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October 20, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-20

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Slosson Demands Speculation
On Prospect Of World War III

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.t
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Bubcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, #4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated CollegiateP ress, 193940
Editorial Staff
Hervie Haufler . . . . . Managing Editor
Alvin Sarasohn . . . . . Editorial Director
Paul M. Chandler . City Editor

Karl KesU5le
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman .
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Ossbr
Helen Corman

Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. .Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

In accordance with The Daily's desire to keep
editorial columns open to all itshreaders and to
present fairly, all opinions on the campus, the
editors have invited Prof. Preston Slosson of the
history department to present his views on the
international outlook. Other faculty members and
students will follow him in The Daily's columns,
so that all groups on campus may have an adequate
voice in expressing what .they believe to be the
proper course for this country to pursue in these
troublesome times.
HAVE OFTEN DISCUSSED in the hospitable
columns of The Daily the First and Second
World Wars, and such morals as I drew from
them as to our national perils and duties. Doubt-
less I shall often do so in the future. But both
are in a sense now beyond our will. The first
has gone into the histories The second, the
raging around us, is also in a sense history. We
cannot now prevent it. I personally doubt if by
any course, active or passive, neutral or unneu-
tral, we can be sure to escape it. Luck as well
as skill is needed to avert shipwreck when a
great hurricane from the ends of the earth is
roaring around the Ship of State.
Naturally, and of course rightly, we are.chief-
ly concerned with the immediate peril. Pres-
ident Roosevelt, Mr. Willkie, Mr. Thomas, Mr.
Browder and other political leaders; our popular
journalists courageously charging at the head
of their "columns"; every articulate one of us
from Dorothy Thompson to Charles Lindbergh,
Is giving advice on World War Number Two. Mr.
Gallup feels our national pulse about once a
week on the 'subject. Anyone who was not pri-
marily concerned with our imminent danger
would certainly be a most livid and lurid kind
of fool. But is there not some danger that this
exclusive preoccupation may shut our eyes to
opportunities and perils which lie beyond the
horizon of the present war? Just for the mo
ment, before returning to the day's task, let
us look at the more distant prospect. After all,
in World War Number One many men dared to
speculate about a future lasting and durable
peace; and others should have done so. Perhaps
if more thought had then been spent on it,
World War First would have also been World
War Last.
THE REASON I am interested in World War
Number Three is that I think we can and
should prevent it. Sometime this present war
will end and a peace of sorts be concluded.
There, may even be a relatively long interval
without important wars anywhere, like the years
following Waterloo. During that lucid interval-
or period of exhaustion anyhow!--mankind will
either work out an international structure or
system which will make war improbable or fail
to do so. In the latter case war will certainly
recur sooner or later. Our opportunity may come
sooner than we now dare guess. It may come
while the President to be chosen this November
is still in the White House. Yet it is an issue
which practically no one has mentioned or
touched on during the whole campaign. Is there

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Tribute To
The 'Grand Old Man' .. .
E JOIN the hundreds who attended
the Testimonial Dinner last night
and the thousands who listened on the air to
adid these words in tribute to a truly "grand old
man"-Fielding H. Yost.
For forty years Coach Yost has dedicated his
fife to Michigan athletics--to produce winning
teams, to build an athletic plant better .than any
other, to inspire other universities to follow his
example, and, above all, to build men. Now,
towards the close of his career as athletic direc-
tor, the men for whom he did most-men in all
walks of life-return to reminisce with Coach
Like words on a screen familiar names and
terms flash across the mind-"point a minute,"
29 successive victories, first Rose Bowl game,
Heston, Schultz, Fitzpatrick, Farrell, Hoyt, Mann,
Kipke, "Athletics For All," $4,000,000 athletic
plant- memories of a career greater than any
At Michigan there are .no major or minor
awards for participation in varsity competition.
In the words of Coach Yost, any man who is
good enough to represent the University of
Michigan in any form of athletic competition, is
worthy of an award; there is no need to dis-
tinguish, by the size of the award, what sport
he participated in.
THE SPORTS BUILDING, whose facilities and
opportunities for all students have constantly
been praised in the past, cannot be over-empha-
sized; students who are not capable of partici-
pating in varsity competition, have an equal
opportunity for earning athletic distinction by
means of this well-rounded program.
What Yost has -done, no one will forget; but
the program must not stop there. Let us con-
sider that what Yost has done will serve as a
foundation for future construction of athletic
facilities in all parts of the country; as the be-
ginning of a program to help train the bodies
and minds of the men and women of the country.
COLLEGE YOUTH on our campus are grate-
ful for the work Coach Yost has done for
them; other colleges are not as fortunate. It
is to be hoped that the achievement, the glory
Yost has known till now, will be surpassed in the
future when youthful athletes look upon him as
the inspiration for a truly great American ath-
letic program.
-Bernard Dober

to be a new League of Nations? How will it
differ from the old one? Will we, as a nation,
join it? What attitude are we to take toward
the problems of international debt, immigra-
tion, tariffs, currencies, trae rights, colonial
developments, to ensure that no economic causes
will again push the world towards war? How
can minority rights be guaranteed? Will even
peace bring disarmament? How can disarma-
ment be made compatible with national securityj
or continued armament with national solvency?
Peace does not enforce itself; how can it be
enforced? What national risks or sacrifices are
we as a nation willing to undertake or enforce
it hereafter? Can Europe, by itself, achieve
peace if the United States offers no kind of
help or encouragement? If Europe fails to do
so, are we not again in danger?
T WISH Messrs. Roosevelt, Willkie, Thomas and
Browder would take just one day off to give
us their answers. I wish all candidates for the
Senate( which must ratify leagues and treaties)
would do the same. Above all, I wish that uni-
versity students, especially the students of liber-
al or radical views who are so articulate about
everything else, would take a hand in a crusade
not merely to denounce the First World War
or keep us out of the Second but to avert the
Third. I confess here to a sense of disappoint-
ment. Elderly men of letters like Mr. H. G. Wells
are still occupied with the topic; not a few of
us middle aged professors talk and write about
it; but students as well as politicians seem mere-
ly to ignore it. All last year, when pacifism was
raging like a gale in the columns of The Daily,
I do not recall a single editorial that was other
than negative and isolationist on the subject of
international construction. Nine-tenths of the
speakers at student forums and parleys were the
same way.
We have a right to expect more than that
from Educated Youth; it would be an insult not
to expect more! In a university community of
about ten thousand (in the long sessiong) I think
there ought to be a League of Nations Associa-
tion of about a thousand, a Union Now group of
at least a thousand, a World State group of an-
other thousand, a Continental Federation grouj,
and so on. They should be furiously urging and
debating their rival programs for saving the
,world. (I am not speaking ironically; the wore
needs saving, and if it is ever saved, young edu-
cated men and women will have to do most of it).
[ PURPOSELY REFRAIN from saying which
program I myself would favor. It is not the
heretical doctrines of the student body that I
deplore, but their lack of any doctrines on this,
the most important matter in the world, the
construction of a permanent peace.
by mascott
THIS COLUMN may not be the best ever writ-
ten (and that's a serious admission) but it
certainly has staying power. Our first competi-
tor was the Madhatter and his "These Foolish
Things." Now we face Touchstone and his "Re-
ply Churlish." This latter, we predict, will last
until mid-semester.
* * *
For the present, however, our only answer to
the "Reply Churlish" shall be the retort court-
eous. We had a talk with Dr. Touchstone yester-
day agreed that there shall be no columnists'
feud in the pages of The Daily until both of us
have run completely out of ideas and inspiration.
* * *M
Another slinky follow submitted this to us a
few moments ago. We reprint,-why, we don't
rTHIS is the story of an Essex Super Six, three
Michigan men and a coed.
We left New York for Ann Arbor at 3 p.m. in
our brand new Essex Super Six (1931), every-
thing making a noise but the horn.

Things were working peachy until we reached
a sizzling hot little town of Somerville, situated
in the state of N.J., with the engine missing--
nobody stole it or anything, but it was just
missing. Finally the old faithful Essex Super
Six (which, in the future for simplicity's sake,
I shall hereafter call alcibiades) stopped. Now,
a normally functioning Essex Super Six (named
alcibiades) should not, under any circumstances,
back down and refuse to execute its normal
function. Well, this one did. So, defty manipu-
lating a rough pebble, I filed the ignition points
(if you have no technical automotive knowledge,
skip this).
Our little safari trudged on until finally we
passed a little town smuggling in the mount-
ains of Penna. (There was a noticeable lack of
revenuers). Old alcibiades puffed and snorted up
the mountain. She couldn't make it in high. We
put her in second and she failed in second. We
put her into first but--she failed in first. So,
we turned her around to put her in reverse.
That was our big mistake.
BUT we shouldn't have turned around on a
curve and on a hill at one and the same time.
But we did. When we got her jammed across'the
road, I noticed that the floorboards were get-
ting warm. Of course, I didn't say anything about

Robet s.Ales
ONE THING that is worrying the
Administration is that the Jap-
anese are now finding a way to get
around last week's complete embargo
on scrap iron. Furthermore, their
loophole is a big handicap to the
What the Japanese are doing is
buying metal which already has been
fabricated and therefore is not scrap.
True, it costs them more, but appar-
ently they are in such desperate need
of iron that they will pay for it.
This buying also runs up prices
for the British. For they are the big-
gest single customer, outside the U.S.
Government, for all kinds of metals.
And the more fabricated metal Japan
buys, the more difficult it is for the
be blocked remains to be seen.
The man who actually blocked scrap
iron exports to Japan was Ed Stet-
tinius, patriotic young Defense Com-
missioner in charge of raw materials.
Secretary of the Treasury Morgen-
thau had been hammering at the
State Department for weeks, trying
to get the flow of scrap iron to Japan
cut off, and finally asked Stettinius
to make an investigation tosee whe-
ther scrap should not be kept at home
for the use of American steel in-
Stettinius did so. But his chief
assistant, William Batt, raised a howl.
Batt is head of the SKF Swedish
ball-bearing company, also a director
of the Swedish Chamber of Com-
merce, the American Bosch Corpora-
tion and various other big concerns.
He maintained that the sale of scrap
to Japan should be continued.
""DRAMA *1
By Gerald Burns
"T HE MAN Who Came To Dinner,"
the very successful Moss Hart-
George Kaufman comedy that has
kept two casts working every night
between Chicago and New York will
pass through Ann Arbor as quick as
the last presidential candidate, stop-
ping only for a single performance at
the Michigan tomorrow night.
Messrs. Hart and Kaufman wrote
this play largely to take a few hearty
cracks at Alexander Woollcott, who
is no slouch himself in the matter of
hurling verbal spitballs. The surpris-
ing results for all concerned were
that Woollcott professed himself to
be "enchanted" with the play and
even condescended to play the lead
for a few nights in one of last sea-
son's most successful comedies.
T HOSE OF YOU who know any-
thing about the play probably re-
member Sheridan Whiteside's ("The
Man") opening remark to his secre-
tary in the first act, "I may vomit."
Well, that sets the pace for the whole
play. Not that you"ll vomit. You wor. t.
But you'll follow the dialogue and
action through every scene, because
there's not much punch-pulling, }ot
much you'll want to miss.
The play centers around the ex-
tended visit of a mainstem lecturer
and writer to the home of a middle
class family after the great man has

broken his hip on the doorstep. Sher-
idan Whiteside makes himself com-
pletely at home, invites a half doz-
en axe murderers to dinner, forbids
the family to use the front door be-
cause it annoys him, and, when af-
ter many weeks he is well enough to
leave, he falls again, rebreaking the
hip. ot much of a plot, but that's not
what makes it a good comedy, any-
j DON'T KNOW anything about the
Chicago cast, because I haven't seen
them go through the play. But Clif-
ton Webb, who takes the lead, knows
his business; and Doris Dalton, the
love interest, is not strange to Ann
Arbor audiences. As for the others,
well, you'll have to take your chances
on them.
said to my passengers (who were still
asleep in the back seat). Quote. The
car is on fire. Walk, do not run to
the nearest exit. Unquote.
When everybody had run out of
alcibiades and we stood there warming
our hands on the fire, somebody yell-
ed look out it's going to explode and
we all ran back until somebody said
save the luggage, which was all tied
inside the car. If you've ever tried to
untie a sheet bend knot under con-
stant threat of explosion you'll know
it ain't no pleasure.
WHEN WE GOT the baggage off'n
" the car, we carried all 10 tons of
it- clowin +to theg neacefii lifttleftownof


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1940 f
VOL. LI. NO. 18 s
Publication in the Daily Official 0
Bulletin is constructivernotice to all
members of the University. ni
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on Monday, T
October 21, at 4:15 p. m., in the Rack- w
ham Lecture Hall.1
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary S
Senate Reception: Since no in- r
dividual invitations are being sent, p
this is a cordial invitation to all mem-a
bers of the teaching staff and theirA
wives to be present at the Senate Re-
ception to new members of the facul-
ties on Tuesday evening,- October 22,
in the ballroom of the Michiganv
Union at 8:30 p.m. The reception
will take place from 8:30 to 10:00F
o'clock, after which there will bet
dancing from 10:00 to 12:00. It ise
especially hoped that new teaching
fellowsand instructors may be pres-
ent and the chairmen of departments
are asked to be of assistance in bring-n
ing this about.
Tickets for the Ann Arbor com-Q
munty dinner to the members ofo
Company K of the National Guardc
may be had at the Business Office,I
I University Hall, at $1.25. The din-Y
ner will be at 6:30 p. m., Monday,
October 21, at the Michigan Union.
The sale of tickets will cover the
dinner to the members of Company
K and will also, it is hoped, provide
a substantial sum for the Companyt
mess fund when it departs next week
for a year's training at Fort Bueaure-
garde, Louisiana.
Faculty, College of Engineering:1
There will be a meeting of the faculty
of this College on Tuesday, October1
22 at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West
Engineering Building. The order of
the meeting will be: presentation ofI
new officers and members of the en-
gineering staff; a report on enroll-
ment figures; changes in curriculum,
and routine business.
Mrs. C. B. Green, Asst. Secy.
Student Organizations desiring of-
fical recognition for the College
Year '1940-41 should file a list of
officers with the Dean of Students
in Room 2, University Hall on or be-
Coming Events
MONDAY-University Senate meet-
'ing, 4:15 p.m.
"The Man Who Came to Dinner,"
Michigan Theatre.
TUESDAY-Mimes tryouts, 3-5 p.m.,;
Senate Reception, 8:30 p.m.,
SRA lecture series, "The Nature
of Man," Dr. Robert Calhoun,
8:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture
WEDNESDAY-First Choral Union
concert, Marian Anderson.
* * *
THURSDAY - Marriage Relations
Lecture, Dr. Raymond Squier,
7:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture
Student mixer, College of Archi-
tecture and Design, 7:30 p.m.,
Current Events Lecture. Prof.
Slosson. 4:15 p.m. Rackham'
Lecture Hall.
* * *
FRIDAY-Annual Tirmberland Own-
ers and Wood Users Confer-

Yale Puppeteers, Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
* * *
SATURDAY - Annual Timberland
Owners and Wood Users Con-
ference concluded.
Yale Puppeteers, Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre, concluded.
Institute on Problems of Taxa-

ore November 1. This Information
hould be made out on forms to be
btained at the Office of the Dean
f Students and should include the
ame, address and class of each offi-
er. Early in November a list of all
rganizations which have been given
fficial recognition for the year will
e published in the Michigan Daily.
Choral Union Members: Beginning
Tuesday. October 22, all rehearsals
will be held at 7:00 o'clock in the
School of Music Building on Maynard
Street unless otherwise announced.
Pass tickets for the Marian Ander-
on concert will be given out to all
members in good standing who call in
person between the hours of 9 and 12,
and 1 and 4, on Wednesday, October
23, at the Burton Memorial Tower.
After that hour, tickets will not be
given out.
Code Practice: All students who
wish to practice the International
Morse Code are invited to use the
R. O. T. C. Signal Corps code prac-
tice equipment in Room 301, Engin-
eering Annex. The room will be open
week days from 4 to 5:30 p. M.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of VOGUE'S 6th
PRIX DE PARIS Annual Contest For
Senior Women. Entry blanks may be
obtained at the University Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Metal Processing 2, Laboratory sec-
tions, will not meet Monday and Tues-
day, October 21 and 22.
Bacteriology Seminar, Monday,
October 21, at 8:00 p.m., Room 1564
East Medical Building. Reports on
meetings of the American Public
Health Association recently held in
Detroit. All interested are invited.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319, West Medical
Building, at 4:00 p. m., on Tuesday,
October 22. Subject: "Animal Poly-
saccharides." All interested are in-
Polictical Science 67 (discussion)
will meet Monday at 3:00 p. m. in
room 212 Angell Hall.
H. B. Calderwood
Mathematics 370, Seminar will
meet Tuesday at 4:00 p. m. in 3001
A. H. Professor Beckenbach will
speak on "Isoperimetric Inequality."
(Reference: Trans. of the Amer.
Math. Soc., Vol. 35,1933.)
Botany I Make-Up Examination
will \be given Wednesday, October
23; from 7-10 p.m. in Room 2033
N.S. Only students with excused ab-
sences from the June final examina-
tion will be permitted to take the
make-up exam.
Political Seience 52 make-up ex-
amination (Mr. Heneman's sections)
for those who did not tatke the final
examination last June will be given
at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 22, in
room 2031 Angell Hall.
H. J. Heneman
Geology Make-up Final Examina-
tions for geology courses given the
second semester of last year will be
held on Monday, October 21, at 2:00
p.m. in Room 2054 Natural Science
Economics 71 Examination on Mon-
day, October 21, at 1:00 p.m., as fol-
A-G in Room 25 Angel Hall.
H-O in Room 1025 Angell Hall.
P-Z in Room 348 West Engineer-
ing Bldg.
Bring bluebook 8/2"x11".

Psychology 31 makeup final ex-
amination for all sections will be
held Tuesday, October 22, from 7:00
to 9:00 p.m. in Room 1121 N.S.
Psychology 34 and 42 makeup ex-
aminations will be held on Monday,
(Continued on Page 8)

Bominie Says

REPRESENTATIVES of Science, Philosophy
and Religion had a Conference in New York
this summer. Albert Einstein, now of Princeton,
made a plea for an impersonal God. Jacques
Maritain from the Institute Catholique, Paris,
introduced us to levels of learning with Science
in the basement and Religion on the top deck.
Douglas C. MacIntosh of Yale suggested a meth-
od to synthesize the several disciplines and re-
vitalize our culture. It was a stimulating and
challenging three-day session. Michigan was
represented by DeWitt H. Parker of Philsophy.
and Raphael Isaacs of Medicine.
. This making of a synthesis of the several dis-
ciplines is exactly what higher education aims
to have every student learn to accomplish for
himself. The student is making a personality
by virtue of unifying the contributions from
various disciplines and then using his newly ac-
quired facts to improve his habits. How well it
is being accomplished is the question. As for
the contribution of various disciplines, it is the
religious person who is supposed to understand
and use most consistently the art of reflection
and contemplation. Presumably the "religious"
for that reason should surpass all others in
strength of character, charm and growth. Is
that true? (We doubt it. Why, will be discussed
later on).
HERE IS A PROBLEM worth solving. If organ-
ized religion has become so conscious of
structure or so given to activity that thought
upon spiritual and ethical issues is smothered
or evaded, then the current world revolution
may have to do us a service by sweeping away
our churches. However, if the religious fellow-
ship, namely the church, which is always essen-
tial to a sensitive growing person, can accept
the social tensions of our epoch, resolve the
fears which molest us and deepen the open in-
quiry of our decade, we may feel compensated
for tle pain and loss of the present remorse.
Many attempts are being made to chart a
course such as this conference has introduced.
If the scientist, the philosopher and the reli-
gionist can speedily learn to understand each
other, the first step will have been accomplished.
Any interested University student who likes to
think on current social or cultural trends can

Wage - Hour Ruling
Is Welcomed By All ...


THE Wage-Hour Administrator's re-definition
of the terms "executive," "administrative,"
"professional," used in the Wage-Hour law, will
be welcomed not only by employers, but by many
egnployes affected by the new ruling. The status
of employes 'thus classified and receiving more
thian $200 a month has caused much confusion.'
T~ntil now they have been subject to a rigid
system which could not take into account the
flexibilities demanded by administrative and
creative work.
*The new ruling should remove many perplex-
ing questions as to the classification of whi+/

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue
Sunday Evening
6:00 Silver Theatre Catholic Hour Double or Nothing Gordon Orchestra
6:15 Silver Theatre " "
6:30 Gene Autry Concert Orchestra Show of the Week Feature
6:45 Gene Autry Heap 'o Livin'"
7:00 G. Smith Jack Benny . Dr. DeHaan Pearson & Allen
7:15 G. Smith European News
7:30 Screen Guild Fitch Bandwagon Better Speech
7:45 Screen Guild World Today "
8:00 Helen Hayes Charlie McCarthy To Be Announced Message of Israel
8:15 Helen Hayes Hymn Singer ,
8:30 Crime Doctor One Man's Family Face the Facts Sherlock Holmes
8:45 Crime; News
9:00 Ford Hour Merry-Go-Round Revival Walter Winchell
9:15 Ford Hour Parker Family

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