Fall Season's
First Parties
Jumpers Rival Skirts For Favor
Open Houses And Informal
Dances Will Be Sponsored
By Dormitories And Societies
As would be expected from a cam-
pus of this caliber, the first big
weekend of the year is starting out
with one terrific round of open
houses, dances and parties. The rival-
ry between Michigan State and Mich-
igan does not seem to prevent the
brothers here from giving the bro-
thers there a warm welcome, and the
dorms are right in there too!
Just to substantiate this last state-
ment, there is the West Quadrangle,
which includes Adams, Chicago, Lloyd,
Wenley and Winchell Houses, who
are going to repeat their traditional
open house following the game to-
day. Refreshments will be served
between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. in
the Concourse with the house moth-
ers acting as hostesses to the par-
ents and guests of the boys.
Stockwell Has Open House
Stockwell Hall will have its first
open house this afternoon after the
game too. The committee in charge
is composed of Martha Ann Wagner,
'41, chairman; Doris Marty, '43, Bet-
ty Pons, '42, Lois van der Meulen,
Grad., Michelle Silverman, '41, Grace
Feldman, '42, Honny Elias, Grad.,
and Willmanette Troutwine, '41. Mrs.
Martha L. Ray, social director, and
Miss Rosemary Neihaus will pour.
Helen Newberry and Betsy Bar-
bour are to hold forth at tea dances
from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. today. The
social chairman of Betsy Barbour is
Betty Brougham, '42, and the cha-
peron for Helen Newberry is Ruth
H. Danielson.
Alpha Chi Sigma will entertain at
open house for the Michigan State
Chapter as will Theta Delta Chi for
alumni and friends. Pi Lambda Phi
follows suit. Alpha Delta Pi, with
Phyllis Hoffineyer in charge, and
Chi Omega will entertain guests at
open house also. Alpha Omicron Pi
will have guests from Michigan State.
Houses Give Radio Dances
Radio dances and supper parties
will also be in full swing. Phi Kappa
Sigma is having an informal radio
dance from 9 to 12. Chaperons will
be Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hagermeyer
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Truet and Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. Sotherland. Kappa
Sigma will have a dinner and radio
dance after the game. Their guests,
the Michigan State Chapter, will stay
overnight, returning to Lansing Sun-
day morning. Decorations for the
dance will include fotballs, college
banners, and a goal post stationed at
each end of the room. Chaperons
will be Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Griffiths
and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Peterson.
Phi Kappa Tau will honor their
Michigan State Chapter with a buf-
fet supper, followed by a radio dance.
Chaperons are to be Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Heller. Lambda Chi Alpha will hold
an alumni gathering after the game
with a radio dance, called The Joe
College Swing, in the evening. Mr.
and Mrs. P. A. Prasil, of Howell, and
Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Hartman will
chaperon.. Phi, Rho Sigma will have
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Skippy and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foley as chap-
erons for their informa radio dance,
and Phi Beta Pi will have a radio
dance with Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Cox-
on and Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Snyder
as chaperons.
Fraternity Plans Victory Dance
Over at the Kappa Nu house there
will be a victory radio dance, with
surprise decorations. Chaperons will
be Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Goudsmith and
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kessel. Phi
Chi will start with a buffet supper
and wind up with a radio dance later.
Dr. and Mrs. William Slasor and Dr.
and Mrs. Paul Lindquist will chaper-
on. Alpha Sigma Phi is having a
radio dance, with Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las Hammial, Prof. and Mrs. Eugene
Ash, and Dean and Mrs. Ivan Craw-
ford chaperoning. Alpha Tau Ome-
ga will hold a tea dance and buffet
supper from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.,
with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perkins and
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Emmons as chap-
Chi Psi will have a closed radio
dance after the game. Chaperons
will be Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Col-
lins of Birmingham, and Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Armitage. Dr. and
Mrs. Milton Sappin and Dr. and Mrs.
Allen Collins will chaperon the Al-
pha Omega radio dance, and Phi
Delta Epsilon will have Dr. and Mrs.
Harry Jurow and Dr. and Mrs. Her-
bert Bloom as chaperons for theirs.
Hermitage- will entertain alumni'
and guests at a dinner following the
game ,taking their'guests to the All-;
State dance at the Union afterwards.
Trigon, which has just been newly7
redecorated inside and out is enter-
taining alumni and friends at a buf-
fet supper and housewarming.
To Entertain 'State'
Phi Delta Theta is going to en-
tertain the Michigan State Chapter'
at a radio dance, with Mr. and Mrs.
Philin Stann Mr and Mrs .Thn Wil-
League Group
Will Present
News Bulletin
Information About Women's
Activities Wil Be Featured
In Forthcoming Publication
Aviatrix Carolyn Anne Hager
Descends On Michigan By Air
"What's Up" at the League-a
common question to be answered in
the future by a small bulletin of the
same name. "What's Up" will make
its first appearance Oct. 10 at the
newly inaugurated House President's
meeting in the League.
League Houses, dormitories, and
sorority houses will then have at
their disposal a 'brief bulletin con-
taining pertinent information about
League petitioning. interviews, and
committee meetings, in addition to
contributions by the League Council
and the Judiciary Committee.
"What's Up" will be published once
a month throughout the year.
Work on "What's Up" will be par-
tially taken over this year by the
members of the League Publicity
Committee who will work in con-
junction with the Judiciary Commit-
tee, who conceived the idea of the
bulletin and published one issue last
spring. Hopes of the women work-
ing on the project now are to en-
large the bulletin into a small League
newspaper containing details on
League events of interest to all cam-
pus women.
Women interested in assisting with
the publication of the paper may do
so through the League Publicity com-
Betty Boothby To Wed
Frank Smith Today
In Methodist Church
Elizabeth Boothby, '40, daughter
of Mrs. Alfred Russel Boothby, of
Westbrook. Me., will be married to
Frank Smith, '38E, son of Mr. and
Mrs. F. Smith, of Corning, N. Y., at
11 a.m. today in the chapel of the
Methodist Church in Ann Arbor.
William Boothby, the bride's broth-
er, will give her away, and Dorothy
Cox, Grad., and Josephine Fry, '40,
will be bridesmaids. Best man will
be William Smith, brother of the
Elinor Sevison, '41.
A course in aeronautical engineer-
ing may teach Carolyn Anne Hager,
'43, a great deal of engineering, but
to this veteran aviatrix little can be
taught in the way of actual flying.
At an early age Miss Hager was
interested in anything that had to
do with planes. In fact. it might be
said that she was born with her
wings. For her mother, Alice R. Ha-
ger, is a noted writer of several avia-
tion books, one of which is "Wings
Over America." Mrs. Hager also re-
ceived a plaque for being one of the
few people who has spent over 1,000
hours in the air. It is quite plausible
that the interest in flying is a hered-
itary trait.
Began Flying At 17
It was at the age of 11 that MissI
Hager met Amelia Earhart, and af-
ter that time she anxiously awaited
the day that she would start flying.
That day came when she was 17
years old. She began taking flying
lessons in Alexandria, Virgina, and
after three weeks of training in dual
control she began soloing. Within
three months she received her private
pilot's license, after successfully com-
pleting 35 hours of flying.
Miss Hager entered Stanford Uni-
versity upon graduation from high
school. There she was an active
member of the Stanford flying club.
She represented the school in the
National Intercollegiate Flying Meet.
and ran off with the third prize in
the safety division.
Lone Woman To Enter Contests
Glories didn't end here, for she was
continually entering contests in "spot
landing" at the Alexandria, Virginia.
airport. In a contest such as this,
the flyer must set down the plane
close to a circle 50 feet in diameter,
or on a line one foot wide. The avia-
tor who comes closest to this goal
is the winner. At Virginia Miss Hager
was the only girl pilot to take place
in these contests.
Since September. our aviatrix has
practiced stunt flying. She excels in
this. too. At a meet of the Ninety
Niners at Hartung Field in Detroit
Sept. 29, she received first place
among the group of entrants.
If you hear an airplane motor
booming overhead it might easily be
Miss Hager. She received her own
plane, an Aeronca 65. Sept. 21 for
her nineteenth birthday gift. The
plane will never be sold from lack of
use, as Miss Hager is continually tak-
ing her Alpha Omicron Pi sorority
sisters for free air rides.
Prof. Pollock To Give
'WorldlProblems' Talk
Bill Sawyer, Guest Of Radio
Program, Returns To Union
Prof. James K. Pollock of the Po-
litical Science department will give
the first talk in a series of three
"World Problems" discussions at the
meeting of the Congregational Stu-
dent Fellowship Sunday evening at
7 p.m. Professor Pollock will out-
line the factual situation of the world
today, and will describe the problems
we are now facing.
The second talk in the series will
be given next week by Professor
Preston Slosson of the history de-
partment, who will show the impor-
tance of religion and its relation to
these world events. The third Sun-
day of the series will be taken up
with a discussion by the student
group of the preceding two talks.
Fashion favors your preference this fall. If you like both the jumper,
dress and the sweater and skirt combination, this detachable jumper
ensemble will be a practical addition to your wardrobe. The bodice can
be detached and the skirt can be worn with sweaters or the jumper
blouse. There is an unlimited field of choice in color combinations and
material. The jumper in the illustration is royal blue flannel, and a
gray flannel blouse is worn with it. Corduroy or wool could easily be sub-
stituted as well as other color combinations. Corduroy is becoming a
favorite on campus and wool is always popular. Try the combination
of a jersey blouse and a wool jersey jumper.
Student Tel Is Of Concert Tour
With Stowkowski's Orchestra
Michigan Union weekend ballroom
partons will listen to one of the
country's up and coming dance
bands as they step to the sweet
rhythm of Bill Sawyer and his or-
chestra in the Rainbow Room this
Sawyer's band has just completed
a very successful summer season, be-
ing featured on the ether waves as
special guest of the Fitch Bandwag-
on program over a national hookup
from Chicago. After playing most
of the summer at the exclusive Rustic
Tavern at Houghton Lake, the band
opened the season at Flint's new IMA
auditorium shortly before the be-
ginning of school.
In his third year at the Union Saw-
er will offer two vocalists for the
pleasure of the Union's guests-the
lovely Gwen Cooper and Bob Hol-
land who starred on the Fitch Band
Wagon program with the band.
The band itself is the result of
much sifting and careful selection of
personnel over a number of years
Standout trombonist of Sawyers'
eleven music makers is Harry Han-
son who together with Frank Tinker
of the band played in the well-known
middlewest orchestra of Norman
Keller before coming to Sawyer.
Dave Falbey, 18 years old and for-
mer trombonist in the Michigan Band
is the youngest member of the band.
He was featured with Raymond
Paige's orchestra during the sum-
1 .. ~
27. , t
From the applause of two conti-
nents, Martha McCrory, '41M, cellist
in Leopold Stokowski's All-American
Youth Orchestra, has returned to the
shadow of the Carillon Tower.
Miss McCrory, first cellist in the
University Orchestra, was chosen
from among 16,000 young musicians
between' the ages of sixteen and
twenty-five who participated in the
elimination contests last spring.
Five hundred were heard personally
by Stokowski, from which a final
selection of one hundred was made.
Didn't Expect Appointment
"I didn't dream I'd make it," in-
sisted Miss McCrory, "so I just re-
laxed and enjoyed the tryout."
The day before leaving Michigan
for her home in Quincy, Ill., she re-
ceived a congratulatory telegram. By
July 8 she was rehearsing with the
orchestra in Atlantic City, N. J.
Enthusiastic audiences heard the
young musicians in their opening
concerts in Atlantic City, Baltimore,
Washington and New York City. Not
only the appeal of youth, picked tal-
ent and famous leadership distin-
guished the concerts. A special seat-
ing plan was initiated by Stokowski,
with string instruments in the back
and woodwind in front, arranged on
a portable stage with sound reflec-
Sailed For South America
From sweltering summer in New
York City, the Youth Orchestra
sailed July 26 towards South Amer-
ican winter. Shipboard festivities
and sight-seeing were mingled with
a schedule of intense practice.
"But Mr. Stokowski was always
patient and considerate of us," Miss
McCrory hastened to add.
Stokowski endeared himself to
Michigan students during the May
Festival of 1936 when he joined them
in song at the Pretzel Bell.
Still enthusiastic among youth, he
Al l State Tradition To Be
Theme Of Union Dance
Taking the Michigan-Michigan
State tradition off the gridiron and
putting it into the more congenial
atmosphere of the Union ballrooms,
is the purpose of the annual All-
State dance to be held tonight, ac-
cording to Dick Scherling, '42, so-
cial chairman of the Union.
As has been the custom for many
years, two orchestras have been en-
gaged to supply continuous music
for the dancers. Bill Sawyer's band
will play in the Rainbow room, and
Tommy Snyder and his orchestra
will keep the dancers busy in the
small ballroom.
due chaperoning. Phi Kappa Psi
will hold forth at a dinner dance;
which will feature Bill Gail's orches-
planned a South American Goodwill
tour of twenty concerts including
Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Monte-
vedeo, Buenos Aires, and Rosario.
Everywhere large audiences awaited
them, and youth turned out to meet
youth. At Buenos Aires a party was
given for the All-American Orches-
tra, to which one hundred young
English-speaking Argentines were in-
Trinidad Gets First Concert
Never, before the performances of
the Youth Orchestra, had a concert
been given in Trinidad or the Do-
minican Republic. The largest au-
dience of the tour, 28,000, turned out
for this first concert to be given in
the Dominican Republic.
September 17the orchestra docked
in New York, met by Mrs. Franklin
D. Roosevelt. Once again American
audiences heard the Youth Orches-
tra at Carnegie Hall, Baltimore,
Washington and Philadelphia, where
they parted. Most of the members
were professional musicians, youth-
ful representatives of such renowned
organizations as the Philadelphia.
Chicago, Indianapolis and Cincinnati
Symphony Orchestras. Miss McCrory
was one of the few college repre-
It is possibile that the tour will be
repeated next year.
"We will never know how much
goodwill we have spread," Miss Mc-
Crory observed, "but if fervent wel-
come is a gauge, we were successful."
---- __._ e. __..._._. . _- _ _____. ____._ _ ______ -__
51' East Huron.
C. H. Loucks, Minister.
Jack Ossewaarde, Minister of Music.
10:'0 A.M. The Church at Worship. "World Com-
munion Service". Meditation, "Family Ties."
11:'0 A.M. The Church at Study. Roger Williams
Class for students, meets in the Guild House,
50' E. Huron. C. H. Loucks, Student Counselor,
leads the discussion on the "Life of Christ."
6:30 P.M. The members of the Church will hold
a Reception for Students in the Church Par-
lors. The pastor will speak on "Is That The
Human Thing To Do?"
Sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches.
10:30 A.M. Worship Services in Zion Lutheran
Church. (E. Washington St. at S. Fifth Ave.)
Sermon "Rich Toward God," by Rev E. C.
A series<
will begin
r Plans Concerts
of weekly record concerts
for Mosher girls on the
afternoon of Sunday, October 12, .in
the radio room. These concerts are
being planned to give the girls an
opportunity to hear the music of
such composers as Beethoven, De-
bussy, Tschaikowski, Brahms and
others whose works are represented
in the dormitory's record collection.
Mrs. Klein, house mother at Mosher.
feels that these concerts will prove
a source of great enjoyment through-
out the coming year.
Before tihe
Stop at the
14 Nickels Arcade
10:30 A.M. Worship Services in Trinity Lutheran
Church. (E. William St. at S. Fifth Ave.)
Sermon "The Obedience of Christian Faith,"
by Rev. H. O. Yoder.
5:30 P.M. Lutheran Student Association Meet-
in Zion Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St.
Supper at 6:00 P.M. Program: "The Church
Goes with the/Student," by Pastors Stellhorn
and Yoder. Movies of the 1940 L.S.A. Ashram.
9:00 A.M. Service in the German language.
9:00 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship. Sermon topic:
"Unweary of Work."
4:00 P.M. Outing of Student Guild.
7:00 P.M. Youth Fellowship.
State and Huron Streets.
State and Williams Sts.
Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Minister.
Director of Music, Donn Chown.
Organist, Mrs. Mary McCall Stubbins.
Rev. Leonard A. Parr, Minister.
Willis B. Hunting, Director of Student Activ-
10:00 A.M. There will be a new Adult Study
Group meeting in the church to study "Our
Heritage and Polity." This will be led by Rev.
Ernest Evans.
10:45 A.M. Service of Public Worship. The sub-
ject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be "Yhat About
Your Shadow?"
5:30 P.M. Ariston League meets for supper. Pro-
gram by Mrs. Willis B. Hunting.
7:00 P.M. Student Fellowship. Prof. Jas. K Pol-
lock will speak on "World Events". There will
be a social hour and refreshments.
(Missouri Synod).
Liberty at Third Street.
Carl A. Brauer, Pastor.
9:30 A.M. Bible Class.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service. Sermon:
"Come Unto the Marriage."
5:30 P.M. Gamma Delta Student Club meeting,
fellowship supper and social hour. A hay-
ride will be held following the evening service.
Come prepared for the event.
7:30 P.M. Preparatory Service.
7:45 P.M. Evening Service and Holy Commun-
ion. Sermon by the pastor: "Christ, The. Rock
Of Ages."
Division at Catherine.
The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector.
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Assistant Min-
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster.
8:00. AM. Holy Communion.
, ,
(! i
i i
;' . I
S a/t93ofMYak-Ale& 'jjeaut
A's and Orchids to the girl who
always makes an admirable "whole" of
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nuity of her various costumes with the
traditional beauty of TOWNWEAR.
...Stocking of Matchless Beauty.
89c, $1, $1.15
Smart woolen weaves ...
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