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October 05, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-05

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Coegiate Press, 1939.40

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Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler .
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler . .
Milton Orshefsky
Howard, A. Goldman.
Donald Wirtchafter.
Esther Osser
Helen Corman
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manag
Women's Business Manag
Women's Advertising Ma

. . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
S . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
* . .Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
. . Exchange Editor

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Washington Merry-Go-Round
By DREW PEARSON a Southerner. Naturally this had a Two other addictions are corned
and ROBERT S. ALLEN pronounced effect on the machinery beef and cabbage, which he will eat
IT is a striking sympton of the focus of the chamber. And in the House, any time of day or night; and ani-
of public attention that the elec- with 435 members, the machinery is mals. Recently, McCormack and his
tion of Representative John Mc- all important. wife were motoring in the country
Cormack of Massachusetts as Major- when they almost hit a turtle in
ity Floor Leader of the House attract- Worked As A Child the middle of the road. McCormack
ed little more than passing notice. 0NE of six children in a poor South swerved the car just in time and
Two years ago, before the war cris- Boston family, the death of hi then continued for about a mile,
es, both the event and the man would father forced John to find work at when suddenly he stopped and look-
have been top head, front page news. the age of seven to help his mother ed at his wife.
And they would have warranted it. keep the family together. He sold wI was wondering how long it
In the legislative machinery of the newspapers, pedalled the streets as a would take you to make up your
House, the Majority Leader is a key telegraph messenger, and left school mind to stop, John," she said. "Don't
pin. Through the power he wields at 13 to become office boy in a law you think we ought to go back and,
both open and undercover, he can' firm at $3.50 a week, do something about that turtle be-
decide the fate of bills. More than From earliest youth, McCormack's fore it gets hit by another car?"
oncidthe trongw Mj.or earambition had been to be a lawyer. McCormack turned around, drove
one strong-willed Majority Leader In the law office he devoted every back to the turtle, still in the road,
in the past has been the virtual boss an lce tot fhrmswy
of the House of Representatives. spare moment to poring over legal and placed it out Qf harm's way.
tomes. As he grew older he secured Senatorial Fidelity
New England Democrat permission to take books home to
study at night, and apparently was McCORMACK and his wife, a
NO President can hope to get to so diligent that, without formal Metropolitan Opera star in the
first base in the House without schooling, he passed the bar exam- early 20's, are inseparable. Childless,
the good will of the Majority Lead- inations at the age of 21, as soon as they are deeply devoted to each
er, and without a Majority Leader he was eligible to take them. other and in the 18 years of their
who is smart. Otherwise the White Tall, slender, with wavy black hair, married life have never missed an
House incumbent is sure to be in con- a facile tongue and a way with him, evening meal together. Their re-
stant hot water putting through the it was inevitable that the young at- mance is famous on Capitol Hill.
legislation he wants. torney should get into politics. But After McCormack's election as
In addition to all this, McCor- he didn't run for office until 1917, Leader, a group of friends, among
mack's election was a political mile- when he was elected a member of them Speaker Sam Rayburn, whom
stone. He is the first New England the Massachusetts Constitutional McCormack succeeded, gathered in
Democrat, and the second northern Convention, a real triumph for a 25- Rayburn's office for a pow-wow. The
Democrat, in the history of the House year-old beginner. Speaker reached for the telephone,
to achieve this post. announcing he was going to break
Until McCormack's victory, every McCORMACK is a teetotaler. He's the good news to Mrs. McCormack.
Democratic Majority Leader in the a boon companion, but his only "Let John do that, Sam," said one
152 years existence of the House- excess is cigars. He is rarely without of the group. "You know he and his
with one other exception-had been one clutched in his teeth. wife, are still sweethearts."


mess Staff
ger . .

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsaek
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
U. S. Moves Closer
To South America .. .
ING quite some time ago, and they
keep accelerating its velocity and increasing its
The need for closer relations between the
United States and Central and South America
was felt long before anything was done about it.
Now, however, ,the recently announced series
of student and professor exchanges between
Americas is but another link in a chain designed
to hold the nations together, another push given
the ball.
No one can tell how much, value the eight
American exchange students will obtain from
their studies in Latin American countries, and
no one can tell what the 14 students from nine
southern nations will learn in the United States.
'ET IT IS EVIDENT that the work done by
the Convention for the Promotion of Inter-
American Cultural Relations in sponsoring this
exchange bespeaks a desire to improve relations
in a world where close relations are imperative
between nations with common problems and
Better understanding of Pan-American prob-
lems is bound to result from the exchange. That
much is vitally important, especially in view of
events in Europe. Even more important, how-
ever, seems to be the spread of culture that will
be aided. Education will be promoted, and the
Americas will learn better how to live together
in time of peace as well as during a European
war. Besides, education and culture have in-
trinsic values within themselves, values that will
be fostered and fostered well by the exchange
of students and teachers and consequent injec-
tion of new ideas into educational schemes.
Yes, they started the ball rolling between
American nations. It is still rolling, with added
impetus, and it seems to be a ball that is likely
to be useful-invaluable-to commerce and cul-
ture as well as to common defense.
- William Newton

. ,
_ -

(Continued from Page 2)


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IT HAS BEEN quite some time now since these
dusty old ears have heard a story really
smacking of the unearthly, but we were sent one
last night (in an envelope edged in black,
wrapped in a mouldering glove), that sent the
blood pounding through the old topper. What-
ever it is, it's true, and we are calling it A Mys-
terious Incident at the West Quadrangle.
It would seem that the boy who told us this
was sitting around in his room last Tuesday,
reading the latest suppressed French novel, when
he heard screams-a woman's screams-outside
his window. Inured to that sort of thing by long
years of residence in Hell's Kitchen he returned
to his book, only to hear the screams repeated,
together with the words, "Let fme go!"
It was a challenge no red-blooded man could
ignore. Out the door, lead pipe in hand, went
our friend, where he met some freshmen and
sundry other brave souls. When they finally
got down to the street, however, all they could
see was a car leaving from in front of the main
entrance, picking up speed as it rolled down the
street. Whereupon our friend returned to his
novel, and the freshmen, badly shaken, retired
to the cloakroom for some of the stuff that
soothes a jangled nerve.
Some of our more trustworthy committeemen
have spent a busy afternoon rounding up and
investigating some of Ann Arbor's more con-
firmed lechers. As for Sam and I, we spent a
quiet evening in Toledo playing Russian Bank
and eating hashish.
NOW that one of last year's brawnier foot-
ballers has retired to the hinterlands of his
native California, we can tell a story on him that
is strictly a chuckle-maker.
Bill, which is what we will call him while his
back is turned, shared the usual double-decker
bed arrangement with his room-mate, who shall
remain forever nameless. Bill, though, won the
cated that some individuals were "undecided."
Instead numerous remarks were heard on all
sides which clearly demonstrated that many
were "too lazy" to vote. Among these were
statements such as: "one vote won't make any
difference," "I haven't the time," "it's too much
trouble to mark a ballot" and "I don't want to
walk to the ballot box." The last was rather
weak because the box was only about 15 feet
from the entrance to Waterman Gymnasium
where every student had to pay his fees.
This situation, however, is not confined mere-
ly to the Congress vote or to the Student Senate.
Last year less than 50 votes were needed to
elect men to serve on many dance committees
and, when the old district system was used by
the Independent Men's Association, the district
presidents were elected by only a very small
number of the electorate.
A CRY OFTEN HEARD from students is that
a very few men are controlling the campus
and that what they say and do is not indicative
of the real student opinion here. Such a claim
is probably very true but it must be remembered
that a mere statement accomplishes nothing.
The solving of this condition is, of course,

opening toss and as a result, gained the lower
berth for the first month along with the task of
turning off the alarm clock, come sunrise.
Always a sound sleeper, he managed to devise
a scheme of rolling over in bed and bringing the
palm of his hand on the knob on top of Little
Ben. Then he went back to sleep, happy. This
he did for a month, at the end of which time he
had conditioned his body to a series of reflexes,
all of which began with the hushed voice of the
Came the end of the month and Bill went to
the top of the tier, but the clock remained on
the floor. The rest is obvious:-the Little Re-
minder sounded off, Bill rolled over in bed, his
right hand raised high-and his room-mate
swears Bill made three complete revolutions be-
fore he hit the floor. What's more, the alarm
clock kept ringing.
W E THINK that Fate is conscientious as all
get out about such things as tying up loose
ends and the like. For example, we ran a column
not 'two days ago about a history professor and
a joke about elephants. Bless us, if the next
day's mail didn't bring an amendment to that
joke, written to us by a history professor. The
professor, Preston Slosson by name, says:-
You forgot the American. He wrote an adver-
tising circular entitled "Bigger and Better Ele-
Thank you, sir, and if it's all the same to you,
we are going to save the letter to show to our
City Editor. He maintains that nobody reads
anything else on this page but his Scratch Pad.
The City Editor s
So Adolf and Benito are meeting again in
Brenner Pass. Sounds like it might be a nice
* * *
We don't know much about these scruples of
war, but, you'd think an enemy would waste no
effort trying to sprinkle a little TNT on that
railroad car.
But maybe that isn't fair... .and undoubt-
edly it violates international law. Hah!
Scientists at Kansas State College are raising
cattle on a diet that substitutes powdered lime-
stone for alfalfa. With the milk used for cement,
no doubt.
* * *
We understand that half a dozen or so
of those students "denied readmission" this
year at Michigan have enrolled in other
* * *
Wolverine football teams have ups and downs,
but for the Michigan band it is just a series of
ups. What a band! It discusses politics this

Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
are reminded that Membership Lists
are due in the Office of the Dean of
Students today, October 5.
Women Students Attending the
Harvard Game are required to regis-
ter in the Office of the Dean of Wo-
men. A letter of permission from
parents must be in this office not
later than Wednesday, October 9. If
the student does not go by train, spe-
cial permission for another mode of
travel must be included in the par-
ent's letter. Graduate women are
invited to register in this office.
Byrl Fox Bacher
All those interested in boarding
this semester at any of the student
cooperative houses are urged to call
Harold Osterweil at 7350.
Academic Notices
Attention Freshmen: All beginning
Freshmen who missed the required
tests during the Orientation period
must report forathe make-up exam-
inations which are to be given Octo-
ber 7 and 8 in Room 231, Angell
Hall. Those who missed the Thurs-
day morning examination-psycho-
logical-report at 3 o'clock, Monday.
Those who missed the Tuesday eve-
ning test-Reading-report at 4:15
Monday. Those who missed the Fri-
day morning test-English-report
at 3 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon.
These tests take precedence over all
other appointments including class
work. BE ON TIME.
C. S. Yoakum
Bethlehem Evangelical-Reformed:
A wiener roast is scheduled for the
Sunday evening meeting of the Stu-
dent Guild. Students are asked to
meet at the Parish Hall (4th Ave.
near William) at 5:00 p.m.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet Sunday evening at 5:30 for
a social half hour in Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. Supper at 6:00 p.m.,
followed by program.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints: Sunday School and dis-
cussion group, 9:30 a.m., Sunday, in
the Chapel, Michigan League.
First Methodist Church: Commun-
ion Service at 8:30 a.m. Morning
Worship Service at 10:40 a.m. Bishop
Raymond J. Wade will preach on
"The Church and the World Today."
Organ Vesper service at 4:30 p.m.
Wesley Foundation: Student Class
at 9:45 a.m. in the Wesley Founda-
tion Assembly Room with Professor
George Carrothers as leader.
Reception for Methodist students
and their friends in the WesleyFoun-
dation Assembly Room at 6:00 pm.m
Church Services at 7:30 p.m. Greet-
ings by President Ruthven, Mayor
Sadler, Paul Voorhies, and William
Clark. Professor John L. Brumm wil

Zion Lutheran Church services on
Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sermon, "Rich
Toward God," by Rev. E. C. Stell-
Trinity Lutheran Church services
on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Sermon,
"The Obedience of Christian Faith,"
by Rev. H. O. Yoder.
Disciples Guild (Christian Church)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, pastor.
6:30 p-.m. Disciples Guild Sunday
Evening Hour. Syed Kadri will
speak on Mohammedanism. A social
hour and refreshments will follow.
The Ann Arbor Society of Friends
(Quakers). Meeting for Worship will
be held Sunday afternoon, 5 p.m.,
in Lane Hall. Following the meet-
ing will be a discussion with reports
of the Cape May Conference. All
interested are cordially invited.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Morn-
ing Worship Service at 10:45 a.m.
Sermon, "Come unto the Marriage"
by Rev. C. A. Brauer.
Special evening service at 7:45
with Holy Communion. Preparatory
service at 7:30 p.m.
Preliminary examinations for the
Dctorate in English will be given in
3217 A.H. at 9 to 12 a.m. on the fol-
lowing schedule:
.Wed., Nov. 13: American Literature
with Continental Backgrounds.
Sat., Nov. 16: English Literature,
Wed., Nov. 20: English Literature,
Sat., Nov. 23: English Literature
from the Beginnings to 1550.
All those intending to take the
examinations this fall should notify
N. E. Nelson, 3232 A.H.
Mathematics 183: Graduate stu-
dents in this course which meets
Saturday, 9 to 11, are reminded that
the Graduate Record Examination
"takes precedence over all class
work." We shall meet but we shall
miss you. Assignment for October
12: Archibald, Outline, pp 4-10,
Karpinski, History, pp 7-11.
Norman Anning
Actuarial Students: A meeting for
the purpose of organizing review
classes for students preparing for
the first two actuarial examinations
will be held Monday, October 7, at
3:15 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall.
C. J. Nesbitt
German 253. Historical Germa
Grammar: All applicants for Ger-
man 253 will please communicat
with me today at 9-10 or 11-12 ir
303 SW (Tel 689) to arrange sched-
ule of hours.
Norman L. Willey
Geography 171 will meet Monday
October 7, at 3 p.m. in Room 212
Angell Hall.
Events Today
Freshman Round Table: All fresh
men men and women are invited t
1 attend the first Freshman Roun

in order to receive full instructions.
The Hillel Foundation will hold
Open House this afternoon following
the football game. All students and
guests are cordially invited.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Faculty members interested
in German conversation are cordially
invited. There will be a brief talk
by Mr. H. W. Nordmeyer.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day, October 8, at 8 p.m., in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Professor Copeland
will give his retiring presidential ad-
dress, entitled "If." All interested
are invited.
Varsity Debaters-Men: All men
interested in varsity debate are asked
to meet in room 4203 Angell Hall at
4 p.m., Monday, October 7.
Intramural Sports officials will
meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, October
7, in room 319 at the Union to dis-
cuss plans and schedules for the
coming season.
Public Health Nursing Students
are invited to hear Miss Mary Beard,
Director of Red Cross Nursing Serv-
ice, Washington, D.C., speak at a
meeting of the Ann Arbor district
of the Michigan State Nurses Asso-
ciation at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday,
October 10, at Couzens Hall.

Triangles will have a
meeting on Sunday, Oct. 6,
in Room 302 of the Union.

at 5 p.i.

Student Apathy
In Campus Voting

. .

on the presidential elections recent-
ly completed by the activities committee of
Congress, Independent Men's Association, dem-
onstrates clearly the typical apathy of the ma-
jority of students on the Michigan campus.
Everyone of the more than 10,000 students
who registered either last Thursday, Friday or
Saturday was offered a ballot by one of the
students in charge of the polling booth so that
they could take part in the elections and yet
only 8,000 were accepted. And the situation
becomes worse when one realizes that less than
5,000 of these took the trouble to vote.
The very fact that it was so much easier to
vote in the Congress poll than in any other at
the University resulted in the biggest Michigan
balloting in the history of the school but that
only gives a greater indication of the student
"lack of desire" to participate in student ac-
tivities. In the Student Senate balloting there
has never been as much as 3,000 votes mainly
because more than two-thirds of the undergrad-
uates and graduates here haven't bothered to
- C-~~-.. ..-,.. ..- _f -hn 4. 11. 1r +, ir1i ,

German Club will meet on Tues-
day, October 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the
second-floor terrace room in the
Michigan Union. Program and re-
freshments. All students of German
and all others interested are cordially
American Student Union meeting
on Sunday, October 6, at 10:00 am.
in theUnion. Everyone interested
is invited.
Transportation Club will meet in
Room 1213 East Engineering Bldg. at
7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 8.
Outdoor Sports Club: Roller skat-
ing tour of campus and Ann Arbor
on Sunday, October 6. Meet at 2:30
at the Women's Athletic Building. A
small fee will be charged for refresh-
ments, and skates may be rented.
Sign up at the WAB desk, with Mari-
on Bale, or Gertrude Inwood at
Stockwell Hall. All women on cam-
pus, especially Freshmen, are in-
Women's Research Club will meet
on Monday, October 7, at 7:30 p.m.
in the West Lecture Room, Rack-
ham Building. Program: Dr. Elinor
Husselman: "Coptic manuscripts and
papyri in the University of Michi-
gan collection. : x
Dr. Louise Shier: "A sixth century

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