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October 06, 1940 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-06

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United StatesMust Aid China,
Britain, Prof. Remer Declares

Prof. Christian
To Inaugurate
Organ Series


Full aid to Britain and China is
the only possible American answer
to the recently signed German-
Italian - Japanese Alliance, Prof.
Charles F. Remer of the economics
department asserted in an interview
Since never before in American
history has the United States been
actually threatened by^ a powerful
alliance, the attitude of the individ-
ual citizen and the formal policy of
the government toward that political
reality is of- tremendous significance
in the World of 1940, Professor Re-
mer declared.'
War Threat Is Real
"If the individual faces the ob-
vious facts, he must realize that the
threat of our involvement in the war
is now real," Professor Remer said.
"Without a shadow of a doubt the
German- Italian - Japanese Alliance
calls for full 'speed ahead in na-
tional defense."
Formal governmental policy must
provide intensified aid to Great Brit-
ain and China, unless we intend to
disregard entirely the needs of our
friends in the face of the threats of
our enemies. Professor Remer con-
tinued. "Any other course places the
determination of American policy in
the Far East in Tokyo and the de-
termination of American policy in
Europe in Berlin."
Foreign Policy Unstable
"I believe that every American
who knows Europe and the Far East
is fully aware of the urgent need for
speed in rearmament and in the de-
termination of a positive foreign pol-
icy," Professor Remer said, "for pat-
ently we cannot afford to wait until
this country lies between a success-
ful Germany and a successful Ja-
Aid to the cause of Great Britain
and China does not entail belliger-
ent acts upon the part of the gov-
ernment of the .United States, ac-
cording to Professor Remer. He
declared that this nation need only
do more fully what it is already do-
ing to help those two countries.
Japan's Posit'ion,.
Particularly puzzling to Professor
Remer were the precise reasons why
Japan decided to sign the Alliance
with Germany and Italy. He pointed
out that so long as the British fleet
remains unvanquished, Japan can
receive no military aid from the
Fascist countries. Therefore any mil-

itary action against the United
States must be undertaken by the
Japanese alone.
Germany at the present time could

mer s
the A

Continuing a Wednesday-afternoon
ise Japan nothing that the Nip- tradition which has lasted for more
e could not get without Ger- tran which as last , mre
's cooperation, Professor Re- than 25 years at the University, Prof.
"American-Japanese rela- Palmer Christian of the School of
a not have been good atthe Music will present the opening per-
1g of the military alliance with formance in the School's Organ Re-.
xis, but they hardly provide an cital Series at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday
ate explanation for Japan's in Hill Auditorium.
gness to participate in an open Before the building of Hill Audi-
t against the United States." torium in 1913 only occasional con-
ther Japan was talked into the certs were given and these were all
ce by the Germans, or she con- presented in University Hall.
ates an early decisive move di- Dr. Earl V. Moore, present head
opposed to American policy," of the School of Music, was the first
ssor Remer concluded. I to offer these Wednesday afternoon
-- --- - concerts in 1913 after the original
Michigan organ was moved from Uni-
ill Iem erversity Hall to the newly built audi-
For Case CluThe organ itself has a long notable
Cl bhistory, having been constructed for
Ithe Columbia Exposition in Chicago
m ,, m , I in 1893. At the time it was brought

I a

Applications To Be Taken
Monday And Tuesday
The Case Club of the University
Law School will accept membership
applications all day Oct. 7 and 8 at
tables in Hutchins Hall, according
to an announcement made yesterday
by Philip Buchen, '41L, Case Club
A two dollar fee for each contest-
ant entitles one to eligibility in Case'
Club competition and a ticket to the
annual Case Club Banquet in the
spring of the year.
All the clubs will meet on Oct. 11
with the Case Club advisers. The
facts will be issued to participants in
the first trial on Oct. 14 and trials
will continue thereafter until Decem-
Student judges of the Case Club
trails include Robert Knieland, '41L/
Charles Johnson, '41L, John Com-
miskey, '41L, Kenneth Lau, '41L, and
The Case Club is organized to give
law students' an opportunity to co-
ordinate substantive law with prac-
tical application to a concrete case.
Experience in writing legal briefs,
orally arguing cases before a court,
and leaning the rudiments of legal
bibliography is of particular value to
the student.

here shortly after it was considered
the finest of its kind in the world and,
after being rebuilt in 1925 at a cost
of $75,000, it again stood out among
the greatest.
In this, Professor Christian's 18th
year as organist, the programs pre-
sented will be balanced by a mixture
of classical compositions and modern
pieces suited to organ interpretation.
Other programs in this series will
be offered on Oct. 9, Oct. 16, Oct.
23, Nov. 20, Dec. 4, Jan. 15, and Jan.
22. Dates for the second semester
will be announced in The Daily at a
future date.
:vents Announced
For Grad Students
A list of events planned for grade-
ate students was announced recently
by Abraham Rosenzweig, president
of the Graduate Student Council.
The opening event will be on Oct.
16, when Dr. Yoakum will deliver a
welcome address to graduate stud-
ents. On Oct. 23 the first of the
"Know Your University Luncheons;"
Oct. 24, a. Tea Dance; Oct. 26, an
informal Sunday night dance; Oct..
29 a Coffee EQur, and on Oct. 30
the second. "Know Your University",
luncheon as well as a classical record

(Continued from Page 3)
other appointments including class
work. BE ON TIME.
C. S. Yoakum
Preliminary examinations for the
Doctorate in English will be given in
3217 A.H. at 9 to 12 a. m. on the fol-
lowing schedule:
Wed., Nov. 13: American Litera-
ture with Continental Backgrounds.
Sat., Nov. 16: English Literature,
Wed., Nov. 20: English Literature,
Sat., Nov. 23: English Literature
from the Beginnings to 1550.
All those intending to take the ex-
aminations this fall should notify N.
E. Nelson, 3232 A.H.
French and German Preliminary
Examinations for the Doctorate will
be given on Friday, October 11, at
4:00 p. m. in Second Floor Study
Hall, Rackham Building.
Mathematics 370: This seminar
on generalizations of analytic func-
tions and related topics will be con-
ducted by Professors Beckenbach
and Rainich. The first meeting to
discuss topics and the time of meet-
ing will be held in Room 3001 Angell
Hall on Wednesday, October 9, at
3:10 p. m.
English 107, Sec. 4, TuTh 9 o'clock,
will meet in 215 A.H. instead of
Room 18 as previously announced.
A. H. Marckwardt
German 151: All applicants for
German 151 (Teacher's Course) will
please communicate with me Mon-
day at 9-10 or 11-12 in 303 SW
(Tel. 689) to arrange schedule of
Norman L. Willey
Geography 171 will meet Monday,
October 7; 'at 3 p.m. in Room 212,
Angell Hall.
Actuarial Students: A meeting for
the purpose of organizing review
classes for students preparing for
the first two actuarial examinations
will be held Monday, October 7, at
3:15 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall.
C. J. 'Nesbitt




Choral Union Concerts: The Uni-
versity Musical Society announces
the following attractions for the
Sixty-Second Choral Union Concert
Marian Anderson, Contralto, Octo-
ber 23.
Rudolf Serkin, pianist, November 7
Don Cossack Chorus, Serge Jaroff,
conductor, Noverfiber 18.
New York Philharmonic-Symphony
Orchestra, John Barbirolli, conduc-
tor, November 24.
Richard Bonelli, baritone, Decem-
ber 3.
Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge

Koussevitzky, conductor, December
Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, Janu-
ary 15.
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,
Dimitri Mitropoulos, conductor, Jan-
uary 8.
Budapest String Quartet, Febru-
ary 20.
Georges Enesco, violinist, March 4.
Season tickets: $12.00, $10.00, $8.00,
$6.00. Tickets for individual con-
certs: $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00.
Tickets may be ordered by mail up
to Friday noon, October 4 (orders
may also be left in person) at the
offices of the University Musical
Society, Charles A. Sink, President,
Burton Memorial Tower.

Beginning Monday morning, Octo-
ber 7, at 8:30 o'clock, all unsold
tickets, both for the season and for
individual concerts, will be placed
on public sale at the same office, and
will continue on sale so long as the
supply lasts.
Charles A. Sink, President,
University Musical Society
Events Today
Varsity Glee Club: Special re-
hearsal tcday at 4:30 p. m. in Glee
Club rooms in the Union. All former
members of the club are expected to
report, or, in the event of inability
(Continued on Page 7)

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Have Replenished. Our Stock.
We Have All Books for All Schools.
All Students' Supplies.
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