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October 27, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-27

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Sixteen Named
On Engineerin
School Ballots
Election Will Take Place
Wednesday To Choose
Leaders For Students
A total of 16 applications for pres-
ident, secretary and treasurer of the
senir class in the Engineering Col-
lege and for freshmen representa-
tives to the Council were received
Friday by George Hogg, '41E, chair-
man of theselections committee.
Petitions for the presidency were
submitted by John P. Lord, Merrill
N. Johnson, Harry G. Drinkamer,
Stanley S. Mleczko and Douglas Jeff-
rey. In the balloting, from 9 a.m.
to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, two votes
will be awarded to the first choice
candidate and one to the second with
the runner-up being awarded the
Only two candidates were selected
to run for secretary and two for
treasurer. William E. Vollmer will
oppose Jerome N. Mecklenberger for
the former post and Charles A. Ker-
ner will run against Harold E. Brit-
ton for the latter.
Engineering Council candidates,
who will be chosen at the freshman
assemblies at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Wednesday, are Erwin L. Coveney,
David Wehmeyer, Lawrence Kelley,
John Thomas, Jack Huston, John C.
Guinness and Merrill Bigelow.
First Concert
Will Be Give n
ThorJohnson To Conduct
Symphony Orchestra
With Prof. Thor Johnson of the
School of Music as conductor and
Prof. Palmer Christian, University or-
ganist, as guest soloist, the 85-piece
University Symphony Orchestra will
present their first concert of the year
at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditor-
The Orchestra will open its program
with John Powell's "Natchez-on-the-
Hill" (Three Virginian Country
Dances), Op. 30, which will be fol-
lowed by Randall Thompson's "Sym-
phony No. 2 in E minor" (Allegro;
Largo; Andante moderato-Allegro

A Campaign Symiposium

(Editor's Note: With Jpe presidential
campaign entering its final torrid week,
political discussions are becoming in-
creasingly prevalent. Two conflicting
attitudes toward Wendell L. Willkie
and Franklin D. Roosevelt are herein
presented. Each contributor writes as
a private citizen, not as a member of
any institution or organization.)
By Clare E. Griffin
Dean of the
School of Business Administration
1. Because I believe in free enter-
prise in the economic sphere as the
basic and dominating force in Amer-
ican society.
I believe that Mr. Willkie whole-
heartedly accepts this basic principle.
Mr. Roosevelt and his New Deal group
have by their actions and expressed
attitudes left serious doubts in the
minds of many people of their ad-
herence to it. Both sides agree that
regulation is required but Mr. Will-
kie makes this freedom of enterprise
the cornerstone of his philosophy and
would direct regulation to the end of
a net increase of this freedom of ac-
tion, while the New Dealers (so it
seems to me) have in various degrees
lost faith in it as the central idea of
our society. The big issue of this
campaign has to my mind been drawn
and it is the age old issue of indi-
vidual enterprise versus collectivism.
2. Because I believe that produc-
tion is the basis of all prosperity
and national strength.
This is one of the oldest and most
fundamental propositions of econom-
ics. It would be equally true under
socialism or free enterprise. In this
country we rely upon free business
enterprise as the directing force to
increased production. In my judg-
ment the leader of this country
should have been hammering home
this truth as Mr. Willkie has been
doing in the last few months, and he
should have been bending every ef-
fort to encourage and stimulate pri.
vate enterprise to the end that the
sum total of goods upon which the
prosperity of all of us depends
should be increased. Instead we have
had clever schemes for reducing
production, dividing the proceeds,
rearranging the monetary system
and other bits of economic leger-
demain. One cannot disapprove of
each and every one ofdthese efforts
viewed by itself but in total they are


a sorry substitute for a statesmanlike
approach to the problem of recovery.
What this country needs for indi-
vidual prosperity and national
strength is "production and more
3. Because I believe that there are
still tremendous potential powers of
economic progress and expansion in
this country.
The New Dealers generally I be-
lieve are disillusioned and somewhat
cynical on this point. They allege
we have passed our frontiers, we have
entered a new stage of economic ma-
turity, of a static economy, that our
problem is consequently to stabilize
Iinstead of to advance, to divide what
we have, -to divide a given amount of
work by shortening hours, by starting
work later in life and stopping ear-
lier. This is a defeatist attitude. I
believe Mr. Willkie has grasped the
vision of America's possibilities and
is now inspiring millions of Amer-
icans with that faith. Critics call it
a vain and naive yearning for the
America that has gone. I regard it
as the vision of the America that
can be.
4. Because I believe that this coun-
try needs to regain its national unity.
We have been through hard times

Mr. Roosevelt, his present opponent
was opposing them to the full extent
of his ability.
3. Because of the necessity of
proven leadership at this critical
In common with many others who
are more concerned with the welfare
of the nation than with the fortunes
of any candidate or party, I feel that
the action of the Republican National
Convention in selecting a Democrat
as their standard-bearer was a com-
plete confession of a lack of leader-
ship in their own ranks. If during
the past eight years, they have been
unable to develop an outstanding
contender of universally recognized
ability, what assurance may we now
have that, in selecting a man pos-
sessing no experience in government-
al affairs, he will suddenly acquire
such qualities?
4. Because of some of the enemies
he has made.
To a full understanding of this sub-
ject it is important to consider that
many of those who oppose the Pres-
ident so bitterly, and in some cases
viciously at the present time, have
had that attitude throughout his
entire administration. They repre-
sent certain types of big business and

Stason To Address Turkish Club
Dean E. B. Stason of the law school I guest speaker.
and provost of the University will ad- The club is organized to foster
dress more than 70 Turkish students cultural and social relationships with
invited to the dinner sponsored by American students and faculty.
the Turkish student club at 6:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the Union. Di Of Gu hot Woud
Preceding the dinner all students
born in Turkey will be received at Arthur Sackson. 19, of Dearborn.
the International Center by Prof. died yesterday of gunshot wounds
Raleigh Nelson who will also be a sustained while hunting here.

r _4 1



-- -w -b~
m9 t 'rb


I -

LOST-Collie puppy strayed from
2305 Devonshire-liberal reward
for return. Phone 2-2205. 86
sheets. 100 envelopes, printed with
your name and address-$1.00.
Craft Press, 305 Maynard St. 12c
LOST-Ladies' gold Hamilton wrist
watch. Initials F. A. on back. Call
Frances Aaronson, 2-3119. Reward.

Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. Sc


LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 3c
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St. Phone 3916. 10c
SPECIAL STUDENT laundry rates
this week-shirts 14c. Ace Hand
Laundry, 1114 S. University. Call
4303. 15Sc


and we have more to come: hard for finance with whose selfish operations TYPING-L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
all classes, workers, farmers, invest- this administration could not see eye nard St., phone 5689. 9c

impOrtant New t ookS..
"Smoky House" by Elizabeth Goudge ..... 2.00
"Invitation to Live" by Lloyd C. Douglas .,2.50
"Best Plays, 1-939-1940" by Burns Mantle . . 3.00
"Give Me Liberty" by John Erskine . . . . . . .2.50
"Mexican Frieze" by Addison Burbank.3.00
"Foundation Stone" by Lella Warren . . . . . . 3.00
"The Family" by Nina Fedorova . . . . . . . 2.50
"The Fire and the Wood" by R. C. Hutchinson . . 2.50
"Audubon's America" ed. by Donald C. Peattic . 6.00
"A Treasury of the World's Great Letters"'
ed. by M. Lincoln Schuster . . 3.75
Complete Book and Supply Service

ors, business enterprisers. We should
have a leader dedicated to healing
the wounds and bringing industrial
peace. Instead we have had a delib-
erate fanning of class hatreds and a
fostering of the socialists' concept of
the class war. That concept I be-
lieve is inconsistent with the concept
of a democracy. It is consistent with
the concept of the totalitarian state.
5. Because I believe that the tra-
ditional check upon perpetuation of
power should be maintained.
Quite independently of the above
points of basic philosophy I disap-
prove of a breaking of the two-term
tradition. The power of the Presi-
dency is greater now than ever be-
fore and hence whatever force the
arguments against perpetuation of
power may have had in Jefferson's
time they are of much greater force
today. I do not raise the question of
the motives of the man who now
seeks to break this tradition. He no
doubt honestly regards himself as
indispensable. But at a time when
- both parties agree that Democracy
is at stake I cannot approve the re-
moval of a safeguard which has, at
least heretofore, been regarded as
important to the preservation of free
By George J. Burke
Local Attorney
1. Because of his attitude on mat-
ters of foreign policy.
In the judgment of most thought-i
ful observers and particularly those
who are not swayed by passion or
prejudice, Mr. Roosevelt and his
capable Secretary of State Hull have
furnished a splendid type of leader-
ship in the field of International
Relationships. Certainly is this no-
ticeable in contrast with the vague,
uncertain and often contradictory
pronouncements of his opponent on
this vital subject.
2. Because of the social gains al-
ready accomplished.
Perhaps the best endorsement that
may be given the President's pro-
gram of social legislation is that the
candidate of the Republican Party
has ratified it almost in its entirety.
This benign approval comes rather
late, however, from a party that was
in power during most of the years
when the obvious need of it should
have been apparent. Incidentally, it
may be added, while many of these
same measures were being urged by

to eye. As a result, the National Labor
Relations Act, the Wage and Hour
Law, the Securities and Exchange
Commission, and the Rural Electri-
fication Plan impinged upon what
certain of these classes had consid-
ered an interference with their di-
vine rights. The fact that such legis-
lation has served to furnish the pro-
gressive leadership and action that
business and finance itself should
have furnished, causes those groups
who were in practical control of our
government from 1920 to 1932 feel
that they have lost some of their
prerogatives. In my judgment, it is
more important in a Democracy that
government shall, within reasonable
limits, regulate business, than that
business shall operate government.
5. Because of the friends that he
has made.
The restoration to the so-called
inarticulate classes of our country of
some degree of confidence in the
knowledge that their governmentis
interested in their welfare, not mere-
ly at election time, but between elec-
tions, is a reassuring factor in the
present desperate world situation.
The attitude of these people who,
after all, will form an important part
of any defensive force in behalf of
our National Defense, is of tremen-
dous importance. The whole attitude
of this administration in connection
with aid to education, health service,
social security, and other similar
measures has, in my judgment, con-
vinced the great majority of our peo-
ple that this administration has
sought "to increase the security and
happiness of a larger number of peo-
ple in all occupations of life and in
all parts of the country."
In conclusion, it would seem the
part of doubtful wisdom to place the
administration of these measures in
the hands of an organization and a
candidate who have fought them al-
most without exception from the be-

TYPING-Experience. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave., phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 14c
VIOLA STEIN - Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
MAKER of gowns, suits and coats.
Remodeling a specialty. All work
guaranteed. Phone 3468. 18c


SEWING-Alterations ont
dresses. Relining and
mending. Phone 2-2678.
Stockwell Hall.

coats and







Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Shirts ..................... .14
Undershirts .................04
Shorts ..................... .04
Pajama Suits .............. .10
Socks, pair ................. .03
Bath Towels ............... .03
All Work Guaranteed
Also, special prices on Coeds'
laundries. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Silks,
wools are our specialty.


It's thrilling to be able to
share your college achieve-
ments first hand with the
folks back home. It's so
casy to do by telephone. And
it costs so little, especially
if you call evenings or Sun-
days, when Long Distance
rates to most points are rc-
duced. If the rate to your
home is not shown below,
see page 5 in the telephone
directory or ask "Long Dis-
tance" (dial 0),
Rates for 3-minute
night and Sunday
calls . . . Ann Arbor to:

on a HORSE
The RACING FARCE by Holm and Abbott.
(835 performances in New York)
Wednesday through Saturday nights. Oct. 30 to Nov. 2.
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office opens Tomorrow. (Phone 6300)

Prices: 75c, 50c and 35c.



Akron, 0.
Atlanta, Ga.
Bay City ...
Benton Harbor,
Big Rapids ..
Buffalo, N.Y.
Cadillac ..........
C lare ............
Coldwater ......,.
Dallas, Tex. ......
Denver, Colo.
Grand Rapids

316 South State St.

105 South Main St.

$ .45

Lansing ..

Louisville, Ky.
Marquette ..
Minneapolis, Minn.
Mt. Clemens ....
Nashville, Tenn.
New York City ....
Petoskey .........
Port Huron .......
Sault Ste. Marie ...

and a great leader is

On a call costing 50 cents or
more, a federal tax applies.


s ... .



fa ,

-.. ."

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