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October 06, 1940 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-06

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second classmail matter.
Bubcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College PAhishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193940
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Earl Kessler .
Milton O rshefaky
Howard A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter.
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager . .
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

. Irving Guttman
. Robert Gilmour
. Helen Bohnsack
. . Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Our Country -
By Two Americans .. .
F YOU HAVEN'T READ the follow-
ing brief editorials by Sherwood
Anderson and John Dos Passos-two of a series
of articles on "Our Country" which appeared
in the Scripps-Howard papers-we hope that
you will find time to do so. They express mas-
terfully what we of The Daily staff have been
trying to express all through the war months.
Author of such works as "Dark Laughter,"
"A Midwest Childhood" and "Puzzled America,"
Sherwood Anderson has herewith written his
view on an important problem of the day. Dos
Passos, whose article follows Anderson's, is the
author of "U.S.A., "The Big Money" and "The
Adventures of a Young Man." These editorials
speak for themselves. Need we say more?
IT SEEMS TO ME that, in surrendering to the
totalitarian idea, man is simply throwing
away what men have fought and died for all
during man's history. It must be that present-
day man is very tired.
So we are to glorify the state, that vague thing
up there. We are to bow down to it. Individuality
is to be thrown overboard.
The state, the people, the masses, the prole-
tariat. How we run about babbling these mean-
ingless words.
There is no such thing. Such words have no
real meaning.
There is to be this man-the leader-he only
'to develop his individuality. We are to make
ourselves shadows of him. It comes to that.
What else?
JELL, it will be more efficient. There will be
no discussions, no questions. The leader
speaks and we must blindly obey.
Everything man has gained to be thrown away,
French revolution, American revolution, the op-
portunity for the exceptional man to arise, free-
dom of speech,, everything thrown aside.
For efficiency.
Guns made faster, killing made easier-all
of man's feeling for man, that can grow only
with the growth of individuality-all of this
sacrificed for efficiency.
Are we that tired? It is all tiredness.
What else? It is a dream of tired men. It is
a throwing away of all responsibility of man for
That is the totalitarian state.
ARE WE SO TIRED of body and spirit that
we must make the state our mother, creep
like babes to suck at the dry dugs of the state?
It is a sickening thought-the final surrender
to hopelessness.
It must be stopped. Man must regain his feel-
ing for man.'
And why not here, in America? It is still a
new, fresh land. All of our traditions cry out
against surrender of freedom of movement, of
speech, of the right of the individual to find
his way to his own God, to love and understand-
ing of his fellow man.
It seems to me that there is again a chance
for America to become as it was in early days
the land of an old tired rld's hope of renewal.
- Sherwood Anderson
* * *
VT17S w are in danger: but the danger that

Sizzling Platter _FR
;, by mascott
"'ANC (that is, the rally inside Yost
~ Field House) was just about the;
mildest affair of its kind that we've1
seen in four years. The fact that
the band left early, that the acous-
~'~3 " tics and public address system in
"the Field House are poor, only partly
i ," aaccounts for the mob lethargy. Prob-
ably the major factor in the show of'
s t g mild spirit is the knowledge that the
'ai s Wolverines have a seemingly superb
football aggregation. In the days
.,,f .*. a"when Michigan's football fortunes
were horribly low, the students' spir-
it was proportionally high.
Friday night's rally should have'
been all the more intense in tribute
to the "Grand Old Man's" retire-
ment. If the rally was a minor flop,
however, it wasn't Yost's fault. He'
strode onto the platform like a true'
champion, threw his hat down on the
stand, rolled up his pants and sleeves
and then "gave 'em the business."
Unfortunately, most of what he said
was lost on the crowd because of the
..:. i poor P. A. system. But the "Old
Man," who could and probably still
can perform miracles with a foot-
ball team and still mispronounces
Michigan, got the biggest, most sin-
cere applause of the evening-in
spite of the fact that he wears gar-
* * *
The Daily had a good typo yes-
terday about ,Hurry Up's" appear-
ance on the platform. The story
read: "But the first and last time
-~ 1 they really let loose at the rally came
when Yost got up on the speakers'
platform. The crow arose and gave
him a tremendous ovation that made
his voice choke as he began to speak."
l There were a few good cracks made
by members of the crow. When the
- band left midway during the pep
meeting, one supercilious senior was
heard to remark: "Revelli must have
" sneaked them off to the Barton Hills
Country Club for a good rest before
Washington erry- o-Roundthe game."
* * '
And there was one little sophomore
(female) who wailed in front of the1
WASHINGTON-The new alliance between of Manchukuo be given her as a sop for the new doors of the Field House: "My Gawd,
Japan, Germany and Italy has revived dis- alliance. It is also reported that the Axis might I forgot my identification card." No,'
cussions between the United States and Russia give Russia the strait of the Bosporus plus a girlie, the basketball season hasn't
regarding a common policy in the Far Est. sphere of influence through Iran to the Persian begun yet . . . although the "Mich-
regadinga comonpoliy inthe r .igan 52, Opponents 0" marked clear-
Conversations to this end had been taking Gulf. But all these are merely reports. iyan 5 h, spoeb0ar ed clear-1
place all summer, but had made little progress. Only tangible fact known here is that the ly on the scoreboard seemedtpre-7
Russansnowseemto e alitle mre menble sage a good basketball year. But we
The Russians at that time were playing the Brit- Russians now seem to be a little more amenable doubt it.
ish off against the Nazis, and figured they to reason, and there may be a common under-
would jump to whichever side seemed to be standing worked out between the United States
comig ot o top an Mocowregadin Jaan.So fr te Sate Her mistake, nevertheless, was nt
coming out on top. and Mosow regading Japan ofhav atheate quite so bad in comparison with that
However, the Japanese alliance came as a Dtmen its n Rusi he mahne aovi- f the sophomore who, when Louis
dose of very cold water in Moscow's face. For- tion gasoline it wants and also the machine tools Elbel signaled for singing of the "Vic-
eign Minister Molotoff apparently did not know previously ordered here-though these have been tors," blurted out: "O sturdy sons
for sure that the alliance was to be signed until barred to Japan. of City College . . ." When the soph-
about 24 hours in advance. And despite reassur- It's no easy job to pin down the Russians, but omore realized from the words of the
ing statements that Russia was being taken care conversations along these general lines are pro- song that this was Michigan and not
of, there have been no actual commitments by ceeding. C. C. N. Y., he became very quiet,
the Axis power to the Soviet. Note-Despite Stalin's extreme ire at the Nazi- completely puzzled. You, brother,
Japanese deal, it will not surprise U.S. observers not only got your routes mixed up
Of all the powers ringing the great land mash if temporarily he pays lip service to the new set- but are damn near-sighted as well.
of Russia and Siberia, probably the oldest tra- * * *
ditional enemy is Japan. The Russians have upoevertswithmannggessi aMost noisy person in the crowd
got along fairly well with Germany since the which, however, will be meaningless, was the one who consistently shouted
last war, have had their ups and downs with, Legion Politics "There'll always be an England" be-
Great Britain, but with Japan there is a long There was one piece of politics at the Amer- fore each cheer for Michigan. Frank-
and unmitigated enmity. Therefor, for Japan ican Legion Convention in Boston which did not ly, we don't see any connection.
to become a part of the Axis is a bitter pill for leak out-some hot rivalry between two Repub- *
the Soviet to swallow. lican groups. The "M" Club, incidentally, de-
It is reported that Russia is asking that part It happens that Hanford MacNider, Assistant serves a great deal of credit for keep-
__Secretary of War under Coolidge, headed the ing the damage to persons and prop-
individual man that all our institutions have Republican Service League up until recently. It erty down to a minimum.
was his job to rally Legion votes for Republicans.
grown up. However, the Republican Service League was
I think that if we could look at the develop- recently euchered out from under MacNider and The
ment of American government under the New put under Harry Colmery, former commander of
Deal as if it were 10 years off, liberals and tories put nr H a iw, former commanderiof
fe Amrian Leion T T -T !

alike would be forced to admit that more useful i~''' n '"'i "'ti I I1L.J'li
building has been done than they have been And at Boston, Colmery opened Willkie head- I \.LX
willing to see. To put the republic into a state quarters at the Statler Hotel. This was the first
wfl efn tse e . Tm u thrganze or b e nt o r s t tim e th at a L egion convention had been usedS
of defense we must organize for liberty or els openly to boost one political candidate, and con-
there'll be no republic to defend. We've got to siderable resentment was expressed, much of it
prove that machine-production in war or peace coming from the friends of Hanford MacNider.
can better serve the ends of liberty than the Democrats stood on the sidelines and grinned.P
ends of tyranny. Copper Coppered
T IS A GREAT and terrible moment. Every It hasn't been publicly announced, but the
selfish and power-minded group in the coun- big copper moguls have assured the Defense Maybe you missed these at the
try is going to try to use the confusion for its Commisison there will be no price kiting on this football game:
vita rawmateial.The coeds are red this year-most-
own ends. At a time when what we need most vital raw material.
is clear heads and the will to sacrifice private The promise was not entirely voluntary. It ly corduroy.
prejudices and interests for the common good, followed some pointed prodding. There e g e coshan esenties.
men in high office and low are ruining the rec- With defense production swinging into full Michigan State wore strips of
ord of their otherwise useful lives by a panic stride, copper recently began showing signs of tape on their jerseys-supposed to
scrapping of every principle they were brought zooming skyward. Overnight there was a half- be a good luck omen.
up to believe in. In the name of the great total- cent jump to 12 cents a pound. Warming up exercises for the State
itarian bogey they whoop up the mob against To Defense Commissioner Leon Henderson, backfield consisted of a hybrid kind
whatever minority seems weakest and least pop- whose job is to police prices,, this restiveness of leap frog.
ular. was unwarranted. He had a confidential dos- The Wolverines' pants aren't satin
It is civic courage and civil liberty that will sier on copper containing certain interesting this year; instead a sickly yellow
beat the European and Asiatic bogeys abroad facts. One of them was that while the U.S. knit fabric of some kind.
and at home and firmly establish this republic Government was being charged 12 cents a pound, Tom Harmon was tackled most
of free men in the new world that is being hacked large quantities were being sold to Japan at viciously by our guests. The first
out in cruelty and bloodshed. An American less than 10 cents. time Smiley went out of bounds to
monopolist's despotism will not succeed in sav- Another was that the U.S. copper producers nail the Hurricane.
ing America any more than the poor rotten were protected by a 4-cent tariff and that plenty Chicago's maroon banner still flies
French businessman's republic ncceeded in say- of copper could be obtained as well under 12 in the Stadium, even though her
ing France. cents if this tariff wall were leveled. athletes play the six-man kind these
So Henderson "invited" the copper chiefs to days.
IN TIMES OF GREAT STRESS nations sink Washington. They came, among them C. F. Michigan might call 13 a lucky
to their lowest common denominator. I be- "Con" Kelley, head of giant Anaconda Copper. number. We played 13 minutes of
lieve that, just as the lowest common denomin- The conference was amicable, but Henderson the first quarter in Spartan dirt,
ator of Europe has become something bad for minced no words. then T. H. sprinted 13 yards for our
mankind. the lowest common denominator of He said that the Defense Commission wanted first touchdown.

(Continued from Page 6) Women's Research Club will meet
on Monday, October 7, at 7:30 p.m.
to do so, to phone one of the offi- in the West Lecture Room, Rack-
cers. Besides the former members, ham Building. Program: Dr. Elinor
the following men selected from the Husselman: "Coptic manuscripts and
Thursday tryouts are requested to papyri in the University of Michi-
attend rehearsals pending further gan collection."
tryouts later. Dr. Louise Shier: "A sixth century
James G. Bassett, Reinhard A. Coptic manuscript in the University
Bernstein, James F. Conti, J. R. Ed- collection."
wards, Eugene F. Fox, John W. Fry,
Ed Gibson, Stanley J. Hipwood, Rob- Modern Dance Club will meet on
ert W. Holland, Leo V. Imperi, James Wednesday, October 9, at 7:15 p.m.,
S. Martin, Herbert E. Neuchterlein, Barbour Gymnasium. The class in
Harry S. Parmelee, Charles F. Par- ballet will meet at 4:30 on Tuesday
thum, Franklin I. Powers, Floyd F. afternoon in Barbour Gymnasium.
Rechlin, .John H. Rust, Roy E. Som-
merfeld, John Verhagen, J. C. Rus- Women's Tennis Club: Open meet-
sell Warren. ing on Wednesday, October 9, at
4:15 in the Women's Athletic Build-
International Center: Those inter- ing. Come dressed to play. Every-
ested are invited to Join a hiking one welcome.
party today which will leave the
Center at 2 o'clock and return about The Fellowship of Reconciliation
4. will meet on Monday, Oct. 7, at 7
At 7 o'clock there will be a piano o'clock in Lane Hall. Discussion on
and violin recital by Mrs. Mabel Ross "The statement of one's pacifist po-
Rhead and Mrs. Marian Struble sition." All interested are invited.
Triangles will have a business Churches
meeting today at 5 p.m. in Room 302
of the Union.
__thUi_.Bethlehem Evangelical-Reformed:
Graduate Outing Club will meet Awiener roast is scheduled for the
Grdadate utn2Cu:wl3me Sunday evening meeting of the Stu-
today at 2:30 p. m. at the rear west dent Guild. Students are asked to
door of the Rackham Building for a meet at the Parish Hall (4th Ave.
hike. Supper served outdoors. All near William) at 5:00 p.m.
graduate students, faculty and alum-
ni invited. _Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints: Sunday School and dis-
American Student Union meeting cussion group, 9:30 a.m. Sunday, in
on Sunday, October 6, at 10:00 a.m. the Chapel, Michigan League.
today at 10:00 a. m. in the Union.
Everyone interested is invited. First Methodist Church: Commun-
ion Service at 8:30 a.m. Morning
Outdoor Sports Club: Roller skat- Worship Service at 10:40 a.m. Bishop
ing tour of campus and Ann Arbor Raymond J. Wade will preach on
today. Meet at 2:30 at the Wom- "The Church and the World Today."
en's Athletic Building. A small fee Organ Vesper service at 4:30 p.m.
will be charged for refreshments, and
skates may be rented. Sign up at Wesley Foundation: Student Class
the WAB desk, with Marion Bale, or at 9:45 a.m. in the Wesley Founda-
Gertrude Inwood at Stockwell Hall. tion Assembly Roomh with Professor
All women on campus, especially George Carrothers as leader.
Freshmen, are invited. Reception for Methodist students
and their friends in the Wesley Foun-
Hillel Foundation: A meeting of dation Assembly Room at 6:00 p.m.
the Hillel Councill will be held this Church Services at 7:30 p.m. Greet-
morning at 11:00 a.m. at the Foun- ings by President Ruthven, Mayor
dation. Sadler, Paul Voorhies, and William
Clark. Professor John L. Brumm will
Avukah, student Zionist organiza- speak on "Religion and Learning."
tion, will sponsor a Forum tonight at
8:00 pp.m. at the Hillel Foundation. Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "Chos-
Discussion on "Why Zionism Now?" ing Our Religion." Sermon by Rev.
All students are cordially invited. H. P. Marley.
7:30 p.m. Liberal Student Union
Round Table Discussion on "The Re-
Coming Events fugee Question" by Mrs. Harold Gray.
German Table for Faculty Mem- Refreshments.
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan Zion Lutheran Church services on
Union. Faculty members interested Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sermon, "Rich
in German conversation are cordially Toward God," by Rev. E. C. Stell-
invited. There will be a brief talk horn.
by Mr H. W. Nordmeyer
W -r The Lutheran Student Association
Botanical Journal Club will meet will meet Sunday evening at 5:30 for
Bo Tesa ct. 8,rnat7:0upm,ina social half hour in Zion Lutheran
on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 7:30 p.m., in Parish Hall. Supper at 6:00 p.m.,
Room NS 1139.followed by program
Reports by student and members ___dypgm
of the staff on travel and exploration Trinity Lutheran Church services
during the summer. on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sermon,
Meeting open to anyone inter- "The Obedience of Christian Faith,"
ested. by Rev. H. O. Yoder.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will Disciples Guild (Christian Church)
meet in Room 319 West Medical 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev.
Building, at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan- Fred Cowin, pastor.
uary 8. Subject: "Muscle Hemo- 6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday
globin and Problems Related to Its Evening Hour. Syed Kadri will
Physiology." speak on Mohammedanism. A social
hour and refreshments will follow.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-

day, October 8, at 8 p.m., in the The Ann Arbor Society of Frien&
West Conference Room of the Rack- (Quakers). Meeting for Worship will
ham Building. Professor Copeland be held Sunday afternoon, 5 p.m.
will give his retiring presidential ad- in Lane Hall. Following the meet-
dress, entitled "If." All interested ing will be a discussion with reports
are invited. of the Cape May Conference. All
interested are cordially invited.
Varsity Debaters-Men: All men
interested in varsity debate are asked St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Morn.
to meet in room 4203 Angell Hall at ing Worship Service at 10:45 a.m.
4 p.m., Monday, October 7. Sermon, "Come unto the Marriage'
by Rev. C. A. Brauer.
Graduate Student Council will Special evening service at 7:45
meet on Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 7: with Holy Communion. PreparatorN
15 p.m. in the Women's Lounge of service at 7:30 p.m.
the Rackham Building. Discussion
of plans for the year and arranging Student Club of St. Paul's Luther
for Graduate Activities Night on the an Church will meet Sunday at 5:34
16th. All members urged to attend. p.m. Supper and social hour at 6:0
Any graduate student interested in p.m. There will be a "hay-ride" fol
the Council is welcome. lowing the evening service. All stu
dents are invited.
Men's Physical Education Club
will meet at 9:00 p.m., in the Michi- First Congregation. Church: 10:0
gan Union on Tuesday, October 8. a.m.: Adult Study group led by th
All men Physical Education students Rev. Ernest Evans on "Our Heritagf
welcome. and Policy."
Public Health Nursing Students 10:45 a.m.: Service of public wor
are invited to hear Miss Mary Beard, ship. Sermon by Dr. L. A. Par
Director of Red Cross Nursing Serv- "What About Your Shadow?"
ice, Washington, D.C., speak at a 5:50 p.m.: The High School grou:
meeting of the Ann Arbor district Ariston League will meet for supper
of the Michigan State Nurses Asso- Mrs. Willis B. Hunting will lead th
ciation at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, program in "What Am I Livin
October 10, at Couzens Hall. For?"
7:00 p.m.: Student Fellowship
German Club will meet on Tues- Prof. James K. Pollock will speak ox
day, October 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the "World Events." Social hour and re



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