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October 10, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-10

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i U


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited'to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $450.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative-
Member, Associated Cotegsate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Hervie Haufler. . . . Managing Editor
Alvin Sarasohn . . . . Editorial Director
Paul M. Chandler . . City Editor
Karl Kessler . . . Associate Editor
Milton Orshefsky . . . . Associate Editor
Howard A. Goldman . . Associate Editor
Donald Wirtchafter . . . . Sports Editor
Esther Osser . . . . Women's Editor
Helen Corman . . . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Michigan Forum -
Is It Going Too Far?. ..
OMETHING NEW and important is
starting tonight at Michigan. The
Michigan Forum, modeled after the Union of
Oxford University, will sponsor its first debate
of the season on current issues. The topic will
be, "Resolved, That the President of the United
States Should Be a Practical Business Man."
The proposition will be upheld by two members
of the campus Young Republican Club who will
be opposed by two students representing "liber-
al" elements in the University.
And this will truly be an important occasion
for the University, for it means that, at long
last, we shall have a public place for free dis-
cussion of important issues of the day. The Uni-
versity's first excursion into the realm of stu-
dent-faculty debate of important current topics
was the annual Spring Parley, and it was cer-
tainly -no failure. But a great fault lay in the
fact that the subjects chosen for discussion were
much too broad.. Persons engaging in the dis-
cussions often neglected to maintain a strict di-
rection, and, consequently, the debates and talks
wandered all over the face of civilized thought.
Little concrete opinion can arise as a result of
such broad excursions into the realms of modern
What those Parleys have lacked is exactly
what the new Forum, which will be a weekly
affair, has to offer us. Topics will be narrow,
will deal with specific issues, very concrete is-
sues, which are important to us today, and on
which we must make up our minds. These For-
ums held very fairly with an opportunity for all
different types of camput~ opinion to hold forth,
can help us to decide what sides we want to take
in the argungents of the day. Or, perhaps, after
we have heard all these opinions, we may decide
that none of them offer the correct solutions to
what it is that ails this country and the world.
That is also our prerogative as Americans.
At any rate, here is an opportunity for us to
get, in on free discussion of pertinent topics of
today. For instance, right now we are all inter-
ented in the Presidential campaign. Is it Will-
kie, or is it Roosevelt? And so the Forum will
discuss topics in connection with the issues of
the. campaign until after the election. Then
other important subjects will be taken up. It is
I important that we, as students in that rare
country which still permits free discussion, at-
tend the Forum and try to find out the truth.
The Forum can help.
- Alvin Sarasohn
New, Important . .
Wy RITE TO radio station WCKY and
they will send, you a free patriotic
button for your lapel. Take your. American flag
to some drycleaners and they will plean it for you
free of charge. Listen to a certain prominent
newscaster and you can repeat the pledge of
allegiance every night.
Except that if you are like me you won't want
to do any of these things.
I feel almost completely out-of-step with these
avowals of patriotism. If I thought anyone
would listen I would tell people not to keep pa-
triotic buttons like concentrating crucifixes be-
fore their eyes, tell them that in listening to the

of those "potential traitors" a professor on our
faculty warned against? I do not think so. I
think that I (and you other reluctant patriots)
are doing what we think best for America.
All this wave of patriotism, say our leaders, is
for defense: America must be awakened to the
necessity of arming. The tri-colored buttons, the
reiterated allegiance, the constant waving of the
flag are employed only to bring unified support
behind our national defense program.
Are you asleep? those in the patriotic parade
ask me. Will you wait for Hitler to trespass on
your doorstep before you awaken? Do you not
see that a little deliberate pricking, spurring of
America's national spirit must be resorted to if
we are to be reveilled out of our France-like
And I must admit that people chide me with
these views and I occasionally feel like hell. I
wonder if there is not within me something base
and selfish that prevents me from clapping for
the flag, that makes me doubt the sincerity of
all this. Beside the proud, applauding patriot I
am apt to feel shaken in my convictions.
I would gladly go along in this glorious reas-
sertion of Americanism. It would be a lot easier,
a lot less wearing, I assure you. This is the overt,
evident, manifestly American way. If you pound
the drum and wave the flag and wear the red,
white and blue in your lapel, then no one can
very well argue with you that you are not.stand-
ing up for the best interests of America.
But as I say, the patriotic parade is one I can-
not follow with full sincerity. Even though I am
sometimes shaken in my views, it takes but a
short time of reflection to bring my suspicions
ruphing back.
No one in this parade knows where he is going.
The belief is that the destination is national de-
fense. But how many men are needed for an
effective defense? Until a few months ago the
general staff of the Army said that a well-
equipped field force of 280,000 men could pro-
tect the nation from invasion. Later the number
was raised to 375,000 to take in all of North and
South America. How many men does President
Roosevelt want? Two million, two hundred thou-
What is to be done with these extra thousands
of men? It may be that the President wants a
good, safe margin. One million, eight hundred
and twenty-five thousand, however, is a very
tremendous ,margin.
You need flags and patriotism to bring support
to defense. You also need patriotism, and lots of
it, before you can send American boys to Eng-
land or to Asia.
Have the paraders heard how the Republican
party decided to drop from its platform a pledge
that "the blood of American youth shall not be
spilled on foreign soil?" How and whom does
such a pledge offend? Joe Pugh and his millions?
Wall Street? Is not just such a pledge the oil
that is being used to quiet the misgivings of the
paraders? What is behind this double standard?
Do the paraders never suspect that they are
being led on blindly step by step? First it was
cash and carry, sell to Germany if they could get
ships here. Purely business 'transaction. Next it
was Bundles for Britain-humanistic, philan-
thropic bundles. Then it was conscription-
warmly greeted by Britain, and then destroyers.
Now it is flying fortresses and loans. Will it not
be plane crews next? And then-?
The United States Army is preparing for an
A. E F. By spring America will be prepared to
send men abroad. Is this mere philosophical
.fatalism on the Army's part? Is it simply part
of the Army's attempt to be ready for any direc-
tion the lion of whipped-up public hysteria may
spring? Or is this lion, like the frogs in "Brig-
ham Young," pretty well guided in hisleap?
Perhaps it is silly to think of some force de-
terminedly leading us into war. Possibly our
swift trend toward involvement is entirely of
our own making, a product of our confused
search for the wisest way. I don't know. All I
can truly see is the motion itself. and I know
that today's hyper-patriotism is the machinery
of that motion.
I know that before I can begin to applaud the
patriots' parade, I will have to have a much
clearer proof that it is the right way for America.
Somehow I have the feeling that when histor-
ians-to-come probe into our present rush to-
wards war, they will find many ugly sides that
we of the present do not see.

They did a pretty thorough job of belatedly
oe-glamorizing World War I. Remember?
- Hervie Haufler
The City Editor's

Robert S.Allex
WASHINGTON - Big business members of
the Commerce Department's Business Advisory
Board got the surprise of their lives at the ban-
quet they gave to new Commerce Secretary
Jesse Jones.
The towering, multi-millionaire Texan has
not been noted for his New Dealism. As RFC
boss, sometimes he bluntly opposed the White
House, and his elevation to the Cabinet met with
dour mutters in certain inner Administration
So when Jones arose to address his business
hosts, they leaned back in comfortable anticipa-
tion of soothing remarks. A few minutes later
they were sitting bolt upright in startled aston-
"These United States," said the new Secretary
of Commerce, "have been good to us. We have
made money, we have nice homes, wear good
clothes, have fine cars and can afford banquets
like this one. We can look back fifty years,
when most of us started, and chart the courses
we followed. But we can't look ahead that far
and see where we are going.
"But there are some things we do know about
the future. One of them is that the days of
making great fortunes are over. That is fin-
ished. Another is that the upper third, you and
I, has got to have a more public-minded view-
point. We must realize that the welfare and
well-being of the lower third is our problem. We
are not living in a world by ourselves. We are as
much a part of society as the fellow on the other
side of the tracks.
"His problems are our problems and unless
something is done about them the world we know
and want to preserve won't last very long. We
business men can't afford to be blind, or ob-
structive, or stupid. You can't turn the clock
back. Remember that."
Equally unexpected was the reaction to the
Jones talk. His business hosts applauded vigor-
Note--Lone guest not in dinner clothes was
Averill Harriman, director of numerous corpora-,
tions and railroads and former head of the Ad-
visory Board. Harriman's old friend, Defense
Commissioner Sidney Hillman, joshingly started
a subscription fund to buy him a dinner jacket.
Army Uniforms
Young men who want to be officers in the new
Army are finding that the greatest obstacle is
the cost of getting dressed. The Army does not
provide uniforms for its officers, and the cost
at a tailor shop is enough to send them back
home as conscientious objectors.
For an officer called in from Reserve, here is
the list of minimum requirements. It does not'
include the "special evening dress," which would
add another $105 to the total.

E cho Mountains

Olive drab blouse (coat) with
"pink" slacks ................. $
Overcoat .........................
Garrison cap .....................
Campaign cap ....................
Sam Browne belt................
Pnttees ...........................
Field boots.... ................
Six shirts at $3.00 .................
Breeches .........................


Draft Day isn't so far away now. Sometime'
November, to be exact. But for Canada it
much closer. Their boys go to camp today.


TOTAL ........................ $212.00
This also does not include a $16 sabre, which
has now been made optional. And it includes
only one suit of blouse-and-slacks, whereas three
or four actually are required.
The Quartermaster Corps of the Army esti-
mates that $250 would be required to purchase
a "modest outlay" for a young officer.
Capitol Chaff
Nelson Rockefellek, serving on the National
Defense Commission, has been, described as a
"dollar-a-year-man." "But," complained the
young millionaire, "I don't even get the dollar."
He is in a classification which gets no pay at
all . . . Using the remnants of the Stokowski-
selected orchestra for the South American tour,
National Youth Administration is staging Sun-
day radio concerts . . . Mrs. Lionel Atwill claims
credit for Senator Connally's long hair. "I make
him keep it long," she says, "because we must
have one man who looks like a real Senator."
Willkie And Labor
From the start of his campaign in the Chicago
stockyards, Wendell Willkie has plugged tena-
ciously away at wooing labor. It has been a
hard, uphill fight.
But the gritty GOP standard bearer has stuck
doggedly to it and has gone out of his way every-
where to sell himself to the workingman. Just
how tough aproposition this is, is illustrated by
the following incidents:
1. In Lansing, Mich., the Oldsmobile auto
management asked the shop committee if it
would be all right to close down for an hour, so
that Willkie could visit the plarpt to talk to the
workers. The answer of the shop committee was
that the union had no objection-provided the
company paid the men for the time they listened
to the candidate.
The company refused, and the proposed meet-
ing was canceled.
2. Husky, white-haired Charles MacGowan,
vice-president of the AFL Boilermakers and
Shipbuilders Union, is a lifelong Republican and
personal friend of Willkie's. Several years ago,
at a conference with MacGowan in the New York

by mascott
Tonight at 7:45 a new idea be-
comes concrete reality on the Mich-
igan campus. That idea, that reality
is The Michigan Forum.
The subject for its first discussion
is: "Resolved, That the President of
the United States Should Be a Prac-
tical Business Man." John Huston
and Daniel Huyett will uphold the
affirmative and William Muehl and
Daniel Suits the negative.
Our views, however, on the Forum
itself are perhaps best stated in the
following letter which we received
"In ordinary times thedwell being
of a democratic society depends on
the full and free discussion, the ac-
tive participation of its citizens in
the determination of public policy.
Today the issues facing the American
people are perhaps more vital than
ever before in their history; discus-
sion becomes even more imperative
than in peaceful times.
"Student realization of this need
has brought about the development
of a new mechanism for discussion
on the Michigan campus-The Mich-
igan Forum.
"Holding its first meeting tomor-
row night, the Forum is more widely
sponsored than any other permanent
feature of campus life. The Student
Senate, the League, the Union and
The Daily all combine to make the
Forum truly representative. In the
past, an important part of the ser-
vice of these organizations has been
to provide opportunities for student
thought and expression; now they
merge their efforts to make these
opportunities a permanent and con-
tinuous feature of campus life.
"The organization of the Forum
and the nature of tomorrow night's
debate have been thoroughly pre-
sented in The Daily, but we wish to
emphasize again the distinctive fea-
tures of the Forum. Its two most im-
portant characteristics are its per-
manence and its democratic control.
The Forum is conceived of as a series
of discussions throughout the year.
Furthermore, it must be clearly rec-
ognized that the Forum is controlled
by students: (1) The Forum com-
mitteedconsists entirely of students;
(2) Students at large are invited to
participate in the selection of topics
for discussion; (3) Any capable stu-
dent will have an opportunity to
speak from the platform; (4) The
main emphasis of the Forum will be
on discussions from the floor; (5)
Students will have an opportunity to
vote on the issue at the conclusion of
each meeting.
"Organized and operated by stu-
dents. the Forum can succeed only
with full student participation.
tm ,- ,. ,, l .. . ... .. .1.. « i i

(Continued from Page 2)2
Payrolls: Payrolls for the first sem-i
ester are ready for approval. ThisX
should be done at the Business Office'
before October 18 if checks are to bei
issued on October 31.t
Edna Geiger Miller, 2
Payroll Clerk r
Students in the College of Litera-t
ture, Science, and the Arts, who have
been accepted for the Naval Train-
ing Program, V-7: Students who1
have been accepted for this training
and who will need to be absent from
classes for an extended period of1
time, should consult with me at their
early convenience, but in no case
later than'ctober 12.
Students, College of Engikneering:
Sophomore, junior, and senior stu-
dents who are working for 'degrees
in any of the following departments
are requested to report .at the Sec-
retary's Office, 263 West Engineer-,
ing Building, if they have not pre-
viously done so.
Five-year programs combined with
industry; and
Combinations of any two programs;
Mathematics, or combinations of
mathematical and technical pro-
Physics, or combinations;
Astronomy, or combinations;
Engineering-Law program;
Engineering-Business Administra-
tion program;
Engineering-Forestry program;
Metallurgical Engineering pro-
C. B. Green, Assistant Secretary
Social Chairmen: League Houses,
Dormitories and Sororities. Atten-
tion is called to the following ruling,
from the Office of the Dean of Stu-
"Application must be filed in the
Office of the Dean of Students, Room


2, University Hall, on the Monday
before the event of which approval
is requested. It should be accom-
panied by written acceptance from
two sets of approved chaperons, and
in the case of fraternities and sorori-
ties, by approval from the financial
adviser. This office reserves the
right to refuse permission for parties
if the requests are not received on
In case of women, application must
first be approved by Office of the
Dean of Women.
Choral Union Concert Tickets: A
limited number of tickets for the sea-
son and for individual concerts are
on sale 'over the counter" at the
-offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Holder of ticket receipts for the
Football Ticket Resale may collect
their money in the Student Offices
of the Union this week from 3-5.
Today is the deadline for applica-
tions for the Hillel Hostess Scholar-
ship, which may be obtained at the
Hillel Foundation.
The Congress Cooperative House
has one vacancy for room and board
for this semester. Any student inter-
ested, phone 2-2143 or 816 Tappan.
Academic Notices
Mathemtaics 301, Seminar on Al-
most Periodic Functions. Prelim-
inary meeting for arrangement of
hours today at 3 o'clock, in 3014
French and German Preliminary
Examinations for the Doctorate will
be given on Friday, October 11, at
4:00 p. m. in Second Floor Study
Hall, Rackham Building.
Preliminary Examinations for the
(Continued on Page 6)

Canada, maybe you recall, is the country on
our north which has declared war on Germany.
There has been much talk that the Nazis will
attempt to take over the Maple Leaf government
if England falls. So conscription is to be ex-

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC- NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Thursday Evening



But maybe you're interested in Canada's
draft plans. She is training only men be-
tieen 21-24, for only a month's service, and
the total draftees will total only 240,000.
The military education will be given to gulps
of 30,000 men.
The U.S. plans hit men from 21-35; we will
be training 900,000 in the first year; 400,000 wil'
go in the first gulp; and our training period is
a full year.
, , *

6:00 News
6:15 Himber Orch.
6:30 Inside of Sports
6:45 Musical
7:00 Amos 'n Andy
7:15 Lanny Ross
7:30 vox Pop
7:45 vox Pop
8:00 Ask-it Basket
8:15 Ask-it Basket
8:30 strange as Seems
8:45 Strange as Seems
9:00 Major Bowes
9:15 Major Bowes
9:30 Major Bowes

Ty Tyson
Sports Parade
Lowell Thomas
Fred Waring
Dinner Music
Good News
Aldrich Family
Kraft Music Hall

Dinning Sisters
Concert Orchestra
Day in Rev'iew
Evening Serenade
Easy Aces
Mr. Keen-Tracer
Green Hornet
Pot of Gold
Canadian Holiday
Gabriel Heatter
Life With Father
Miniature Concert

Rollin' Home
Conga Time
Pancho Orchestra
Boss Meets Worker
To Be Announced
Football Forecast
On Parade
Baptist Hour
News Ace





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