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November 06, 1940 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-06

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'Outdoor' Togs
Can Be Smart
And Practical
Knee-Highs, Skirt And Jacket;
Slack Suits Are Ideal Costumes
For November Evening Outings
With the beginning of November
comes ice and snow and chill-
blains. - At least we think they
will be here, so standing on our mot-
to like a true girl scout, we say, "Let
us be prepared."
To forget my hayfever for a mo-
"ment and to concentrate on what I
will wear to the hayride this week-
end. Almost anything warm and cozy
will be fine. To be both stylish and
comfortable the ideal costume would
be scarlet knee-highs, or selfix, as
they are scientifically termed, with
a warm looking plaid and a comfort-
able machinaw. Mittens and head
scarfs would not be amiss on these
frosty nights we've been having late-
ly. Another tricky combination might
be done in plaids and plains - a
pair of natty plaid knee-highs with
"laid scarf and mittens and neutral
shade short flared skirt and boxed
Ski Suits Popular
Peihaps not so fashionable, but
more practicable than knee-highs
and short skirts, is the perennial
ski-suit. It keeps the legs warm and
keeps the hay out at the same time.
Ski-suits may be either one or two
piece, but we especially like a fit-
ted one piece number in royal blue
with a zipper up the front and down
the side of the legs. It has been worn
with maize or orange accessories.
She's a brunet.
If your ride plans to stop some-
here in town afterwards it might
well to conserve on bright, colors
d practicability and take a middle
.course, which would consist of sports
coat or a three piece suit.
Other Outfits Named
For other occasions, here are sug-
gestions. Marge is going roller skat-
ing, so she ought to wear knee-highs
with her plaid skirt and her sweat-1
er set. Kit and her No. 1 are going
hiking in the country, so she should
be told the same thing, with the
alternate of net stockings (to conserve
on runs), anklets, saddle shoes, and
fall suit. She does have an adorable
plaid jacket that goes well with
neutral shade skirts, which she might
Last, but not least, is Louise, who is
ing bicycling with the Dorm social
mittee to try and find some spot
the country where we can go some,
ark night and get decorations for
ur fall party. For a scouting trip of
his kind, we suggest something in
ine of slacks or cullottes. Either onet
will do, and Louise has almost decid-
ed to wear her new man-tailoredl
slack suit, of which she is very proud
- proving that it isn't only for men4
thiat we women dress.-
The slack suit of her pride is made
of glen plaid, with the accent on
blue, and tailored within an inch ofl
her masculine companions. It isi
belted with a narrow strip of tani
leather and tiny pleats at the waistc
insure a smooth fit.

Slacks Do Double Duty

Sweaters Keep
Favored Role
Angoras And Brilliant Colors
Are Dear To Hearts Of Women
Sweaters are still the favorite
standby of college women in spite of
various attempts on the masculine
side to alienate us from them; and
what we have yielded in length we
have made up for in quantity.
The abundance of shetland wool
this year has made possible a really
good collection of sweaters for much
less than it could have been done
any other year. They can be had in
both light and heavy weaves and are
equally attractive either way. How
about a pullover, loosely knit shet-
land -- it has that hand knit look.
It takes an experienced eye to tell
one from a real Brooks Brothers
Angora Still Here
Angora still sneaks into our ward-
robes in spite of men's objections.
The sweaters come in all sorts of soft
colours that are fatal to any resis-
Colour is a very important factor
in choosing your sweater. Be sure that
you are going to be able to match
that orchid beauty to your skirt ward-
robe before you succomb to it. This
year's favorite is flaming red. Noth-
ing seems quite so eye-catching as
a red Brooks with a ,Scotch plaid
skirt swirling beneath it. A rich brown
looks good and is a perfect setting
for your pearls or current dickie fad.
Pockets Are New
Something new in sweaters is real-
ly news, and we seem to have it this
year. Pockets are here with a ven-
geance, and are very useful stuck
squarely on both fronts of a cardi-
gan. They are usually bound in gros-
grain ribbon to match that up the
front. And speaking of the conven-
tional ribbon up the front, we have
seen some startling new ideas. Put
little colourful Scottie dogs between
the buttons, or make the whole rib-
bon a zip of plaid.
For a final touch to your collection,
add one of those sleeveless ribbed
vestees, with a; V-neck. They look
really super over a white long sleeved

Good grooming
Of Fingernails
Is Important

European Develoments Move
Fashion Center To]



One's fingernails are usually an
indicator of one's grooming, and so
they must be kept in good condition
at all times.
There are certain definite don'ts to
be observed when you are fixing your
nails. First of all remember that
at no time should nails look at though
they are pointed enough to do a nice
job of slitting cardboard. Nails should
also be kept so that the tip of the
finger is just slightly below the end
of the nail. But probably the most im-
portant don't is don't forget to keep
your nails clean. Dean Alice Lloyd
stated, "College women at Michigan
used to be over-dressed, but now
they are getting sloppy.." So don't
be sloppy about your nails. They are
usually one of the first things that
a person notices.
Medium Shade Is Best
Bloody red nails are even less pop-
ular for school wear than for date
wear. It is an easy thing for you to
hit a happy medium in the color you
use with all the different shades of
polish on the market. However, do
dress up your nails with polish as it
not only improves the appearance of
your nails, but also covers up any
scars on them.
When applying polish it is a good
idea to leave about one-sixteenth of
an inch at the top to avoid unneces-
sary wearing away of the polish. For,
this little space makes it more diffi-
cult for the polish to come off. To
protect the polish even further, a
coat of plain liquid polish may be
applied. Don't forget though that your
nails need fresh air as much as your
skin and you should give them a
chance to breathe about one day
in every week.
Pearly Finish Adds Lustre
One new polish which is attracting
quite a bit of attention is the pear-
ly finish polish. This type adds ex-
tra lustre to your nails and gives
them, as the polish name implies,
a pearly finish.

Many revolutionary upheavals are i
being caused by the present European tl
war, but the outstanding change t
which has affected the American ax
style-conscious world has been the th
moving of the world fashion center h
from Paris to New York. fi
For many years Parisian designers ea
have dictated to American women m
the current vogue of fashion. It was H
always accepted as traditional. Amer- p
ican modified form with little dis-
sension. New York and other metro-
politan stylers looked to Paris and
often to London for the decree of the
season, seldom daring to put on the
market their own original large-scale
designs, except in the field of sports
clothes where America First has been
the rule. Young American designers
had slight opportunity for recogni-
Paris Has Been Loser
While Paris has been the loser of
this very profitable business, New
York has been the winner for it is
in the skyscraper city that most of
the continental trade in fashion has
settled. Besieged by this sudden new
demand for new styles and designs,
America has admirably withstood her
tests in her own independent display
of fashion this season.
American Creators Sought
American designers have come into
their own. For the first time in this
country's history manufacturers are
seeking home designers, many of
whom they' may popularize by fea-
turing their labeled creations
The many new young designers
who have found the revolutionizing
fashion industry a literal blessing for
their futures are having their names
splashed before the women of the
United States in fashion advertise-
ments and stores throughout the
From among the, mere 130 million

Mpersonal citizens of this country Zelma Golden, Will Saunders, Karen
.hey have become known personali- Stark, Bertha Altholz and Pat War-
ies. Restrictions have been lifted re.
nd they now have a chance to show Each of these designers has charac-
heir stuff. The fall season in fashion ter in silhouette and color. Their de-
as been a talent show and many signs are new. not extreme and wear-
nds have been made. New names able. They use American fabrics.
asting their shadows over the glim- While some of them in the past have
nering field of fashion include Vera been nameless to the customer, never-
lost, Frances Troy Stix. Charles Cop- the-less they have been creating
er, Fritzie Hannah, Vera Jacobs, clothes for smart women for years.
All Furs AIModelcd are Exclusive fron Zwerdilngs
To All Attending Fashion Fantasy
anld 4an
to p a,/iciac ii inour 37th Anniversary.
Zwerdling Building
215 - 217 E. Liberty

This corduroy slack-suit, in any
color, is' grand for either lounging
or for sports. The butcher-boy jack-
et adds a casual note to the suit.



Is Keynote To New
Styles For Co-eds
For every hour in the day, there's
something new in shoes. Comfort,
style, and novelty - that's the key-
First thing, these cool mornings,
you'll want to slip your toes into
some of those soft, warm. bunny
snugglers, or the brand-new chenille
Chariot shoes, which come high over
the instep, with openings in the sides
'and toes.
Materials for new sport shoes in-
clude leather combinations of suede-
and-leather, pinto-pony, which gives
a brushed effect, alligator and sturdy
buffalo-skin. English brogues and
other oxfords come in solidcolors.
"casual strollers," in calfskin, are
becoming increasingly popular.
"Bump" Toes Are Flattering
For more dressy occasions, we find
"antique finish," in soft-red-brown
shoes with bows and "bump toes."
Suede or alligator, combined with
leather, are among most popular ma-
terials. Brand-new is the rich-looking
"antique finish," in soft red-brown
leather. High heels find close com-
petitors in open wedgies and casual
"keg" heels. Decorated or transpar-
ent "plastic" heels add novel touches
to some of the newest fall styles.
Evening slippers are gay in gold
and silver metals, with all sorts of
heels, from low wedgies to high plas-
tics. But after the ball is over, 'or
to comfort weary feet, slip on some
of those new gaily embroideredsock-
slippers for luxurious gossiping.



economy and style.



_ - .-
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...... ........ .

SMART for Grandma?
CERTAINLY! But you'll have to admit that bouncing
bustles and whalebone corsets are just a mite "dated" and
definitely "out of it." Modern American girls want modern
American clothes . . . designed with an eye for style, beauty
and practicality. Coats - both casual and dressy, all-
occasion frocks, date dresses, your favorite sweaters and
skirts, breathtaking formals - together with color-cued
accessories will be shown by The Elizabeth Dillon Shop at the
Presented by:
'The Michigan Daily and Ann Arbor Merchants.
THURsDAY, Nov. 7th at 4:15 P.M.
Bill Gail's Orchestra



24 M (E RI}l -1r

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* Poker Chip Face Powder. A
shade that gives a perfect
background for Poker Chip
make - up. Lucien Lelong's
famous texture. $I

Watch for
The Daily Fashion Show
Thurs., Nov. 7



Poker Chip Red Li pstick.
Lucien LeLong's dashgin
new shade for Fall. In the
red, white and blue "Poker
Chip" Box. $1

s Poker Chip Dusting Powder.
Fragrant, delicious dusting
powder in Lucien Lelong's
brilliant new fragrance. $2

a £4 f aP

/ I

Tailspin Perfninue. Lucien
Lelong's brilliant new fra-


4 oz. $3.75

Tailspin Cologne. Lelong's
scintillating fragrance in a
colorful Poker Chip con-
4 ozs. $2.00 8 ozs. $3.00

t'T ./
. ---

It's the biggest year for American-designed clothes . . . and the
talented Americans who created them. American originals, Ameri-
can classics, with all the freshness and youth of America herself,
are fashioned especially for American moderns, attuned to their
American way of life. Whether you're from the deep S'uth, the
wide open spaces, or either coast, you'll want to see these creations
at the Collins Shop and at the Michigan Daily Fashion Show.


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