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October 30, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-30

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J-Hop Elections
Lack Representation


Edited and managed by students of the University 0o
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.40: by mail, $450.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

LAST YEAR, approximately at this
same time, a number of students
were elected to posts on both the J-Hop and
Soph Prom committees. In no case did any can-
didate receive more than 39 votes and in one
instance a contestant was elected with 11.
There were three reasons for this undesirable
condition. (1) The voting was conducted for
only a short period of time in the afternoon;
(2) the voting was done in certain rooms of
campus buildings rather than in open and more
accessible spots; (3) the system of proportional
representation was not used.
TODAY another election for dance committees
will be held and from all indications the
same thing that happened in 1939 will happen
again. And, unfortunately, this system enables
any student who can get together 20 or 30 friends
to get into office-clearly not as a representa-
tive of a cross-section of the opinion of his class.
A tip could well be taken by the sponsors of
this election from the Student Senate. In that
election balloting goes on from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
all over the campus and students cannot help
but see a place to cast their vote. In addition
the publicity accompanying the Senate race
constantly reminds them to vote.

Hervie Haufler . .
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky . .
Howard A. Goldman . .
Laurence Mascott . .
Donald Wirtchatter .
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman.
Business S
Business Manager .
Assistant Businiess Manager .
Women's Business Manager
Womenn's Advertising Manager

Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
. . City Editor,
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
. Women's Edior
*Exchange Editor

N ADDITION, if the dance committee elections
were worked under the Hare system of pro-
portional representation more votes would be
needed to choose a candidate and a better idea
of campus opinion would be received.
It's too late now to do anything about today's
race but we sincerely hope in the future that
something will be done about a system which
enables one to get into office by merely "drag-
ging 15 or 20 friends to the polls."
- Alfred P. Blaustein


Aigler Promises
Non-Partisan Talk..

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

. .

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Senator Brown ..
TISS BROWN, who 'comes to Ann
Arbor this afternoon to discuss issues of the cur-
rent Presidential campaign before the Michigan
Forum, is a great American and Democrat. That
he has agreed to come here and speak at the
Union today is to the credit of the Forum. And
students and townspeople should feel especially
fortunate this year, for Senator Brown's address
will round out the presentation locally of the
arguments of all three leading Presidential can-
didites, delivered in the Socialist and Republi-
,can cases by the candidates themselves, and
now in behalf of the New Deal Democrats by
Michigan's second senator in point of years of
Students this year are able to examine the
issues more closely, to hear them first-hand
from the men who formulate them. That is why
the doubts in the minds of many were lessened
by the timely speeches here of Wendell Willkie
and Norman Thomas who should be able to
explain their positions better than others more
remote from the real campaign. But, the Pres-
ident himself has so far declared himself too
busy directing the defense program to find time
to venture far from Washington. It is therefore
fortunate that we have one as close to the Ad-
ministration as Senator Brown to. present the
New Deal's reasons for perpetuating itself.
Senator Brown's position has usually been
close to that of the President, but he opposed
the Court-packing scheme. He again deviated
from the position of the Nevy Deal when he voted
against. conscription in the Senate recently,
and thus gained the admiration of many stu-
dents who also opposed it. His support of the
New Deal's social and economic measures has
also gained him wide acclaim.
THE DAILY is proud to welcome democratic,
Democrat Senator Prentiss Brown to Ann
-Alvin Sarasohn

PAIGN has so many highly complex
aspects that poor John Q. Public and his young
cousins, Joe and Josephine College, are having a
rather difficult time even recognizing the elec-
tion issues.
Striving to clear up any befogged issues and
to explain away any obscurities in the stands
of the Democratic and Republican parties, the
University of Michigan Republican Club is spon-
soring a non-partisan discussion of "The Issues
of the Campaign" by Prof. Ralph W. Aigler at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
Professor Aigler's talk 'is to be based upon in-
formation he gained serving as interlocutor for
the series of quiz programs recently held in the
country courthouse. He hasadequate basis for
a completely objective, non-partisan, presenta-
tion of the issues.
Perhaps the discussion will not be completely
objective, but, at any rate, we are promised a
totally non-partisan talk. If it materializes as
promised, it will be an excellent opportunity for
the new voter to obtain a broad view of what
the campaign is all about, as seen through the
summarizing eyes of an experienced man.
Such an iopportunity should not be neglected
nor overlooked. And the Club deserves recogni-
tion for trying to give us such a chance to learn
about the campaign issues.
- William H. Newton
Praise For Slosson
To the Editor:
Slosson for fighting what appears to be a
losing battle for the cause of peace.
The fact that the peace after World War I
failed to be permanent is no reason for shying
away from any future peace we may have the
opportunity to make. Rather we should examine
why the last one failed in order that the next
one may succeed.
America does not want war, and yet she has
had no small part in bringing on the present
conflict that threatens to engulf her. She helped
stamp out the fire in Europe in 1918, yet when
it came to building and keeping up a fireproof
structure to prevent future outbreaks, America
let "party politics'-preferring Senator Lodge's
way to President Wilson's-keep her out of the
most promising attempt in history to end war
as a means of settling quarrels, the League of
Nations. Few individuals would be foolish
enough to pay a very dear price for an article in
a store and then leave it lying on the counter.
Yet as a nation we paid out countless millions
in human lives and property in the first World
War and then left the peace we bought so dearly
lying on the counter in Europe.
AND AS IF it weren't enough o a handicap
to permanent peace to have one of the
strongest nations in the world refuse to partici-
pate in the League, America refused to cooperate
with it either. When the first sparks of World
War II started to glow in Ethiopia, the League
of Nations tried to stamp them out by applying
sanctions and embargoes against Italy. But the
United States enhanced her profits by selling oil
and other war essentials to Italy at that time.
If this World War II proves anything it proves
that a lasting world peace cannot exist without
world participation and cooperation. So I say
with Professor Slosson: "Suppose for a change
that we make a peace this time-and stick
with it." - Another American Inhabitant
tinent. The recent Axis treaty mentions neither
of these alternatives.

by mGscott
Editor's Note: Tom Goodkind, a junior on the
Garg staff, is writing this column today. His pres-
ence on the Garg perhaps explains his following
disillusionment. On his appreciation of "Foreign
Correspondent," however, we vehemently disagree.
TE SAW a picture the other day, a new and
different activity for Ann Arbor, that
brought to mind, only too sharply, a dream that
we have cherished for years. Ever since "Fror<
Page," we have gallantly clung to this ideal, and
every time we see a movie about newspapermen,
we feel a touch of nostalgia and regret. The pic-
ture in question is Alfred Hitchcock's extremely
well-done "Foreign Correspondent" that is both
exciting and timely. In case you haven't had
the good luck to see it, its title tells the story
The chief character is a very handsome guy
(Joel McCrea in real life) who lands the foreign
correspondent's job because of a quirk in his
editor's nature. He hasn't much of a nose for
news, but he falls into a scoop situation that
would make the heart of Henry Luce or Ray
Ingersoll skip three beats. He is surrounded with
spies, lunatic diplomats, beautiful women, and
the romantic settings of London and Amster-
dam. As I said, he is dumb, but he's lucky and
The Movie Type
W E HAVE always wanted to be such a charac-
ter, the kind of a guy that never buys his
own cigarettes or beer, yet has such charm, fi-
nesse and technique that people are honored to
let him sponge off them. We want to be able to
fall into remarkable situations that spell
S-C-O-O-P with the ease and dexterity that
these celluloid maestros do. We want to be able
to handle the most ticklish circumstances with
the required amount of grace and finesse. But
most of all, we want to possess the irresistible
joie de vivre that our hero has. As a matter of
fact, we'd like to meet such a reporter some time.
Most of them are of the type that you spot in a
crowd as clerks or cashiers or petty business
men. They all lack that essential--glamour; es-
pecially the one foreign correspondent we know.
He is a rather seedy looking individual who wears
glasses and is prematurely bald. He wears dark
blue or light gray suits and plants his fedora
squarely on top of his head. His apartment, at
least his apartment in Paris, was in a nice quiet
pension at least three blocks from the nearest
bistro. Though he seems drab his 'lifehas been
quite exciting, at least during the past year and
a half, for, during this time, he covered Norway,
Finland and Berlin by radio for NBC. Yet, he's
really just a guy with an average sense of humor
and an average capacity for beer.
Glamorous Reporters
AS FOR domestic material, the typical political,
criminal, or sports reporter isn't even a lug.
Most people think that if a person's a reporter,
he either has to be glamourous in the sense that
he wears Harris Tweeds, or else he has to be
down and out living on chili con carne and black
coffee. Think of the most average person you
know, that person that is the incarnation of the
neutral in American life. That's your reporter.
The only difference is that he's a hard drinker.
But what the hell, when a fellow has to work
fifty-five hours a week at twenty-five bucks per,
which is tops for most reporting jobs, he doesn't
have much time or money in which or with
which he can make merry and be well-dressed,
so he resorts to Bourbon and ginger ale for his
relaxation. They know a lot of people that we
would like to know, but human nature is the
same all around. The only difference is that
John L. Lewis is head of the CIO, and you aren't.
He's human, too.
Reporters' Salary
THE FUNNY THING IS, that, even with the
American Newspaper Guild, reporters' sal-
aries are remarkably low for the service they
give. We know a case of the only reporter on

the United Press staff that was in Spain during
a large part of the Civil War. He and his wife
had to make their living on thirty-five bucks a
week. And that didn't mean an unlimited ex-
pense account.
That's why we felt that nostalgia at "Foreign
Correspondent." Here was a supposedly typical
lug reporter who had the good luck to become
a foreign ace. He flashed across the scene in
the latest Brooks Broth'ers' models. His luck in
landing and handling a scoop was marvelous.
We hope that some day we'll be able to do the
same things. We hope that people will flock
around us bearing tributes of cigarettes or beer.
We hope that fate will present us with a series
of stories that will knock the public's eye out
while we become national heroes in getting them.
Yes, we have all kinds of hopes, but our chances,
as well as yours, of gaining success along this
route are nil.
The City Editor's
At least you don't have to go to prison now to
get a number. The government takes care of it
without even your asking.
There's no significance, probably, to the fact
that the first draft number in 1940 was 158 and
in 1917 it was 258-just one hundred more.
One Detroit reporter has objected to Tom
Harmon as an all-American because his

Drw Pe
EXPERTS who have been following
the tin prdblem, hoping for U.S.
independence in this vital commod-
ity, groaned when Jesse Jones made
public the terms of the new agree-
ment to obtain tin ore from Bolivia
Instead of making a clean-cut agree-
ment to obtain ore, Jones permitted,
a clause to be introduced which
would surrender the ore to Britain,
and leave the United States' almost
as dependent on British smelting as
After weeks of discussion, the:
Metals Reserve Company (subsidiary
of RFC) agreed with four Bolivian
producers and the Bolivian Govern-
ment to obtain tin ore sufficient to
smelt 18,000 tons of fine tin a year.
This is only about one-third of U.S.
requirements, but it was a good be-
ginning, and as much as U.S. smel-
teries, still to be built, could handle,
Loophole Disclosed
BUT WHEN the agreement was an-
nounced, a loophole wis dis-
closed. By it Jesse Jones agreed to
let the British take about one-third
of the tin away from us. They are!
promised "as much as 6,000 tons"
and an unnamed quantity besides.
Inside story of this proviso shows
the long arm of diplomacy. By clip-
per plane from Britain came Ernest
V. Pierce of the giant Williams, Har-
vey smeltery in Liverpool. This is a
part of the British-Patino tin monop-
oly and long has been the chief
source of U.S. tin. Pierce went to the
British Embassy, talked with Lord
Lothian, and Lothian promptly went
to the State Department.
There he pointed out that the
British must continue to have their
supply of dollars to pay for munitions
purchased here on "cash and carry"
terms. Sales of tin to U.S. are a
source of such dollar exchange, sec-
ond only to sales of Scotch whiskey.j
Britain Pays Casht
persuasive, and officials agreed
that, as long as Britain must pay
cash, she must beallowed to make
money by sales to the United States.
This, however, cuts the ground from
under far-sighted plans to establish
tin smelters in the United States.,
The Government is negotiating
with various metal companies for
construction of a smelting plant, but
all certainty of supply of ore van-
ishes if the British, when they want
it, can divert our ore from Bolivia,
smelt it in Liverpool and then sell it
back to us.
It has been in order to save the
dangerous transatlantic ocean haul
that the United States needed to1
bring her own tin ore direct from
Note-Two tin experts formerly
close to the British tin monopoly are
advisers on the National Defense
Army Camp Shows
IF CERTAIN leading advertisingj
agencies can sell the idea to Army
brass hats, the boys in camp this
winter will see star radio shows--
with glamorous movie queens, famous
comics, popular crooners and top'
bands-put on the air.
However, there is considerable dif-
ference of opinion among Army
chiefs on this novel plan. They are
agreed that the shows would be a
big hit and a morale builder, but

some of them question the commer-
cial features of the program.
If one class of sponsors, such as
cigarettes or automobiles, are al-
lowed to stage broadcasts in army
camps, they contend that others,
such as patent medicines, might de-
mand similar privileges and couldn't
fairly be refused. They also argue
that no commercial performances
should be permitted in government
Proponents of the plan retort that
this would no more imply government
endorsement of the product than if
soldiers in uniform attended the
same shows in radio stations. Also,
that it didn't matter who the spon-
sor was so long as the show was clean
and star entertainment.
Note--Civilian press aides in the
War Department are strong for the
proposal, but their military associates
are not.
On The Battlefront
RE+PS: GOP generalissimos credit
much of the Willkie ground-swell of
the last several weeks to a campaign
which has been little publicized.
They call it "extra-organization":
quiet activity carried on by thou-
sands of volunteers, many of them
It consists of house-to-house can-
vassing, telephone calls, chain letters
and local radio broadcasts. For exam-
ple: In Ohio four entirely separate
radio campaigns, each financed lo-
callyFare under way for Willkie. In
California 100 stations have been

VOL. LL No. 27.
Publication in the Daily official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University,
Student Organization: All student
organizations desiring official recog-
nition for the College Year 1940-41
should file a list of officers with the
Dean of Students in Room 2, Univer-
sity Hall on or before November 1.
This information should be made out
on forms to be obtained at the Office
of the Dean of Students and should
include the name, address and class
of each officer. Early in November a
list of all organizations which have
been given offical recognition will be
published in the Michigan Daily.
Women students wishing to attend
the Minnesota-Michigan football
game on November 9 are required to
register in the Office of the Dean of
Women. A letter of permission from
parents must be in this office not
later than Wednesday, November 6. If
the student does not go by train, spe-
cial permission for another mode of
travel must be included in the par-
ent's letter. Graduate women are in-
vit ed to register in this office.
Error in Student Directory: The
telephone number of the Phi Delta
Theta House, 1437 Washtenaw Ave.,
is 2-4551 and not 2-4451 as printed in
the Directory.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
inents and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service Examina-
tions. The last date for filing appli-
cation is November 25, 1940.
Senior Specialist in Higher Educa-
tion, salary $4,600.
Superintendent of Clothing Fac-
tory, class A, salary $3,800; class B,
salary $3,200; class C, salary $2,600.
Foreman Tailor, class A, salary
$2,300; class B, salary $2,000; class
C, salary $1,860.
Complete announcement on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12
and 2-4.
The Congress Co-operative House
has one vacancy for room and board
for this semester, and several vacan-
cies for board alone. Any student in-
terested phone 2-2143 or stop at the
house, 816 Tappan.
Applications for board are being ac-
cepted at the Robert Owen Coopera-
tive House, 922 S. State St.
Glider Club: Those who failed to
attend the membership meeting may
apply for membership at the Aeronau-
tical Engineering Dept., Room 47,
East Engineering Building. The club
is open to all students enrolled in the
University. Club operations started
Academic Notices
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 410 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m.ktoday. Mr. Amos
Newton will speak on "High Energy
Particles in Chemistry."
Chemical and Metallurgical Engin-
eering Seminar: Mr. Eugene Tsao will
be the speaker at the Seminar today
at 4:00 ,p.m. in Room 3201 East En-
gineering Building. Subject: "Equi-
liprium Conditions in the Ternary
Systems of Cadmium-Copper-Silver.'
Political Science 1 Lecture, Thurs-
day, October 31. All sections with
the lecture at one o'clock will meet in
Room 1025 Angell Hall'.
Economics 54: The make-up exam-
ination for removing incdmpletes in

Ec. 54 will be given Thursday, Novem-
ber 7, at 3:00 in Room 207 Ec.
Classes in Speech (Lip) Reading: in-
struction in speech reading for stu-
dents who are hard of hearing will be
provided at the Speech Clinic, 1007
East Huron Street, at 9:00 Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday( Thursday, Fri-

day; 10:00 Tuesday and Thursday and
11:00 Thursday. Classes are under the
direction of Professor Bessie Whitak-
er. Students who wish to avail them-
selves of this service may call the
secretary of the Speech Clinic, tele-
phone University 4121, extension 589,
Classes in Speech Correction: Rem-
edial training for a limited number
of students having speech defects is
available at the Speech Clinic, 1007
East Huron Street. Students desiring
to avail themselves of this service
may do so by calling the secretary,
University 4121, extension 589, for an
appointment. Treatment is provided
for foreign accent and all types of
speech disorders.
Student Recital: Miss Mabel Pop-
pleton, of Columbus, Ohio, will pre-
sent a recital at 4:15 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium, as partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree, Bachelor of Music, with Or-
gan as her field of concentration. This
is open to the public.
Lecture: Mr. Lee Pattison, lecturer
in music, will hold a conference for
Graduate students, juniors, and seni-
ors of the School of Music 10:00-
12:00 a.m. today in the Assembly Hall
of the Rackham Building. Subject:
"Problems of Piano Pedaggy." At
4:15 p.m. today, in the same room,
he will hold a second conference
open to the entire student body of
the School of Music, at which time
he will discuss the topic, "Symphonies
and Symphonic Music."
Dr. Robert Ellsworth Brown of Wu-
hu and Chengtu will speak on Medi-
cal Relief in China in the Rackham
Amphitheatre Thursday, October 31,
at 8:00 p.m. This lecture is spon-
sored by the Henry Martin Loud
Foundation and the publi is cordially
"Nature of Man" lecture by Rabbi
Abba Silver, o the Temple, Cleve-
land in the Rackham Lecture Hall
tonight at 8:15.
Events Today
International Center: The program
of recorded music at the Interna-
tional Center tonight, 7:30-9:00 is
as follows: Hayden's Symphony No.
99; Smetana's "The Moldav"; and
Beethoven's Quartet in F.
Interpretive comment will be made
on the program by Mr. Ivor Schilan-
Graduate Luncheon: The second of
"Know Your University" luncheons
will be held in the Russian Tea Room
of the League today at 12 noon. Grad-
uate students and faculty are cordial-
ly invited.
Classical Record program today
4:15-5:45 p.m. in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham School. All inter-
ested are invited.
Registration meeting of all people
interested in permanent positions to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural ci-
ence Auditorium. The Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation wishes that all seniors and
graduate people desiring jobs be pres-
ent at this meeting. The detailed
procedure of registration will be dis-
cussed at the meeting.
Seminar in Social Minorities meets
today at 4:15 in Lane Hall.
Seminar in Theology meets at 4:15
p.m. today in Lane Hall.
Alpha Phi Omega meeting tonight
at 8:00 in the Union.

Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law
School will analyze the issues of the
presidential election in a talk "The
Issues of the Campaign" tonight at
7:30 in the Union.
The Forum sponsored y the Amer-
(Continued on Page 6)


Russia Sits Atop
The Political Fence .. .
WHEN THE Rome-Berlin-Tokyo pact
was signed recently, Germany an-
nounced the intention of sending emissaries to
Russia immediately for negotiations. At the
time, this move was interpreted to meanthe
addition of one more power to the Axis. But as
yet, no mention has been made of initiating
Stalin into the -exclusive order of Future Czars
of the World: Could this exclusion mean that
Russia is an intended victim, or that a secret
agreement would be more amicable to Italy and
Sandwiched between the two most active Axis
members, Russia is in a crucial position both as
an ally or as an enemy. Already the Soyiet has
made several agreements with Germany and
has shared in the partition of Poland. But the
tensity created between the two nations by the
occupation of Rumania has not been lessened
by a reiteration of Russo-German cooperation.
THE SOVIET has always shared a mutual;
hostility with Italy and has repeatedly op-
posed Italian expansion in the Balkans. Russia's'

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue
Wednesday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson Rolin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast " The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Republican Comm.
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas " Evening Serenade
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade World Today Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Mr. Meek Cavalcade Carson Robison The Lone Ranger
7:45 Mr. Meek " Doc Sunshine
8:00 Question Bee Hollywood Playh'se Melody Street Quiz Kids,
8:15 Question Bee"Ito
8:30 D. Tbompson Plantation Party Observation Booth Manhattan Midnite
8:45 D. Thompson " News Ace
9:00 Fred Allen Eddie Cantor To Be Announced Yukon Challenge
9:15 Fred Allen "fOld Traveler
9:30 Fred Allen District Attorney Wheels Go Round John B. Kennedy
9:45 Fred Allen "1'toRoy Shields Orch.

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