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October 08, 1940 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-08

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a 4 1i 1 V .Li L" y 1'1 1 lLJ 1

Group Roster
To Be Decided
By Attendance
Children's Theatre Features
'The Princess And The Pea'
By Hans Christian Anderson
A mass meeting to be held at 4
p.m. today in the League will call
together all women who are interested
in working on the Theatre-Arts Com-
mittee of the League. The general
chairman and the sub-chairman on
the committee will each give a brief
talk explaining the work of their divi-
sion. Miss Barbara MacIntyre will
also speak briefly on the general
work of the committee in the League
Ushers Must Sign Up
The general chairman of the com-
mittee stressed the fact that all wo-
me interested in ushering in the
League this year must attend. the
meeting to sign up. She also point-
ed out that all eligible women may
work on the committee regardless
of the courses they are taking in the
University; that is, the committee is
connected with the League, not the
Play Production classes. A part of
the casts of the plays will, however,
be chosen from those committee
iembers who are interested in try-
ing out.
Sixteen different subdivisions with-
in the Theatre-Arts committee divide
the work involved in the production
of the plays in the Children's The-
atre,'one of the main projects of the
group. Chairmen of these various
sub-committees are Elaine Alpert,
'41, music; Margaret Wiseman, '42,
scenery; Veitch Purdom, '42, make-
up; Marcia Dubrucq, '43, art; and
Frances Aaronson, '42, dance:
Sub-Committee Heads Listed
The list continues with Carolyn
Denfield, '42, box office; Elaine Fish-
er, '42, properties; Marjorie Pollum-
baum, '42, programs; Marion Conde,
'41, ushers; Rosebud Scott, '42, cos-
tumes; and Jean Engel, '41, book-
holder. Generalpublicity for the
committee is handled by Agnes Crow,
'42; Ann Arbor publicity by Doris
Cuthbert, '42; and Daily publicity by
Janet Hiatt, '42. Constance Berry,
'41, is in charge of contacting the
public schools -while Betty Fariss, 42,
works contacting student residences.
"The Princess and The Pea" by
Hans Christian Anderson will be the
first play of the Children's Theatre
season this year. It will be present-
ed Nov. 8 and 9 The remaining
three plays will be presented Jan.
10-11; Jan. 21-22; and Jan. 24-25.






Grill-Hawley 1
Is Announced



i i

Mr. and Mrs. George Stanley Grill,
of Owosso and Ann Arbor, announce
the engagement of their daughter.
Barbara, '41, to Ransom Smith Haw-
ley, Jr., '38, son of Prof. and Mrs. R.
S. Hawley, of Ann Arbor.
The announcement was made Sun-
day at the Alpha Phi Househwhere
Miss Grill is affiliated. At each place
ate the dinner table there was a cor-
sage of mixed flowers with the names
of the engaged couple attached to
Miss Grill has worked on the 'En-
sian staff, has been a member of the
social committee of the League, and
was an orientation adviser. As a
reserve officer, Mr. Hawley is soon
to go on active army duty.
League Calendar
Tues.: 4 p.m. Theatre-Arts Meet-
4 p.m. Publicity Committee
Petitioning for Assembly Ban-
quet and Pan-Hellenic Ban-
quet Committee Positions.
Wed.: Petitioning for Assembly
Banquet and Pan-Hellenic
Banquet Committee Positions.
Thurs.: 3-5 p.m. Interviewing for
Assembly and Pan-Hellenic
Banquet Committee positions.
4:15 p.m. Dance Class Assis-
tants Meeting.
5 p.m. Merit System Committee
Fria: 3-5 .p.m. Interviewing for
Assembly and Pan-Hellenic
Banquet Committee positions.

Editor's Note: Don Wirtchafter, who thinks he knows all the scores, asked
us if he might w ite today's column in order to show the irl friend back home
that he really, doe:. get around. As this effort was unpremeditated, the woen '
st all assL'11WI,:, 00 i'Opnlsibhlity for Don's weekend.
Last spring I made the fatal mistake of asking wee Esther Osser to write
a column for the sports page. It was all right then. She did a fine job, and
ill was forgotten.
Yes, all was forgotten until last week, and then came my punishment.
In one of my better moments, wee Esther, all 39 pounds of her, cornered me
and popped the question.
"Will you write my column next Tuesday?" she asked.
And what could I say?
It meant spending the entire weekend romping from one dance to an-
other. It meant sneaking in the back doors of fraternity houses . . . and
you meet the worst people sometimes that way. It meant climbing through
the upstairs windows of sorority houses. Instead
of enjoying the football game, I ran from row
to row to see who was there. Oh, girls, it was
just terrible.
If the whole thing wsn't enough, I had to
4-7 pick a football weekend to do this job. Usually
the Ann Arbor coeds at least have dates on Friday
or Saturday nights. But when the team plays
here, the smart guys have an excuse for inviting
pretty girls in from surrounding districts. The
coeds stay home. I hadto look for them with a
microscope. Oh, girls, I had the worst time. You can't imagine.
Who's Excited? . . .
Well, on Friday I started off by running to the pep rally. Gee, the peo-
ple were all excited, and everything. Marcia DuBrucq and Neil Hathaway
were the only two in the Field House that cheered when Chuck Heinen be-
gan his Em Cee job. You really can't blame them though, can you girls?
He's such a sweet little kid. Oh, and guess what Dink Schumann and Pete
Murray were doing while the whole thing was going on? Talking . . . no
kidding. I saw it with my own eyes. Gee, girls, isn't gossip swell?
After the rally, I stopped at the Union to see what was going on there.
Saw Dotty Rijbolt with Hugh Dalzell. You'll never guess who Jack Cory
was with . . . never in a million years . . . Aggie Crow, gosh! Phyllis Samuels
was there with Micky Fishman. Her dress . .. oh, it was too, too divine.
Saturday was the game, and we won . ., Gee, I saw Tom Harmon there.
It was wonderful. He was wearing a sapphire and gold blouse with char-
treuse pants to match. It was decorated with a large "98" in fine Spencerian
script. His costume must be a new creation direct from Paree, girls. I saw
so many wearing it there. It's adorable.
Turnip IHt Is Too Devine .. .
Mary Mustard and Bud Tubbs, of all people, were sitting in the stands
watching. Bill Devlin brought Barb Stuber. Bob Johnston dragged. Mary
Ann Berg. The poor dear just had the worst
time trying to keep her new fried turnip
weed hat on. Ollie Olson and Barbara Burns
were there kicking 'cause their seats were
just south of the Carillon Tower.
Oh, and we saw oodles of other people.
in the evening we skipped over to the
Phi Dalt house and saw Alice Rydell with
Burt Storm. Eileen Oberling was sitting in
a corner with Bob Frye. You know, girls,
I worry about her. She's . always sitting
there. Poor thing.
From there I scampered over to the Phi
Psi dance. Jane Gilbreth and Jim Spaulding
were, there . celebrating along with Betty
Roberts and Tom Young.
Oh, the SAE house was just adorable. Mary Andresen and Tommy Bar-
ton, Doris Logernan and Phil Salisbury, Jean Anderson and Bob Uhlman . .
oh, kids,' then were all there . . . but really.
Ain't Love Ga-rand? . .
From there I ripped over to see the Phi Kaps. Jo Alexander marched
in with Jack McAllister. Really, I don't see how she can go out with him.
Isn't love a finny and blind thing Ann Minkler tripped across the floor with
Lowell Moss . . . and I do mean tripped, girls. Oh, I wish he'd learn how
to dance!
The Union was just packed with gay dancers. Gosh, but I was thrilled.
Barbara Wood and Bob Bush came running up to say hello. I tangled glances
with Kaki Smith and Jerry Ostlar. And of all things, Norm Call was there
with Mary Lou Ewing. Imagine after he couldn't play football in the after-
noon, he goes dancing at night. The big brute.
As I left. I noticed Joan Magnus sitting out a few dances with Ralph
Berlowe. They were there with Sylvia Casper and Harold Weinstock.
Then I took my own date home. She was swell, but I promised Esther
I wouldn't mention that.
Well, so long, kiddies E......love,
Uncle Don

t as.
League Library
Welcomes All
New Books And Atmosphere
Invite More Extensive Reading
New books, current periodicals and
i restful atmosphere welcome all wo-
nen students and alumnae members
the League who care to use the
r ague Library. The room will be
pen throughout the school year from
2:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. every day in-
2luding Sunday.
Books in the Library circulate for
a period of two weeks and may be re-
,erved. The Library boasts not only
a fine collection of contemporary
iction, poetry, plays, biography, tra-
;el and art books but also some of the
newest best-sellers. Included among
these are Johnson's "I Married Ad-
venture," Mason's "Stars On the
'ea," Sinclair's "World's End," Mc-
'ullers' "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunt-
nr," Zinsser's "As I Remember Him,"
Keith's "Land Below the Wind," and
Rawling's "When the Whippoorwill."
Among the magazines subscribed
to by 'the Library are the Reader's
Digest, Atlantic Monthly, Vogue,
Time, Mademoiselle, Saturday Re-
view of Literature, Good Housekeep-
ing, and the New Yorker.
Ask For Eligibility Cards
Eligibility cards for all women ex-I
pecting to work on any of the LeagueI
committees this semester must be!
brought to the League for signature
before they will receive credit for
their services. Chairman of the Merit
System Committee of the League,
who will sign all eligibility cards,
has announced that she will receive
them from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the
League, starting Friday.l


Loi sC Iinton Observes Student's
Reactions To Music In League

An opportunity to study the varied
effects of music upon the savage stu-
dent mind is given to Lois Clinton,
Grad., who is in charge of the records
which are played every evening in
the League Concourse.
Symphonies are requested most
often by the listeners, in preference
to other types of musical composi-
tions. Heading the list in popularity,
according to the requests Miss Clin-
ton has already received, are Brahm's
Second and Fourth Symphonies,
Tschaikowsky's "Pathetique," Rim-
sky Korsakow's "Scherezade Suite"
and Caesar Franck's "D-minor Sym-
Men Attend More Concerts
Men, according to Miss Clinton, at-
tend these informal concerts more
regularly and in greater numbers
than do the women. During an aver-
age evening, she estimates that about
25 men and 15 women listen.
While most of the listeners read,
write letters, study or just sit quietly
while the records are being played,
the soothing effects of music upon
campus romances is also being con-
stantly proven at the League. Things
generally proceed smoothly enough,
with handholding and dewy glances
providing the only accompaniment to
the music, but occasionally a crisis
Music Aids Romance
Such a one aimost stopped the
evening's procedure when two of the
"regulars" came in, hand in hand,
one night, only to discover that the
couches were already completely oc-
cupied, and only two chairs re-
mained-an easy chair and a straight
backed one. In the true spirit of
chivalry, the young gallant helped
his lady into the comfortable chair.
I A struggle ensued while he tried to


assist her in the removal of her coat.
By the time this operation was over
he was in the comfortable chair. The
audience settled back to the strains
of Brahm's.
For the most part. Miss Clinton
said, the audience is fairly quiet.
Some of them follow the music with
the score and, when the tune is par-
ticularly familiar, several whistling
accompaniments are heard. Miss
Clinton admits that she was a bit
flustered when one of the audience
spent the entire evening surrepti-
tiously sketching her.
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, I



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