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October 27, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-27

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Fif~. t v Years Of N W! imu m cU".UAJ PIL'Lfqirt,(,-bn


Machiavelli' Lewis
Supports Willkie . .

Wolverines Humble Pennsylvania
s Harmon And Westfall Lead Offen
The Story In Pictures: Tom Harmon In The Clear . .. Francis Reagan Bottled Up-That's The Key To Michigan's Smashing Victory

r Over Quakers

LEFT: Harmon in the first quarter-he swept around right end for 17 yards before Pennsylvania's John
Dutcher pulled him to the ground. MIDDLE: The highly-touted Francis Reagan was caught just over the line
of scrimmage by Center Bob Ingalls. The dancing Wolverine to the left (63) is Guard Ralph Fritz. RIGHT:
Quaker Francis McKernan had to leap high to snare this fourth quarter pass from Teammate Dutcher. It was
good for a 35 yard gain. Watching Mr. McKernan's show are Tom Harmon (98) and Norman Call (55).

France Joins Axis;
Dispatch To Petain
ath Sent By_Roosevelt
Vichy Announces Pact As 'Peace' Attempt;
Hull Declines To Reveal Text Of U.S.
Note; Albanians Battle Greek Soldiers
(By The Associated Press)
VICHY, France, Oct. 26.-France moved officially into the Axis lineup in
Europe tonight with her government's announcement that Adolf Hitler and
Marshal Philippe Petain, France's chief of state, had agreed in principle
to work together to restore peace in Europe.
The announcement, endorsed by the French Cabinet, marked an historic
about-face for France and put this vanquished country on the threshold of
negotiations on concrete points of agreement with her German conquerors.
It followed a 75-minute meeting of the Vichy Cabinet where Petain and
his second in command, Vice Premier Pierre Laval, explained what they
talked about this week in conferences -

Prentiss M. Brown Scheduled
To Address Michigan Forum

A beautiful daughter and a loyal
son will greet Michigan's Democratic
United States Senator Prentiss M.
Brown, when he comes to the Mich-
igan campus to address the Michigan
Forum at 4:15 Wednesday in the
main ballroom of the Michigan Union.
The daughter is Miss Ruth Marga-
ret Brown, a graduate student in
the Department of History. The class
of '44 counts among its members the
Senator's son, James John Brown,
who is headed for a career in the field
of law.
The Senator, himself, will discuss
the issues of the current presidential
campaign when he speaks before the
Forum audience. The meeting is pairt
of a regular series of political speeches
by prominent party representatives
designed to present all possible view-
points in the coming campaign.
When asked to give a short biogra-
phy of her father, Miss Brown sat
down and with the memory of
a true historian, related the following
"My father was born and raised in
St. Ignace and began his career there
after he received his A. B. from Al-
bion College in 1911 and attended the
University of Illinois for a year as
a student of economics.
"As senator dad has supported the
New Deal fairly consistenly, though
he opposed the method used in Roose-
velt's attempt to enlarge the Supreme
Court. Reciprocal trade agreements
have received his continued support,
and he was instrumental in raising
the guarantee of Federal Deposit In-

surance from $2500 to $5000.
"Besides being on the Finance,
Banking and Currency Claims and
the Manufacturing Committees of
the Senate, father also heads a spec-
ial committee investigating reciprocal
tax relations between state and fed-
eral government instrumentalities.
"He has given his consistent sup-
port to agriculture, social and labor
policies of the New Deal.
Land Groups
End Sessions
Final Discussions Attended
By FiftyDelegates
The 11th Annual Land Utilization
Conference closed yesterday morning
with more than 50 delegates attend-
ing a general discussion session on
"Government and Business."
A majority of the delegates were
owners or workers of timberland
areas, and the much-disputed discus-
sion centered upon the effects of pos-
sible government entry into the tim-
ber industry, taking up specifically
the application and operation of
social legislation as social security
in relation to thc industry.
Speakers at the final meeting of
the two-day conference included Re-
gent J. Joseph Herbert of Manistique,
Senator George P. McCallum of Ann
Arbor and Attorney K. B. Mathews
of Ludington.

Medical Men
Will Gather
In Ann Arbor
200 Men To Represent
Eighty-Five Med Schools
At RackhamBuilding
Representatives of medical colleges,
all over the North America continent
will gather in Ann Arbor tomorrow
for the first sessions of the fifty-first
annual meeting of the Association
of American Medical colleges to be
held here tomorrow, Tuesday and
More than 200 deans and faculty
men are expected to represent 85
major medical schools.
Tomorrow's sessions will begin at
9:30 a.m. in. the Rackham Building
when Dean Willard C. Rappleye of
Columbia University College of Phy-
sicians and Surgeons speaks before
a gathering on *"The Internship."
Following Dean Rappleye's address
there will be a general discussion con-
ducted by Dean L. R. Chandler of
Stanford University Shool of Medi-
cine, Dean Currier MeEwen of New
York University College of Medicine
and Dean R. C. Cunningham of
Albany Medical College.
President Ruthven will address the
convention at a dinner to be given at
7:30 p.m. in the Union. Following the
dinner the Little Symphony and the
University Glee Club will entertain
the delegates.
Dr. C. Sidney Burwell, dean of Har-
vard Medical School, will speak at
1:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Hospital

with Hitler and Joachim Von Ribben-
trop, the German Foreign Minister.
The terse communique said merely
that Hitler and Petain had held a
"general examination of the situation
and, in particular, the means of re-
constructing peace in Europe," and
were in accord on "the principleof
Meanwhile the United States' deep
concern over the German-French ne-
gotiations was evidenced today by
disclosure that President Roosevelt
has sent a message to Marshal Henri
Phillippe Petain, chief of the French
The communication was delivered
to Gaston Henry-Haye, the French
ambassador, Thursday by Sumner
Welles, Undersecretary of State. The
fact of its dispatch was a closely-held
secret until today.
Secretary Hull, in disclosing Mr.
Roosevelt had communicated with the
84-year-old World War hero who now
heads the Vichy Government, declined
to reveal the nature of the message.
No reply, he said, had been received.
Albanians Repulse Greek
Troops, Italians Report
ROME, Oct. 26--')-Italy an-
nounced officially tonight that Al-
banian troops had fought off "armed
Greek hands" in a frontier nash on

Legislator Hits
Tfax Collecting
As Inadequate
Neller Presents Problems
At First Meet Of Tax
Research Organization
Over 400 members of the first In-
stitute on Problems of Taxation yes-
terday heard E. Jack Neller, state
representative from Battle Creek, de-
nounce Michigan's tax collection sys-
tem as one of the most decentralized
and uncoordinated in the United
"Collecting of public funds is scat-
tered illogically throughout 14 agen-
cies," according to Neller, a member
of the Committee on Reorganization
of State Finance. "From 15 to 20 mil-
lion dollars is lost to tax payers an-
nually as a result of an obsolete sys-
Neller reported the Committee as
suggesting a unified and standard-
lia cve+m o ~efnfa annmi+nc r a-

-Daly Photos by Will Sapp
1Do u ble AttackSie
Quaker Lin Dfes
Michigan poured its mighty gridiron potion over a challenging Pennsyl-
vania menace in the Stadium yesterday and smashed all doubts of its great-
ness before 59,913 howling spectators.
Capitalizing on an early break and applying the wizardy of all-American
Tommy Harmon thereafter, the undefeated Wolverines staggered George
Munger's pride of the East with a thundering 14-0 triumph.
It was Michigan's double-barreled attack that knocked Penn's vaunted
forward wall into a state of dizziness yesterday. When Harmon. wasn't
slicing off tackle or skirting the ends, fullback Bob Westfall was bolting
through the center. If one didn't gain yardage, the other did.
All told, Tornado Tom streaked 19 yards for Michigan's first score, rifled
a brilliant pass to Ed Frutig in the end zone for the second, and successfully
converted on both occasions to add eight more points to his season's total
which now has swelled to 87,
A Band Of Battering Rams
With Michigan's powerful front line, from end to end, charging like a
band of battering rams, Harmon's publicized duel with Francis Reagan never
materialized. Terrible Tom completely stole the spotlight from Penn's
heralded ace.
He out-ran, out-passed, out-punted and out-classed Reagan from begin-
ning to end. Carrying the ball 28 times, Harmon rolled 142 yards from
scrimmage, while the Quaker halfback gained but 10 yards in 12 attempts.
In passing, Harmon completed three out of eight for 51 yards. Thi's was
sufficient to hold off Reagan, who tossed home three of seven for 32 yards
with two going astray into waiting Wolverine paws.
Only in the punting department was Frank able to hold his own against
his sensational Wolverine rival. They each finished the afternoon with a
37-yard kicking average.
The Quakers were by far the toughest nut Michigan has been forced to
crack all year. On first downs, they.held the Wolverines even with 12. But
under fire, and when plays meant points, Michigan's brilliance shone through.
Within Two Yards Of Goal
In the fourth quarter, the gallant men of Munger, 14 points behind,
charged within two yards of the Wolverine goal, with two plays to score.
But a courageous Michigan line held Reagan's center-thrust without gain,
and then rushed quarterback Gene "Stinky" Davis fast enough so that the
Quaker's toss into the end zone on fourth down sailed where Westfall easily
battered it down.
Aside from that threat, however, Penn never got closer than Michigan's
18-yard line. Despite their even break on first downs, the Quakers strolled
only 130 yards along the rushing route, while Michigan plowed its way
over 223.
The Wolverine cause appeared dismal yesterday when soon after the
opening kickoff, halfback Davey Nelson was forced out of the game with a
knee injury. Then in the second quarter, seven points out of front, the
Wolverines were riddled by a barrage of disheartening breaks. First Rube
Kelto, then Al Wistert and finally Capt. Forest Evashevski were wounded in

New Deal Spokesmen Answer Lewis
As Schism Develops In CIO Ranks

The Roosevelt Administration
struck back yesterday at John L. Lew-
is' denunciation of the New Deal
and support of Wendell Willkie while
evidence piled up that a deep politi-
cal schism had developed in the CIO
Stephen Early, Presidential secre-
tary, said Lewis had "chosen to go
down the lonely road." Many CIO
leaders. Early declared, had "rendit-

itely to make a political address in
Boston next Wednesday in addition
to one Monday night in New York
then began a week-end of speech-
writing in the seclusion of the White
Willkie campaigned again into the.
New York City area, telling crowds
we are going on the march - we
are going to win. I promise you we
can't lose." Rebuhlican headaumarters

The CIO, he said, was "torn with
dissentation, divided polically be-
cause its leaders seek to compel it to
support a poiltical party." The AFL,
he added, "has evolved and followed
a non-partisan policy."
Some officials of the United Mine
Workers, foundation stone of the
CIO organization, disagreed with
TL.wis . iHrh V .Rrnw nresidint

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