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November 16, 1940 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-16

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- _3 -- -

Foote Recalls
Local Changes
Since 'Old Days'
Former Editor Compares
Modern Campus To Old
Relates Experiences
It's a far cry from the "U. of M
Daily," on which a few journalists
started their careers at the turn o
the century to the streamlined Mich-
igan Daily of 1940. It represents a
span in education from James B. An-
gell to Alexander Ruthven; in footbal
from Heston to Harmon; in vehicula
traffic from the horse and buggy tc
the high speed motor car; in politics
from "T.R." to "F'ranklin D."; in
amusements from East Lynne to The
Great Dictator; from peaceful tran-
quility to war and world revolution
"The Daily" of those days was th
only School of Journalism we had
Yet it was not a bad school; and tc
supplement it we had Fred Newton
Scott to teach us to write; Andrew;
McLauglin (Andy Mac) to give us
the fundamentals of American his-
tory; :Henry Carter Adams and Hank~
Taylor in political economy, Hudson
and Cross for General History, dE
Pont and Effinger for French; Thom-
as C. Trueblood for speech and Dr.
Victor C. Vaughan to keep us well
Celebrities Galore
Franklin P. Adams, the "F. P. A.'
of "The Conning Tower" and "Infor-
mation Please," the Maurer brothers,
Beach Conger, Junius B. Wood, Webb
Waldron and Avery Hopwood were
the newspaper and literary men turn-
ed out of that school. Not a bad lot.
We had our Students Lecture As-
sociation in those long gone years and
heard and interviewed some of the
giants in the world of education, poli-
tics, literature and oratory. One sea-
son offered a galaxy consisting of
former President Benjamin Harrison,
Woodrow Wilson, then president of
Princeton, Elbert Hubbard of the
Roycrafters, Henry Watterson, Wu
Ting Fang, the Chinese Minister, and
Burke Cochran.
I learned my first lesson in report-
ing and diplomacy from President
Angell. Assigned to cover a meeting
of the Board of Regents, I assayed
an interview with the venerable and
much beloved "Prexy."
"Did the Board of Regents trans-
act any business of importance to-
day?" was the clumsy question I shot
at him.,
The Prexy Explains
"Young man," said the scholarly
old gentleman, "the board never
meets without transacting important
business." Then in his kindly and
courtly manner he proceeded to give
the cub a chronological and logical
account of what had happened.
President Angell had been Minister
to China and later Minister to Tur-
key, and his two lecture courses on
International Law and History of
Treaties were invaluable to students
of poitics and international affairs.
An "editor" of the U. of M. Daily
had a variety of assignments which
were good training if he elected to
remain in newspaper work. As com-
pensation he received (sometimes) a
due bill on an Ann Arbor haberdash-
ery store, which he turned in for
much needed shirts, socks, ties and
My first sports assignment was
from Bob Walton, athletic director,
November 19, 1902. "Just be over at
Waterman gym when the men come
in from ,football practice," he said

in a note. "Quiz Yost and 'Boss'
Weeks a little. Shorty Cramer is al-
ways there and you can stand by and
hear all he gets."
Add Hot Air
"Bob" also suggested the Argus
and Times, local newspapers, and the
Detroit papers as source materials. He
wound up his note: "Then add
enough hot air about the Oberlin and
Minnesota games to make at least a
It was a great thrill to report the{
games of the famous 50 to 0
teams, which boasted such players
as Willie Heston, "Boss" Weeks, Dan
McGuggin, Neil Snow, "Dad" Greg-
ory, Bruce Shorts and "Tug" Wil-
My first dramatic criticism, jam-
med with hyperbofe and superlatives,
had to do with a Comedy Club pro-
duction, "Christopher, Jr.," at the
Athens Theatre in December, 1902.
We by no means confined our crit-
ical talents to the amateurs, however.
The Athens had two or three "shows"
every week and The Daily editors
got "comps." I remember one winter
we had The Marguerite Syla Opera
Company, The Burgomaster, Liberty
Bells; The Al. G. Fields Greater Min-
strels and the Unforgettable Flora-
dora. They were all one night stands.
All in all they were golden days,
and nights. There was not only the
booklearning, the contacts with great
minds, the lasting friendships and
the memories, but real achievements
in university life. Those which come
readily to mind, in my time, were
the organization of the Michigan Un-

'Daily' Edito rs Worked Here In 1907

This picture, sent in by B. G. R. "Alphabet" Williams, '08 shows the
Daily's quarters soon after the opening of the first Maynard Street
Building, "probably about the last of 1907." The boy with the profile,
working busily at the desk, is none other than Williams himself.
Note the old telephone, the 'M' sweater, the words "Michigan Daily"
appearing faintly (in reverse) on the door, the hatracks, and finally the
hats worn by the boys in the background. These hats were the inspira-
tion for Williams' story, which appears below.
Students Tire Of Tipping Hats;
Bare Heads Come Into Vogue

Once upon a time, it was necessary
to tip your way through Michigan.
Although homo (man) is pretty
well educated nowadays, it was not
always thus; and thirty or forty years
ago, only a small number graduated
from high school. Fact is, the real
event in the home town was when
some future senator, bishop or utility
president decided to go to college.
And thp very few who received de-
grees and became teachers were gods
to be regarded with awe.
As a symbol of this great achieve-
ment, a faculty man was privileged to
don a high silk hat (Lincoln model) ;
and what with constant adulation
and kowtowing by certain of his
satellites, ofttimes became haughy,
vain-glorious or even impossible.
Oh yes, we students also wore hats,
but of the derby type, black or brown
with yellow and blue i'bbon (easily
f'emovable, so that when we flunked
out of Michigan, we could change to
scarlet and gfay at O.S.U. without
financial loss).
Start Of A Custom
Somewhere in the hazy past, had
started the custom of salute, a solemn
observation when derby met high-hat.
But do not get the idea that this
was a perfunctory or half-hearted
procedure: it was super-snappy. It
closely resembled the "Heil, Hitler!"
monkeyshine, except that to the
spasm, an 18-ounce derby was added.
The higher the tip, the more prom-
ising the future of the tipster. Mus-
cles from fingertip to shoulder were
called into play; and an expert even
rose high on his toes.
Woe to that poor soul who failed
to tip expertly and plausibly.
A five smacker Stetson soon be-
gan to show the strain: its average
life was maybe five months, so you
can see that the system was costly.
Moreover there was maintained a
sort of Gestapo or systematic in-
spection of the cloakrooms, to deter-
mine, by evidences of wear and tear,
the degree of each man's loyalty.
Naturally considerable sadness and
unrest existed in this reign of terror;
and there were frequent attempts to
outwit the oppressors. Some young
mind conceived the idea of field-
glasses (for in those days campus
areas were vast and great spaces sep-
arated the few buildings). So that
when a suspicious high-hat was sight-
ed near the horizon about to venture
across the wastes, the derby could de-
tour and often avoid the issue. But

this respite was brief, for the high-
hats began to arm themselves with
Camouflage in Wite
Camouflage was tried in different
forms, and many a furtive Daily re-
porter doned white clothes when the
season of snow began. A soft, two-
tone whistle was used by sentries to
warn other students of approaching
danger; but to be caught with one of
these weapons on your person, meant
to be expelled in disgrace.
It has been alleged that grounds-
workers were bribed to make thick
plantings of shrubs, to serve in much
the same manner as air-raid shelters;
and I have not the heart to describe
the terrible predicament of Lee White
who during an alarm, forgot that the
leaves had fallen.
By 1908, the situation had become
desperate. But evil days were soon
come to the entire tipping system;
andhere we introduce to you, our
At the close of each school-year,
there was a monster celebration with
bonfire and burning of 'freshman
caps; and this gave me the inspira-
End of Derbies
So when I became an Editor on
The Daily. I suggested that the der-
bies also go. The plan clicked.
Headwear disappeared not only from
this campus but all other 'universi-
ties; and lo, to this day not even a
Bangkopor humble felt dares ap-
peal on the grounds of the smallest
prep-school. There was emancipa-
tion for the tipster;-butemany a
proud "prof" died of a broken heart.
And now, Dear Student, you who
sally forth to squint through summer
sun or massage a freezing scalp in
January, the truth at last is out and
you know the story of the Crisis of
Very likely there is some moral to
this tale, but if you have guessed it,
you are one step ahead of me.
Selling Dailys
Is Good Way
To Meet Coeds
It was back in 1936: Johnny Park
was business manager, Ernie Jones
was local advertising manager groom-
ing himself for bigger things, and
I as a sophomore recruit was selling
"Daily" subscriptions under Dick
Dick, in true "Daily Business" fa-
shion, had just finished a pep talk on
how subscriptions should be sold, so
I sallied forth with blue and white
subscription blanks bulging from all
Ah, this 'was the life. "Daily sub-
scription?" "Have you bought your
subscription to The Michigan Daily
yet?" The old line, you know, but best
of all it opened an opportunity to
meet all the new coeds.
"Name please? Address? Thank
It wasn't long before a non-Daily
friend of mine and his companion
noticed this and hung around just
for the names and addresses. The
darned Student Directory wouldn't be
out for weeks and time was a-wasting.
So we came to an agreement. He
could help me sell "Dailys" on another
corner provided he turned in all the
money, just for the names and ad-
dresses he cared to collect. And be-
fore long I had three boys doing the
same thing.
It all came out alright I think. No
money was lost, they met a few people,
and I had the biggest net subscrip-
tion sales then on record for one day.
Naturally the boys back in the of-

Conger Reports
Nazi Invasion
Of Netherlands
Ex-Daily Editor Witnesses'
German Bomb Attacks
In Raid On Amsterdam
(Continued from Page 1)
the number of times I had a bayonet
shoved none too gently into my stom-
ach while my passport was examined
during the five days the war lasted
in Holland. I never quite got accus-
tomed to the feeling.
About twenty kilometers north of.
The Hague we were stopped for the
last time, The oficer in charge of the
barricade examined our passports and
then told our driver, "Cross the bridge
quick." I'll never forget that Dutch
phrase. We thought the army was
about to blow up the bridge, but we
had no sooner crossed it than we dis-
covered he just didn't want us to be
picked off by Nazi sharpshooters. On
the other side of the bridge the crack
of rifles greeted us. Dutch soldiers
lying on the ground behind the bushes
were banging away at a nearby woods.
Beyond the trees a huge column of
smoke curled up to the sky from an
airport which German parachutists
had tried to capture.
' Bombs Over Holland
We didn't waste any time getting
out of the car and throwing ourselves
down on the ground beside the sol-
diers. An officer told us the Dutch
had destroyed sixteen troop-carrying
German planes which had landed at
the airport, which was Wassenaar,
but some of the enemy soldiers had
reached the shelter of the woods and
were putting up stiff resistance with
their light machine guns. From the
air German bombers were still drop-
ping their "eggs" around the airfield.
Here was our story! German air
transports attempting to land almost
on the North Sea, miles away from
their lines, while parachutists dropped
from the blue sky to try to surprise
the defenders and facilitate the land-
ing of larger units. Gradually the
shooting ceased as the Nazis, under
the fire from our side and from the
airport on the opposite side, withdrew
to the north to try their luck there.
The commanding officer then told
us that we could probably get throgh
to The Hague;- but that if we did we
would very likely be unable to get
back to Amsterdam at all. Amsterdam
being the communications center, we
decided to return. But the danger was
not yet over, as truckloads of Dutch
troops, camoflauged by leaves and
tree branches, were being moved
along the highway, making the road
a favorite target for airplane machine
gunners. We kept a constant watch
for the speedy Messerschmidts, ready
to leave the car immediately, but
fortunately none appeared, and we'
reached Amsterdam safely after mak-
ing a detour to visit the village in-
habited by mechanics and pilots sta-
tioned at Schiphol to interview sur-
vivors of the previous night's bomb-
From 1909

Sylvester Recalls
1914 Forerunner
Of 'Varsity Night'
Varsity Nights - held to raise
money to send the band along with

the football team - are not a new It seemed almost tragic at the time. make much difference whether it
thing, to judge from the reminiscen- Thirty years later it doesn't seem so was Jure or September. but after all,
ces of E. Rodgers Sylvester. '17. for- serious. I've been here four years and I've
mer Daily editor. It was the Tuesday before Com- done the work and I would l~e to
He describes the Band Bounce, a mencement that the rumor went graduate with my class."
variety show, held in the fall of 1914. around the campus that Allen had Prexy smiled. "It's highly irregular,
It was held in Hill Auditorium and been "held up." I heard and dismissed young man," he said. "But bring in
was organized by Sylvester, Beach the report twice before I even inves- those letters tomorrow and we'll see."
Carpenter, '14, then managing editor, tigated. Then I found it was true. I went back to Demmon, waited
Adna Johnson, '16, business manager, As far as I was able to reconstruct till he had written his letter, then
and W. A. P. Johns. '14, then Gar- the story afterward. it happened went to the fraternity house next
goyle editor. like this: door, got a couple of bright freshmen
According to Sylvester, "the audi- The Literary faculty had met some to write the reading reports on Amer-
torium was filled beyond capacity and days before to go over the list of ican history, - then at 6 p.m., I
it was necessary to call out the fire seniors. decide who would graduate. settled down to the Rebec theme. At
department to keep overflow away. When my name was called. Prof. midnight I walked across the cam-
The band went to Harvard and made Rebec, in philosophy, spoke up, pus to Ted Jolley's for some black
an important impression as large col- "He's short a thesis in one of my coffee. I finished the paper a little
lege bands were rare in the east. courses," he said. after six in the morning, about 6,000
---- -- -Professor Demmon adjusted his words typewritten. I still think it
glasses. "And I see that he hasn't wasp't so bad.
Colleges Attract turned in a thesis to me in English," Rebec had lust finished his break-
he said. fast and I waited in the library while
C ie esfI 1aL Van Tyne cut in. he read it, through, Then he went
Daily's A lum n I -He-s short a couple of reports to to his desk and wrote the letter to
me on his outside reading," lie said. Dr. Angell.
"It's not very important and I would- And All In Vain
Several Ex-Staff Members n't have brought it up, if his record I hurried next to Van Tyne's house.
Become Educators were clear otherwise. Still it seems It was perhaps 7:30 by then, I grew
strange that he would simply let ev- a little apprehensive when no one
From journalistic activities in col- erything slide at the end of his course. answered my kno k. The woman in
Fro jornaisic ctiites n cl-There must be some mistake. His the next house called over.
lege to educational work after grad- house is on my way home, I will stop "If you're looking for Prof. Van
uation - that is the history of many by tonight and see what's wrong." Tyne," she said, "he got a telegram
former Daily editors. Attention Undergrads last night. I think it was from his
Some of these are Arthur Pound, Some discussion followed. Some one brother, who was dangerously ill in
'07, New York State Historian, George suggested Allen should be notified in Buffalo. He left on the midnight
Starr Lasher, '11, Director of the the usual way by the secretary; any- train."
School of Journalism at The Ohio how the matter dropped, with Van I didn't bother Dr. Angell again.
University, R. Emmet Taylor, '12, Tyne thinking I would get an official I put the letters in an envelope,
Professor of Business Law at the Un- notification, and the secretary think- sent it to the Dean, strolled over
iversity of Cincinnati, Harold C. ing Van Tyne would handle it. So the campus and found three class-
Hunt, '23E, Superintendent of Schools nobody did. mates who had also been held up. We
in Kansas City, Robert G. Ramsay, If this story is told now after all watched a little of the "Swingout,"
'24, Registrar of Olivet College, Her- this time perhaps it will be a lesson as much as we could take, then head-
bert Woodrow, '04, Head of the psy- to present undergraduates, not to ed downtown, cut out our initials on
chology department of the University neglect their college work even for ex- Joe Parker's table top, organized the
of Illinois, and Myron W. Watkins, tracurricular activities. I haven't any good old class of " '06 1/4."
'14, professor of the economics de- excuse in the matter of those read- That fall on the way to Cleveland
partment of New York University. ing reports to Van Tyne. I have an I stopped at Ann Arbor, went to
explanation in the matter of the Re- the Secretary's ofice. A severe look-
bee thesis. My only clear cut case is ing lady looked through her papers,
h(scame back presently with a diploma,
Sat~ Charm the Demmon thesis.
I had been busy, of course. The poked it though the little cubby hole
T Michiganensian was a full time job. of a window: That was my commence-
As Vacation I should have ducked the Michigan ment.
Union post, but Bob Parker, the first I don't know where the diploma is
Center Is TOldpresident and the inspiration for The now.
Union, had had to leave school in
the early winter, on account of ill-
ness, and I was next in line and fa- ail hsExtra
miliar with the program. I could have
For Tourists Described quit The Daily, but that didn't take On H ardi g's
B '30 Women's Editor much time.
B y3 AO E FE d trI h a d g v en'u p f o t b a l l tebe f o r e . I o n l y w e i g h e d a b o u t 1 5 0 a n y - D e a t h'R e c a l l e d
how, and this was the period of pow-
Ex-editors of The Michigan Daily, er plays before the forward pass. I
returning from other regions in the felt sure that if I could get my weight Paul L. Einstein Describes
United Sates, may not recognize the up to 180 or 200 pounds I might make Troubles In Peddling
improvements that have taken place it, though ironically enough, when I
in one of the most attractive of reached the 200 pound mark 25 years 'Extra' In Early Morn
tourist and vacation states. Now, later, I no longed had any ambition
whether a man's hobby is fishing, to make the team. By PAUL L. EINSTEIN, '25
hunting, square dancing, or good No End To Talents The press down in the hole on May-
food, it can be carried on in Michigan Still without athletics my schedule nard Street was all set to roll a lit-
handsomely, and in some cases, better was fairly full. I'd started in, as a tle
than in other places. past midnight on Friday, August
Hunting and fishing may serve as freshman, with high scholastic ambi- 3, 1923, when the A. P. flashed the
illustrations. The Conservation De- tions. Tatlock even suggested that I news that Warren G. Harding was
partment has been scientifically man- aim for an academic career, But out- dead in San Francisco.
aging game farms and restocking the side interests crowded in during the Bill Stoneman, now head of the
nextillretoneman, now headgofxthe
woods so that last year Michigan led next three years, and having extra Chicago Daily News London Bureau,
all other states in the abundance of credits, I was practically coasting and the rest of the boys had torn the
game shot. The "no hunting" signs tog I snd ear. forms apart in a flash and by the
have been removed from many acres of Still I ad done an honest piece time someone pulled me out of my
of state-owned land. work fo D emmon and had turned upper deck way out on Washtenaw to
Everyone knows of the state fish still see that grand old chap sit- tell me what had happened, the whole
hatcheries and the planting of fish ting at the desk he love in the Alum- ory was being set.
in lakes and streams. But everyone nus office, working on his "Necrology,", No sense in your coming down,"
may not have heard that, during re- nus oi wo n his "NBob Ramsay told me on the phone.
cent years, the annual licenses issued page. So I went there first, and went "We are not going EXTRA!" - So I
in this state include a half million for and there, sure enough, was the thesis. went back to bed.
small game, a half million forahereise ouea tetheis. A Quick Change
He promised to read it at once.
fishing, and 150,000 for deer hunt- I'd put a lot of work too on the Then something hit me like a thun-
ing. ebl.Hl u dtra pc
Improved Highways Rebec thesis. I'd picked an ambitious derbolt. Half our editorial space was
Improved h ighways subject, "The Influence of Geography criticism leveled at the presidential
Improved highways bang more and on History," and limiting it to parts tour - and who was I to quarrel with
more people to Michigan to sppd of the United States, I kew first the dead? Pulling pants and sweater
their vacations. They may lure motor- hadhad a eIklew firkton over pajamas and with bedroom
ists who have plenty of time at their on it. I'd talked over my outline and slippers on my feet, I made The Daily
disposal to visit more than 50 state min four minutes flat - intent on
parks. my notes with him several times,
parks.- got suggestions for bibliography. switching to some other copy. I found

The peculiar charms that belong About a month before Commence- the press already rolling.
to Michigan have been accentuated ment, however, just as I was ready "You're too late - but what do
everywhere. Saugatuck isn't "like Cal- to sit down and write it, my blue you want? These editorials couldn't
ifornia's Carmel or Massachusetts' notebook disappeared. I put an ad in be more timely. Might as well go back
Provincetown." It is being just Sauga- to bed," they told me as I tried to
tuck these days, with its ownspecies The Daily, ransacked the campusget my wind.
seisThe Theme In Question gtm id
of fishing craft, its own singing sands, Rebec said, "Never mind. The work I was still trying at 2 a.m. when
its dunes, and its paintings of Mich- is the thing. The thesis is merely a someone ran in with word that the
igan scenesinon exhibition in theevil-
igan scenes on exhibition in the vil- record of it. I know what you've done. Ann Arbor News was going EXTRA
lage. Paul De Kruif and Carl Sand- As long as you can give me a thesis and would be out on the streets by
burg are two well-known men who by Commencement, it's all right." 6 a.m. Nothing could have settled
have homes in Saugatuck. But professors have lots of things things more quickly. If anyone was
Cherry Blossoms on their minds, too, and he'd forgot- going to take the town we would. We
No other city can boast so confi- ten, - until I recalled the conversa- corralled the skeleton Summer edi-
dently as can Traverse City of its tion to him. torial and business staff as fast as we
cherry blossoms, cherries, and even "Have you got the thesis with you could and by 3 a.m. six or eight of
cherry pies. The resorts near Muske- now?" he asked. us were out on the streets, each with
gon are enjoying exceedingly great As a matter of fact I still hadn't got a bundle of papers under his arm to
popularity of late. Beulah and Frank- around to writing the thing. cover a given district before the News
fort happen to be the spots favored "Well, in any case it's too late now," came out.
by many families of University of he said. Early Morning Extra
Michigan faculty members, including But I went to President Angell, My appreciation of "Sully" Sulli-
President Ruthven. And Hiolland's' who listened sympathetically. Still, van, "Whitey" Otis, Bill Day, Red
spring-time Festival of Tulips is turn- he pointed out, the faculty had ap- Glasgow and all the other greats who
ing, literally, into an international proved the list of seniors who had have led cheers for Michigan went
affair which entertains and plays to done the work necessary for gradua- up 1000 per cent in the early moon-
enormous audiences. tion, he had presented that list to light as I stood before one house after
As added vacationing pleasure has the Board of Regents, they had also another, trying to rouse faculty mem-
been made possible in this state, year approved it and dispersed to their bers, townspeople and students shout-
by year a new warmth is being added various homes over the state. ing - "Extra - Daily - Extra -
to that long-standing and ever-cor- "But Dr. Angell," I persisted, "the President Harding dead!"
dial invitation: "If you would seek Regents can't know anything about The sights I saw as folks stumbled
a beautiful peninsula, look about the individual students. They will give out of bed to their doors along Tap-
1_ A. n' H~ill av~d C'no~rlarrl Rtr ,,,r.,nilti

Allen Almost 'Held Up':
Former Editor Describes Confliet
Of Outside Activity With Studies


mono, and 5 vears from now if iron}t



Daily Files

* 0 *

A d vertisers Waited
In Line For Daily
SpaceBack In '11
I have always remembered with
pleasure the fact that when I was
business manager our chief worry
was not to get the advertising, but to
get enough space to place it. My
chief worry was just that a good
deal of the time. An enviable spot to
be in.
A stock company playing melo-
drama at the Whitney Theatre was
bombarded with peanuts and the
manager issued an ultimatum-"If
you run that story we will cut out our
advertising." My answer was, "Fine,
I've got two advertisers who have
been begging for that top position
space on the back page." And when
we finally let him in again he had to
take any position he was lucky enough
to get. I was in constant feud with
the editor-Lee A White, who did-
n't like 20 percent news and 80 per-
cent business. But it didn't become
Being on the business end and not1

Two great ideals for the betterment
of the University were given powerful
advocacy at the Union banquet last
evening. The dominant idea of this
most successful affair was the im-
provement of Michigan and the adop-
tion of means that will enable her to
clearly take place as the greatest un-
iversity on the continent.
Every speaker hailed the Union as
the embodiment of a unfied univer-
sity and the most powerful instru-
mentality by which the ideals could
be accomplished. Arthur J. Abbott,
'09, '11L, who responded to the stu-
dent toasts gave expression to "The
Undegraduate Ideal."
He made the first public announce-
ment of the campaign that has been
inaugarated for a new and magnifi-
cent Union clubhouse which is to be
the finest of its kind in any univer-
sity. Plans have been drafted. Ten-
tative measures have been taken to
make the campaign for funds. The
plans provide for a banquet hall large
enough to accommodate the great an-
nual banquet. An eighteen table bil-
liard hall and bowling alleys will be
provided. A swimming pool will be a
feature of the accommodations. Com-
fortable dormitories for the housing of
the student body are to be erected in
connection with the structure. The
estimated cost is half a million dol-
lars. An elaborate prospectus will be
issued to facilitate the raising of the
necessary funds. Organizations will be
perfected by the alumni association
in every city that the project may be
placed before the alumni throughout
the world. Abbott assured his aud-
ience that, "These are not nebulous
dreams. The plan is started with the
conviction that it will succeed."
Abbott advocated as the other un-
dergraduate ideal the resumption of
athletic relations with the western
universities. He pointed out that the
difference which caused Michigan's
withdrawal from the conference are



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