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November 05, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-05

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Michigan 3rd
In Associated
Press Standing
Minnesota Passes Irish
To Take Second Place;
Texas A.&M. In Fourth
NEW YORK, Nov. 4.-(P)-Mid-
western elevens st ll are breathing on
Cornell's neck in the 1940 football
ranking race, but this week it is
Minnesota's Gophe s who have dis-
placed the Irish of Notre Dame as
closest pursuers of the all-conquer-
ing Ithacans.
The fifth of the weekly Associated
Press ranking polls, with 178 foot-
ball experts throughout the country
participating, finds Cornell on top
as it has been since the start of the
season. The Big Red, three games
away from its second successive sea-
son without defeat, was placed first
on 119 ballots and second on 24 for
1,560 points.
Gophers Win Close One
But the way Minnesota has worked
its way through a tough schedule-
winning close ones, perhaps, but win-
ning every one-put the Gophers in
second place, only 140 points away.
The Bernie Bierman powerhouse,
runnerup ,in first-place votes with
18, was ranked second by 72 of the
experts as it piled up 1,420 points.
Just as last week, when they came
through by the margin of an extra
point over Northwestern, the Gophers
stand the best chance of improving
their position and the greatest risk
of ibeing knocked down this coming
week-end. They will meet a Mich-
igan team that, like Northwestern,
also comes up to this contest unde-
feated and untied, with the added
advantage of a week's rest. The
Wolverines, as a week ago, are given
third place.
Aggies Meet Mustangs
Two other decisive games next
Saturday will involve members of the
"First Ten." Texas A. and M., up
from fifth place to fourth, will take
its string of 17 straight victories into
action against Southern Methodist,
undefeated, tied only by Pitt, and
ranked 14th.
While Minnesota was being boost-
ed from fourth to second this week,
Notre Dame skidded down the ladder
from runnerup to seventh, back of
Tennessee and Stanford. The Irish
looked anything but great in barely
beating Army, but may climb again
if they can bounce back to keep their
slate clean against a Navy team
which out-statisticked but neglected
to outscore Penn last Saturday.
Leaders Look Safe
For the rest of the leaders Satur-
day's assignments look less arduous.
The word from Ithaca is that Con-
nell may try to better Penn's 50-7
score against Yale; Tennessee can
take a virtual vacation aganst South-
western; Boston U. hardly is in a
class with Boston College; Georgtown
shouldn't have any trouble getting
by Maryland to make it 23 without a
loss, and Northwestern, only first-
tenner which has been beaten, should
get back on the winning track against
Illinois. .
This, incidentally, is quite a season
for streaks. In adidtion to George-
town's 23-game string, Cornell has
come through 17 games with only one
tie; Texas A. and M. has won 17 in
a row, and Tennessee, not counting
post-season games, has won 28 in
succession since losing 13-7 to Van-
derbilt in 1937.
The standing (points figured on
10-9-8-7-6, etc. basis.) First-place
votes in parentheses:

don wirtehafter's

Captain Evashevski Will Play
Against Minnesota Saturday

Sports Prognosticators Overlook
Michigan'sSoftSpoken Kelto

OS.U. Blues* *
I hate to believe rumors, especially
this one.
Over the airwaves yesterday came
the announcement that it was Ohio
who charged Tom Harmon was ineli-
gible because of his participation on
a quiz program about three weeks
Not that I am worried about the
charge. No, Major Griffith of the
Big Ten had already informed the
world that the Michigan All-American
was clear and able to finish his ca-
According to the Commissioner,
"Harmon did not show up on invi-
tation and was not advertised as a
participant. He did not violate our
conference rule which prohibits our
boys from broadcasting on a spon-
sored program."
Griffith pointed out that as far as
he knew,the whole question had been
settled "to the satisfaction of all con-'
ference authorities."
No, it's not the charge that in-
furiates me. It's merely the rumor
that Ohio State was responsible for
making it.
As far as I'm hconcerned, if any
school in the Conference made such
a charge, I would point to the Colum-
bus lads as the first on my suspicion

of the paper's most outstanding col-
umn picked 17 out of the 20 games.
In second place was a comparitive
unknown, a chap named Harmon,
who guessed sixteen correctly. Trail-
ing far behind were our corny city
editor, who yelpsabout playingcfor
keeps in his messy column Sunday,
and Evashevski, the so-called brains
of the Michigan football team.
My office will be open all day to-
morrow for contributions from my
three unworthy opponents.
Swim Championships
1941 National Collegiate Swimming
championships will be held March 28
and 29 at Michigan State College's
new pool, R. B. Daubert, swimming
coach at the college, announced to-
The University of Michigan team
will defend the title it won last year,
at Yale.

Operation Is Cancelled
After Conference Of
(Continued from Page 1)
other medical men called into the
case. The shoulder had been chipped,
"probably before the California
contest and was loosened when
he threw a block in front of Tom
Harmon as the Michigan star was re-
turning one of Quaker Frank Rea-
gan's punts.
The new decision puts Evashevski
back into the same situation he was
in early last week, with only a should-
er bruise to shake off to be ready
for action. Crisler stated that his
quarterback "ought to be ready, but
I don't know for how long." That
the shoulder will require surgery af-
ter the season is over is doubful.
The Michigan captain was even
more optimistic than his coach. He
said that he expected the shoulder

to be "100 pe cent" healed by Sat-'
urday. He hasn't been doing any
blocking since the Penn game, and
Crisler stated he wasn't able to say
when Evashevski would be allowed
to take part in scrimmage. He has
been limited to conditioning exer-
cisesduring the last week's prac-
tice sessions, and the shoulder must
be "completely healed" before he can
do contact work.
Another Wolverine regular, guard l
Milo Sukup, was put on the hos-
pital list Sunday night. Sukup is on
a special diet at the University Hos-
pital in an attempt to shake persis-
tent symptoms of a brain concussion
received in the Illinois game. A report
issued early last evening said there
had been no improvement as yet.
If the symptoms have not disap-
peared by the end of the week, Sukup
will not be in the lineup against Minn-
Dr. Hammond declared that there
is a possibility that his trouble may
clear up at any time, and the diet
is an attempt to hurry his recovery.

In various and sundry superlative
forms, reams of publicity have been
dished out concerning the doings and
members of the Wolverine front wall.
Nevertheless, one man has been con-
tinually ignored or just passed up as
ordinary copy. He is Reuben Kelto,
soft spoken, large proportioned tackle
from Bessemer.
Kelto played high school football
at Bessemer under Bob Reihsem.
While at Minnesota, Reihsem played
guard on the same line with Clarence
Munn, Wolverine line coach. To
complete this amazing sequence of
events, the Coach of that Minnesota
team was Fritz Crisler. So. indirect-
ly our fine Finnish friend had a
head start, in the understanding of
the kind of football the Michigan
coaches expect and demand from
their varsity players.
Kelto is a quiet, likeable sort of
fellow who plays a brand of football
quite different from that which his
personality would lead you to ex-

pect. He has a fast charge and is
very hard to move from his territory.
He is not liable to be sucked in or
mouse-trapped as he instinctively
plays a conservative game. Neverthe-
less, he varies his play to the extent
that an opponent can't label him, or
stereotype him as a certain type of
offensive or defensive tackle.
Line Coach Clarence Munn, who is
closer to, and knows more about the
Rube than anyone else, has this to
say: "Kelto is one of the hardest
working lineman on the whole squad.
He's invariably one of the first men
out to practice every night, and I can
always count on him 100 per Gent."
Kelto only played a short while
during the Penn game because of a
slight, but bdthersome shoulder in-
jury. Yet when he was in there he
was really on the ball. It was Kelto
who recovered Dutcher's fumble on
the Penn 6 yard line that directly
led to Michigan's first touchdown.
This big tackle will be playing
plenty of ball against Minnesota,
Northwestern and Ohio State.





For haven't they done enough al-
No school could possibly.make such
a fool of itself. Last week the Bucks
stuck their necks out by charging
that Cornell coach Snavely had wig-
wagged a cylinder from the Red
bench to aid his quarterback. Ath-
letic Director St. John made the state-
ment, which made the matter even
They should have kept their
mouths closed after the Charley
Maag situation in the Purdue game.
Of course, you all remember how
Schmidt injected his veteran
tackle into the lineup to place kick
the winning points after Maag had
been taken out earlier in the same
After that and the Cornell charge,
we'd really hate to see the Buckeyes
starting trouble again by calling Har-
mon ineligible.
They can't possibly be that bad.
* * *
We are proud to announce that the
winner of the football guessing game
contest Saturday was none other
than the Daily Double. That inimi-
table sports editor who is the author
I w




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