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October 13, 1940 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-13

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Local Pulpits
Offer Varied
Topics Today
Dr. trashares Will Lead
Wesleyan Guild Study
Of 'Religious Beliefs'
Widely-varied are the topics to be
discussed in today's sermions and stu-
dent groups at the neighborhood
At 9:45 this morning, Professor
Carrothers will lead a student class
in the Wesley Foundation Assembly
Room at the First Methodist Church,
while at 6 p.m., the Wesleyan Guild
will hold the first of three study
groups led by a student chairman
and an adult supervisor. The topic
of. this meeting will be "Religious
Beliefs" led by Jean Westerman and
Dr. Brashares.
The Congregational Church will
hold a study group on the subject
"Our Heritage on Polity," at 10 a.m.
ihis morning, under the direction of
Rev. Ernest Evans, while the sermon
will deal with "Symmetrical Living."
Sunday evening at 7 p.m. Professor
Slosson, at the meeting of the Stu-
dent Fellowship, will speak on "Re-
ligious Interpretation of World
Events," to be followed by discus-
sion, and later, a social hour en-
hanced by refreshments.
Following the 6 o'clock supper hour,
Kenrfeth Morgan will address mem-
bers of the Lutheran Student Asso-
ciation at the Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall with the questions "Are Michi-
gan Students Religious?" Beginning
at 6 o'clock also, members of the stu-
dent group of the Bethlehem-Evan-
gelical Church will be discussing
"The Church Through the Centu-

Bach's Music Beta-Chi Psi Rivalry Crystallizes
W ill Feature As
-etr AsMoonshine Rum IV Defeats Eli
Organ Recital
Three Choral Preludes by Jahn By WILL SAPPIseems. hasn't really liked the Betas Time seems to temper wounds.}
I since five years ago when half of Gone are the days when Chi Psis and
Sebastian Bach will feature the sec- Ninety-five years of intense, but the Beta house, irked by Rum's con- Betas would stand on their respective
ond in a series of organ recitals by friendly, fraternity rivalry crystal- stant victories, grabbed BB guns and
Prof. Palmer Christian of the School sized today. pelted the Great Dane's hide with_
of Music at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday in With crushed morale, Eli, Beta pellets. Eli just seems to have in-
Hill Auditorium. Theta Pi's ugly buildog who bested herited a dislike for his next doorr
The first of these preludes, en- model Marcia Connell in a campus neighbors, the Chi Psis. s
titled "Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, -Yerterday they clashed, those dogs.
Seeing Rum lumber by, Eli broke his
Schopfer," is made out of the first chain and chased him home, but the,
line of the chorale built over a re- mastiff turned on hin and a growl-
curring motive for-pedals while the ing 165 pounds sneared a game,
second is a slight harmonic intensi- a rE it h u.
awkward Ehi into the dust. It was t
fication stressing the mood of prayer. Eli's first Rum-nospitalization since;
It is called "Ich rut' zu dir, Herr Jesu ast July, but the fifteenth in two
Christ." "Komm, heijiger Geist, Herr years. Th three months cessation
Gott," the third part, is a pure chor- of hostilities can be attributed to a
ale fantasia. spiked collar which Eli sported after'
Other selections which will. be heard his July release from the veterinary.
include Bach's Fugue in E flat, the The collar cowed Rum, made Eli I
symphonic chorale, "Jesu, Meine conceited. Hence, yesterday's at-
Freude" by Karg-Elert, and Vierne's tack.
"Clare de lune" (from "Piece de Fan- It was with sincere sadness that,
tasie") and "Finale" (Symphony 1). Bill Angst, '42E, scooped up the ail-
On Sunday, Oct. 27, Professor ing bulldog. "Come on baby," he
Christian will join with the Univer- murmured to the ailing dog, "we'llMOONSHINE RUM IV
sity Symphony Orchestra under Prof. patch you up again," Eli said noth- N
Thor Johnson playing the Concerto ig. Each of Eli's defeats is expen- porches egging the dogs into a fight
in E major for organ and orchestra BETA'S ELI sive to him economically, for'his doc- . . . "Go Rum, get'im!" . . . "Sic,
by Eric DeLamarter in a program tor's bills are deducted from his 'im Eli!" Now both houses take pre-
of American compositions amonthly food budget. "Either these cautions: Eli is kept chained, Rum
beauty queen contest two years ago, fights must stop," Beta President seldom is allowed out alone.
lies on a white table today receiving Lorne Black declared, "or we'll have isalowdutalne
Two Fishermen Saved ~ treatment for a nasty broken toe- to increase his budget!" Student Exchange Books
nail and severe cuts about the mouth, No mongrel himself, Rum is fed
SAGINAW, Oct. 11. -(P)- State while Chi Psi's massive Great Dane, specially cooked food by the Chi Psi Must .Be Claimed Soon
police reported late tonight the res- Moonshine Rum IV, struts arrogant- house man, Holgar Rasmussen, a All those patrons of the Student
cue of two fishermen from Saginaw ly before the Beta house. Dane himself, which may account for Book Exchange who have received
Bay after they had clung to their But here's the story: ever since the brotherly treatment. As a pun- postcards informing them that they
overturned boat 10 hours. A third July, 1845, both Beta and Chi Psi ishment for fighting, Rum must for- have unsold textbooks at the Ex-
fisherman, exhausted, had lost his have been carrying on a feud that feit his quart of ice cream tonight, change are warned that their books
grasp and drowned. even includes the mascots. Rum, it Jim Collins, '42, house manager, said. will be forfeited to the Exchange un-
less they are called for by 5 p.m. to-
morrow, in an announcement made
yesterday by Robert Samuels, '42,
" F F V I[ Z .:, 11T T.11. PEVUnion executive in charge._

Bishop Hughes
To Close Week
Of Dedication
The Henry Martin Loud lecturer,
Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes of Wash-
ington, D. C., will deliver the sermon,
"Making A'Personal Creed" at 10:45
p.m. today at the Methodist Church
to conclude the week of formal dedi-
cation of the new building.
A senior bisbor in the Methodist
Church since 1932, Bishop Hughes
has been outstanding in the field of
religious organization, education and
writing. He was president of DePauw
University from 1903 to 1908, follow-
ing his graduation from Ohio Wes-
leyan and his graduixte work at
Brown and Syracuse universities.
Bishop Hughes has also served as a
trustee of the Carnegie Foundation.
president of the t~achers association
of Indiana, acting president of
Brown University in 1923 and acting
chancellor of the American Univer-
sity in 1933.
He will participate in the Loud
Lectureship established in 1897 by
Henry Martin Loud for the presenta-
tion of an annual series of lectures
on the history, development and evi-
dences of Christianity.

French Movie
Will Be Shown


League Sponsors
End Of A Day'

The matinee idol and eternal Don
Juan will be portrayed in "The End
of a Day" when the French film
with English sub-titles is shown at
8:15 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday of next week at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre,
Sponsored by the Art Cinema
League, the movie stars Louis Jou-
vet, famous actor of the formerly
active French film industry. All
tickets for the three performances
will be sold at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn box office starting Wednesday.
Reserved seats may be had for 35
cents and reservations made by call-
ing 6300.
"End of a Day" was first shown in
this country in September in New
York City where it won the critic's
acclaim. The story deals with the
private lives of a touring company's
cast of actors and actresses, each
with a hidden tragedy in his life,
and each slightly older in years than
he or she wants to be for profession-
al reasons.

II U 1L.31.VE.. 1' 1 ,1..- .C1 ' L Vk 1.kJ .. 1

(Continued from Page 5)
Plans for the current year will be
discussed and refreshments will be
A Seminar in Religious Music will
meet on Monday, Oct. 14, at Lane
Hall at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Leonard Greg-
ory of the School of Music will lec-
ture on "Medieval Religious Music."
There will be musical recordings.
Open to all students.
Theology Seminar:\Students and
members of the faculty who are in-
terested in forming a group for the
study and discussion of Theology are
invited to attend a luncheon at Lane
Hall;, Tuesday, October 15, 12:15 p.m.
Fellowship of Reconciliation will
meet on Monday, Oct. 14, at 7:00 p.m.
in Lane Hall.
A Mass meeting for all Sophomore
women for announcement of the 1940
Sophomore Cabaret will be held at
5:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15, in the
League Ballroom. Eligibility cards
should be secured by those who wish
to sign up for activities.
Women's Fencing Club will meet
Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the
fencing room at Barbour Gymnasi-
um.. All fencers are invited to at-
Crop and Saddle Riding Club:
There will be a meeting of all the
old members at the Women's Ath-
letic Building on Monday, Oct. 14,
at 4:00 p.m.
Tryouts for Crop and Saddle will
be held on Wednesday, Oct. 16, at
4:30 p.m. All women interested may
call Mary Hayden at 2-2202 for fur-
ther information and to sign up.
you want
to keep
up with
the latest
books get
* 3c a day


St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00
a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon
by the Reverend Charles H. Cadi-
gan, Rector of Christ Church Cran-
brook; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church;
11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall;
7 :00 p.m. College Work Program,
Harris Hall. The Guild Journal of
1939-40, a review of the work of the
student group last year, will be heard.
Games and refreshments.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints: Sunday School and dis-
cussion group, 9:30 a.m., Chapel,
Michigan League. M.I.A., 8:00 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Spe-
cial Mission Sunday services at 9:30
in German and at 10:45 a.m. in the
English language. Sermons at both
services by the Rev. A. C. Klammer
of Frankenmuth. The evening mis-
sion service at ":45 with sermon by
the Rev. H. C. Faas of Coldwater.
Student Evangelical Chapel: There
will be worship in the Michigan
League Chapel Sunday. Oct. 13, both
morning and evening, 10:30 and 7:30
respectively. The Reverend George
Stob of Grand Rapids will conduct
both services.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. "Fol-
lowing the Joads to the Promised
Land," sermon by Rev. H. P. Marley.
7:30 p.m. Liberal Student Union

Round Table Discussion, led by Pro-
fessor Sellars, on "Liberalism in the
Present Crisis," Refreshments.
First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship at 10:40 o'clock. Bishop
Edwin H. Hughes of Washington,
D.C., will preach. The choir, under
the diiection of Hardin Van Deursen
with Miss Mary Eleanor Porter at
the organ, will present a Choral
Evensong at 8:00 p.m. Marian Struble
Freeman will be the violin soloist.
Wesley Foundation: Student Class
at 9:45 a.m. Sunday in the Wesley
Foundation Assembly Room with
Prof. George E. Carrothers as leader.
Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.m. in
the Wesley Foundation Assembly
Room. Supper and fellowship hour
following the meeting.
Zion Lutheran Church: The ser-
mon this week will be delivered by
Rev. E. Sagabiel, President of the
Texas District of the American Lu-
theran church. Services at 10:30 a.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Rev. H.
0. Yoder will preach on "Progress
in Christian Faith." Services at 10:30
First Church of Christ,, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m.'
Subject: "Are Sin, Disease and Death
Real?" Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church: 9:30
a.m. Bible Class for University stu-

dents in the Vance Parlor of the Stu-'
dent Center. Prof. R. D. Brackett,
10:49 a.m. "Seeing the Invisible"
will be the subject of the sermon by
Dr. W. P. Lemon.
6:00 p.m. Westminster Student
Guild will meet for supper and fel-
lowship. Small charge for the sup-
per. At 7:00 o'clock Dean Alice C.
Lloyd will speak to the Group on
"Courage and Understanding."
Disciples Guild (Christian Church):
10:00 a.m. Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.I
10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.'
6:30 p.m., Guild Sunday Evening
Hour. Mrs. Thivy of India will speak
on Hinduism. A social hour and re-
freshments will follow.
First Congregational Church: 10:00
a.m. Adult Study Group led by Rev.
Ernest Evans.
10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Ser-
mon by Dr. L. A. Parr on "Symmet-
rical Living."
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship. Prof.
Preston W. Slosson will speak on
"World Events: A Religious Interpre-
tation." Social hour and refresh-
ments follow the program.
Read The Daily Classifieds

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