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October 25, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-25

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Washington Not Opposed
To Third Terns

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication

VOL. LI. No. 23




_ IIt

Carol Of Rumania

Seeks FDR's

Tax Institute
Meets Here


In Escaping Spain


I Organizations To Hold
Initial Parley; Sadler
To Lead First Session

Petain, Hitler Talk Terms;
French May Promise
Aid To Germany, Italy
British Bombers
Cruise Over Berlin
(By The Associated Press)
LISBON, Portugal, Oct. 24 - The
exiled former King Carol of Rumania,
detained in Seville, Spain, with Red-
haired Mme. Magda Lupescu, sought
today through a faithful follower to
put himself under the "protection" of
President Roosevelt.
Jean Pangal, one time Rumanian
minister to Lisbon and now the har-
assed ex-monarch's personal repre-
sentative, asked Warden M. Wilson,
the United States Charge D'Affaires
here, to appeal to Mr. Roosevelt for
help in Carol's behalf.
Specifically requested was the Pres-
ident's intercession to induce the
Spanish authorities to allow Carol,
Madame Lupescu and his former Pal-
ace Minister, Erst Urdareanu, to
come to Portugal. They have been
promised asylum here and Carol,
in turn, has pledged himself to remain
here throughout the war and to re-
frain from all political activity.
The American legation was study-
eing the request.
French, German
Leaders Meet
BERN, Switzerland, Ot. 24 - Mar-
shal Philippe Petane, who was the
hero of Verdun when Adolph Hitler
was a corporal, met the German
today, possibly to pledge limited co-
operation with his German and Ital-
iam conquerors in their war against
his former Ally, Britain.
Reports reaching Switzerland said
the white-haired Chief of State of
France left Vichy, the little provin-
cial watering place that is serving,
this conquered nation as a capital,
clad in a "horizon blue" uniform of
the same type the Marshal wore when
he defended Verdun in the World
Diplomatic sources said his confer-
ence with the German Fuehrer was
in Paris, but. German communiques
only said they met somewhere in
For some degree of cooperation with
the Axis in the war, diplomatic
sources said, Petain's principal com-
pensation and that of his Vichy
Government, will beto carrythe tri-
color back to Paris, the center of the
world in every Frenchman's heart.
British Bombers
Cruise Over Berlin
LONDON, Oct. 24 - Heavy Brit-
ish bombers cruised over Berlin for
two hours early today, pounding
electric plants, railway yards and oth-
er targets in their 22nd foray against
the German capital, the Air Ministry
announced tonight.
The pilots said they flew squarely
through a great Anti-Aircraft bar-
rage and dodged grouped searchlights
to bomb such objectives as:
The Berliner and Klingenberg Elec-
tric plants;
Rail facilities at Tempelhif Air-
drome, the Lehrte Station, Terminal
for Hamburg and Bremen, the Pulitz
Strasse Station and the Charlotten-
burg power station.
~Black Friday'
Frosh, Sophs To Discuss
Activities, Nov. 13, 14
Meetings of the freshman and soph-

omore classes to discuss plans for
"Black Friday" have been postponed
until 7:30 a.m. Wednesday and Thurs-
day, Nov. 13 and 14, in the Natural
Science Auditorium, Jack Stover,
'42, co-chairman of the arrangements
committee, announced yesterday.
"As 'Black Friday' will be held on
Nov. 22," Stover said, "it was felt
+1, - .-. rnrin ~ rta n 1 ,,IIl A

Thor Johnson,
Students Plan
Concert Sunday
More than 80 students in thle)
School of Music will be united under
the direction of Prof. Thor Johnson
to present the first UniversitySym-
'hony Orchestra recital of the year
at 4:15 p. . Sunday in Hill Audi-
Featured as soloist of the concert
will be Prof. Palmer Christian of the
School of Music who will play the
"Concerto No. 1 in Emapor for Organ
and Orchestra" by Eric DeLamerter.
The orchestral portion of the pro-
gram will consist of John Powell's
"Natchez--on-the-Hill and the "Sym-
phony No. 2 in E minor' by Randall
rhompson. The first of these com-
prises three Virginia country dances
while the later is a conventional four
movement symphony.
An instructor in music literature,
Professor Johnson is a graduate of
both Michigan and the University of
North Carolina where he served as
assistant conductor of the Little Sym-
phony during the summers of 1935
and 1936.
In 1936 he was awarded a scholar-
ship for European study in conducting
by Frank Huntington Beebe Fund of
Prom, J-Hop
Petitions Due
AtitNoon Today
25 Signatures Required
For Nomination; Council
To Hold Election Soon
All petitions for J-Hop and Soph
Prom committees must be submitted
either at the Student Offices or the
main desk of the Michigan Union
by the stroke of high noon today or
they will not be counted as valid,
Ward Quaal, '41, president of the
Men's Judiciary Council warned yes-
Each petition must contain the sig-
natures' of 25 members of the can-
didate's class. Signatures can be sub-
mitted only on official blanks pro-
vided by the Judiciary Council.
The election itself will be conducted
Oct. 30 under supervision of the
Council. Thirteen students will be
elected to the J-Hop committee, five
of whom are to be chosen from the
Literary College; three from the En-
gineering College; and one each from
the Music, Forestry and Conservation
Architecture, Nursing and Education
. Eight students are to be elected to
the Soph Prom comittee, five from
the Literary College and three from
the Engineering College.
Every person voting in the election
is entitled to vote for but one candi-
date from his respective college or
school. Two members of both the
J-Hop and Soph Prom committees
must be girls from theL Titernrv Conl-

Extension Service
Specialists in taxation will gather
here from over the entire state to dis-
cuss tax difficulties at the first In-
stitute on Problems of Taxation, spon-
iored by the University Extension
Service in cooperation with 11 local
and state-wide organizations, to be
held tomorrow at the Rackham Build-
Ford Will Speak
After registration at 8:30 a.m., a
general session under the chairman-
ship of Prof. Walter C. Sadler, of the
civil enrineering department and
mayor of Ann Arbor, will be held.
Prof. Robert S. Ford, director of the
Bureau of Government, will lecture on
the backgrjund of the taxation prob-
lem in Michigan and Mr. Jack Neller,
state rep'esentative from Battle
Creek, will discuss the creation of a
tepartment of revenue and finance
a the state.
Detailed discussions on the variousj
aspects of the taxation problem will
be held in five sections. Sections oneE
and two will deal with types of taxesj
and sections three, four and five will
consider appropriations.
Prof. E. W. MacFarland, of WayneI
University and vice-president of the
Michigan State Federation of Teach-E
ers Clubs, will officiate at the section
on Michigan taxes other than the
property tax. Intangables and thec
sales tax will be discussed by taxc
experts and the state income tax
will be the subject of a debate. F
Consider Property Tax
Section two, with Mr. Herbert A.
Olson, director of the Michigan Mu-
nicipal League, as chairman, will con-
sider the property tax in Michigan
and the fifteen-mill limitation. E
"Needs and Standards that Should
Govern in Apportioning State Funds
to Schools" will be the topic of Sec-_
tion three with Dean James B. Ed-
monson of the education school pre-
siding. Three speakers will discuss
the question from the viewpoint of
the small school, the large school
and labor.
Health needs and welfare are to
be treated in Section Four over which
Dr. James D. Bruce, vice-president,
and chairman of the Division of Ex-'
tramural Services, will preside.
Present Revue
Lifelike puppets, sophisticated lyr-
ics, original music-these are the
elements that distinguish the Yale
Puppeteers' shows from the run-of-
the-mill marionette shows.
Their revue, to be presented here
at 8:30 p.m. tonight and tomorrow in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 'dis-
cards the usual attempts to main-
tain an illusion of reality as the pup-
peteers cast aside the curtains and
permit the audience to share in the
fun of the production techniques.
An innovation on this, their 12th
and last tour, is the tabloid musical
comedy, "My Man Friday," an adap-
tation of the Defoe masterpiece, "Rob-
inson Crusoe."
Included also in this performance
called "It's A Small World" will be
the usual lampooning of celebrities,
although because of the seriousness of
world events, they have tended to
stay away from caricatures.
Michigan graduates, librettist For-
man Brown, '22, and puppet designer
Harry Burnett, '23, adopted the "Yale"
part of their title because Brown spent
some time in the Yale workshop. He

} formerly was a teacher of English
I here and wrote one of the Union
Tickets may be obtained at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office for 75
and 50 cents. All seats are reserved.
Chemistry Fraternities
Plan Annual Reception

Army Plans
Air Defense
Flight Force Will Protect
Western Hemisphere,
War lDepartmnt Says
18,000 Warplanes
Needed In Scheme
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.-()-A
new air corps organization plan aimed
at having more than 18,000 warplanes
ready to speed to the defense of any
threatened point in the hemisphere
was announced today by the Army.
It involves creating of four major
air districts in continental United
States and an increase in the number
of combat groups from an existing 25
to 54.
"This highly mobile fighting force,"
the War Department said, "will be so
organized as to permit efficient oper-
ation by the whole or any specially
organized portion in the defense of
any theatre of the Western Hemi-
Not until "sometime in 1942" will
the vastly augmented force, compar-
able in size to those of warring Ger-
many and Great Britain, be complete,
it was stated. Meantime, training of
pilots and mechanics has been sharp-
ly accelerated, the Department said,
and new fighting units are being or-
ganizedsas fast as planes come from
The Army now rates only about 500
of its more than 3,000 planes as first
line fighting craft. Pilots, mechanics
and other personnel number about
80,000, contrasted with 163,000 con-
templated more than a year hence.
The air corps announcement coin-
cided with these additional defense
Announcement that Army rifles and
equipment were ready for home guard1
uits recently authorized by Con-
gress, Secretary Stimson said that
should the United States enter the
war "much more dangerous" attempts
at sabotage were anticipated than in1
the World War. He referred to
"thorough development" of sabotage
as a weapon by Germany.-
Petitions Due
For Engineer
Council Posts
Senior And Freshmen Jobs
Open; Deadline Is SetE
For 5 P.M._Today
All eligible students in the College
of Engineering who wish to run for
senior class officers or for the posts
of freshman representatives to the
Engineering Council must submit
their petitions by 5 p. m. today to the
office of Dean Ivan C. Crawford.
Senior petitions, which must be
signed by 20 members of the Class of
'41E, must be accompanied by eligi-
bility cards and a letter of application
while freshmen will only require pe-
Positions open to the upperclass-
men are those of president, vice-pres-i
ident, secretary and treasurer with theJ
vice-presidency going to the runner-
up in the presidential election. Two
freshmen representatives will be
Elections will be held from 9 a. m.
to 3:30 p. m. Wednesday above the
Arch in the West Engineering Build-

ing and in the main hallway of the
East Engineering Biulding for seniors
and in the 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. as-
semblies for the underclassmen.
Senate Petitions
Must Be In Today
Today at 6 p.m. is the deadline for
filing petitions for the Student Sen-
ate election which will be held next
Friday, directors of election Robert
Speckhard, '42, and William Elmer,
'41 declared yesterday.
The directors have announced that
any scholastically eligible student
zrny have his name placed on the
offidial ballot by filing a nominating
petition and a fifty cent filing fee.
The pt:titions must be signed by not
less thap six students and are to be
handed i:4o the Board of Elections
at the StuGent Senate Office, Room
nnn _ 4L .. !1. ... . . .. ,4 .. L, ....

G.O.P. Candidate Calls
Record 'Reactionary"
In Address At Akron
For Labor Peace
AKRON, O., Oct. 24 - (P) - Wen-
del L. Willkie tonight described the
New Deal concept of collective bar-
gaining as "reactionary" and said he
wanted to "put an end to this era of
bad feeling" between labor and in-
Returning to the city where he
practiced law 11 years ago, the Re-
publican presidential nominee de-
clared in a prepared address that "the
true purpose of collective barganing
is to achieve a coordination of effort
by the American people and coordi-
nation between them."
New Deal Caused Trouble
"The New Deal has created bad1
blood between certain groups in in-
dustry and certain groups in labor,"
he said. "With the help of the leaders,
both of labor and of industry, I want
to put an end to this era of bad
I want to unify the spirit of Amer-
ica. With the help of both, we can.
not fail."
Willkie came here for three evening
meetings after asserting in a national
broadcast at noon that the New Deal
had written a record of "broken
promises and failures of performance
so staggering as to shock the faith
of the American people."
That address, from his private rail-
road car on a siding at Harbor Creek,
Pa., was in reply to President Roose-
velt's Philadelphia speech.
In his talk prepared for an audi-
ence at Goodyear Hall tonight, Will-
kie asserted that there could be no
growing national economy "except by
understanding and cooperation be-
tween labor and management.
Collective bargaining as conceived
by the New Deal is not true collec-
tive bargaining. The New Deal is a
reactionary concept.
Collective Bargaining Necessary
Only through collective bargaining
"in its broadest sense," Willie assert-
ed, can the nation "keep faith with
the half million young Americans who
enter the mature life of America
each year."
He reiterated that he wanted to
keep already-achieved social gains,
and said:
"We intend to put the whole pow-
er of government behind a drive to
abolish the slums of our great cities
and to give decent housing to all our
people both in the cities and on the
"America should be a land where
there is no wrong side of the rail-
road tracks, and we will make it just
"The New Deal's method of keep-
ing faith with these young people,"
he said, "is to treat them as problem
children whose only hope is a Govern-
ment hand-out."

.J Makes Right' In Talk
tudentsVe AtClosing Of Forum

Grid Chances
Against Penn
With Michigan's football team
proven a fighting outfit with cham-
pionship possibilities, student inter-
est in tomorrow's game with the
powerful, high-scoring Pennsylvania
eleven is approaching fever pitch.
Football is the favorite topic of
conversation on the campus this
week, and the Penn game is the
favorite subtopic. Even the war and
political campaigns have been driven
into weak, barely held, second and
third positions in student opinion.
Students have faith in the Wolver-
ine football machine, now that its
records displays impressive victories
over Michigan State and Illinois,
both teams which were rated "good."
Penn, they apparently believe, will
prove to be another "big shot" vic-
tim for the Varsity.
Sure Michigan Will Win
Louisa Penny, '41, is sure the Wol-
verines will be victorious over the
Quaker squad. "But," she commented
yesterday afternoon, "it's going to be
a struggle. Harmon and Reagan?
That meeting will produce another
struggle, with Harmon getting the
better of it the way an All-American
Though Prof. Arno Bader of the
English department has little time
for football, he has kept in fair ty
close touch with sports writers' prog-
nostications regarding the coming
battle. "Prospect leaves me breath-
less," he said.
"We're going to see a top-notch
game of football Sunday afternoon,"
Frank Pecott, '41 predicted. "The
Harmon-Reagan duel should be won-
derful to see, and the lines are even-
ly matched, apparently.
Biggest Thriller Expected
It should be the biggest thriller
of the year, with plenty of scoring
and close ending. Penn is good, so
we are certain that the game will
be no walkaway. The game won't
top the 1939 Ohio State battle,
"Although this should be one of
the better games of the season, it
won't produce any big score," Don
Schmidt, '43, disagreed. "Penn, I be-
lieve, has played pushover teams and
is highly over-publicized, but Rea-
gan is the best back of the East and
should go well even against Michigan.
Tom Harmon will outshine him, with
the rest of the Varsity functioning
the way they have shown they can.
The women's angle was brought
out by Florence Turin, '44, who said:
"It should be a swell game if it
doesn't rain. And even though this
Reagan fellow may be better look-
ing than Harmon, Tom is a much
better ball player. We're going to
Jeanne Shinnick admitted that
(Continued on Page 2)

Slosson Discusses
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. -(n-
Against foreign propagandists whom
he accused of seeking "to divide us
with their strategy of terror" Presi-
dent Roosevelt today hurled Abra-
ham Lincoln's declaration of a faith
that "right makes might."
While the Civil War president's
statement of faith gives the American
answer to these propagandists, Mr.
Roosevelt said in a radio address, the
nation is not neglecting its might.
Rather, he asserted, it is arming to
defend the Americas and the oceans
serving as their highways.
The President, closing the New
York Herald Tribune's forum on "Sav-
ing Democracy," spoke from the diplo-
matic reception room of the White
"Despising Democracy and not
knowing our strength," he declared,
"those who have destroyed other free
peoples deem the United States an
'effete, degenerate democracy.'
Now (Preparing For Defense
"At first we dismissed this con-
tempt with our traditional spirit of
good humor. We are now replying to
it in characteristically American
"We are preparing for the defense
of the two American continents, and
of the oceans that are the highways of
those continents. And we are doing
so in a mood of determination, but
unafraid and resolute in our will to
Foreign propagandists, the Chief
Executive said, seem to believe that
"if they tell us often enough that
democracy is outworn and that we
are decadent, we will begin to believe
it ourselves and we will immediately,
obediently proceed to decay."
They believe, also, he said, that we
are not match for a dictatorship in
which uniformity is compulsory, each
man lives in terror of his neighbor,
and the dominant atmosphere is that
of the concentration camp.
Hitler Effect Seen
In National Politics
If it were not for Hitler and the
present world situation, neither Pres-
ident Roosevelt nor Wendell Willkie
would have been nominated by their
respective parties, declared Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history de-
partment, last night in the opening of
six lectures on current events before
an audience of about 500 in the
Rackham Building.
"I think President Roosevelt will
be reelected," the Professor stated,
also expressing the opinion that it
would probably be a close race, de-
pending on the electoral vote of the
state of New York.
The lecture, sponsored by the Ann
Arbor branch of the American Asso-
ciation of University Women, was a
survey of the present situations on
the Western Front, in the Balkans,
in the Mediterranean and in the
Far East.
The next lecture, to be given Nov.
13, will deal with world events as
they have happened since the time of
last night's lecture.
Boak Is Given
Hudson Chair
Will Be Second To Hold
Honored Lectureship
Prof. Arthur Boak, chairman of the
history department, has been appoint-
ed to succeed the late Prof. Arthur
Lyon Cross as the Richard Hudson
lecturer in history it was announced.
Established in 1916 to the memory
of Dr. Richard Hudson, professor
of history and dean of the department
of literature, science and the arts

from 1897 to 1907, the chair has been
held only by Professor Cross since its
beginning. Professor Boak is the sec-
ond to hold the honored lectureship
VeOntnen izi'.hn1 ra sn A amn+y +.%nd

Willkie Hits Labor Policy
Of New Deal; Roosevelt
Describes U.S. Strength
7FDR Declares That 'Might

Dates? Yes, Said The Gridders,
But Two Ran The Other Way

Three little pigskins went to mar-
ket, but only one brought home the
The pigskins being Al Wistert, '42,
Jack Butler, '42, and Harold Lock-
hard, '43, three brawny Wolverine
braves, the market was the newly
formed Acquaintance Club which
markets, in an effectively dignified3
manner, afternoon coke dates for the
social minded. The scene was the
Council Room of the League, the
setting a sunny Wednesday after-a
noon with the Club open for regis-
tration. And thereby hangs the tale.
More than 159 have already reg-
istered in the campus' unique dating
bureau, the three mighty specimens
of Michigan's football strength de-
cided to increase their acquaintances
among the draftless sex. About 2:30
n m thvwalrd inn th Tag

School LSA. Do you dance? Well,
yes. (The blonde lad was apparently
modest.) Do you want a date that
drinks or smokes? I don't really care.
What type of woman do you pre-
fer? Oh, about 5 foot four, with light
brown hair. Are those your only speci-
fications? I guess so, just don't for-
get the light brown hair. Don't you
want her pretty? Oh that, well, make
it 'beautiful.'
The committe then promised him a
speedy arrangement, and Wistert left.
The story here becomes more com-
After waiting for ten minutes for
the second football men to appear,
an investigation was made . . . and
lobby observers revealed that about
five minutes previous, after much
hurried consultation, three squad men
had sidled out of the League's side

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