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November 08, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-08

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W yeather
Cloudy,, coitnued cold. S


Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Refugees Not
Flfth Colunists



INational Returns
Give Republicans
Lead In Michigan

Final Results Give Willkie
6,874 Vote Edge; Starr
Loses Race To Rushton
Roosevelt Confers
On Debt Limitation
DETROIT, Nov. 7.-P)-Michigan
swung back into the Republican col-
umn nationally today on the basis of
complete unofficial returns from the
general election that gave Wendell
Willkie a 6,874-vote lead over Presi-
dent Roosevelt.
Complete unofficial returns in the
close race for attorney general gave
Herbert J. Rushton, of Escanaba, the
Republican nominee, a margin of
3,776 votes over Democrat Raymond
W. Starr of Grand Rapids. Rushton,
who at one time trailed Starr, pushed
to a total of 996,177 votes in the final
tabulations, compared with 962,401
for Starr.
Theodore I. Fry, Lansing Demo-
crat, led Senator Felix H. H. Lynn,
of Cadillac, his Republican rival for
state treasurer, by 6,559 votes in
another neck-and-neck race, with
about 30 precincits outstate still to
be tabulated.
Late returns from Wayne County
and out-state areas were sufficient
to wipe out the slim margin Pres-
ident Roosevelt had held in the presi-
dential count, and shoved Willkie in
front by a vote of 1,032,837 to
FDR Is Given
Ovation In Capital
ing the big question of higher taxes,
an increase in the national debt limit
and .the whole broad topic of defense
and assistance to great Britain, Pres-
ident Roosevelt returned to the cap-
ital today, received a roaring welcome
from Washingtonians and engaged in
a long series of conferences.
He talked with the defense commis-
sion, with Arthur B. Purvis, British
purchasing agent, received a letter
of resignation from Secretary Ickes
-tendered to give the President a free
hand if he wishes to reshape his cab-
inet - and found himself at once
facing a fight on the question of the
debt limitation.
Secreary Morgenthau, saying that
"we've just begun to rearm," an-
nounced that the Treasury would re-
quest that the statutory restriction
upon the size of the debt be raised
from $49,000,000,000 to $60,000,000,-
000 or $65,000,000,000. Senator Byrd
(Dem.-Va.), a leader of the economy
bloc, said immediately that a raise of
more than $5,000,000,000 at this time
would be fought.
Gridders Leave
For Minnesota,
Thirty-four Wolverines, chuck full
of confidence, and boasting an un-
beaten record, left for Minneapolis
last night seeking their first victory
over the Golden Gophers since. 1932.
Not quite as spirited as their ex-
uberant charges were Coach Cris-
ler and two assistants, Clarence Munn
and Earl Martineau, who have yet to
taste victory over their former Alma
Mater, since assuming coaching duties
at Ann Arbor.
"It will be a dog-fight all the way,"
Crisler said, "but I'm afraid they havel
too much reserve strength for us"
Both teams go into the fray unde-
feated, each having won five games.t
Minnesota has taken Washington, Ne-
braska, Ohio State, Iowa, and North-

western over the hurdles, while Mich-
igan has rolled over California, Mich-
igan State, Harvard, Illinois, and
In the final practice session before
boarding the train, Crisler reviewed
every scoring play Minnesota has ut-
ilized this season and the postition on
the field from which it was used.
The second team ran through these
(Continued on Page 3)

Serkin Plays
Piano Concert
To Full House
Shy, bespectacled Rudolph Serkin
whose 20 years of concert ap-
pearances have made him famous
throughout the world, played to a
capacity crowd last night in Hill
Auditorium giving the second of the
1940 Choral Union concerts.
Born in Czechoslovakia of Russian
parents, the pianist is now a citizen
of Switzerland, but he prefers to re-
main in America for the duration of
the interrnational wars. However, de-
spite the fact that the United States
pleases him as a place of residence,
Serkin admitted in an interview pre-
ceding his recital that the recent elec-
tions did not "excite him." I have
too many friends that I like on both
political sides, and I did not offend
them by making a choice," he ex-
Speaking with a pronounced Euro-
pean accent, Serkin commented on
the loss of opportunity for young
musicians in war-torn foreign coun-
tries, although he stated that he be-
lieved that in times of stress people
need music more than ever. In Eng-
land, he pointed out, there are as
many concerts as there were before
the war.
Scoffing at the notion that Ameri-
can musicians are no longer able to
'polish off' their educations by Euro-
pean tours, Serkin declared that tute-
lage here equals that of the foreign
masters, and music as a whole is often
superior on this side of the Atlantic.
"Your symphony orchestras in par-
ticular," he said, "are usually much
better than the ones over there."
Engine Group
Hears Clark
Public Relations Specialist
Advises Common Sense'
"The appiatiohin of common horse
sense, tempered with a sense of hu-
mor, is the only requirement needed
to get along with labor."
Thus Montague A. Clark, a man
who has risen from the status of a
laborer at 15 cents an hour in 1910
to a positions as manager of the In-
dustrial and Public Relations Depart-
ment of the united States Rubber
Co.. gave his philosophy for "Person-
nel Problems," in an address before
the student chapter of the A.I.E.E. be-
ginning at 8 p.m. yesterday, in the
Rackhaip Amphitheatre.
Meanwhile, the student chapter of
the A.I.M.E. heard a talk by Prof.
O. W. Boston of the Department of
Metal Processing at a meeting held
at 7:30 p.m. yesterday in the Semi-
nar Room, third floor, East Engineer-
ing Building.
In his talk, Prof. Boston considered
"Production Problems Involved in the
National Defense Program." It seems
improbable that the United States
can meet the requirements for na-
tional defense and still keep up the
volume of production demanded by
the people for consumption, he stated.

It +

Greeks Battle Italians A long Mountainous Front
ti 4
~.,. -~.....
0 50 s
MIL ES 5l .: .
Comniuniques from the front indicate that Greek artillerymen have the Italian invasion base of Koritza
(1) completely at their mercy. Italian authorities, however, denied reports of Greek advances across the
border (arrow), into Albania. Greeks meanwhile blamed Italian planes with bombing the Yugoslav town of
Bitolj (2). Yugoslav sources say that heavy losses have been sustained by the Greeks near Bitolj. Last night
the Greeks w:re reportedly in strong emplacements along the Kalamas River, marking the Albanian frontier,
although Italians claimed to have crossed the River in' the north.

Reeder Gives
First Address
At Conference
Opening Tri-State Meeting
Told Of Responsibilities
To Children By Educator
"The purpose of education should
be to instill in each child a sense of
social responsibility," Dr. Edwin H.
Reeder, professor of education at the
University of Illinois, told the Tri-
State Conference on Pupil Personnel
at its initial meeting yesterday in the
Everyone at one time or another, he
said, has some illegal impulse, but the
fear of social pressure rather than
the fear of courts or jails usually
prevents him from carrying it out.
In order to develop this social sense
in the child, he continued, all pun-
ishment and awards in the school
must be made in terms of the social
aspect and not the individual as-
pect. Because the child wants to count
for something in his school, he should
take a part in making this social pres-
sure, Dr. Reeder said.
The school can build the sense of
social responsibility, he said, by the
methods it conducts its affairs and
the way its curriculum is interpreted.
Dr. Charles F. McKhann, Director
of the Department of Pediatrics and
Infectious Diseases, will address the
conference at 9:30 a.m. today in the
Rackham Building on "How to Keep
Children Physically Well." Dr. Harold
S. Hubert, psychiatrist of Chicago,
and Dr. Gerry Cleveland Meyers, ed-
itor of "Children's Activities" will al-
so speak.
Senior Petitions Due
All petitions for senior class offices
must be returned to the Main Desk
or Student Offices of the Union by
3 p.m. today, Ward Quaal, '41, pres-
ident of the Men's Judiciary Com-
mittee warned yesterday.

Former Daily
Staffs Invited
All students who have worked on
the junior or senior business or edi-
torial staffs of The Daily are invited
to be the guests of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications at The
Daily Celebration Banquet, Friday,
Nov. 15 in the Union.
The banquet, commemorating 50
years of continuous publication, will
feature a program of speeches by
former ;Daily editors; introduced by
toastmaster Harold Titus, author of
"The Man From Yonder."
Included among the numbers to be
played by the Michigan band will
be several arrangements not played
before on campus. One of these will
be "Mexican Elopement," a Span-
ish melody in rhumba rythm.
Former Daily staff members who
wish to attend the banquet should
make arrangements with Mrs. Rogers
in the Student Publication Building
today or tomorrow.
Giant Bridge
Falls In West

New Italian Drive
Hammers Heavily
At Greek Armies

Senate Elects ,
John McCune
New President
Reed Tells Of Negotiations
With 'U' Administration
On Increasing Powers.
John McCune, '41, was elected
president of the Student Senate last
night at the Senate's first meeting of
the semester. Robert Reed, '42, ex-
president, was chosen vice-president
and Ray Zulauf, '42, secretary.
It was disclosed in a report to the
Senate by Robert Reed that Senate
leaders and the University Admin-
istration are now conducting nego-
tiations to give Senate delegated pow-
ers in the conduct of student affairs.
Reed also pointed out that through
the cooperation of Dean Lloyd S.
Woodburne, Prof. Arthur Smithies,
and Prof. Arthur Van Duren and
the Senate, scholarships amounting
to $1,030 dollars more than last year
were granted this semester.
It was decided that the activities
this semester should be conducted
through five committees which in-
clude. a student service committee,
a student rights committee, a parley
committee, a ways and means com-
mittee and a functions committee.
It took two ballots to elect the
president because of the provision in
the by-laws that a majority is neces-
sary. The first ballot gave McCune
a plurality of one over his opponent
Reed, but he lacked a majority. An
absentee Senator appeared later and
gave the Michigan party man the
required vote to give him a majority.
Because of. the retirement of one
Senator since, last year, it was de-
cided to select the 17th candidate in
last Friday's election. He is Richard
Archer, '43, of the Michigan party.
Tuttle Will Speak Today
H. B. Tuttle, New York photogra-
phy expert, will discuss effective use
of artificial light in photography at
7:30 p.m. today in the Rackham Am-

Old Fairytale
To Be Played
ByCast Of30
"The Princess and the Pea," initial
production of the Children's Theatre
will begin its weekend-run at 3:45 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre with a cast of 15 University stu-
dents and 15 Ann Arbor children.
The fairytale comedy will be given
at three performances. The matinee
today will be followed by two to-
morrow at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m.
Both season tickets and single ad-
mission tickets are available at the
Theatre box office from 10 a.m. to
6 p.m. Season tickets for the four
productions planned for the season
are 50c for children and $1 for adults.
Single admissions are 25c for children
and 50c for adults. Special tickets
at 25c are offered to University stu-
dents who wish to see the medieval
German comedy.
The play has been adapted for the
Children's Theatre by director Rich-
ard McKelvey. The "screwball com-
edy" will be presented from the bal-
cony box as well as the aisles.
Included among the University stu-
dents in the cast are Marian Shaf-
ton, '42Ed; Marguerite Mink, '41,
William Mills, '41; Jim Bob Stephen-
son, '43; Margaret Schiller, '41; Mary
Ellen Wheeler, 4lEd; Nathalie Schur-
man, '41; Robert Cohn, '41; Barbara
Alcorn, '43, and David Gibson, '41.
White Discusses
Press Freedom
Denies Need Of Restriction
On Political Views
(Special To The Daily)
DETROIT, Nov. 7. - Speaking on
"How Much Freedom for the Col-
lege Press," Lee A. White of the De-
troit News, a member of the Univer-
sity Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, told 600 delegates to the
Associated Press Meeting here that
a college newspaper should not be
restricted in its political view-points,
but should hold itself responsible for
"injudicious utterances and careless-
ness with truth."
"I am indifferent," he said, "to
whether an opinion expressed is con-
servative, liberal or radical; but I am
deeply resentful of misinterpretations,
misinformation, mis-report, either in
news or editorial columns, and I am
impatient with the individual who is
careless or slovenly or lazy or muddle-
headed when undertaking the vital
tasks of the newspaper."
Regarding the college paper as an
agent of service to the community
and a training ground for student
journalists, Mr. White pointed out
that when the student does permit
himself to be slipshod in his work
and to present unrepresentative opin-
ions, he is not preparing himself for
the conditions under which profes-
sional journalism must operate. He
is making his training ground useless
to himself.

Fascist Thrusts Intended
To Shift Artillery Fire
From Base At Koritza
Nazi Air-Raiders
DropFire Bombs
(By The Associated Press)
The Italian invaders of Greece put
new force into their blows yesterday,
hammering away on two rugged
fronts-in the Epirus area near the
Ionian seacoast and 100 miles far-
'ther north in the Phlorina sector.
The Epirus drive gathered speed
after the Italians declared they had
achieved a notable wartime engineer-
ing feat by bridging the turbulent
Kalamas River.
This thrust and the one toward
Phlorina appeared to be twin efforts
to divert Greek pressure from Korit-
za, Fascist base undergoing a mer-
ciless pounding from artillery estab-
lished at the head of a Greek salient
into Albania. Ioannina (Janina),
Greek industrial town 30 miles from
the Albanian frontier, also was an
objective of the Epirus campaign,
Greeks In 'Slight' Retreat
The Greeks said merely that they
had made a "slight" retreat near the
coast and had come in contact with
the main body of the invaders at some
points. They expressed confidence
that their main fortifications would
withstand Italian attacks.
In the battle for Britain, the Ger-
mans scattered fire and explosive
bombs over London in their regular
nightly air assaults. Berlin declared
the aerial siege would be matched
soon by an even fiercer counter-block-
aid of Britain by sea
Britain, stepping up the tempo of
her own air counterzoffensive, -an-
nounced new heavy raids on Berlin,
other vital targets in Germany, the
continental coastline and the Italian
naval base at Brindisi, at the "heel"
of the Italian boot.
Italian Bombers Join Nazis
The British government also took
into account the Axis boasts that
Italian bombers have joined in the
raids on London, asserting that Bri-
tain would "reserve full liberty of
action in regard to Rome."
In addition to the attack on Brin-
disi, carried out by the RAF from
Africa, the British command at Cairo
announced its first notable offensive
thrust of the Sudanese campaign with
the recapture of Gallabat. This town
on the border between Ethiopia and
the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan was seized
by Italy early in the war.
In their counter-blockade of Bri-
tain, the Germans refused to grant
safe conduct for an American ship
to remove 1,200 United States citi-
zens from the British Isles.
Syr ian Student
Is Sentenced
By Petain Writ
Fahkri Maluf, Syrian graduate stu-
dent in philosophy received news
this week of a sentence in absentia,
calling for 15 years imprisonment de-
creed by the Petain government
through its mandatory court in Syria.
This sentence was a part of the
action taken by the government to
quell a movement to bring about
social reform and political unity of
Syria. It involved Antun Saadeh,
leader of the Syrian National Party
and 50 participants in the ten-year
old youth movement.
The clash with the Petain govern-
ment came from a disagreement with
the mantatory power on the inter-
pretation and spirit of the French

mandate exercised since the World
War. Insisting that the mandate was
temporary and that it should be car-
ried with a view to ultimate unity and
independence of the Syrian nation,
the group was brought to trial. The
future Syrian State advocated by this
movement includes Lebanon, Pales-
sary. tine and Tranjordan.
Maluf, as a writer and a speaker
for the movement antagonized the
mean.ra s n -Ahni Q

Tacoma Span
Longest In

Was Third

Dr. Slavin, Catholic Professor,
Will Give Nature Of Man' Talk

TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 7.-OP)-The
third longest single suspension span
in the world, the new $6,400,000
Tacoma Narrows Bridge, cracked upJ
and fell with a roar 190 feet into
Puget Sound today after swaying
crazily in a high wind. It had a
center span of 2,800 feet.
The bridge's last occupant, Leonard
Coatsworth, a Tacoma News-Tribune
reporter, leaped from his automobile
after the first cable broke.
Design Termed Radical '
The failure of the bridge strongly
indicates the impracticability of the
present plan for the proposed Mack-
inac Straits bridge, according to
Prof. James B. Cissel of the civil en-
gineering department, former con-
sulting engineer for the Straits
Bridge Authority.
The Tacoma bridge, according to
Professor Cissel, was a radical de-
parture from accepted bridge design,
as it incorporated an extremely high
width to length ratio of one to 72.
The proposed Straits bridge would
embody an even higher ratio of one
to 90. The Golden Gate bridge at
San Francisco has a ratio of one
to 48.
Admittance Hearing
Will Be Tomorrow
The open hearing of the cases of
the 12 students who last summer
were requested not to return to the
University for the current year. will

IKreutzer Sonata' Marts Run
In Lydia Mendelssohn Today

Dr. Robert J. Slavin, professor of
philosophy at the Catholic University
of America in Washington, D. C. will
conclude the lecture series sponsored
by the Student Religious Association
on "The Nature of Man' with an ad-
dress beginning at 8:15 today in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Last year he made a study of edu-
cational systems throughout Europe
and contrasted them to those preva-
lent in the United States.
In recent years he has led much
discussion and controversy as a mem-
ber of the neo-Thomists, scholars ad-
hering to the precepts of Thomas
Aquinas. The educational experiments
of the University of Chicago and of
St. John's College have been analyzed

The French film "Kreutzer Sona-
ta," which combines Beethoven's great
music with Tolstoy's famous novel
of the same title, opens 8:30 p.m. to-
day at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre for a two-day run.
Sponsored by the Art Cinema
League, the picture will star Pierre
Renoir, Gaby Morlay and Jean Yon-
nel, well-known European actors, in
a story of Russian life at the time
of the Czarist regime. Tickets for
the performances tonight and to-
morrow evening may be had by call-
ing Albert Stutz, Grad., manager of
Art Cinema, at 4620, or at the Men-
delssohn box office before each show-
ing. All seats will be reserved, and


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