Yl t e
n derson
N. Y. Philharmonic)
Thanks Public
Program of
Will Air
Oldest Symphony Orchestra In Nation
To Give International Broadcast
From Auditorium Stage
It is altogether just that the first group to give an internationally-
aired broadcast from the stage of Hill Auditorium shsould be the
oldest symphony orchestra in the United Statess, the New York Philhar-
Conducted by John Baribolli, the orchestra will broadcast a portion
of its concert program as its regular Sunday radio feature.
Third oldest Symphony in the world, the organization has come a long
MARIAN ANDERSON, Cotralto . . Wed., Oct. 23
RUDOLPH SERKIN, Pianist. . . . Thurs., Nov. 7
JOHN BARBIROLLI, COnductlor Sunday, Nov. 24
RICHARD BONELLI, Baritone . . . . Tues., Dec. 3
VLADIMIR HOROWITZ, Pianist. . . Wed., Jan. 15
Famed Contralto
Will Open Annual
ProgramOct. 23
Three Major Symphonic Organizations
To Appear in Ten-Concert Series
SRO signs are expected to be hung out early Wednesday evening, Oct.
23, in Hill Auditorium when Marian Anderson, Negro contralto, will
give the opening concert in the 62nd annual Choral Union series.
Acclaimed already by many observers as "the finest in Choral Union
history, the series will bring to Michigan musicgoers four instumental and
vocal artists, three sympony orchestras, one string ensemble and one
vocal ensemble. From Oct. 23 to March 4 ten concerts featuring these
artists will be given: Miss Anderson, Rudolph Serkin, pianist; Don
Cossack Chorus. Serge Jaroff, Conductor; New York Philharmonic-Sym-
phony Orchestra, John Baribolli, .Conductor; Richard Bonelli, baritone;
Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge Koussevitsky, Conductor; Vladimir
Horowitz, pianist; Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulous,
Conductor; Budapest String Quartet; Georges Enesco, violinist.
. M "
. Tues., Jan. 28
way since its beginning almost a c
the result of two mergers: one bet'
National, Symphony in 1921, and th
New York Symphony in 1928.
Although the personnel of the
Philharmonic has only grown from
63 to 104 since its beginning, the
number of concerts given has in-
creased greatly. In its first season
only three were presented, in' the
next sixteen there were only four
and in the following ten years five
During the past year, it is interest-
ing to note that 109 concerts were
offered by the orchestra in New York
and 18 were given on tour.
Conductors Listed
The two conductors who did most
to shape the destinies of the Phil-
harmonic were Carl Bergmann and
Fheodore Thomas who were fol-
lowed in their work by Seidl, Emil
Paur, Walter Damrosch and then a
series of guest conductors from all
parts of the world.
In 196 the system of engaging
guest conductors was abandoned and
Wassily Safonboff was selected to
head the orchestra. He was followed
in 1909 by Gustav Mahler who was
followed ib turn by Joseph Stransky.
Wilhelm Mengelberg led the organ-
ization for the next nine years and
introduced Wilhelm Furtwaengler for
the first time as guest conductor in
The following year saw Arturo Tos-
canini on the podium and the begin-
ning of 11 years of great music under
his baton. With him the Philhar-
monic-Symphony traveled to Europe
in the spring of 1930 and played 23
concerts to sold-out houses in fifteen
different cities.
Barbiroli Takes Over
During the next five years such
noted men of music as Erich Kleiber,
Bruno Walter, Otto Klemperer, Ber-
nadino Molinari, Artur Rodzinski
and Sir Thomas Beecham led the
organization at different times until
it was turned over to its present con-
ductor, the brilliant young English-
man, John Barbirolli.
Born on Dec. 2, 1899 in London,
Barbirolli had the happy artistic
combination of British birth and
Latin background and, as the soh of
an Italian fathbr and mother it was
the most natural thing in the world
for him to become a musician. On
his paternal side there had been mu-
sicians as far back as the family
could remember and both his father
and grandfather had taken part in
the first performance of Verdi's
"Otello"sas members of the orches-
Early Talent Signs
Little "Tita," as he was called then,
showed early signs of talent and
when he was seven he began the
study of the violin. Although he pro-
gressed rapidly he was handicapped
by a great deal of nervousness and
tended to walk up and down while
practicing. This habit grew very up-
setting to the adult members of the
family until Grandfather Barbirolli
had a bright idea. He decided that
if "Tita" played the cello he would
just have to sit down and so the
youth became a cellist.
. His progress at this instument
was rapid and after a year he ob-
tained a scholarship at Trinity Col-
lege, London. At the age of 11 he
made his first appearance at the
Queen's Hall and, although he was
hailed as a'great success, he was ob-
sessed with the idea of becoming a
The war came when he was 14 and
before it was Aver Barbirolli ex-
changed his 'cello for a gun. After
the Armistice he went back to music
and his success increased by leaps
and bounds.
Rv 1 Q 27h ac i aari nr ornnhtinog'
entury ago. As it stands today, it is DR. CHARLES A SINK
ween the New York Philharmonic and BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET . . . Thurs., Feb. 20
ie other, between that group and the S - '- -r.OSEFREISMAN, First ViOlin
,"n -----_The____:_____l Society ALEXANDER SCHNEIDER, Second Violin
Th is pa V' u c r? y j ;n S iet- BORIS KROYT, Vi ol
-cartet Ccalled $ing t ,s season's Choral Un n MISCHA SCHNEIDER, Viooncellist
Series. For Sixty-Two years with- GEORGES ENESCOVioliist T , a
out a break, through wars, depres-
lnest d sions and rccessions, the Society
has each year presented to the
. . . music-laving public a wide variety
of choice musical offerings. This ss
ByNY rtc msclvngpbi ievreyMnneapois Orchestra Resumes
season the series of ten concerts
Two years ago a New York news- evenly divided between en- Touring After Short Lay-Off
paper critic was willing to write that semble groups and recitals. Three
aecrt as 1 twf so leading orchestras, a representa- ----- -------
"if there is a finer string foursome lednorhsaarpest-
in existence than the Budapest String tive string quartet, and a choral After a lapse of three seasons, the Memorial Auditorium on the Uni-
Quartet, it has not made itself known group will be heard; while two Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, versity of Minnesota campus and
on this side of the Atlantic." So far eminent pianists, two renowned with Dimitri Mitropoulos as conduc- it became a part of university life.
as is known, that critic has not yet singers, and one outstanding vio- Famous Conductors Listed
changed his position. linist, will appear in recitals. This tor, is resuming its annual tour which Among the famous conductors who
Rather he has re-enforced it by announcement of the year's musi- brings it to Ann Arbor this season have worked with the orchestra after
writing that "here is a quartet un- cal activities has already attract- as a feature of the Choral Union Oberhoofer'es retirenent have been
rivalled for balance and blending of ed the enthusiastic comment of series. Eugene Ormandy, Artur Bodanzky,
suave, soulful and immaculately pure musical authorities throughout the The orchestra first toured in 1906 Jose Iturbi, and Mitropoulos. The
tone, which achieves unity of effect land, as well as that of music-lov- when it took a three day trip to last, after making his American de-
that could hardly be bettered, and ers who may be able to attend. towns in the vicinity of Minneapolis, but with the Boston Symphony or-
brings a poetry and understanding to The Society is grateful to a loyal Since then it has been heard in 41 chestra in 1936, became permanent
its interpretations unmatched by any and responsive public, which, dur- states and two foreign countries, fill- conductor of the Minneapolis orches-
other organization of the kind today. ing all these years, has so consist- ing 1,320 engagements and playing tra in 1938. Since his inception as
For beauty of sound richness of the ently supported its offerings. to auiences ranging from 300 to leader, attendence at concerts has
imagination and absolutely satisfying Without this splendid cooperation 6,000 people. jumped 15 per cent, enrollment at
exposition of the content of the works on the part of students, faculty, Finds A Sponsor the University of Minneasota has in-
attempted this amazing group could and citizens of the community, the Starting merely as an accompany- creased, as has the number of stu-
unhesitatingly be said to stand in a efforts of the Society would have ing unit in a choral society in Men- dents at small schools in the vicinity
class by itself." been fruitless. The Society hopes eapois the orchestra finall found of Minneapolis. The opportunity to
Objects of this encomium are four to continue to merit this support in a sponsor who foresaw the value of hear excellent music by a noted or-
men: Josef Roisman, first violinist; all its future endeavors, a sound musical organization and chestra accounts for this, it is be-
Alexander Schneider, second violinist; (Signed) Charles A. Sink, a oud m an oghecomin- lieved. In addition to regular con-
Boris Kroyt, violinist, and Mischa Pres. University Musical Society ity. Fifty city residents were then certs, the orchestra each year also
Schneider, violoncellist. This group d plays a number of special programs
has given nearly 1,000 concerts contacted and a guaranty fun of for students who are given a special
throughouturope The ave end Pianist Serkin Got er, the first director, launch the en- season ticket rate to encourage their
hear inAustali, ArRaptan th ture. In 1903, 50 men gave their init- attendance.
Dutch Indies, and have made eight Vaseline Baptisml ial concert. In 1905 a new auditor- Big Business Venture
tours crisscrossing the United States. ium patterned after Symphony Hall The maintenance of the orchestra
All musicians of outstanding per- "Baptism in vaseline" is how Ru- in Boston was constructed. In 1930 is a big business venture. Behind the
sonal quality, they have dedicated d e the orchestra \as housed in Northrop conductor and his colleagues is a'
themselves, nevertheless, to the ex- dolf Serkin, pianist, describes his first well organized busIness office that
clusive playing of quartets. Their aim public appearance at the age of 12. dispenses more than $250,000 a year.
in life is to perform with utmose per- His mother thought he would be Of this sum about one half is cov-
fection all of these works of the class- a more appealing figure on the stage ered by revenue from ticket sales,
ics and of modern literature. Their if he were dressed in a Fauntleroy! DLYe r ,phonograph record royalties and
repertoire embraces quartet literature Lfhtwredrsedin6F1earsearne ncom from r urces.
from the Mannheim School to the ex- costume, with his hair arranged in The rest-this year $130,000-is in
treme modernistic composers. curls. With the aid of much liquid Lit the form of a guaranty fund raised
Few are able to dispute that the vaseline, the local hairdresser man- Liseach year by contributions from pat-
ensemble provides "a musical evening aged to achieve the desired affect. rons in and about Minneapolis. The
of rare distinction, calculated to re- The boy went into the only tan- For 61 successive years the Choral orchestra is not expected to pay for
joice the hearts of all who revel in trum of his career when he viewed Union has presented to Ann Arbor itself. It is looked upon as a civic
art that is truely great." the curls. He ran to a water faucet audiences the best obtainable in con- asset, comparable to the public lib-
As another critic explains it: and before he could be stopped every cert performers. The list of artists raries and the art institute. No sym-
nThey have a communicative fresh- vestiage of curl had disappeared. who have appeared locally reads like phony orchestra anywhere, as a mat-
ness of felling, a loftiness of spirit .His debut was a musical success the roll of a musical who's-who. The ter of fact, has ever been able to
which makes an immediate appeal sans curls, but with hair still greasy strfive yars fo e hphave balance its expence budget with earn-
presented the following stars: ed income.
1934 The orchestra plays in an audi-
Rosa Ponselle, Lawrence Tibbett, torium that seats 4,841 people on the
M it poulos Becam e usicianRDon Cossacks, Josef Szigeti, Boston University of Minnesota campus. At-
Symphony, Lotte Lehman, Jose tendance at regular concerts the
Desp teM an Fy Protests urbi, Gordon String Quartet, Ar- past year averaged in excess of 4,000.
espitJ~Lamll thur Schnabel. Of these, 3,404 were holders of sea-
1935 son tickets.
Dimitri Mitroupoulos conductor of difficulty convincing his parents, de- Metropolitan Opera Quartet, Rach-[
the Minneapolis Symaphony Orches- vout members of the Greek Ortho- Metrnopolitan Operaksartt Rc Nine Milo Hear
tra is a young man with a wealth of dox Church, that he should be per- ler, Boston Symphony, St. Louis Sym-
experience. Only 43 years old he has mitted to study, for orchestral or in- Orchestra On Air
spent 36 years studying music, in- strumental music have no place in htroit Symphony. John Charles Thom- O
the fritac tthis curadfather was as, Myra Hess. More people hear the afternoon
apesftthhis grandfncte anarh1936 broadcast of the Philharmonic Sym-
priestnhisgrandunceanksrch- Irt gta-phony every Sunday than heard it
bishop and two uncles monks made Kirsten Flagstad, Chicago Sym-k in concert during the ninety-seven
Mitropoulos' task no easier. phony, Moscow Cathedral Choir, ya ofte Soing tene.
His persistency won over family Jascha Heifetz, Boston Symphony,
disapproval, however, and present- Josef Hofmann, Detroit Symphony, During the 3,525 concerts that the
ly he was launched on a career that Gregor Piatagorsky, Artur Schanbel, Philharmonic had given up to the
today has made him one of the most Nelson Eddy. end of the 1939-40 season is is esti-
talked of figures in the internation- 1937 mated that more than eight million
al field of music. He is noted for his Rachmaninoff, Cleveland Sym- people were in attendance but more
fiel of usi. Heis ntedthan nine million people hear the
almost miraculous ability to trans- phony Orchestra, Richard Crooks, Sunday afternoon concert through
late his musical conceptions into Fritz Kreisler, Boston Symphony, t mdi fte ro. Thaudi-
tone, and many noted critics and Ruth Slenczynski, Helsinki Univer- ence medium of the radio. This audi-
music authorities rank him as one of sity Chorus, Gina Cigna, Roth String ence is equal to the combinedepopu-
the greatest recreative artists among Quartet, Georges Enesco. lations of Norway and Sweden
present day orchestra leaders. The radio audience is not content
At first glance, critics sometimes L1938 to sit back and listen but they exer-
have the feeling that Mitropoulos' .Ccise their rights as listeners to praise
An almost unprecedented pre- -
season demand for season tickets,
plus a rushing over-the-counter sale Opens Seres
which began last Monday, has de-
finit ly assured a sell-out crowd for
Miss Anderson's return to Ann Arbor.
a few season and single concert tick
ets may still be obtained at the Un-
iversity Musical Society's offices in
Burton Memorial Tower, Dr. Charles
A. Sink, president of the Society, de-
clared last night.
Miss Anderson, who opens the
series, will be making her fourth ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor. Hailed un-
animously upon her concert debut
by critics as one of the finest singers
of all time, she has rapidly acquired
an appreciative public. In Hill Audi-
torium alone she holds the record of
17 curtain-calls following her first
recital there.
Rudolph Serkin, Euro-American
piano virtuoso, will present the sec-
ond concert of the season here Nov. 7.
First presented to Ann Arbor audi-
ences at the 1938 may Festival series, MARIAN ANDERSON
Mr. Serkin started his career in this * * *
country but six years ago in a joint
appearance with Adolph Busch at the
Coolidge Festival in Washington. The ,er
following year, he made his Ameri-
can debut as soloist with the New Caned W ormd s
York Philharmonic Symphony under
the baton of Arturo Toscanini in Best Contralto
Carnegie Hall. B s o ta t
Born In Czecholslovakia,
Born in Czechoslovakia of Russian Miss Anderson Praised
parents, Mr. Serkin studied in Vienna
and at the age of 12 made his debut By Toscanini As Voice
as guest artist with the Vienna Sym- Of One-Hundred Years
The famed Don Cossack Chorus
under the direction of Serge Jaroff, Irobably the simplest and the
frequent visitors to Ann Arbor, will greatest tribute paid ,to a singing
return Nov. 18 to present their reper- star was that given to Marian An-
toire of precision singing colored derson by Arturo Toscanini: "A
by the Russian Steppes. voice like yours is heard only once
Hill Auditorium will become the i ,,
focal point of an international broad- in 100 years.
cast on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 24, The remark makes clear how it
when the oldest American symphony was possible that a young Negro girl,
orchestra, the New York Philhar- who made her first public appear-
monic under its youngest conductor, ance in a duet in Philadelphia's Un-
John Barbirolli, returns once again ion Baptist Church, could gain recog-
Now in its ninety-ninth year, the nition as the greatest living con-
Fnilarmonic was for 20 years the
only symphany in America, when it
laid the foundation for the develop-
ment of musical taste in New York.
Singer and operatic star Richard
Bonelli will return to the stage of
Hill AuditoriumDec. 3 for the first
time since the 1939 May Festival
Featured artist with the Metropoli-
tan Oea C"moanv. Mr . Bonelli has
Miss Anderson was given her first
boost when, upon finishing high
school, the people of her church do-
nated nickels and dim s into a fund
for her future. 4
She was given a scholarship by
Mrs. Mary Saunders Patterson and
a year later earned two years of study
with Agnes Reifsneider by giving a
solo concert under the auspices of the
,l.L . . ...s,,..sS a
also appeared as guest artist wthPhiladelphia Choral Society.
the San Francisco and Cleveland Again through the use of funds
Opera Companies. n raised by well-wishers she was able
A yearly feature of the Choral to study with Giuseppe Boghetti who
Union Series, the Boston Symphony groomed her for her prize-winning
Orchestra returns Dec. 11 under the appearance at Lewisohn Stadium
baton of Serge Koussevitzky, its con- with the New York Philharmonic
ductor for the past 13 years. Well- Orchestra which led to an engage-
known to music lovers in Ann Arbor, ment by the Philadelphia Orchestra.
the Boston Symphony is now enter- For a year after that she sang little
ing its sixtieth season. in public and studied with Frank
Vladimir Horowitz, famed Russo- La Forge, but in the next four years
American pianist, comes to the stage she sang at Carnegie Hall and won a
of Hill Auditorium Jan. 15 after five Julius Rosenwald scholarship, besides
years touring the capitols of Europe. fulfilling several engagements in
Born in Kieff, Russia, in 1904, Mr. Europe.
(Continued on Page 2) Not until 1933 did critics begin to
appreciate her glorious voice, when
Tschaikowsky Concerto she began a three-months circuit of
the continent which extended to
Is Horowitz Pursuer two years. culminated in an appear-