFC To Honor
Dean Bursley To Speak
At Banquet In Union
Nearly 500 pledges of 40 fraterni-
ties affiliated with the Interfraterni-
ty Council will be honored at the
Council's annual Pledge Banquet, be-
ginning at 6:15 p.m. today in the
main ballroom of the Union.
Featured speaker will be Dean of
Students Joseph Bursley who will ad-
dress the group of pledges and house
presidents before presenting the
scholarship cup to Phi Sigma Del-
ta's representatives. The chapter
earned an average of 2.78 honor
points per hour of credit last year, .30
above the all-men's figure.
Other speakers will include James
Harrison, '41, newly 'elected Council
president, and John DeVine, also '41,
secretary-treasurer of the Council.
DeVine will be toastmaster and lead
group singing at the Banquet.



German Agency Asserts
Conference Announces
Supremacy Of Nazis
London Is Bombed,

BERLIN, Nov. 18-R)-Adolph
Hitler met with the foreign minis-
ters of Italy and Spain at his moun-
tain home today, and the German
Press said their conferences meant
that Germany has all the trumps in
her hand.
Neither the Press nor official
sources offered even a guess as to
the concrete ground covered or possi-
ble new agreements reached between
the Fuehrer, Ramon Serrano Suner
of Spain and Count Galeazzo Ciano
of Italy.
(In Switzerland, however, diplo-
matists expressed belief the three
talked about plans for Axis drives
from Rumania through Bulgaria to
Greece and through Spain to Bri-
tain's Gibraltar.)
The newspapers, with one voice,
hinted that this will be "a highly
political week." One of them, the
Hamburger Fremdenblatt, described
Spain and Rumania as "the two geo-
graphical corner pillars marking the
space within which the great fight of
the Axis Powers against England in
the Mediterranean is being fought."
German troops already are in Ru-
The Dienst aus Deutschland, an
authoritative commentary service,
likewise said the three-cornered con-
versations disclosed that the Axis is
interested equally in Western and
Southeastern European matters. It
was believed this might foreshadow
a visit to Hitler by General Ion An-
tonescu, the dictator of Rumania,
who has been in Rome.
Students Have
Only One Day
For Vacation
Savory dreams of Thanksgiving
turkey and cranberry sauce may call
you back home, but unless you and
your blueprint can bear the shock
of triple cuts you had better be at
your eight o'clock Friday morning.
That's the rule. No weekend vaca-
tion after Thanksgiving day for Uni-
versity students, a meeting of Uni-
versity deans and regents decided in
dosed session last year. And the
most awful thing about this decision
is its application for the next 10
If your Epicurean dignity is ruffled.
if you snort and quiver at the in-
justice, even if you are thinking of
magnificent retaliation by rousing up
some show of mass sentiment, don't
waste your time. Yard-long peti-
tions have been brought forth by
hopeful student bodies for years-
without melting the icy determina-
tion of University authorities.
The idea is, the University explains,
that Christmas Vacation is scarcely
a month away. And no student can
be tired enough after two months of
studying, they say, to need a pro-
longed rest.
Some students show mild resent-
ment at the rule, but for the most
part they are philosophically resigned
to blue plate turkey at the drug
store or a holiday special at one of
the more genteel inns about town.
Council Passes
New Beer Law

Dorothy Thompson, colorful and
well-known feminine journalist, who
is a special writer for the New York
Herald-Tribune and author of the
syndicated column "On the Record,"
will give the fourth Oratorical As-
sociation lecture at 8:15 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.
Always a student of the present-
day scene, Miss Thompson will give
her interpretations of "Current Prob-
lems." In the past her interpretations
of the leading world events have been
accurate and acclaimed by the critics.
She is considered well-qualified to
speak on the European situation, the
past election, and the problems facing
the nation today.
Many awards have been given Miss
Thompson for her distinguished ser-
vice to humanity as well as for her
ability in newspaper work. Among
the most recent of these awards is
her honorary membership in the Wo-
men's Press Club of New York.
At the time of her nomination tos
the Club Miss Thompson spoke on
"P_ cpaganda." Nazi and Russian
technique are effective in the United
States, she said, in contributing to
the American attitude against in-
volvement in the European War.
Among the other achievements
Miss Thompson may be remembered1
for is her work in the drive to raise
money for the Metropolitan Opera
Association. In a speech for that
cause, she told how she had saved $1
to get a back seat when she was a
"The Metropolitan, which in my
youth belonged to the rich ladies and
gentlemen who occupied the boxes.
and to the students who crowded
the galleries," Miss Thompson stated,
"today belongs to all who have ears to
hear and who want to hear."
Recently Miss Thompson spoke in
the Music Shed at Tanglewood, Mass.,
for aid to the British. Others on the
program were Gov. Lehman of New
York, and Archibald MacLeish, poet
and Librarian of Congress.
There she stressed the meaning
theta Sigma Phi t
Will Pledge Today
Theta Sigma Phi, national honor-1
ary and professional fraternity for
women in journalism, will pledge
eight junior women at 4 p.m. today
in the League.
Conducting the ceremonies will be
Elouis Munger, '41, president of the;
fraternity. The pledges are Louiset
Keller, Agnes Crow, Viola Modlin,
Lois Foreman, Vivian Maze, Elise
Clark, Margaret Sutherland and
Shirley Wallace.
Membership in Theta Sigma Phi1
is open only to women majoring in
the journalism department who
maintain a B average. The society
brings a series of speakers to the
student body each year, and its mem-1
bers are active in newspaper and
publicity work on campus. 1

Dorothy Thompson Will Discuss
'Current Problems' Here Today

of Britain's struggle for Western civ-
ilization. This was a war, she said,
not between nations, but between
men on this planet, men who had
conflicting notions of the meaning
and aspirations of life. Britain, Miss
Thompson asserted, was fighting for
the creative forces of life.
Center Gives
Holiday Feast
500 Students And Faculty
To Attend Thanksgiving
Party Here Wednesday
More than 500 foreign students and
faculty will attend the annual
Thanksgiving dinner given by the
International Center for students
whose home is abroad at 6:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union, Dr. Raleigh
Nelson, counselor to foreign students
and director of the Center, an-
Foreign students will attend the
traditionally American dinner in the
native costumes of their native lands
and the American students and fac-
ulty invited as special guests in for-
mal attire. The guests are seated at
small tables headed by a faculty host
and hostess who carve and serve the
customary Thanksgiving dinner in
home style.
A special surprise musical program
will be give for entertainment by
foreign students, Professor Nelson
revealed. Harvest symbols will pro-
vide the decorations for more than
50 tables of guests.
This is the largest dinner the Cen-
ter has ever sponsored, Professor Nel-
son pointed out. All reservations for
the affair were filled two weeks ago.

Greeks Announce Seizure
Of Huge Supply Stores
As Fascists Fall Back
London Bombers
Hit African Port
(By The Associatedd Press)
ATHENS, Nov. 18.-More than 30,-
000 Italian troops fighting a desper-
ate defensive battle to save them-
selves and huge military stores in
the Fascist base city of Koritza in
Albania called up their airmen to
cover their retreat, a Greek govern-
ment spokesman said tonight.
Italian counter-attacks against the
Greek mountain troops who threat-
ened to cut the only road of escape
for the Fascist legions had ceased late
today, the spokesman said, and add-
ed, "We continue to crush successive-
ly the enemy lines."
Seize Equipment
More Italian prisoners and war
equipment fell into Greek hands, and
the Italian air onslaughts were of "no
importance," the Fascists losing an
average of eight planes to one in the
fighting, the spokesman reported.
Fighting still was very heavy, he
Among the booty claimed were 10
guns, 33 anti-tank guns, ard 15 mor-
tars, plus quantities of blankets and
Earlier in the day the Greeks re-
ported they had rolled back waves
-)f Italian infantry attacking over the
"oughmountain territory surround-
ng Koritza, 10 miles inside Albania
rom Greece.
Divisions At Stake
Several Italian t ions a at
stake in the Koritza battle, the heav-
est fighting of the war thus far.
Also at stake, neutral military
juarters said, are warehouses filled
with supplies collected for months by
the Italians for the campaign in
Greece which began three weeks ago
Mussolini Says Peace
Only After Victory
(By The Associated Press)
ROME, Nov. 18-Benito Mussolini
promised the Italians tonight that he
would "break Greece's back" if it
takes a year to do it and that he
would make no peace until "the mod-
ern Carthage - England" is annihi-
From the "battleroom" of his Pa-
lazzo Venezia, Il Duce spoke publicly
for the first time since he entered the
war against France and England last
June 10. The occasion was the fifth
anniversary of the imposition of
sanctions upon Italy's Ethiopian ad-
venture, sanctions imposed under
Britain's leadership. His immediate
audience was made up of Italy's Fas-
cist party leaders.
He insisted that the British lied
when they reported the crippling of
half of Italy's six battleships and four
other war vessels by torpedo planes in
Taranto Harbor a week ago. He de-
clared flatly that the Italian High
Command told the truth when it said
that only one warship was damaged
seriously enough to require exten-
sive repairs, although three were hit.
African, Albanian Ports
Attacked By Air And Sea
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 18.-The heavy
bombardment of an Italian port in
Africa and a bomb attack on an
Italian base in Albania were reported
by the British tonight in a series
of far-ranging blows apparently in-
tended to help their Greek and Ethi-
opian allies as well as to defend the

Empire against the Axis.
The Admiralty announced that
blazing guns of light naval units took
a heavy toll of port services at Dan-
te, Italian Somaliland. Hits were re-
ported on oil tanks and coastal and
anti-aircraft batteries and on the
landing pier.
The Admiralty only yesterday said
light naval units had bombarded

Johnson To Conduct University
Symphony Orchestra Today

Muscovite Dancers Supplement
Don Cossack Chorus Program

Under the baton of Prof. Thor
Johnson of the School of Music, the
Little Symphony Orchestra will pre-
sent its first concert of the year at
4:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The group, which is composed at
the present time of 15 students and
members of the faculty, was formed
in 1934 for the two-fold purpose of
gaining experience in professional
concertizing and acquainting the mu-
sical public with the work of young
American artists.
Since its inception, the Little Sym-
phony has to its credit more than
400 concert appearances, over half
of which have been presented outside
of Michigan. During the first two
weeks of February they are sched-

Limit From

18 To


The Ann Arbor Common Council
in its regular meeting last night
amended the city ordinance to make
the sale of alcoholic beverages to any
person under 21 years of age illegal.
The former ordinance prevented
the sale of alcoholic beverages to all
under 18, and the change was made
to conform with the State law. A
motion was also passed to allow the
sale of legal beverages until two

Diminutive, dynamic Serge Jaroff'
led his Don Cossacks last night in
the third Choral Union Concert at'
Hill Auditorium, offering besides his
choristers a surprise dance team of
The 30 costumed singers, each of
them of larger stature than their
leader, followed Jaroff in a spirited
program devoted to classical, relig-
ious and military airs. The dancers
added color with typical Russian rou-
tines accompanied by the huzzahs,
whistles, and stomping of the former
soldiers of the Czar.
In an interview before the perfor-
mance, which, was sung to a capacity
house, Jaroff, who speaks little Eng-
lish, revealed through his spokesman
that since their exile from Russia 20

are known to "date." He beamed
whenkhe mentioned that occasionally
in college towns his bewhiskered,
booted Cossacks have dated the co-
Although they have been touring
the United States for the past 11
years, before that time the Chorus
traveled throughout the world sing-
ing their Russian music. In Euro-
pean countries during the years fol-
lowing the last World War, Jaroff
asserted his group met former friends
and fellow Cossacks of the White
Army, all excluded from the new Rus-
sia on pain of death. In France, he
said, as often portrayed in American
movies, "taxi-men, doormen, and por-
ters," who once had commanded
them in the arniy, or to whom they
had once shown respect due to loy-



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