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October 08, 1940 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-08

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"All Mine"

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
the Assoated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40
Editorial Staff


Hervie Haufler .
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . . . Managing Editor
S . . .Editorial Director
S . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
* . . .Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager . <
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
. Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
They Couldn't
Play Basketball .. .
1 "HE UNIVERSITY has a marvelous
'T athletic plant. . Many authorities
feel that is one of the world's finest athletic
plants. There is an excellent stadium, a gigantic
one with a modern press box. The field house is
s fine a, unit as anyone could demand. The
track and baseball diamond are also "among the
best." But the pride of all is the Sports Building.
It is a gigantic structure, located down on
Hoover Street, at the north end of Ferry Field.
Its up-to-date facilities include space and equip-
ment for every sport from handball to water
polo, squash to wrestling, badminton to basket-
ball, tennis to fencing.
Students at the University should consider
themselves extremely fortunate to have the
Sports Building on the list of athletic facilities
at their disposal. There is, however, one draw-
back to-the building: its basketball courts are
too good and too large.
THEY ARE IDEAL for dances, offering a great
expanse of smooth, flawless floor space.
And, realizing that, groups are quick to snatch
up the use of the building for their parties. The
powers-that-be around the athletic building, co-
operating nicely, rent the building for the par-
ties. That makes things very nice. But
The entire building is closed during the entire'
day of one of those dances-and often during
the entire following day. The floor is closed off,
swept clean. The locker rooms are also closed.
So is the swimming pool. So are the squash and
handball courts.
Students are kept out of the Sports Building,
the closed Sports Building, while it is being pre-,
pared for a dance and repaired after a dance.
The entire building and all its athletic facilities
are closed to athletic purposes.
Club held a dance in the building Saturday
night.' Consequently, the entire building, from
rafters to foundation, was closed all day Satur-
day. Dozens of students tiudged down State
Street to the building, planning on playing
handball, swimming, fencing during the first
free morning in a week. They trudged back,
short-tempered and profane.
Yes, it's one of the finest sports buildings in
th4 country-but its sports facilities give prece-
dence to social affairs.
- William H. Newton .
About Pepless
Pep Rallies . .
Saturday's football spectacle at the
Stadium; something that has been present every
year except this one. That little something was
enthusiasm and more than a few people were
conscious of its absence.
Upwards of 65,000 sun-soaked football fans
filed slowly and quietly out of the huge bowl
without the slightest hint of any of the famous
old "college spirit." Here was the home game
of the year and all emotions seemed suppressed.
igan and Michigan State is practically with-
out a parallel throughout these United States.
For its color, drama and brand of football, this
annual classic is tops.

f t

whistle to the final gun; it was an air electrified
with enthusiasm.
But this year things were different. The Mich-
igan pep rally lacked something-pep. For
pure, unadulterated spirit and enthusiasm the
Field House affair was a flop. Wolverine stu-
dents talked little about the game during the
week. If the Stadium rocked with cheers at all
they came from the underdog State side not
from the complacent Michigan supporters.
The only genuine enthusiasm appeared when
State scored in the dying minutes of the first
half and again in the fourth quarter. Tom Har-
mon's valiant efforts were well received but not
with the spontaneity and power they merited.
COACH CRISLER has built up another good
football team. Michigan students seem to
think that it is invincible. No team is that in-
vincible that it can't be surprised by an inspired
outfit. We saw that last year when Illinois
caught an equally good team off guard.
This year's Michigan team needs student sup-
port and enthusiasm just ps teams in the past.
Now is no time to let down.
Maybe the damper on the whole thing was
the unusually warm weather. A baseball game
would have been more apropos. But the fact
stands out that this year's great Michigan-
Michigan State classic lacked the oomph of
previous ones.
- Woody Block
Voting Is More
Than A Duty *. *
PPROXIMATELY 9,000,000 persons
are going to have an entirely new
experience this year. That is a large number,
and the experience will be an important one,
something that may eventually influence their
entire lives.
The 9,000,000 are the new voters, the young-
sters who have passed their 21st birthdays since
the election of 1936. They will be able to vote
for the first time when "the first Tuesday after
the first Monday," Nov. 5, rolls around. For the
first time in their lives they will be participating
actively in the operation of American govern-
mental machinery.
Politicians, educators and youth leaders have
spent the last year prattling about the glories
of living in a nation where one can vote in a
free election, about the duty of youth, and youth
alone, to keep that nation safe for democracy.
They have pointed out-and probably very cor-
rectly-that the young people of the country
may well hold the balance which will determine
the result of the election and consequently the
future of America.
C RANTED that the ,election is extremely im-
portant to everyone in the nation, especially
young, voters, that it is a duty to vote, that the
first-time voters may well decide the course of
the nation--granted all this, voting, partici-'
pating in this election, still would be regarded
as a pleasure. Regardless of the degree of one's
sophistication, the first trip to the polls in a
presidential election should be something that
thrills the young voter, something that is fun.
Yes, it's a duty, an obligation-but at the
same time it's a privilege, and it should be a
- William H. Newton
Douglas Hyde, first president of Eire (Ire-
land), was once interim professor of modern
languages at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

The City Editor's
Adolf Hitler has entered Rumania "To guard
the oil fields." We've heard the Rumanian peo-
ple hollering for help for some time.
Our agricultural department has analyzed
Europe's food situation, and has learned
that Germany has plenty of supplies for
this winter. The real horror will hit the
innocent bystanders . . . elgiun, France
and Poland.
* * -*a
Ancient Westminster Abbey has been severely
damaged. The Abbey is one of London's sym-
bols of old English tradition, you recall.
* * * .
George Olsen, down at the Michigan The-
atre, is a music school student who has made
good in his own way. George refers to his
experiences at the University, and even
dresses his band in maize and blue.
Olsen is supposed to be the first college drum
major to throw his baton over the goal posts.
The habit is national now.
* * *
But his blonde vocalist is not from the
music school. She says she comes from way
down in the sunny South, where the peaches
Do you-all like poor little Southern girls?
To the Editor:
On the front page of the Music Supplement
of Oct. 6, 1940, of The Michigan Daily there is
a picture which is described as a likeness of
John Barbirolli. This cut looks very much like
Jan Peerce. Perhaps you have put the wrong
cut in your paper.
Sincerely yours,
Bernard Krohn

Dew Pecrs
a d
WASHINGTON-There was a spe-
cial reason why Defense Com-
missioner William Knudsen was in-
vited to accompany the President on
his Maryland defense inspection tour.
Knudsen is an expert on produc-
tion, and Roosevelt visited certain
arsenals and airplane factories. But
in addition, Knudsen is under heavy
pressure from former business asso-
ciates to declare publicly for Wen-
dell Willkie.
Behind the scenes, they are pulling
hard for the Republican candidate.
Alfred P. Sloan, Knudsen's former
boss and close friend, has called for
the election of Willkie as necessary
for sound economic progress.
A similar pronouncement by Knud-
sen, who is No. 1 man of the De-
fense Commission, would be a
smash coup for Willkie-particularly
if it were coupled with the inference
that Knudsen has encountered diffi-
culties with the Administration in
doing his defense job.
Actually relations between Knud-
sen and Roosevelt are very cordial.
Knudsen is his own boss and re-
cently the President has been con-
sulting him not only on defense mat-
ters but on general national policies
involving foreign affairs.
However, while on intimate terms
with the White House, Knudsen has
had some brushes elsewhere. He and
Treasury officials crossed swords
over certain phases of the new excess
profits tax bill. Also the protracted
congressional delay over plant amor-
tization, while no fault of Roose-
velt's irked Knudsen considerably,
since it threw a monkey wrench into
production schedules on which he
had worked hard and of which he
was very proud.
Aware of this private irritation,
certain of Knudsen's former business
pals have been quietly needling him
to bolt the Defense Commission with
a ringing demand for the election
of Willkie.
This political pressure has not been
entirely from the outside. Some hea-
vy licks have been put in by certain
dollar-a-year business tycoons inside
the Defense Commission, several of
them on Knudsen's own staff.
With the tax bill and last appro-
priation measures finally cleared by
Congress, Knudsen is immersed in
getting his production schedules into
high gear -and has given no indica-
tion of being influenced by politics.
But the GOPers are putting on the
heat from every direction and as
hard as they can.
Nazi Propaganda
Information throwing light on
Germany's falsification of radio re-
ports has been received by the State
Department from Colonel E. J. Rags-
dale, of Philadelphia, who declares
that his daughter was falsely imper-
sonated in a Berlin broadcast.
The Nazis pretended to have the
young woman, Miss Natalia Rags,
dale, in their broadcasting studio.
They presented her to American lis-
teners to testify to the ruthlessness
of British bombing. She spoke, de-
scribing the bombing of a hospital
in Berlin. Then the German speaker,
"Lord Haw Haw," said, "American
listeners must now believe, from the
lips of an American young woman,
what atrocities the British are com-
mitting." '
The only trouble was that the Ger-
mans were too clever. Instead of in-
venting a name, they had actually
picked a known American woman

and pretended that she was speak-
ing at the microphone.
The broadcast was heard by an
associate of Colonel Ragsdale in Phil-
adelphia, who phoned him and asked,
"Is your daughter in Berlin?" "Of
course Aot,".replied Ragsdale, "she
is right here in the room with me."
Air-Cord Speech
When Wendell Willkie makes up
his mind to make a speech, he makes
During his trip across Iowa, his
campaign train passed through Wa-
terloo, a good-sized industrial center,
and Cedar Falls, a college town. Al-
though only six or seven miles apart,
talks had been scheduled and adver-
tised for both places.
En route some of the train mana-
gers decided to pass up Cedar Falls
in order to permit a longer stop at
Waterloo. Howard Gallagher, train
majordomo, gave these instructions
to the engineer.
To Arch McFarlane, of Waterloo,
former Lieutenant Governor, this
was poor political judgment. He in-
sisted that to fail to stop in Cedar
Falls would cause resentment. But
the generalissimos refused 'to listen.
So Arch elbowedthis way into Will-
kie's car and put the matter up to
"You can't pass up Cedar Falls,"
McFarlane argued. "The town has
gone Republican in every election in
its history, and the college has dis-
missed classes so the 3,500 students
can hear you."
"You are absolutely right, Arch,"
said Willkie. "I won't disapnoint

(Continued from Page 2)
cal care as outlined in the law.
The Compensation Law covers any
industrial accident occuring while
an employee is engaged in the activ-
ities of his employment which re-
sults in either a permanent or tem-
porary disability, or which might con-
ceivably develop into a permanent
or temporary disability.
Further Information. If at any
time an employee wishes further in-
formation regarding any compensa-
tion case, he is urged to consult
either the Business Office or the Of-
fice of the Chief Resident Physician
at the Hospital or the Business Of-
fice of the University, on the Campus.
Shirley W. Smith
Protection of University Property
Against Theft:
Whenever it becomes known that
property has been stolen or is miss-
ing, notice should be given with ut-
most promptness at the Business Of-
fice. Room 3, University Hall. This
applies to articles owned by the in-
stitution or owned privately.
For the protection of property it
is important that doors and windows
be locked, inside doors as well as out-
side doors, when rooms are to be left
unoccupied even for a brief period.
The building custodians cannot be
responsible for conditions after the
hours when they are on duty or when
persons with keys to buildings unlock
doors and leave them 'unlocked. It
is desirable that department heads
make a careful check two or three
times a year of all keys to quarters
under their charge, to make sure that
keys have not been lost and are not
in the hands of persons no longer re-
quiring their use. It is strictly con-
trary to University rules to have dup-
licate keys made or to lend keys is-
sued for personal use.
A reward of $50 is offered to any
person for information that directly
or indirectly leads to the apprehen-
son of thieves on University prem-
Shirley W. Smith
Notice: Attention of all concerned
and particularly of those having of-
fices in Haven Hall, or the Western
portion of the Natural Science Build-
ing is directed to the fact that park-
ing of cars in the driveway between
these two builings is prohibited be-
cause it is at all times inconvenient
to other drivers and to pedestrians
on the diagonal and \other walks. If
members of your family call for you,
especially at noon when traffic both
on wheels and on foot is heavy, it
is especially urged that the car wait
for you in the parking space adjacent
to the north door of University Hall.
Waiting in the driveway blocks traf-
fic and involves confusion, incon-
venience and danger just as much
when a person is sitting in a car as
when the car is parked empty.
University Senate Committee on
Students in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, who have
been accepted for the Naval Train-
ing Program, V-7: Students who
have been accepted for this training
and who will need to be absent from
classes for an extended period of
time, should consult with me at their
early convenience, but in no case
later than October 12.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
Women Students Attending the
Harvard Game are required to regis-
ter in the Office of the Dean of Wo-
men. A letter of permission from
parents must be in this office not
later than Wednesday, October 9. If
the student does not go by train, spe-
cial permission for another mode of
travel must be included in the par-
ent's letter. Graduate women are
invited to register in this office.
Byrl Fox Bacher

To Heads or Secretaries of all De-
partments: Please notify the under-
signed the number of Faculty Direc-
tories you will need in your depart-
ment. The Directories will be avail-
able Wednesday, October 9.
Bert Peterson, Telephone Clerk.
Sigma Xi Transfers: Members who
have transferred from other Chap-
ters and who are not yet affiliated
with the Michigan Chapter are re-
quested to notify F. L. Everett, Sec-
retary, Room 104 W. Eng. Bldg. Ext.
The Congress Cooperative House
has one vacancy for room and board
for this semester. Any student inter-
ested, phone 2-2143 or 816 Tappan.
All girls interested in cooperative,
living or in separate board jobs apply
to Muriel Lester Cooperative, 909 E.
University, or phone 2-4914.
Academic Notices
E. M. 3a-Laboratory Dynamics.
Class will meet on Wednesday at
4:00 P.M. in Room 314 Engineering


and Rainich. The first meeting to
discuss topics and the time of meet-
ing will be held in Room 3001 Angell
Hall on Wednesday, October 9, at
3:10 p.m. ;
English 107, Sec. 4, TuTh 9 o'clock,
will meet in 215 A.H. instead of
Room 18 as previously announced.
A. H. Marckwardt "
Events Today
Botanical Journal Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Room NS 1139.
Reports by student and members
of the staff on travel and exploration
during the summer.
Meeting open to anyone inter-
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7:30 tonight. Subject:
"Muscle Hemoglobin and Problems
Related to Its Physiology."
Mathematics Club will meet to-
night at & o'clock in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. Professor Copeland will' give
his retiring presidential address, en-
titled "If." All interested are in-
Freshman Glee Club: All freshmen
men are invited to attend today's re-
hearsal in the Glee Club room, 3rd
floor of the Union, at 4:00 p.m.
Transportation Club will meet In
Room 1213 East Engineering Bldg. at
7:30 tonight.
German Club will meet tonight
at 7:30 in the second-floor terrace
room in the Michigan Union. Pro-
gram and refreshments. All stu-
dents of German and all others in-
terested are cordially invited.
Men's Physical Education Club
will meet at 9:00 tonight in the
Michigan Union. All men Physi-
cal Education students welcome.
All students who are interested in
religious work or in any branch of
religious service will meet in Lane
Hall today at 4:30 p.m. for a discus-
sion of religious work.
Coming Events
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 410 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on-Wednesday, Oto-
ber 9. Professor -L. O. Case will
speak on "Order-disorder Transfor-
mations in Solids."
Varsity Glee Club: All men who
have sung with the Club in the past,-
or any new men who have attended
the last rehearsals without having
received try-outs, are expected to at-
tend the rehearsal on Thursday, Oct.
10, at 7:30 p.m. in the Glee Club
room, 3rd floor of the Union. The
following men have been accepted in-
to probationary membership pend-
ing further try-outs, and their eligi-
bility carsd must be turned in by
David Allen,James Bassett, Jim
Berger, Reinhard Bernstein, Richard
Boynton, Charles Brown, Frank Col-
bert, James Conti, James Crowe, J.
R. Edwards, Herman Erke, Austin
Fink, Eugene Fox, John Fry, Colvin
Gibson, Ed Gibson, Phelps Hines,
Stanley Hipwood, Rbert Holland, Leo
fimperi, Cary Landis, Toivo Liimat-
ainen, Robert Lovell, James Martin,
Donald Mason, Harry Morris, Frank
Mount, George Muller.
Herbert Neuchterlein, Harry Par-
melee, Charles Parthum, Melvin
Pawley, Ralph Peterson, Chan Pin-
ney, Franklin Powers, Floyd Rech-
lin, Kenneth Repola, John Rust, Er-
win Scherdt, Wilfred Shale, Roy
Sommerfeld, Russell Steere, Walter
Strickland, William Swenson, John
Verhagen, Russell Warren, Peter
Weller, Donald Whitney.

House Presidents' Meeting Thurs-
day, October 10, at 4:30 p.m., in the
Grand Rapids Room, Michigan
League. Attendance compulsory.
Doris Merker, Chairman
Judiciary Council
Phi Sigma meeting on Wednesday,
Oct. 9, at 8 o'clock in the outing club
room of the Graduate School. All
members are urged to attend as the
year's program is .to be discussed.
Scabbard and Blade will meet on '
Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 8:30 p.m. at
the Michigan Union. All members
required to attend. Uniforms com-
Graduate Student Council will
meet on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 7:15
pn.m. in the Women's Lounge of
the Rackham Building. Discussion.
of plans for the year and arranging
for Graduate Activities Night on the
16th. All members urged to attend.
Any graduate student interested in
the Council is welcome.
Public Health Nursing Students
are invited to hear Miss Mary Beard,
Director of Red Cross Nursing Serv-

Editor's Note-Eagle-eye
right. The two artists look
birolli is coming here.

reader Krohn is
quite alike. Bar-

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